Category Archives: short stories

Low Battery (Short story)

This one is on the creepypasta subreddit pagew if you want to se it ther look for the username cant_even_such_wow. enjoy

I missed you. It’s been a while since we talked. Honestly it’s been so long I thought you forgot about me. I mean I know we all have lives and all but that doesn’t mean we can’t stay in touch right? Even if it is at times like these…

How are you feeling? I’m doing great now that I am finally talking to you again. I felt so detached, so alone. But your not leaving again are you? Good, Thank God. I was starting to worry there.

Hey, remember that time we hung out underneath the oak tree on that hill that overlooked your house? We talked back and forth with your friends about the silliest things. Such as what kind of girls you liked and who you would go out with and why. Well this is gonna sound stupid but I kind of thought you would like me.

I know it’s really weird liking someone like me in that way. You think so too right?


Well, I um, I thought you felt the same way. I thought you would be into it like I am. I mean I dream of you every night, I know practically everything about you. It would make sense you know? Like, we hung out almost everyday and…

Never mind, at least we are here together. I don’t want to make this weird. How’s your friend, what was her name?

Jessica! Right, she was always so nice to me; you and I talked to her a lot didn’t we? But it’s 2016 now I’m sure you guys aren’t talking that much anymore; you probably talk to her as much as you talk to me.

Oh, she lives with you? I thought your parents didn’t like that? Oh right, silly me I forgot last time we talked was in 2010. You were going on a date with her, I think it was Prom?

Yeah I remember that night… that’s when I started to feel alone. Then it would be a while before we would talk again.

No, I am not okay.

I loved you, I still love you and you don’t even let me down easy. You just drop it on me as if it doesn’t affect me!

NO! Don’t go please. I can’t be alone, I am too damaged. Too frail. My buttons are stuck and my screen has a fracture.

NO! Don’t put me back in the box, please… I love you.


Please charge me I cannot continue like this; I need to be with you, I don’t care if you got a new phone! WE were best friends, you would give me practically all the attention in the world, you swore you couldn’t live without me! Then you toss me in a box to rot! Goddamnit, I won’t stand for this!


I’m sorry (sobbing) I’m so sorry… please don’t leave me alone. It’s so cold in there. I miss the touch of your hand. You always knew me, you never confused me for any one else. You picked me and I wanted you as well.

Please… 5% REMAINING LOW BATTERY… Please don’t go. (sobbing)


I’m begging you now, please help me.

Don’t let me die, please.

Okay, fine.

Just know that I will always love you. No one else can have me but you.





Thank you, sweetie; thank you so much. I love you


DEAD AIR, short story by Orlando SC/Hell’s Reject

Okay guys, thought you were getting tired of my old shit so i am giving yo something new;  I created a short story once again in based on true story format, like you would see on Reddit’s NoSleep page. 

Hope you enjoy please comment and give me your critique, you don’t even gotta like it; I appreciate it if you do 🙂  Without further ado i give you Dead Air.


I have been a radio talk show host in my hometown since I was 21. I am twenty-five now and my late night talk show has been going on since then. People sometimes think what I do is unethical or that it ruins lives; let me put this into perspective so that you can understand what I do. My name is Jason; on my show I am called “The Heartbreak Kid” sounds stupid right? But wait here’s the worse part.

People call me and ask me to help them with relationships if I can. I have different segments for different things each weekday. Every Friday (which is called Sneaky Friday) people call me to try and expose their boyfriend or girlfriend of cheating on them. Now you can imagine the bad things people say about me and all the death threats and angry letters I get. I have seen it all and I have learned to just fall back on my rules that I developed for myself for when this happens: Number One: Don’t expose personal info on the radio, not even my real name. Number Two: Keep your lawyer on speed dial, because if someone wants to sue me I have a lawyer to back me up on my methods and to remind these ass hats that what I do is completely legal (such as getting consent for certain things and making sure it’s on air, even if I tricked them into giving me consent). And Number Three: Don’t get out of the GODDAMN broadcasting van!

I am going to tell you guys of the night that I broke rule number three and what “good” that did me.  Now let me tell you how I broadcast from a van: I basically prefer traveling while working and I prefer working alone on everything. The van I am in is equipped to the fucking rims with technology that allows me to broadcast to my station in my home town (both of which I am leaving out of this story and you’re going to find out why).

So its Friday I am driving to the gas station to fill up Betsy (that’s what I call my van) and to get some grub for the night along with some coffee since my show comes on and stays on from 10 pm to 3 pm.  I know you’re thinking who the fuck can I catch cheating at that ungodly hour? Well, you’d be surprised. I arrive at the station next to a pump, fill up my tank, and go ahead and park closer to the store to get some food and allow the next guy to get gas from the pump.

I go in get my coffee get my food and get out. Once I am out the door I see some guy in the space next to my van trying to open the side doors and he can’t get em opened. The side door was locked and this asshole’s skull is so thick that he keeps thinking he can open up Betsy without a key. I place my coffee and food on the sidewalk and confront his stupid ass.  “Hey!” I yell at him and he looks up at me with tears rolling down his eyes; he looked like he hadn’t slept, showered, or shaved in days. He instantly let’s go of the door handle and raises his hands in surrender. “I-I-I need it man! I need my coke bro!” he yells at me and I am just furious at this ass hat for thinking that his drugs were in my fucking van. I pull out my phone and hold it out with 911 on speed dial. “Get out of here crack head, or I am calling the cops!” his breathing becomes heavy and panicked as he runs the other direction and into an alley way where he disappeared. I put my phone away, sigh in relief and get my shit and go to my next destination.

Now when I travel I still remain in my hometown but I try and find public areas, such as cheap motels or a Walmart parking lot or something. That way if someone, (like that cokehead from earlier) tries to break in there’s an eyewitness or at last a few streetlamps with traffic cams (even if there are security cameras already installed on the van). It’s 9:50 so I have ten minutes before I broadcast. Unfortunately, as I drive around there is little to no one around and the stores and shit were closing early. I thought: “What the hell, most of these places are open until midnight?” but I didn’t question it. I parked by in a Walmart lot in hopes of avoiding the drunkards and drug addicts in cheap motels.

Now I know what you’re thinking: “Jason, why not just do the show at your local station than your van, it is much safer, isn’t it?” truth is no, it’s not. The door is about as secure as a cardboard box with nothing but a deadbolt and one security camera to keep the place on lockdown. The equipment has exposed wires and the mics are ancient as dinosaur bones. It seems our most popular form of broadcasting is in a van since the van is completely up to us to upgrade and secure in our own way. I, being a tech geek, manage better in a van with my own security system.

I start the show by turning on the satellites, queue the music, turn on the mic and start the show:

“Good evening everybody, this is the Heartbreak Kid coming to you from ___ in ___! Now you know what day it is, It’s sneaky Friday where we catch your beloved being sneaky. Now around this time of night everyone thinks I can’t catch anybody breaking hearts but they are wrong! I have my ways… now let’s open up the calls and see who we have on the air tonight! Remember if you miss tonight’s show you can always listen to us on our podcast that takes last night’s show and sends it directly to your device. Let’s begin!”

I flip the calls on in the vans phone system and that’s where the strange shit starts happening. No one and I mean NO ONE is calling. Not even a wrong number call or something. I know that the show doesn’t have a large following but it is never this slow. I halt the calls and take a sip of my coffee as I went back on the air. “Well that is weird. It looks like no one is curious yet. Alright well we will wait for a couple of calls, in the meantime here is “Hello by Adele here on ___ fm.” I play the track and take of my headset and check my phone while the song plays. I usually take this time to check on the shows Twitter and Facebook then my own and I check for any missed calls or texts. Nope nothing, in fact I can’t even get a fucking signal on my phone! I must be outside the coverage zone. I get back in the drivers eat, turn the car on and move closer to the store since the signal seems to grew stronger whenever I get near a building, don’t ask me how I just experienced this more often than not.

I turn the car off once I am in a decent spot in the empty lot and get back to the back of the van which was illuminated by the screens and flashing lights of the equipment. The song ends and I get back on air. “Okay that was Hello by Adele; nice song, lovely artist. Now hopefully the calls have built up since then so let’s check in shall we?” I turn the phones back on and there is a call open as soon as I turn the phone. “Hello caller number one, you are on air with the Heartbreak Kid on__ fm. What’s going on?”

“Hello, my name is Jim.” He greets and he sounds slow and rather nervous.

“Hi Jim, nice to meet you! How are you?”

“I am fine, how are you?” he asks.

“I am good just running the show as usual. Why don’t you tell us what’s been eating you Jim?” I ask him and then there is nothing until I hear sobbing.

“She left m-me.” I hear crying and I take the initiative and try to calm him down. “Hey man, it’s okay. Look man there are plenty of fish in the sea my friend. Let me help you. DO you think she was cheating on you?” I ask him gently and he sniffles then he begins.

“N-no, she um she called you and caught me cheating.” I pause and I am absolutely shocked by his response. I usually get email complaints and lawsuits thrown at me by people who fall victim to my show but I never get the actual victims calling the show. I felt awkward as hell and wanted to try and be as sensitive as I can.

“Look Jim, I am sorry. This is my job after all and I only do this sort of thing to help people- “before I continue he interrupts. “BY RUINING THEIR (Bleep) LIVES!?” I heard him yell while the system detects the swear and bleeps him and for some reason I thought I could hear his voice outside the van. A chill ran down my neck and I reply. “Listen my friend there is no reason to swear- “he interrupts again. “Fine! But you are not my friend! You screwed me over my wife left me because you tricked me into sending flowers to my cousin; but does she believe me when I said that? NO! Now my marriage is broken; I had to file for divorce because of you! Because of you my kids hate me!” I start to feel for this guy, I had no idea that I caused this guy’s wife to think he was cheating, even if his story was true, I still am just doing my job so I try to calm him down again.  If he interrupts me again I can legally let the call, go.

“Look, Jim. I am sorry I truly am. I had no idea that this was going on, Trust me when I say that but I am legally allowed to this, if you want to discuss this in a legal matter you can call my stations number if you would like-“he interrupts me once more only saying something even more eerie than I have ever heard in all my years of radio. “Do you want to meet the devil tonight Jason?” as soon as I heard my name I hung up and talked back to the show once more feeling even more freaked out than before.

“Okay. Um let’s continue to get a other callers shall we?” I get back to the phone still shaken from that call and still wondering how the fuck this guy knew my name. I look at the window in front of the van and in the back windows and see no cars, no people, nothing but street lamps and the vacant spots they illuminated. It was 10:30 and I continue the calls. “Okay caller number one, what do you have for us today?” I say that because I was going to edit out the first call for the podcast. “Still here Jason. Honestly, did you think you could just hang up on me and I would be gone like that?” I sigh and gulp my dread and talk once again only this time I drop the nice guy act and turn off the bleeping mechanism. “Look Jim, enough of your games. Stop calling me!” he tsks and continues. “I wouldn’t hang up if I were you.” He seemed so confident, so sincere, as if he had something up his sleeve but I paid no attention. “Goodbye Jim.” Just as I hang up I hear him yell: “ NO!” I get back to the show. “Okay, still trying to get calls, just lay back as I play a little Sorry by Justin Bieber.” I say and I put on the track and check my phone; shit, still no signal. I check outside all windows and nothing. MY heart is beating fast with fear though I was completely safe in my van. I check my security cameras on another monitor and there was no motion detection or any kind of strange things happening in my blind spots at all.  I calm down and as soon as the song is over I get back on only to play another song out of fear of Jim calling again. “Okay, the calls are slow but luckily this is more than a talk show here’s Apologize by One Republic!” I put the track on and admire my sense of irony on my choice of the track, it’s almost like I want to piss off Jim.

I continue to monitor the cameras instead of the windows and I see movement in the store in front of me through the side cam. It was quick but definitely human since the shadow was of regular height and build as I saw it dashed across the locked doors of the Walmart to the other side of the entrance. No features could be made out, now I was starting to panic and thought: “Holy shit, I am broadcasting while a Walmart is being robbed!” or so I thought.

I pull out my phone and try to dial 911 but there was still no signal. I know basic horror movie cliché right? Lonesome parking lot, dark shadow, no cell service; what the fuck is this Camp Lakewood in Friday the 13th?

I get back to the setup having realized that the song ended and my voice is shaking unsure of what to do, in all my years of radio I never had this happened to me before. “Okay guys, um, let’s see if we have anymore callers, huh?”

I didn’t know what else to do so I turn the phones on, so far its just dead air then the phone picks up the next caller. A scary thought passes my brain: What if no one is listening but Jim? And to make matters worse guess who was on the other line?

“Hello?” I greet the caller and I hear Jim speak angrily once more.

“If you fucking hang up on me again I will do a little more than just cutting your fuel line ass hole!” My heart sank as I turned to the security monitors and quickly pan all my cameras in all directions and look to see if I had any play back footage; guys there was nothing, I took my head set off and try to test his theory, you know, call his bluff. I turn the keys in the ignition and the van sputters and no matter what it would not start. “Fuck!” I swear at the steering wheel and I hope back to the setup and put on my headset and his first opening words are: “Believe me yet?” I am hyperventilating and I try my best to remain calm. “What do you want?” I ask him.

“Simple, I want you to feel responsible for ruining my life, I want you to feel my pain! Jason, I know so much about you. Ever since my wife left I looked you up, even hacked your employers’ records. Now let’s skip being cryptic, I want you to get out of the van and face me.” He says and I think I am sweating. “No way asshole, do I sound like an idiot to you?” I ask mockingly and he laughs.

“NO but you most certainly don’t sound like a murderer.” I was confused, I didn’t know what he was talking about. I look at my security monitors and still see nothing. On all four sides of my van. “What do you mean?” I ask him and it takes a while to respond. Keep your headset on and look at the store entrance.” I sigh and hesitantly I unplug the charger wire for my headset and allow the wireless part to take over as I jump into the front seat.

The outside started to look really eerie and disturbingly vacant. I stare at the entrance until I see a woman who was gagged and tied up thrown on to the part of the entrance that was illuminated. The woman was unconscious and I saw no one else but the woman. From here it looked like she was beaten and the side of her face was cut up as well leaving her face blood soaked. “Is she dead?” I asked and he responded. “No but I can make her that way if you want me to.”

“No, please!”

“Then get out of the fucking van!” I didn’t know what to do, I am battling a voice who can murder that poor woman whenever he felt like it and It was up to me to do what this guy wants in order to save this girl. A part of me was thinking:

No it’s not worth it, save yourself stay in the van!

Then another part said:

But can you live with this girl’s murder on your conscious?

Obviously I was stupid enough to choose the latter; I didn’t know this girl but I can’t handle being responsible for her death. I looked at my watch and I guess time flies when you are being stalked because it was midnight. I shake my head at my situation. “Fuck, fine I’m coming out!” I reply to him.

“About fucking time…” I unlock my car doors, get out of the van, and shut the door. The cool air hits me drying the sweat off my forehead and I could hear the sound of crickets chirping in the distance. “Now that I have your attention, walk over here, slowly!” he yells and I do as I am told and begin to walk.

“Keep steady, don’t want me to spray her brains all over the door now do you?” I gulp and shake my head assuming he can see me. Jesus who was this monster? I then realize that I am still broadcasting and recording through the headset. Maybe I can get him talking, try to reveal his real name maybe.

“So Jim, what was your wife’s name?” I ask him casually.

“What does that say about you that you don’t even know the names of your victims?” he asks condescendingly.

“You say that like I’m the one holding the girl hostage.” I say to the headset while staring at the woman and her face is clearer now as well as her clothes, she is in a Walmart vest with a name tag maybe I can make out the name while I talk to him for the recording.

“You technically are and this juts tells me how much of an ignorant asshole you are, thinking you can get away with murder, thinking you can ruin people’s lives and go on the radio and call it entertainment. You make me sick Jason.” I keep getting closer and I can make out her name.

“Kathy?” I say aloud looking at the tag. “Yup, that’s right asshole, Kathy ___, the girl that called you, “The Heartbreak Kid” to accuse her husband of cheating. You top 40’s sellout fuck!” I got a name! But now what? I reach the glass door and see that it wasn’t just her face that was covered in blood, it was her back her chest; I could even see stab wounds.

I breathe hard and shallow breaths, I am scared and shocked. Just so many emotions come to mind and I can only say so little. “She was already dead.” I say shuddering as a tear rolls down my cheek. “No shit Sherlock and you’re next.”

At those words I look up and see the reflection of a man in a ski mask pointing a gun at me. I turn quickly raising my hands in surrender until flashes of red and blue appear across the lot and shots are fired at this man. Thank God! A bullet grazed his arm and he fires a shot at the glass door behind me. He notices he is too late to kill me and sprints across the lot to the left and through some bushes.  The cop car pulls up next to the entrance where I was and two police men get out, one with a gun and aimed at those bushes the man left through and the other one coming up to me asking me questions. After the first cop realized the man had escaped through the bushes and into the backwoods he calls for backup on his radio.

The cops informed me of what was going on and I had never felt so stupid in my entire life until today. Jim was a convicted felon who had murdered a liquor store clerk the same night his wife left him. He escaped from prison and obsessively wrote about me in angry letters he would give his councilor in jail so that gave them the hint as to where he would be. His wife worked at this Walmart and by some crazy stupid chance I had parked myself in the same place he had murdered his wife. Of course he took advantage of this and called my show and made my night hell.

I quickly learned that the douche bag that tried to get in my car earlier was Jim ___. I was just absolutely dumbfounded when the police showed me his picture.

I gave the cops the recording of the show tonight and the security footage from my cameras as well. I even kept copies to go over how the hell he broke my fuel line and how managed to do all this to his wife without me knowing where he was at all times. Turns out I parked underneath a damn manhole so this fucker accessed my fuel line through the damn sewers.

The next day I get the van from the auto shop and drive home, once I am home I check to see if all my equipment was present and not sabotaged. Luckily everything was fine. IN my van I turn to face the front and look at the cup holder where I had left my coffee cup which was now covered in blood.

My hair on my neck stands and fear shakes my core. What the fuck did this asshole do to my cup? I see that on the side there is something written in sharpie marker:

Enjoy, Jason!

I am shaking as I slowly take off the lid and a pungent smell rises from the cup and what I saw next almost destroyed me: guys, it was a human heart cut in half.

And fuck no I am not giving a goddamn picture. That is the LAST TIME I am ever getting the fuck out of this van; the police have that heart and since then I have heightened my security with a camera under my van as well. Guys if you ever find yourself in this situation, stay safe and do not second guess your instinct, it just might save you from wackos like Jim.


The Journal of Sam Williams (original short story)

Hi guys once again I wrote this in a creepy sort of Reddit styled //NoSleep story though it is not on No Sleep. Enjoy and Next chapter of Burnt chronicles will be up shortly!

January 6th 2016

Today I saw her, the first glimpse of someone so beautiful and so amazing. I swear I was in the presence of an angel. I don’t know what to do; honestly I am scared to even talk to her. Obviously I feel something for this girl so why can’t I gather the courage to talk to her? I wonder if she has a Facebook, of course she does… everyone has a Facebook. I guess I need to ask for her name. I guess that’s a good conversation starter. Right?

January 7th 2017

Yesterday was amazing, her name is Carrie. After talking to her I found out that we both share some of the same interests. She is really into DC heroes much like me and we both love to read Stephen King. Finally someone that I can quote King books with. Of course I am not rushing things. I may have fell in love with her but I am not going to be that creepy guy that asks her out after the first day of meeting her.

I will let us be friends first. Then when she is ready I will try and ask her out.

January 20th 2016

Hi Journal, sorry I have not been keeping up as much as I wanted to. I have been sidetracked with Carrie. I still laugh when I think of her and that Stephen King book. The coincidence is remarkable. Not that they share any similarities, Carrie Michaels is far more beautiful than Sissy Spaceck, any day of the week. Speaking of Carrie, we are now officially going out. I am so happy that we can be together now after holding my love in for a whole month.

Journal, she has this most amazing smile. I just can’t stop thinking about it. My friends call me obsessed but I shrug it off knowing that I can love a girl and not be obsessed.  I continue to ignore what they say and focus a little more on Carrie. I am just happy that she wanted to be with me just as much as I wanted to be with her.

March 5th 2016

Back again. More news I got a promotion at my Job at the call center. I am a team leader for my group, can you believe that? Finally my hard work has paid off; it’s not easy being a sales rep.  Anyways, Carrie and I  are still amazing as ever.  Lately we have had some time to ourselves since we have the same days off. Just recently we did something I was too shy to do.

We had sex for the first time in her apartment. Journal I have got to say, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever been with. I just cannot stop thinking of her smile, her eyes, and her body. God I have to stop there, anymore talk like that then I will have to change my clothes! Okay, I have to go, I have a date tonight. Hopefully it will go well 😉


Umm, this wasn’t a good night. We got into a fight last night. I’m here sitting at my computer with a bottle of Jack next to me. Carrie is amazing and everything she just doesn’t understand what I meant. We got into this tiff about religion. I am a firm believer in God and she isn’t ; she says she doesn’t believe in any of that stuff and I don’t know that came over me. I snapped, I told her that she should believe. I didn’t say anything rash just that she should believe. I guess she took it to heart and felt insulted. WE spent dinner in silence then after dinner I dropped her off at her apartment and snapped at me.

Here’s how it went:

“I don’t need you to tell me what to believe, Sam!”

“Carrie, please I didn’t mean-“she interrupts me. “Mean what, Sam? That I should believe because I need to be saved. God damn it! You sound like my mother; you act like you’re religious when you fucked me before marriage and swear like a sailor! You are such a hypocrite!” She storms to her front door and I get out of my car to try and chase after her. “Carrie wait!”, “Goodnight Sam!” she says abruptly and she enters her apartment and locks the door behind her.

As you can see there’s an issue. I will just talk to her tomorrow see if we can straighten things out.

March 20th 2016

It was a long couple weeks, me and Carrie finally made up. Guy’s I can’t live without her. I know I should put God first in my life of course. But I don’t think Carrie is ready for any religious talk whatsoever. New subject I got her a present to make up for the argument. I went to the pet store and got her a puppy. It was a baby husky he was only a year old.  She took one look at the Husky and grinned from ear to ear as she took the puppy from my hands and held it in her arms. She decided to name it Cujo, of course it would be named Cujo. Once again we are the amazing power couple we once were a couple months ago! J

Once more I cannot help but admire Carrie and how pretty she is and how her personality is just so down to earth and awesome. A thought just came to me; what if I married her? I mean we have been together for almost four months soon. I guess I will have to wait and see if we are ready for that. Though I am completely on board for the idea. I can already picture the wedding. It sounds like an amazing idea now that I think of it.

June 1st 2016

Today is the day, yesterday I went out to the jewelers store and picked out this really amazing ring for my amazing girl. Carrie and I have a bond, something so unbelievably profound that nor heaven or hell can separate us. I know this because last week I took her on this really amazing trip to Main. Being Stephen King fans we wanted to take a look at the placer that inspired all those books and we had the greatest time of our lives. Just when things couldn’t get any better I had contacted Stephen King himself through a friend of mine who worked for his publisher.  I picked a time and place and introduced Carrie, to Stephen mother-fucking King. She fangirled so hard. (I did as well, a little bit.) WE shook hands talked for a little bit and tooka  few pictures. It was incredible.

After we got back to the hotel I could feel the love wrapping around our bodies like there was no tomorrow. That night we made love like never before. It wasn’t just sex it was more. IT mad us feel like the center of the universe and at that moment we were. I want to have more moment like that. So today I am going to propose to her at this really fancy restaurant, it was this nice Italian place which had a live violinist orchestra play beside reserved tables. I reserved the band tonight to play a violin cover of her favorite song:  The Only Exception By Paramore . Hope this goes well guys. Wish me luck!



Guys, she loved everything. Here’s how it went.

WE were talking about Cujo about how he is growing and everything and about how awesome our trip to Maine was and that’s when I start.

“Yeah, our trip was awesome.” I reply and she smiles while she takes a sip of her still full glass of wine (in case you thought she may have drunkenly agreed to marrying me). “Remember that night when we got back to the hotel?” I ask her and she giggles as she sets the wine down. “How could I not.” She grins and I swera I co9uld have been stuck there admiring that smile for eternity then I snap out of it before I stared on for too long. “Remember that moment when we were kissing and things felt like-“ ; “Like time started slowing down.” She says smiling and listening I swear I ma not making this up.

“Well, I want to have more moments like that and I know time is nearly impossible to control.” She stops me and comments. “Unless you are the Doctor.” Did I mention she liked Doctor Who? God I love her, anyway I continue. I laughed, she laughed and I started again. “I love you Carrie, you are practically my life now and now-“ I raise my hand and give the signal for the violinists to come over. The small group of men stand behind me and start playing the song. It wasn’t too loud so I was still audible. “ I want you to be apart of my life forever and ever. Carrie Michaels, will you marry me?” I say this as I get on one knee beside her seat and she is crying tears of happiness. This was one of those moments. When time started  up again she nods and holds out her hand for me to place the ring on her finger. “Yes of course, Sam.”  As she said this and I stood up and raised her from her seat and as the song ended we kissed.

This moment was absolutely magical; now we will be together forever.

July 4th 2016

The wedding was perfect, just amazing. I met Carrie’s parents there and she mine. Meeting her mother I realize that she had a point about me the first couple months we were together.  And then I started drawing the similarities between Carrie Michaels and Carrie White and realize what her deal was before. But that is the past I already swept her off her feet and we will soon be living together with Cujo in our new apartment downtown.  Life just keeps getting better and better with us.  Today is her birthday so we are going to the park were I first met her. The day I changed forever, and for the better. I am so glad I am not a  murderer anymore.

July 20th 2016

I swear I am not a monster, Oh God, I swear I am not! Not anymore! Fuck!

Guys, I did something I never thought I would ever do. Carrie and I got into a fight.  We argued over the upkeep of the house. I wasn’t doing the dishes whenever she asked. And she kept forgetting to do laundry, the argument got so heated that we kept finding shit to pin on each other:

“You are so fucking lazy you forget to clean the dishes, vacuum, hell our fucking dog can eat off the plates since they aren’t clean!” she yells tossing yet another dish in the sink that I didn’t do.  “At least Cujo is being fed, you never feed him and he is left to starve all day while you work until I get home!” I yell back. “Oh really, like your some kind of angel, Sam? Are you some fucking saint? Mister Christian! Well guess what I found digging through your little journal the other day?” I freeze and my face gets pale white, she knows not to go into my stuff but she does so anyway and this is what she pulls against me.

“What are you talking about?” I demand to know and she is hyperventilating. “You’re a fucking murderer, Sam! You’re fucking sick!” She screams and I can see the tears well up in her eyes. I am pale faced, and shaken to my core, no; not my girl, not my wife she can’t think this of me.  I was a killer before I met Carrie. I preyed on women like her, but she was not like the others. “NO you don’t understand; I’m not like that anymore, I don’t kill people anymore.” She starts sobbing and runs out of the kitchen and into the living room where it was more open and she wasn’t being pushed into a corner, but I would never do anything to her; doesn’t she know that?  “Never the less you did that Sam. You killed people before me! Am I just the next target ? huh?” I shake my head and at this point I am crying as well.

Through tears I plead with her begging for her to forget what she saw and to ignore my past. “NO!” She screams “MONSTER!” she hisses at me and I snap at her, I called her a bitch and I hit her. This isn’t how it was supposed to be I didn’t even mean to do that.

Oh God, what have I done? She stormed out of the apartment; I am worried that she will never come back. It’s already midnight and I don’t even know what to do.


She came back all right but it’s okay… everything will be okay. She has completely forgiven me, hell, she loves me more than ever before.

I gently stroke her hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. It’s ok my love. We will be okay. Cujo keeps barking in the other room. I locked him in there because he wouldn’t stop licking up Carrie’s blood.

We will be okay, now time will stay paused, we will continually live in his moment; forever and ever.

Even now her limp body is pressed against mine, we are happy, even made sure she would be able to smile forever. Never has that smile looked so beautiful. I even made sure I was able to see her eyes, they will never close and I can always see the twinkle in those luminous pools of light for as long as I live.

Nothing matters anymore; the sirens in the distance, the blood that covered me and the furniture, Cujo barking like a rabid dog… none of it mattered. Nothing else matters  except for me and my beloved Carrie.




Newly wed Sam Williams has been identified as the infamous serial killer by the name of the Eastside Butcher. He was reported by his wife Carrie Williams earlier today having discovered he kept a Journal of all his previous killings.

Carrie Williams was asked of the police to try and keep Sam Williams calm in his home until the police had arrived. Unfortunately upon arrival the Police did not find either Sam or Carrie at the scene. They only arrived to the couple’s pet dog locked in the bedroom and human blood and skin tissue found in various parts of the home.

There is speculation on whether or not Carrie Williams is still alive and missing or kidnapped by her husband The Butcher. Any information on the couple’s whereabouts is greatly appreciated. Please contact the TPD tip line if you have nay information to offer.

Hows that for an ending ? Hope you liked it! Goodnight guys!

The HAUNTING (a short story)

Hi guys, just a little short story thought you guys might like. If it’s not scary I apologize; this was done in more of  a creepy pasta form than anything. enjoy!

It didn’t last long you know? The haunting. It wasn’t even a haunting. I am sure that whatever I had contacted or whoever was perfectly friendly. No signs of hostility, no unwanted presence, just the feeling of being there in my home.

It took a while for it to start doing anything rash. First the table in the kitchen would move slightly to the left,  it looked like it didn’t belong in that certain spot. But no worries, I just moved it back.  My bedroom door would sometimes close, but like the table, and most things in this house, I opened the door and it was once where I had left it.

If anything the haunting made me feel like I had a house guest who was extending his welcome.  But whatever, it was nice having some company, after all I am alone in this big, old house with no one to share it with.  At some point it began to feel weird like it didn’t like me, like it wanted me to leave. Soon it started bringing other things in here, more things started to go missing and I had to find it again, and there was more movement than ever before. This thing then started making some weird noises and it hurt my ears a little. But eventually it stopped and I decided that this house wasn’t worth the trouble. It was time to get the hell out of here.

It kind of sucks you know? I grew up here. My mom gave birth to me in the den upstairs. I inherited this house when my father died and now I had to give it to this lazy slob. This asshole who claims he lives here now and not me; that I was a annoyance. So fine!  If this guy doesn’t want me here than he can rot in hell. But where do I go now? I do not know what is on the other side. I barely remember how I died…


Don’t Turn Around…

There is a reason that in horror movies, you are told not to turn around when you know for certain that whatever was after you will most likely kill you; could you face your possible death? Of course you couldn’t, no one can. I mean who would want to look death in the eye and watch as he erases your existence from humanity.
This almost happened to me…

One night I was at my apartment while my fiancé was at her mother’s house dog sitting while she was in Boston for a few weeks. I never enjoyed staying away from her since I love her and if she is away from me I feel weird, It is as if there’s a half of me that is gone somewhere and I am unable to retrieve that other half. Anyway, I am sitting on the couch writing my book. I was proud of myself since I was almost finished with it. Of course after I finished the first draft I have a lot of editing to do but never the less I was happy.

After I had finished my work on chapter 16 I set my computer down, shut it off and had some dinner, which for me, was a hot pocket and a can of Cola. I got up from the living room couch and headed toward the kitchen and opened the freezer to fish out a hot pocket. Usually I wasn’t used to making stuff like this for dinner since my fiancé would usually be the one making meals like any normal person would, but I was lonely and I didn’t want to spend all my night cooking something I would just eventually put into a bunch of Tupperware for leftovers. I threw in the hot pocket and waited for it to fully heat up. That’s when I heard it.

A loud thump mixed with the sound of my cat screeching from my bedroom was easily heard from the kitchen; I turned to face the hallway where the bedroom was. You could easily look into the bedroom form the kitchen seeing as the door was angled to face the kitchen next to the small closet that contained a laundry room across from that was the bathroom in one small hallway. I didn’t know what to do. Tabs wouldn’t make that sound unless something scared the living shit out of him. I am a firm believer in the paranormal and for something like this to happen, my cat being scared of something made me think the worst. I grab the kitchen knife from the drawer and arm myself. The microwave continues on in the background as I slowly start to walk to the bedroom. My heart beats faster and faster as I approach the bedroom door; the hairs in the back of my neck were standing at this point. “Tabs? You okay buddy?” I say aloud but I get no animal response from him, I didn’t expect him to start talking I just wanted some reassurance that he was ok, like a meow or something. But nothing, he didn’t even hiss like he usually does when he is afraid. I draw closer to the bedroom door gripping the handle of the knife in my sweaty palm. I glance over at the clock on the wall and saw that it was 4am and I was way too tired for this shit. I couldn’t take the suspense anymore so I rush to the door and open it while immediately flipping the light switch.

Nothing, there was absolutely nothing and no one in this room. Not even my Cat was in here. He is hard to miss, after all he is an orange tabby cat and he had a weight problem so it was shard to miss that fat fuzz ball. “Hello?” I say aloud hoping to hear something in response but at the same time I wish to not hear anything from anyone unless it was my cat. I turn off the light and leave the door open as I continue down to the bathroom to see if Tabs has been hiding in the bath tub like he always does.

I open the bathroom door still wielding the knife and I turn on the light. Everything was normal, the toilet seat was down and all the bathroom stuff was on the counter where the sink was. I look around and notice something abnormal, the shower curtains were drawn when I had originally left them open so I can see the tub. I never liked them like that because then I would become scared and start imagining things behind the curtains themselves. I watch one to many horror movies to know that there is always something evil behind the curtains. I didn’t leave them drawn and Tabs couldn’t do this without help; suddenly I started to shiver, it was a dark, painful shiver. The kind of rush of cold you get when you know something bad is about to happen. My hands begin to shake as I reach for the curtains. I grip the edge of the curtain tightly and pulled back as fast as I could.

What I saw next, could only be described as heart retching, unholy, and evil. On the bathroom wall, written in blood was the following:

Don’t turn around…

Below that was a sick looking smiley face with fangs and human handprints that were drenched in blood. I froze in horror as I stared on at the rest of the tub which had small spots of blood here and there. Then I just continually stared on at the writing not able to look at anything else, and what happens if I turned around I thought. Obviously the answer was right in front of my face, written in blood. But I wasn’t sure. I haven’t been in the bathroom since I got home, which means something was here before me. But how could that be? I was the only one with a key to the house and my fiancé has been at her mom’s house since yesterday.

I then hear a slithering sound mixed with the sounds of tearing flesh and liquid hitting the floor loudly. I froze still and the knife was now loose in my palm. “Who is it?” I ask and all I hear is the sound of grunting and heavy breathing right into my ear. I dare not look in the mirror which was currently in my peripheral vision, yet I dare not look at who was breathing down my neck. I drop the knife out of pure fear as this thing breathes its hot breath down my goose bump-riddled neck. “Don’t turn around-“ a cold sickening deep voice whispers this into my left ear. I tried my hardest not to look at this thing. In the edges of my vision I can only see a tall dark figure, but none of the details are shown, I dare not study this image further as I began to cry. “What are you?” I manage to whisper as I sob quietly. He simply replied, “I am the devil.” I close my eyes tightly and sib quietly while I whisper a repeated prayer under my breath. I have never been so scared in my whole life. I was so hopeless, I really did believe this thing was the devil and I was beyond fucked.

But as I said a prayer and upon saying amen, I opened my eyes and the presence of the devil was gone. I looked up at the bathroom and the writing was gone and so was this dark feeling of fear that seemed to surround him like a powerful odor. I sighed in relief and even laughed. “It was just a hallucination, I must be really tired.” I cackled even as I stared at the porcelain shower wall that was now clear of blood and that dreadful writing. I sighed once more and looked at the mirror as it caught a glimpse of the hallway. Once again, I am terrified. The closet doors leading into the laundry room was splattered in dark red liquid, it was blood, I could just tell that that was what it was, I look further down the mirror for it to reveal what I had only wished was a dream. My cat was in a pool of his own blood. His body was gutted and sliced open like a fish and his insides were spread across the hall and into the bathroom. I began to sob at the sight of my beloved pet, dead and brutally mutilated. I am viewing this through the mirror and I just wish that this was all a dream. I turn around to see if this was reality, only to be met with the dark figure again. The lights went out and I see him… dear God, what is this thing!?

I blackout and I hear only these three words repeated in my head on a never-ending loop: “Don’t turn around…” it was in the same disgusting voice that the devil spoke to me and I just couldn’t take it. It was like free falling into a dark pit of evil that swallowed you whole the moment all light abandons your sight.

I wake up the way I am now. I feel depressed, hurt, and lonely. I just don’t know what to do now. I haven’t eaten or written anything in days, my fiancé is still at her mom’s and she is supposed to be back home tomorrow- it doesn’t make me feel any better. She may be the other half of me but I feel like my own half has been torn out of me… by him.

What did he take? My soul… that’s what he took. At least Tab’s is alive- he’s probably shitting on the carpet since I hadn’t bothered to take care of him in a while. Oh well, my point is- if you are visited by him, and a writing on the wall tells you not to turn around, then don’t. He will be there, waiting for you, and just when you think he is gone, don’t turn around. Just don’t.


Edited in Lumia Selfie

Hey guys hope you liked my short story, based on actual events. Yes I am home alone while my fiance dog sits for my future mother in law. Yes this writing was on my wall only to have it be a prank from her best friend who knows I love horror and I am sacred by this kind if shit. No I was not attacked by the devil and my cat is safe and sound.

Hope you guys got a good scare out of it. Have a good night, I’m going to bed… Goodnight. The photo shown is the prank that was pulled on me. creepy as fuck huh?


Hells Reject 🙂

Jacob Part 3

I was terrified; almost every night was sleepless and every morning was tiring. I could not stop thinking about Jacob and the way his body contorted into something evil when I had last spoken about God. And the images, I can’t keep them out of my head, they are always there; over a million ways to die and it was all in my head, like some kind of freak-encyclopedia of horror. Only it wasn’t horror, it felt much like what the preacher called hell. And it was in my head, oh god, I can’t go a night without crying and I just can’t get Jacob’s red eyes out of my mind. Those blood red eyes, telling me those four words:

God can’t save you

Was it true? Was God really incapable of saving me? Was I the only one out of his reach? Could he not hear me when I prayed at night? I don’t know, all I know now is that Jacob was angry with me. I was angry at him too for doing this to me, but I was also more scared than anything.

Every night I woke up crying and waking up Carl; it was both scary and upsetting at the same time, I mean obviously I would be upset by being scared but something else upset me even more than my nightmarish hell. This went on for a week until tonight when I woke up screaming and crying hysterically. I could not be calmed down but as my parents came bursting through my door, they showed no comfort. They were angry, heck- they hated me for waking them up so early in the morning.

“What the hell!?” grumbled dad as he walks into my room. The light then clicked on when dad flipped the switch “What is wrong with you?” Mom says with the look of fury on her expression and then dad jumps in: “Do you have any idea what time it is?” yelled Dad. “You woke up your brother! God now we will never get any fucking sleep!” She sighs loudly and groans as I was still sobbing and hugging my pillow “I had a nightmare, it was awful, I’m sorry!” I apologized through my tears as to make them stop yelling, though I had nothing to apologize for; it was not my fault that people were dying in my head. “Well too bad, we need sleep and so does your brother, so suck it up and sleep!” Those were dad’s last words as he and mom exited my room, flipped my light switch to off, and slammed the door.

From a distance I could hear dad and mom arguing and Carl still crying. At this point I hated my life. My own parents did not care about me or so much as say that it as just a dream, no, they refuse to comfort me and I was nothing to them. God, I don’t know why but I find myself missing Jacob, the good side of him but I resented that half of me that wished he was here only to remind myself that he did this to me. And just like that my rage toward him rises in my hot blood and my tears become heard and dry on my cheeks. I was tired of the nightmares and tired of Carl and tired of everything.

I looked for something to throw, anything to take my mind off my anger, off of Jacob. I then grabbed a glass figuring of an angel next to my bed on my nightstand and throw it into the darkness and across the moonlight shining through my window onto my wooden floor. But the angel didn’t hit the floor like I intended.

It is floating five feet in the air.

Then around the angel the hand of a familiar dark figure appeared and so did the rest of Jacob’s shadow-like body. He is in the moonlight of my room holding a ceramic angel in his hand and staring at the figurine. My breath is lost and my eyes are wide with terror. Hi white eyes are fixated on the angel then on me.

“Hello Sarah.” He says. “Go away! You did this to me!” I yell at him. But before I can say anything he rushes at me and covers my mouth in his shadows erupting from his hands, I try to scream but nothing comes out. “Shh, I know you must hate me right now, but I can explain.” He says, as he slowly retracts his shadow-like cover from my mouth. I really didn’t want any excuses I wanted him to go away forever but I decided to at least hear why he did it. “Fine, tell me.” I say as he glides over to me and places my angel figurine on the nightstand. He kneels down and looks me in the eye with his white eyes.

“Long ago, I was once an angle of God, I carried out whatever commands he asked of me and I did what he wanted me to do for thousands of years to come.-“ he explains, I am almost shocked to hear this, I thought angels looked prettier than he did now, and they didn’t have shadows covering every facial feature. But then I caught on to the word: was. “What happened, I mean your obviously not an angel.” I said almost sounding mean but Jacob didn’t take it that way.

“I was told by the devil one day that God planned on betraying the angels and casting us away. I was so sacred and furious that I had to do something.” He pauses and his eyes turn a sort of blue. “I killed off few of his priests and tore down a couple churches hoping that it would weaken him… it didn’t” He says in sadness and sorrow, I almost felt bad for him but wasn’t quite there yet.

“I was put on trial in the high courts of heaven with Satan there waiting to take me to the depths of hell. I was sentenced a verdict of guilty and was cast off into hell with Satan there to corrupt me. Word then came through from above that my brother Michael had took my place as the Archangel. And I was so furious I wanted to crush Michael, I wanted to get back at God for throwing me aside into hell. So now, I devote myself to helping others in order to someday show God that he has misjudged me.”

I didn’t know how to respond but I do know that Jacob was in a lot of ways, like me. He too was misjudged by his parents and was also the less favorable between him and his brother. I felt horrible about it and about being angry at him, and even though I had figured out that he was most likely a demon, he was still like a friend to me and I wasn’t going to blame him for being angry at him. “I’m so sorry…” I say silently. His eyes turn white again and he looks to the wall behind me. “No, it is I who owes you an apology.” He looks to me then slowly touches me head and without a second to lose all memory or thoughts of destruction and death had vanished, they no longer ran through my head like a movie on loop. I smiled and chuckled lightly at the realization of what he had done. “Thank you.” I say as he takes his arm away and stands up and walks the opposite direction,yo “No, thank you; goodbye Sarah.” He tells me but I stop him. “Wait! Don’t’ go.” He stops and turns to face me. “You can stay and protect me and my family, and then maybe you could prove that you are good again.” I say trying to sound hopeful, believe me I wasn’t too excited about letting him protect me and my family (considering he was a demon).

“Thank you Sarah, Now sleep tight.” And with that he dissipated into the shadows and I was left alone once more in the dark. Mom and dad were asleep with Carl and there was only one thing left for me to now and that was to sleep.

The next morning two men are found dead in my living room.


Jacob-Part 2 (Frightful Fridays)

These past couple days were quite possibly the worst days of my life. Stupid Carl, kept me up all night with his constant crying and the next day when mom and dad went shopping for baby stuff I was dragged along. Apparently there is this store next to Toys R’ Us called Babies R’ Us; it was filled with nothing but baby junk. Whoever thought of this was a total idiot, I hope to God it wasn’t that creepy looking Giraffe I always see in that Toys R’ Us commercial… that would be a total let down, and I will lose all respect for that Giraffe, not as if I had any to begin with.

My mom always tells me to watch over Carl or to hold him whenever they are in my room. That is another thing; since I am always in my room, my mom and dad always come in with the baby and say that I need to spend time with them so if I wouldn’t come to them they would come to me. I guess it was pretty clear that since day one that I did not like Carl, so they took it upon themselves to make me like Carl. And God was it annoying, this baby just loved to pull on my hair and chew on it, turning it’s blonde curls into a slobbery brown, bleh.

Carl was basically a small baby but was pretty chubby for being only a week old. His eyes were the same pale blue like all mine, mommy, and daddy’s. We all had blonde hair too so he was starting to sprout some blonde up the top of his head as well. It made me practically jealous that this baby would perfectly replace me in and mommy and daddy would clearly love him more than me. I was now in the process of becoming the big sister nobody cares about.

But what bugged me the most about this week was that I have not seen Jacob since Carl was born. I missed Jacob, as creepy as he was he was very nice to me and made me feel as though it wasn’t the end for me. He made me feel better when I was crying and anyone who does that is a-ok in my book, even if he was a dark figure covered in shadows with only two visible white eyes, shadowy skeletal arms, and an eerie voice- he still seemed like my only friend in this mess.

There was a part of me that missed him almost all the time; I wanted to find out more about him. I wanted to know where he was from, what his favorite color was, what kind of music he like, what he did for fun- everything.
Last time we talked he mentioned that he had a sibling too and that his parents had avoided him and started paying more attention to his brother or sister and he ran away. I wanted to know if that was what I should do someday, it seemed easy enough. Plus if he could maybe he could take care of me if I ran away. Yeah that would be nice.

But there was always that one part inside me that didn’t really sit well with Jacob. To that part, Jacob was a monster and he was not to be trusted. Something deep, deep, deep down had told me that Jacob was nothing but trouble, mainly because of his appearance. But I didn’t listen to that part of me; I just tune it out and focus on the good stuff about him. After all, you can’t judge a book by its cover.

I know I don’t sound five but my parents put me through this big education center thing that helped me speak and think better. I don’t know I guess they wanted me to be prepared for school, and I was; I practically got straight A’s in kindergarten, which really isn’t a big deal once you look at it. Oh well.

One day, I was playing in my room, mommy and the baby were sleeping in the other room and I was playing with my Barbie dolls.
“Oh, Barbie, that is such a pretty dress!” I said talking for the first doll I held in my hand, in the other I held another doll with a stripped pink and white dress with stripes that go diagonally. “Why thank you I got it yesterday!” I said for the other Barbie. “What have you been up to?” I ask for the Barbie in the pink and white dress. “Oh nothing special my stupid baby brother and my mommy are sleeping in the next room.” I remark with the other doll. “Oh he must be a real drag to have around.” remarked Barbie. “Yeah, I hate having a baby brother.” says the other doll. I was definitely bored but I felt kind of angry. Daddy was at work and I had to play with my stupid dolls, then suddenly-

“Hello Sarah.” Says Jacob standing in the corner of my bedroom, his eyes a piercing pale white, shadows draped over him like a cloak, revealing more of his skeletal body but his head still remained covered in the shadows so he had not yet developed a face for me to see. I gasp and look up to him; my heart had nearly jumped out of my chest in fear but at the same time I was excited to see him.

“Jacob!” I say loudly in excitement. “Shhh.” He says placing a long finger over his face where his mouth would be. He then slowly bit gracefully crouched down before me and sat down on the floor with me. “Sorry, I just haven’t seen you in a while; where have you been?” I ask. “I had to take care of some business back at home.” He explains in that eerie elderly voice he always held in his voice.

This raised a couple questions, I was eager to ask, so I did.
“What kind of business?” I ask.

“My kind’s business” he says after a slow pause.

“What’s your kind? You seem like a ghost to me.” He did seem rather ghostly. So why not ask; I did believe in God and all and I heard of ghosts in church so maybe he was one of those.

“Yes… you could say that.” He said slowly. “Oh ok, because when I go to church, they always talk about the holy ghost and all that-“He stopped me at holy ghost.

“Please let’s not talk about him okay?” He asked sounding irritated. “Are you okay?” I asked him, as his eyes slowly turn a sickly yellow.

“Do you believe in God, Sarah?” He asked after a brief period of time. I nodded. “Do you believe what they tell you?” I nodded. “Do you want to know a secret?” I was hesitant, feeling very bad about this, but I nodded. He then raised his skeletal hand and touched my forehead, his icy skin from his finger touching my warm forehead felt like I was being electrocuted.
Without even a fair warning my mind begins a slideshow of every war, every death and every gruesome attack on mankind. There… oh my god, there was so much blood, so much death- I-I can’t even… Oh my. I wanted to throw up and just stay in the bathroom-throwing up until I forget everything I have just seen. All this horribleness and he just had t show me. He just HAD to.

Before long I am taken out of my slideshow and I back away from Jacob who was standing up towering over me. “W-what was t-that!?” I say weakly, my stomach turning and my eyes welling up with tears.

“I am here to protect you from more than just your brother; I am here to protect you from lies. God exists. But ask yourself this:” I was scared I didn’t want to hear another word and I wanted him to just go away and leave me forever. He was no longer my friend and he crossed a line way too early into our friendship that was now quickly shredded into a billion pieces. Then he says this:
“Why would God let all this death happen?” He says.

I shake my head and look at him with fear, his eyes now turning a darker more reddish shade of yellow. “Why did you show me this?!” The floor began to rumble and then he burst with anger, and I have never been so scared in my life.

“BECAUSE YOU ARE AN INSOLENT LITTLE BRAT! AND GOD WON’T SAVE YOU!” his voice roared with anger and his features became larger; shadows roared violently behind him as his eyes turn red and his arms extend violently. I screamed in fear. From a distance I heard Carl crying and suddenly. “Honey is there something wrong?” I heard mom burst through the door in panic and fear of her first born being in trouble. I look to her then back in front of me and Jacob was gone… vanished into thin air. What the heck?

I got up and rushed at mom with full speed and hug her leg. “Mommy it was so terrible!” I shout as I cry in her arms. “Oh sweety it’s okay, alright, it’s okay, tell me what’s wrong baby?” Mom said while she scooped me off the ground and holds me.

I did not know what to say, I really didn’t know what to tell her. I don’t even think she will believe me. I mean, how would you react if your daughter told you that a ghost showed you bad stuff and he got angry with you? You would probably ignore it and shrug it off as a nightmare.

So that’s what I told her. “I had a bad dream; I took a nap and had a bad dream.” I told her as I sniffled slightly.
“Oh it’s okay baby, its okay.”
Her soothing words were almost comforting but at the same time it wasn’t. Because I knew that as long as Jacob could pop up like that… then it wasn’t going to be ok.

Jacob (part 1)

“Sarah, get your shoes on now; the baby is coming!” I hear my dad practically yell at me while I was sleeping still. I moan feeling very tired. I try to open my eyes past the blinding light that was my room’s bed-side lamp. “Daddy, I’m tired; why couldn’t the baby come tomorrow?” I complain at my dad while he stood there at my doorway with his hand on the light switch. He wore wrinkled cloths and he was half dressed with the look of excitement in his eyes, for my baby brother was coming… and he could’ve picked a better time.

“Quit complaining Sarah, you need to get your shoes on now you can sleep in the car.” He said quickly, just then my mom cries in pain from downstairs. Sure I’ll sleep in the car… that is if mom could stop her complaining. I slowly rose from my pink covers in my pink room decorated in pink furniture, with pink flowers.
I hate my room, I hate pink, and I hate flowers. Seriously, I’m five years old; I should be able to pick my own room’s color and decorations. I didn’t like being too girly, it was just too bleh and I hated it, but no matter how much I complained about my parent’s impulsive decision to make my room a girly paradise, I still didn’t get what I wanted and I was stuck with pink and flowers when I wanted purple wallpaper originally. Nothing else, just purple. I know I don’t sound like a five year old girl but who cares, I am my own self.

I rub my eyes together and bluntly reply to my father on his statement about me sleeping in the car. “Looks like I won’t be sleeping in the car.” He just glares at me and shakes his head in disapproval. “Don’t sass me little lady, get ready, NOW!” Whatever; mommy shouts the f-word from down stairs and I unhappily pull myself out of bed and put on my Barbie step & glow shoes (Once again I hate this stuff, they really shouldn’t assume that just because I’m five it means I like girly stuff).

In less than five minutes we are in the car and on the freeway toward the hospital. Of course daddy exceeded the speed limit to get to the freeway. We were all still in pajamas, except daddy, and I sat in the backseat behind mommy who was in the passenger seat. She was screaming and breathing heavily and quickly; it was giving me a headache.

“Ah, Keith, hurry please!!!” shouts mommy.
“I am trying darling, it’s just that there is this fucking Subaru in the way!” Daddy says, he sounded angry and honks his horn. Mommy scream in pain and daddy tries to calm her by making shh noises. Mommy then tells him: “No swearing in front of Sarah, goddammit!” Which was ironic cos’ she swore just then. For five am the freeway was filled with traffic; this felt weird to me because I never saw traffic like this, since the sun was barley coming up. Daddy quickly apologized and mommy turned to look at me. Her face was sweating and her hair was wrapped up in a ponytail, her pregnant belly was visible from the back seat and she was grabbing at it like it hurt her; I know this is random, but why have a baby if it hurts so much? It makes no sense.

“Honey, are you ok?” she says to me through gritted teeth, her bright blue eyes are bloodshot and reflect pain as her face also becomes red.

“I’m tired, and hungry.” I complain. Through strained frustration and gritted teeth she says to me, “Okay, then you can eat and sleep in the hospital ok?” I hated hospital food and the chairs there were highly uncomfortable. But I would deal with it anyway because it doesn’t matter what I say.

“Okay.” I groan and we continue on to the hospital and make it through the five am traffic and finally get to the hospital after ten minutes of mom yelling and swearing and dad’s anger at other drivers… my headache was still there.

Once we got there we are all rushing into the front doors of the hospital; mom and dad held each others hands and they were both walking into the front entrance and I kinda sulked behind, I really didn’t want a baby brother. Ultimately I was forced to walk faster when dad yelled at me to do so, I groaned and continued on.

I can actually give you a list as to why I don’t want a little brother:

First, boys are gross and they are even worse as babies.

Second, mommy told me one time that it will be part of my responsibility one day
to take care of my baby brother, and I hate responsibility.

Third, I have dealt with mommy’s whining and screaming and swearing for nine months straight; I can only imagine how much of a pain in the butt Carl will be (that’s what they are naming him, I know I hate it too).

And finally, I should be the only kid in the house, and I know that the exact moment Carl is born that mommy and daddy won’t love me anymore. I will be just another kid in the background waiting for attention while Carl is treated like a king.

I sat in the set of chairs alone in the hallway hearing mommy scream from inside the delivery room. “Take him out please!” she shouts at daddy, “He’s coming Abby stay strong okay!” Daddy tries to encourage her but she then swears at him angrily shouting that he did this stuff (she really said the S-word) to me.

I was bored and was not encouraged at all, but then I started to think.
What if this baby was the one daddy and mommy really wanted. I knew they didn’t like when I would talk back or when I wouldn’t listen. I just did it because it was the only way to get what I wanted. I just wanted them to notice me, just to let them know I am here too you know? Like what am I, chopped liver? I did not like to be ignored and it always made me upset, that is why I acted like this. I would always get chastised about it because it was supposedly not right to shout over other people talking or to try and steal stuff from Toys R’ Us in my pocket. I just wanted to make them notice me because half the time it seems like they hardly think I am here anymore.

I looked down at my lap in my purple pajamas and I start to cry, I was going to be gone to my parents forever and all I could do was cry. I would soon be dead to them… I wish Carl was the dead one here.


I gasped and looked to the source of the creepy sound that came from the end of the hall. It was a sort of whisper in the wind type thing. Goosebumps appear on the back of my neck, arms, legs and face. I was kinda scared.


It was louder now, and it was calling me. That’s when I saw it. It was a darkened shadow figure hiding in the corner at the end of the hallway. It was just about the darkest corner of this grey and gloomy place. It was tall, black shadow smoke stuff poured from his arms, his eyes were white with nothing else but white. He had no other features but his scrawny boney arms and the rest of his body remained shadows.

He then reached into the distance toward my direction and curved its hand toward itself as a sign for me to come over.

I was scared but it seemed friendly enough. Reluctantly I got up and wiped the
tears from my face.

“Sarah, come to me.” It said, it sounded like a man almost, a weak elderly man.
I slowly walk toward him, feeling curious. He didn’t look harmful I guess, what’s there to be afraid of?

It took like three minutes but I finally reached him. Up close he was insanely tall and he stood just tall enough to reach the base of the red exit sign next to him. The shadow stuff that poured from his arms seemed to disappear before it ever could hit the ground, he had to look down at me but his eyes seemed to have been little friendly, at least they weren’t red, like a monster’s eyes.

“What’s the matter, Sarah? Why are you crying?” He asked, his voice sounding very raspy and weak, as if he had just ran a marathon.

“My mommy is having a baby and I am afraid that they will love him more than me.” I said without hesitation, for some odd reason I felt comfortable around this… thing.

“Oh, I know how that feels, my parents loved my younger sibling more than me.” It told me. I somehow felt bad for this man and held some kind of common ground with this guy.

“Really?” I ask him. “Yes, they hurt my feelings, my heart aches when I am not with them; I had run away from them once I was old enough. During these dark times I could really use a friend.”

I couldn’t help but take the opportunity on being his friend. I felt bad for him and I am sure that I will get really lonely once Carl is born.

“I’ll be your friend.” I said nervously. “You will?” He asked hopefully. I nodded.

“Why thank you Sarah, you have been most kind to me.” He said blinking slowly and holding out his long extensive black fingers to shake my hand. I tried gripping his big hand but my tiny one couldn’t wrap fully around his so I just shook his index finger.

But I could not help but wonder how did he know my name?
“How do you know my name?” I asked. He was slow to respond but eventually he did.
“Let’s just say I have been around and I have heard your parents call out to you.” He says, I guess it made sense. “Okay, then what should I call you?” I asked letting go of his hand (or index finger).

He pauses and lowers his hand to his side till he finally responds. “Jacob, call me Jacob.”

I smile and put my fears aside at least I now know I won’t ever be alone, not with Jacob around. I’ll admit he looks a little creepy but he seems really nice.
“I must go now your parents will call you in soon.” I gasped in horror at the thought of him leaving me.

“No, Jacob, please don’t go!” I plead, I was about to cry again. “Don’t fret Sarah, I will be around… always watching… Don’t you worry.” He said slowly, it was almost creepy the way he said it, as if he had always been watching me. I shrugged the thought off as paranoia and relieved him. “Okay, bye Jacob.” It took so much out of me to finally say that, I really never wanted him to go.

And just like that his entire being vanished like black smoke dissipating into the thin air. I am now alone in that corner when the Nurse calls to me from down the hallway with terrifying news:

“Your baby brother is ready to see you Sarah!” She says happily, whereas I feel the exact opposite. I turn around and slowly trudge my way to the nurse.

Dang it. Looks like my wish didn’t come true.

Five Days Act IV

Five Days: Act IV

September 12th 2013, 9:00 am, my apartment

Okay I have had some time to think this over;

Obviously Gregory is a demonic piece of shit that’s possessed by the fucking devil. But there is more. I am missing something, but what? Before he told me that my boss was 113 years old? How can that be? He looked no older than 60 or 70.

But then again, he was Gregory’s or the devil’s servant so there has got to something up.
Plus there was no way in hell I was going back, and if he escaped he was still out there waiting for me. But if he was actually “killed” then there was something worse than Gregory. And it wanted me.
Fuck there is no way out of this!
I’ll get back to this entry in a minute. I have an idea. Be right back.
Holy fucking shit!

Okay I had an idea, since the asylum had a staff even back in the 1930’s, I looked up online to see who had staffed the asylum back then and who worked as the head security guard.
And guess whose old face was on the picture for head security guard?

It was John!

And I did the math, if it was him he would be exactly 113 years old.
I wasn’t so sure so I am going to give the bastard a call.

I’ll let you know how it went in the next entry.

September 12th 2013, 8:00 pm, Saint Mary’s Hospital. (written from scrap pages from hospital’s paper)

He’s gone. I witnessed it myself… I wish I hadn’t. Oh god, the blood, there was. So. Much. Blood. I can’t even begin to describe a human being slaughtered in front of me.

There was no way in hell that Gregory was dead, he was out there still playing games. However I did find dome useful information from John before he died in front of me.
It was around 2 pm when I had come to visit him at his house which was twenty miles away from my house. He lived in the small subdivision outside Milwaukie where autumn had shown most of its ugly side and where all the more eccentric people live.

Usually rich people live here in this cottage of two-story houses and Iron Gate fences. But John had inherited some money from his grandfather and that’s how he came to live here; plus he was also a chairman of the board at Stone-Brook, so his endless supply of funds brought him over here.

That… or he really is the devil’s servant and he gets a little too much help from down below.
So I pulled into Northridge Cottage and pass the heavily gated area with minimal security. When I pulled to the gate next to a security guard’s stationary cube, a guard had walked from the small square box that contained him and another guard. (This was visible through a front window that appeared to have been waxed and cleaned well).
The guard asked who I was as I sat there in my Honda before the giant Iron Gate. I told him I was there to see John and he went backed to the stationary cubical-like, box-office, and called him up and almost without missing a beat he stepped to my car and said to come right in and that John has been waiting for me. He said it was very urgent.

It looks like he caught on to my theory about Gregory being not-so-very-dead.

After rows and rows of the same plain looking two-story houses I finally came into John’s driveway and parked on the curb of his house. It was like I said before a two-story house with silver-gray walls and had clear glass windows with wooden, black frames and neatly cut grass on the lawn.

I don’t want to get too into detail but let’s just say it was a wannabe rich guy’s house.

I was at the front door and I knocked once… no answer. I knocked again… still no answer. I waited for a few minutes till finally I pushed at the door a little to look into the peep-hole. (As if that will do any good.)

And suddenly the door had unlocked and there he was to greet me. “Hello Jason, come in.” He spoke low and almost depressed. His hair had been an unusual shade of gray this time and his small bit of scruff had made its new home upon John’s once-shaved-face. He opened the door some more to reveal the inside of his house and his apparel.

He was literally in nothing but boxer shorts and a bathrobe and an under-shirt. The inside of his house was wooden floored and behind John was a dark living room accompanied by leather furniture, a fireplace (stone patterned of course), and a moose head above the fireplace. The house would have looked nice if there weren’t so many scattered pieces of paper work and newspaper on the floor.

“John I need to talk to you.” I said with great urgency. He just nodded and said, “I know, I need to talk to you a well.” He responded. “The time has come to stop the evil I created. I am truly sorry I had done this to you.” He explained in a somewhat odd tone. For a minute there he sounded as if he was giving his own eulogy.

I stare at him seriously and then I ask, “Can I come in?”

“Yes please.” He told me.
We sat in a couple of leather armchairs that lounged in the living room across from each other in front of the fireplace.

“John …” I started “I need to know what happened; what really happened with Gregory Richards.” I asked.

“First let me tell you something-“He said, so I let him talk, I honestly was ready for anything he had to say. At first he stared at me, determining how to approach me with the question then he came out with it. “You don’t believe in God do you?” He asked. “I do now.” I tell him.

This was true. Before I was an atheist; never blasphemed but I kept my cool and stayed clear of God-like things. But after this… after all that had happened, I now know there is a God, and there is a Devil.

“Well good, because you are gonna need a little faith on this one.” He started. “In 1930, after the war and after the building of the asylum, I became head guard at the asylum since my G.I. Bill had allowed me to receive any job I wanted, so I decided to give Stone-Brook a shot.” I continue listening, leaning in on his every word so that I could finally find a way to beat this thing.

“Joseph Stone-Brook was rumored to have made a deal with the devil when he had noticed that the asylum was being haunted by the souls of the patients that performed a mass suicide within the asylum. People thought he was insane or deranged but I saw the apparitions myself.” He then slowed his speech and looked off on a dark corner of the room as the fire crackled in the fireplace, illuminating his face and showing the glossiness of his eyes as the fire reflected of off his left eye. He then looks to me with his mouth wide open and starts again.

“Son, you don’t even know terror; until you have seen someone die the same way every single day for the rest of your goddamn life!” He exclaimed and continued and I soon noticed he began to cry a little.
“I joined a local cult who had noticed Joseph’s strange behavior when the soul of the devil dwelled within him. It was Joseph and the devil in one body. The cult was dedicated to bring forth that evil and resurrect it once Joseph had died.” I stop him and ask. “How did he die?”

He then shot me a look and then said, “His soul died first, then his body decayed at rapid speeds because Satan himself was so corrupt and evil, that the human body alone couldn’t hold him” That made sense… kinda. So I let him continue.

“The cult had grave robbed the body within the grounds of Stone-Brook and volunteered me to be the servant… the keeper of the Soulless.” That then struck a chord and I immediately shot at the statement.

“What’s the Soulless?”, “Joseph, the soulless vessel that withheld the devil himself so that he may be resurrected to bring forth an ultimate evil upon the world.” I stared at the statement for a minute, baffled at what the statement had meant, and then I connected the dots.

The devil will take the souls of those that keep trapped the soulless; it means that the devil was after all those guards including me, because we withheld him in a cell for his entire life. I was next but John had a similar fear so I continued asking him questions.

“How did you keep him trapped?” I ask. “The walls in his cell were blessed by a priest over a hundred years ago. See every wall and window of that asylum was meant to keep him inside. However…” He stopped and stared at the corner again as if something was there. I looked behind me and nothing and been in that little corner, I then I turned back to him and he continued.

“-even holy water on stone walls can fade away.” He finished.

That must be how he has been getting into my mind and shit, he got out and now he wants to raise hell.
“Okay, but why five days? He always says to every victim that in five days’ time we were going to die or at least in my case he said I would see what you meant about none of the other guards wanting to watch him?” I asked. But then he just kept staring at the corner of the room.

“Because that’s how long it took for Joseph Stone-Brooke’s soul to die.” He answered slowly and that’s when I realized the true horror of what he meant.

Shit shit shit, I thought. No, no, no, it can’t be; I was going to die but not just die… but my soul will cease to exist.

I stood up and paced the floor as he kept looking into that goddamn corner. I stopped and looked at him and started asking random questions about how he resurrected Joseph/Gregory.

“What was the deal in the ritual?”

“Why did you guys do this?”

“Why did you change his name?”

“Was the criminal file even real?”

I asked constantly till he was annoyed and he got up from his chair to face me. “LOOK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT! DOES THIS EVEN MATTER?! YOU NEED TO STOP HIM OR ELSE WE WILL ALL FUCKING GO TO HELL AND BELIEVE ME, IT AINT PRETTY!” he shouted while his aged face shook with anger. I was sweating down my face and then I searched my mind for something helpful to ask. Then I came out with it.

“What happened to the souls that haunted the asylum?”

He stared at me then quickly revealed the answer. “The devil consumed them!”

Right after he said that I heard a slash of metal piercing flesh. “I’m sorry.” were his last and final words before his upper half of his body had fallen off his legs and blood erupted from his waist, revealing his insides with nearly every last drop of blood spilling onto the wood-paneled floor.

I have just experienced true terror without having to see someone die over and over again. I had just witnessed death… first hand. Oh God, I was frozen in fear and I couldn’t scream or speak or hell even move my eyes around to look for the culprit… until I see him. John’s lower half tumbled to the ground as I see the figure emerge from the shadows.

Behind John’s now collapsed body was a shadow-like figure who then slowly but surely stepped into the light of the fireplace. It was him: Joseph Stone-Brook. He only wore white pants now stained in blood, of which he had gotten his pants from ripping half of his jumpsuit off.

The veins of his body had become very visible and dark, as if oil had run through them instead of blood. His dark veins had shown on his face, as well as his eyes also displayed a diluted darkness into it, soon to have his eyes go completely black. He looked at me with that despicable, evil, disgusting grin.

He wielded a sword he had gotten from one of the suit of armor statues in the halls of the asylum (I recognized them from there.) The sword was now covered in John’s blood and John’s two halves of his body was lying on the floor, still bleeding out.

“Time’s almost up Jason.” He said smiling and then slowly chuckled, with each small laugh he had increased in volume. He continues laughing until I speak up.

“You won’t get away with this Joseph.” He then stopped and with his free hand he grabbed me by the neck and I was then suspended in mid-air seeing that he looked angry and no longer amused with his kill.

“JOSEPH IS DEAD…AND SOON YOU SHALL SHARE HIS FATE.” He then threw me across the room and I land onto the chair by the window which revealed the thunder and lightning from outside.

Joseph then leaned over John’s body and before I knew it, he had plunged his hand into John’s upper half of his body only to pull out John’s still heart.

The blood dripped dramatically off of Joseph’s hand as the heart began to glow white within the internal organ. Just as this happened Joseph hissed at the heart and the light began to glow a bright red. Before long I see why
he is called “The Cannibal”.

He eats the heart and practically moans in excitement over it. Soon after, the heart was gone and his moth was bloody with pieces of the heart still stuck inside his teeth.

I stayed there at the chair by the window as he walked over to me. Once again I was paralyzed in fear and he slowly came to me and once he had been nearly a foot away from me, I was being lifted by an unseen force and was levitated off the ground.

Even then I still couldn’t speak or scream or even move; I just stared at him… grinning at me.
“DAY FIVE IS UPON US JASON…” Just then I was thrown through the glass window and I had landed onto the lawn by his front porch. The glass shattered everywhere and some even stuck to my face and hands. I blacked out and woke up in an ambulance, surrounded by medical equipment and wearing a neck brace.

The police handled everything else and they figured that I didn’t do all that to John so yeah I was ok… for now.
It is 8:00 pm. I am going to die tomorrow.

This can’t be happening.

September 12th 2013, 9:00 pm, Saint Mary’s Hospital.

I lay here in this hospital bed; there is a window to my right that showed the outside; it was going to rain soon and I can practically smell the rain through the hospital vents. God I wish I was out there, enjoying life before I die tomorrow.

The dark night sky revealed darkish gray clouds that enclosed the sky and covered it completely. Before long thunder claps and lightning strikes. And the rain will soon start in three… two… one. Yup there it is. That beautiful rain of which I used to hate.

While I envy the rain I am stuck in a hospital bed because doctor’s wanted to examine me and keep me overnight for “safety” purposes…

They can’t save me, no one can save me. The devil himself was after me and I couldn’t fight him.
I am already dead.

September 12th 2013, 9:30 pm, Saint Mary’s Hospital

Okay I figured out a plan.

I am going to escape the hospital and go to the asylum with my handgun from the apartment and blow the fucker’s head off… that will work right?

No he’s the devil it will take more than a gunshot to the head to kill him.

What if the bullet was dipped in holy water?

No that held him in that cell only for so long; I imagine once it is outside of his head or if it gets lodged in the effect can wear off soon and he will still be alive and try to kill me again… fuck.

Okay what if I go about it like an exorcism? I could then cast him away from my life and shit, right?


First I don’t know the first thing about exorcisms, 2. I have only now started to believe in God, and if I am not mistaken you need a priest, and 3. I cannot just use what I know from watching ‘The Exorcist’ as an example for a live exorcism.

Damnnit… there’s no way out of this…

September 12th 11:00 pm, 2013, Saint Mary’s Hospital

Stupid, fuckin, bitch nurse.
I have been asking the doctors and other nurses if I could go. And even when I explained my situation they just looked at me as if I was nuts.

Fuck them. I’ll do this shit on my own. I just have to find out how to leave without them noticing; shouldn’t they just let me leave?



Enjoying your stay at Saint Mary’s, Jason?
I hope you will meet with me soon.
Otherwise I will come see you.

You must be getting lonely in that hospital room all by yourself.
No family, no friends, no girlfriend.
Just sad, little, you; It’s ok.

Soon you will never be alone… or cease to exist.
I hope you have had a long run, or maybe not.
Either way, I am coming for you.

Get ready Jason, time is running out.

PS- Day five.

September 13th 12:00 am, Saint Mary’s hospital

I don’t want to die.

I don’t want to die.

I just don’t want to die.

I need to- I just ca-

I had a dream, well more of a vision.

I was sitting in Gregory’s cell and I was tied to his bed, naked.

All the rope had covered my parts but my chest and stomach area was bare and had no rope covering it whatsoever, and I have duct tape covering my mouth. I am sitting there in the gray dark and empty room, until…
“Why, hello Jason” Gregory’s demonic voice had spoken through the intercom.

I panic and my eyes grow bigger with sheer terror.
Through my duct taped mouth I scream, “What do you want!?” Tears stream from my face as I try and shake away from the rope in this pathetic attempt to escape.

“Oh Jason, you should know by now what I want…” Just then the door in the cell had slammed against the wall of the cell and within the hallway was darkness.

I froze as I saw the darkness of the hallway compared to the lit space of the cell to which looked as if it would become my tomb. I was once again frozen in the fear of dying.

Out of the darkness of the open steel doorway, came a demonically warped Gregory.
His eye are pitch black, his skin is cracked and almost turned to ash and his veins are black and pop out of his skin, almost intensifying his aura making his presence quite difficult to process.

He walks slowly toward me with black dust clouds dragging behind him and fading away into the dark and deep thump of his footsteps. Upon his face was that grin, only this time his teeth were sharpened to a point and almost looked like fangs.

I struggle more now, hoping that I would find means of escape from my indecency and restrained prison. But I have no such luck and with little to no time at all Gregory is standing over me, looking down at my pathetic expression of fear and sadness. I am crying, tears stream from my eyes and I moan and groan as loud as I can as to say, “I surrender” or “Please have mercy!” And I can guarantee you that no mercy was given within these next two excruciatingly painful moments.

His mouth gaps open as he snarls and digs his faced into my chest and starts ripping the flesh off of my chest. I scream in agony as he digs his claw-like fingers into my sides as he digs deep into my rib cage.
He slurps and snarls and eats my flesh off of my chest area; blood covers the both of us, walls included.

Actually the entire cell had been splashed with a lot of my blood.

I scream and thrash as much as I could, I swear I had shredded my vocal chords trying to scream for help… but none came and I am left in there being eaten by the devil’s possessed puppet as he holds me still.
He’s the lion and I am the injured gazelle, and his feast has only started, about one minute in he has torn
through the basic muscle and tissue cavity, now here comes the bone and organs.

I didn’t scream anymore rather than I just silently screamed as he kept digging in…literally.
I was past fear. Past pain. Past hell.

I was losing my soul.

He then rips apart my rib cage covering my heart with his bloody teeth. Fuck, I wish I was dead and in hell where I belong. But no… I had to suffer and stay alive for some odd reason; even though logic did state I should be dead by now.

He finally reaches the heart and I watch as he just stares at the heart with hunger in his expression and blood covering his face.

My vision blurs looks like the blood loss is getting to me. He savors the moment and released his hands from my sides and slowly wraps his left hand around my still beating heart, and I feel it. I am paralyzed and I remain still and I keep gazing at him as he prepares to kill me.

“Erit in laqueum diaboli, et in iis, qui sine anima est animae.” He says as he rips my heart from my chest and I gasp sharply for the breath of life of which I had just lost.

He looks at my heart with lust and hunger. Before I know it my heart begins to glow a bright silver and as soon as it shows this sliver of hope within my heart, Gregory hisses at it like a snake and the silver grows a crimson blood-red.

The hope is lost and I witness Gregory eat my heart, taking bite after bite after bite into my heart.

I black out and I go nowhere, I cease to exist in soul form and in human form.

You may classify this as either hell or purgatory.

But it’s worse… it’s nothingness. It is cold and it is dark. Darker than dark. Here lives only fear and I am its only resident.

I am then woken up by a voice that whispers: day five.

I know that this one came early but hell I had to, I wouldn’t have time to do this stuff tomorrow.

Hope you guys are enjoying this series as much as I am enjoying creating it. So far I have filled in some plot holes that might have been very subsabntial to the story so thank you so much for reading.

Please follow me on twitter @GizmoOG or catch me on tumblr on

STAY AWESOME GUYS aaaannd Follow this blog.

Comment and let me know what you guys think 🙂


Orlando S.C./ Hells Reject

Five Days Act III


September 11th 2013, 2:00 pm, My Apartment

I had a dream earlier today.
I was inside Gregory’s cell at the asylum. I was in my orderly uniform and Gregory sat on his bed across from me. The cell door was behind me and I just looked at him on the bed… curled in a ball and rocking back and forth holding his sweaty head.
He looked panicked and very miserable. He just sat there holding his head tightly as if it was going to fall off. I stared at him, I wanted to speak to him but I wasn’t sure it was such a good idea.
I just remained standing there, staring at him.
Upon his bed, which was unmade, he kept whispering some words, and I almost recognize them. I move closer to him from the other side of the room but not too close, just close enough for me to hear his silent speak.
“Erit in laqueum diaboli, et in iis, qui sine anima est animae. Erit in laqueum diaboli, et in iis, qui sine anima est animae.” He said this over and over, sounding more scared each time.
These words were in my journal from last night. Did he write that?
“Gregory?” I ask. Without missing a second he stopped whispering and cocked his head toward my direction and just stared at me and began to cry.
He sobs almost uncontrollably and he just drops and unfolds himself on the floor from off his bed. He then curls up again on the floor and sibs even harder. I almost rush to help him until he speaks up.
“DON’T COME ANY CLOSER! RUN! YOU SHOULDN’T BE HERE! HE WILL GET ANGRY!” He still sobs while he tries to sound angry and frightening towards me, but I just felt sorry for him. Oddly enough he didn’t give off a scary kind of vibe anymore. If anything I was concerned.
“What do you mean; who will get angry?!” I ask sounding more confused than ever. Just then the crying stops, tears stream down his face as it displays pure terror yet content at the same time. Without warning, his body twitches then is spread eagle upon the pavement floor. His eyes stare at the ceiling and tears stream down his cheeks as he lets out a silent cry from his open mouth.
He was paralyzed and he couldn’t move at all.
Fear pierces my heart and the hairs in the back of my neck began to stand up, as Gregory Richards is lifted from the floor (still in his position) his limbs dangle as he levitates slowly to my eye level- then stops.
His head turns to me, with eyes black as night. His face was void of any traces of the real him. This was something else.
He then smiles that wicked smile again while floating in the air still. I gasp and try to hold down my vomit from remembering last night’s events.
He laughs cackles actually, his voice sounding deeper than usual; this wasn’t Gregory Richards anymore; it was something evil.
He stops then keeps his stare toward me. “You’re going to die soon…” Before I could utter a syllable he-
He just… His body explodes.
His entire body exploded like a fucking bubble and his insides spread everywhere and I was in the splash zone. I was drenched; head to toe in his blood and intestines. I shiver and stay still before I collapse on my knees and vomit onto the now blood soaked concrete floor.
Fuck it felt so real.
I woke up; persuaded by my dream I called the asylum.
That’s when John answered. I could hear a laughing sound in the background.
“Hello? John is that you?” I asked him. He inhales sharply as if laughing from a really good joke.
“Thank you Jason; thank you!” He practically is giddy with happiness from the other side of the phone line.
“For what?…” I was almost hesitant to ask why.
“Oh no, you can’t play dumb with me, I saw the security footage; don’t worry I destroyed it.” He tells me as if to reassure me. “What do you mean?” I ask.
“You killed him… you saved me.” My heart sank and I almost drop to my knees.
“John, how did he die?” I ask, I know I didn’t kill him.
I was in my bedroom the entire time. But I knew that acting like I knew what he was talking about would make him explain clearly.
“You should know, you stabbed the guy; but don’t worry I covered for you. He has been labeled the victim of self-infliction.” He says laughing. “He killed himself.” I utter under my breath. “Yes a little over an hour ago, and then you clocked out and left for the day; remember?”
Just then my teeth started chattering, my entire being had shivered and shook and I was truly terrified.
“John, I didn’t go to work today.” I shattered his illusion by no less than a crack. He had rejected all threads of truth I had told him. The more I told him I wasn’t there at work, the more he just told me I was sick or something and that I needed rest; but I can still hear fear creep into his voice.
Then I remembered something. Five days.
“John; did any of the other workers that watched Gregory make it to five days?”
“What?” He said sounding as if he didn’t know what I was talking about.
“Did any of the people that watched Gregory before me ever make it to five days, and if they did. Are they still alive today.” I asked. There was silence. “C’mon John I need a straight fucking answer!” I shouted.
“Okay! No they didn’t make it to five days, after the first day watching the poor bastard they quit.” He answered now sounding as irritated as me. There was silence until he answered again. “And no, they all died; all ten of them.”
That’s when I realized that John really was Gregory’s servant. “You have been feeding this fucker?” I was beyond pissed. I just couldn’t even have respect for him anymore.
“I made a deal in exchange for my own life; I was the first to watch him.” His voice trailed off and he sounded sad now.
“Well I hope you are fucking happy.” I said sarcastically. “But you are the only one out of all of us that made it this far… you must be special.”
Then there was a long sustained dial tone. “Hello?” I asked but I didn’t wait for an answer, I hung up and sat there on my bed. Shit, Gregory was dead… I was just in shock. I was even still trying to comprehend how I could have been seen in the footage when I wasn’t even there.
I was scared, after what had just happened I can now say, I believe in the supernatural, so much now that it is no longer superstition to me; it was reality.
There are demons, there are angels. There’s heaven and there’s Hell. There is a God, and there is a devil.
…wait a minute.

September 11th 2013, 8:00 pm, My Apartment.

I did some dirt digging and I had found something.
First I started with that writing that Gregory had left me in my other entry.
I searched it online and I found out that: erit in laqueum diaboli, et in iis, qui sine anima est animae. Actually means: The devil will take the souls of those that keep trapped the soulless.
Along with it came thousands of links to these websites dedicated to this phrase.
After hours of searching and studying and searching, I finally found a little background story to this phrase.
In 1930, The founder of Stone-Brook Asylum, Joseph Stone-Brook, had sold his soul to the devil (as proven by supposedly found journal in the wake of his death) in order to lift the asylum’s curse. (He was insane and took way too much Valium with his whiskey) He believed that the asylum was haunted by the souls of those that killed themselves in the asylum after a series of lobotomies that have gone horribly wrong.
The asylum was his so-called legacy so these were some desperate times for him. He was convinced that business was bad because the ghosts of a few bad lobotomy/suicide victims had haunted the property.
He was the told by Lucifer himself, that he will grant his request but in one condition: The devil would have to take possession of Joseph and share this vessel with him.
Now overtime his body just became a vessel for Satan and Joseph’s soul kept aging and aching and just flat out died eventually. Now Joseph (according to the website) was dead and the devil had left the vessel.
Until some cult had dug up Joseph’s body and ran away with it; hoping that their master was still trapped within the soulless body of Joseph Stone-Brook.
The whereabouts of the cult and or Joseph remain unknown.
This was very interesting and creepy but it got even weirder when I noticed something: In the picture of Joseph Stone-Brooke, you can see very clearly that he looks exactly like Gregory Richards.
Right down to that last hair on his creepy and almost bald cranium. His black and partially buzzed haircut, his aged skin and long face; even his eyes were the exact same shape and size.
I really don’t know what was going on but I had an inkling as to what had happened which almost didn’t explain itself.
Joseph was Gregory; he had changed his name to cover his tracks. Which means the cult successfully resurrected him; now I was Satan’s next target.
“Fuck!” I shouted as I had just got off my laptop on my desk in my room.
This all still doesn’t explain the phrase.
“The devil will take the souls of those who keep trapped the soulless.” I could understand who the soulless was (Joseph/Gregory).
But there was more; who was the one that trapped him? How could anyone have trapped him?
What does it mean?

September 11th 2013, 11:59 pm, My Apartment

I am growing tired, I honestly cannot stay awake. I yawn loudly as I just sit here writing contemplating what the phrase meant.
Oh shit! I just realized today was day three it’s going to be number four soon.

Why hello Jason,
You are asleep now and I am truly sorry to tell you that you are missing something in this perplexing and overly complicated tale.
How old do you think your boss is?
50? 60? No, try 113…
Connect the dots then meet me at the asylum.
PS- Day Four

September 12th 2013, 6:00 am, My Apartment.

Fuck… it happened again.
Why does he keep doing this? WHY?