Tag Archives: under new managment

Hells Reject: The Neverending Darkness – Under New Managment

Hello horror fans.

I know this is such a sudden change and especially since Orlando was so close to having 100 followers, but something had come up recently. You see, Orlando had realized that he had to focus on other things. I don’t know what these things are but he just said he had some stuff to work out and had asked me to run this blog for him. He sends his condolences in a very heartfelt apology and promises to come back in a big way. But for now here I am, and he has entrusted me (a fellow Reject) from the depths of hell itself (AKA Manhattan NY). But enough of why Orlando left and why I am here- allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Ryan Stratford- I am a writer myself and I write mainly in the fields of fiction and- you guessed it- HORROR! Anyways, I live in Manhattan, New York in an apartment with my girl Mary. I am a clerk at a Macy’s and Mary works at a tattoo parlor in Midtown.

In case you were wondering the question: Where’s Orlando? or How do you know him? Just know that Orlando is fine he-like I said- just had to take care of some important family things and writing things. I’ve known him since January, and we have been pen pals ever since. One day he came to me asking if I could take care of his blog for a little bit and I had to agree to do so. It’s almost as if this would help his writing career as well as it will help mine so I was more than happy to take the job.

I must warn you though-what I write doesn’t involve “happy endings”, there’s no heartfelt moments of love and happiness unless they are key parts to the story. What I write will completely eradicate any and all traces of Orlando that you had in your minds. At least for the time being. He and I plan on making a story to collaborate with each other on this blog, or send it to a publisher, whichever floats his boat. As for me- I will just work on my own stuff on the side.

So for now I will only make horror stories every Friday and from time to time I will post randomly for you guys, like I said- Orlando left me in charge so this thing is mine to do whatever I want with it. Luckily me and him share some common ground so not much will change.

In other words I run this thing now at least until Orlando says that it is his turn again.

One more thing- he has entrusted me with his email which is still the same: orlandochacon316@yahoo.com. If you have any questions or whatever for me, email him and write in the subject box of the email as: <RS msg> and I will reply to that.

This is where I get off- See you around

– Ryan Stratford – Hells New Reject