The Journal of Sam Williams (original short story)

Hi guys once again I wrote this in a creepy sort of Reddit styled //NoSleep story though it is not on No Sleep. Enjoy and Next chapter of Burnt chronicles will be up shortly!

January 6th 2016

Today I saw her, the first glimpse of someone so beautiful and so amazing. I swear I was in the presence of an angel. I don’t know what to do; honestly I am scared to even talk to her. Obviously I feel something for this girl so why can’t I gather the courage to talk to her? I wonder if she has a Facebook, of course she does… everyone has a Facebook. I guess I need to ask for her name. I guess that’s a good conversation starter. Right?

January 7th 2017

Yesterday was amazing, her name is Carrie. After talking to her I found out that we both share some of the same interests. She is really into DC heroes much like me and we both love to read Stephen King. Finally someone that I can quote King books with. Of course I am not rushing things. I may have fell in love with her but I am not going to be that creepy guy that asks her out after the first day of meeting her.

I will let us be friends first. Then when she is ready I will try and ask her out.

January 20th 2016

Hi Journal, sorry I have not been keeping up as much as I wanted to. I have been sidetracked with Carrie. I still laugh when I think of her and that Stephen King book. The coincidence is remarkable. Not that they share any similarities, Carrie Michaels is far more beautiful than Sissy Spaceck, any day of the week. Speaking of Carrie, we are now officially going out. I am so happy that we can be together now after holding my love in for a whole month.

Journal, she has this most amazing smile. I just can’t stop thinking about it. My friends call me obsessed but I shrug it off knowing that I can love a girl and not be obsessed.  I continue to ignore what they say and focus a little more on Carrie. I am just happy that she wanted to be with me just as much as I wanted to be with her.

March 5th 2016

Back again. More news I got a promotion at my Job at the call center. I am a team leader for my group, can you believe that? Finally my hard work has paid off; it’s not easy being a sales rep.  Anyways, Carrie and I  are still amazing as ever.  Lately we have had some time to ourselves since we have the same days off. Just recently we did something I was too shy to do.

We had sex for the first time in her apartment. Journal I have got to say, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever been with. I just cannot stop thinking of her smile, her eyes, and her body. God I have to stop there, anymore talk like that then I will have to change my clothes! Okay, I have to go, I have a date tonight. Hopefully it will go well 😉


Umm, this wasn’t a good night. We got into a fight last night. I’m here sitting at my computer with a bottle of Jack next to me. Carrie is amazing and everything she just doesn’t understand what I meant. We got into this tiff about religion. I am a firm believer in God and she isn’t ; she says she doesn’t believe in any of that stuff and I don’t know that came over me. I snapped, I told her that she should believe. I didn’t say anything rash just that she should believe. I guess she took it to heart and felt insulted. WE spent dinner in silence then after dinner I dropped her off at her apartment and snapped at me.

Here’s how it went:

“I don’t need you to tell me what to believe, Sam!”

“Carrie, please I didn’t mean-“she interrupts me. “Mean what, Sam? That I should believe because I need to be saved. God damn it! You sound like my mother; you act like you’re religious when you fucked me before marriage and swear like a sailor! You are such a hypocrite!” She storms to her front door and I get out of my car to try and chase after her. “Carrie wait!”, “Goodnight Sam!” she says abruptly and she enters her apartment and locks the door behind her.

As you can see there’s an issue. I will just talk to her tomorrow see if we can straighten things out.

March 20th 2016

It was a long couple weeks, me and Carrie finally made up. Guy’s I can’t live without her. I know I should put God first in my life of course. But I don’t think Carrie is ready for any religious talk whatsoever. New subject I got her a present to make up for the argument. I went to the pet store and got her a puppy. It was a baby husky he was only a year old.  She took one look at the Husky and grinned from ear to ear as she took the puppy from my hands and held it in her arms. She decided to name it Cujo, of course it would be named Cujo. Once again we are the amazing power couple we once were a couple months ago! J

Once more I cannot help but admire Carrie and how pretty she is and how her personality is just so down to earth and awesome. A thought just came to me; what if I married her? I mean we have been together for almost four months soon. I guess I will have to wait and see if we are ready for that. Though I am completely on board for the idea. I can already picture the wedding. It sounds like an amazing idea now that I think of it.

June 1st 2016

Today is the day, yesterday I went out to the jewelers store and picked out this really amazing ring for my amazing girl. Carrie and I have a bond, something so unbelievably profound that nor heaven or hell can separate us. I know this because last week I took her on this really amazing trip to Main. Being Stephen King fans we wanted to take a look at the placer that inspired all those books and we had the greatest time of our lives. Just when things couldn’t get any better I had contacted Stephen King himself through a friend of mine who worked for his publisher.  I picked a time and place and introduced Carrie, to Stephen mother-fucking King. She fangirled so hard. (I did as well, a little bit.) WE shook hands talked for a little bit and tooka  few pictures. It was incredible.

After we got back to the hotel I could feel the love wrapping around our bodies like there was no tomorrow. That night we made love like never before. It wasn’t just sex it was more. IT mad us feel like the center of the universe and at that moment we were. I want to have more moment like that. So today I am going to propose to her at this really fancy restaurant, it was this nice Italian place which had a live violinist orchestra play beside reserved tables. I reserved the band tonight to play a violin cover of her favorite song:  The Only Exception By Paramore . Hope this goes well guys. Wish me luck!



Guys, she loved everything. Here’s how it went.

WE were talking about Cujo about how he is growing and everything and about how awesome our trip to Maine was and that’s when I start.

“Yeah, our trip was awesome.” I reply and she smiles while she takes a sip of her still full glass of wine (in case you thought she may have drunkenly agreed to marrying me). “Remember that night when we got back to the hotel?” I ask her and she giggles as she sets the wine down. “How could I not.” She grins and I swera I co9uld have been stuck there admiring that smile for eternity then I snap out of it before I stared on for too long. “Remember that moment when we were kissing and things felt like-“ ; “Like time started slowing down.” She says smiling and listening I swear I ma not making this up.

“Well, I want to have more moments like that and I know time is nearly impossible to control.” She stops me and comments. “Unless you are the Doctor.” Did I mention she liked Doctor Who? God I love her, anyway I continue. I laughed, she laughed and I started again. “I love you Carrie, you are practically my life now and now-“ I raise my hand and give the signal for the violinists to come over. The small group of men stand behind me and start playing the song. It wasn’t too loud so I was still audible. “ I want you to be apart of my life forever and ever. Carrie Michaels, will you marry me?” I say this as I get on one knee beside her seat and she is crying tears of happiness. This was one of those moments. When time started  up again she nods and holds out her hand for me to place the ring on her finger. “Yes of course, Sam.”  As she said this and I stood up and raised her from her seat and as the song ended we kissed.

This moment was absolutely magical; now we will be together forever.

July 4th 2016

The wedding was perfect, just amazing. I met Carrie’s parents there and she mine. Meeting her mother I realize that she had a point about me the first couple months we were together.  And then I started drawing the similarities between Carrie Michaels and Carrie White and realize what her deal was before. But that is the past I already swept her off her feet and we will soon be living together with Cujo in our new apartment downtown.  Life just keeps getting better and better with us.  Today is her birthday so we are going to the park were I first met her. The day I changed forever, and for the better. I am so glad I am not a  murderer anymore.

July 20th 2016

I swear I am not a monster, Oh God, I swear I am not! Not anymore! Fuck!

Guys, I did something I never thought I would ever do. Carrie and I got into a fight.  We argued over the upkeep of the house. I wasn’t doing the dishes whenever she asked. And she kept forgetting to do laundry, the argument got so heated that we kept finding shit to pin on each other:

“You are so fucking lazy you forget to clean the dishes, vacuum, hell our fucking dog can eat off the plates since they aren’t clean!” she yells tossing yet another dish in the sink that I didn’t do.  “At least Cujo is being fed, you never feed him and he is left to starve all day while you work until I get home!” I yell back. “Oh really, like your some kind of angel, Sam? Are you some fucking saint? Mister Christian! Well guess what I found digging through your little journal the other day?” I freeze and my face gets pale white, she knows not to go into my stuff but she does so anyway and this is what she pulls against me.

“What are you talking about?” I demand to know and she is hyperventilating. “You’re a fucking murderer, Sam! You’re fucking sick!” She screams and I can see the tears well up in her eyes. I am pale faced, and shaken to my core, no; not my girl, not my wife she can’t think this of me.  I was a killer before I met Carrie. I preyed on women like her, but she was not like the others. “NO you don’t understand; I’m not like that anymore, I don’t kill people anymore.” She starts sobbing and runs out of the kitchen and into the living room where it was more open and she wasn’t being pushed into a corner, but I would never do anything to her; doesn’t she know that?  “Never the less you did that Sam. You killed people before me! Am I just the next target ? huh?” I shake my head and at this point I am crying as well.

Through tears I plead with her begging for her to forget what she saw and to ignore my past. “NO!” She screams “MONSTER!” she hisses at me and I snap at her, I called her a bitch and I hit her. This isn’t how it was supposed to be I didn’t even mean to do that.

Oh God, what have I done? She stormed out of the apartment; I am worried that she will never come back. It’s already midnight and I don’t even know what to do.


She came back all right but it’s okay… everything will be okay. She has completely forgiven me, hell, she loves me more than ever before.

I gently stroke her hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. It’s ok my love. We will be okay. Cujo keeps barking in the other room. I locked him in there because he wouldn’t stop licking up Carrie’s blood.

We will be okay, now time will stay paused, we will continually live in his moment; forever and ever.

Even now her limp body is pressed against mine, we are happy, even made sure she would be able to smile forever. Never has that smile looked so beautiful. I even made sure I was able to see her eyes, they will never close and I can always see the twinkle in those luminous pools of light for as long as I live.

Nothing matters anymore; the sirens in the distance, the blood that covered me and the furniture, Cujo barking like a rabid dog… none of it mattered. Nothing else matters  except for me and my beloved Carrie.




Newly wed Sam Williams has been identified as the infamous serial killer by the name of the Eastside Butcher. He was reported by his wife Carrie Williams earlier today having discovered he kept a Journal of all his previous killings.

Carrie Williams was asked of the police to try and keep Sam Williams calm in his home until the police had arrived. Unfortunately upon arrival the Police did not find either Sam or Carrie at the scene. They only arrived to the couple’s pet dog locked in the bedroom and human blood and skin tissue found in various parts of the home.

There is speculation on whether or not Carrie Williams is still alive and missing or kidnapped by her husband The Butcher. Any information on the couple’s whereabouts is greatly appreciated. Please contact the TPD tip line if you have nay information to offer.

Hows that for an ending ? Hope you liked it! Goodnight guys!

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