Tag Archives: souls

What is The Soul? (Poetry Tuesdays)

What is the soul?

Is it a separate body from our own?

Is it the beating heart of only anatomical value?

Or is it our ghost that haunts the earth until the end times to come?

Some say that the soul is God’s love poured into a human being.

Most say the soul does not exist, and is only a fantasy to entertain the idea of heaven and hell.

But those of us are few to experience the sight of one’s soul…

Whether it be the eyes of a saint or the eyes of a heretic.

But where there are questions there is but one answer…

The soul is us and we each have one…

to that we are entitled the ability to love and feel, therfore humanity is not lost.



If I Stay Thoughful Thursdays

Ok, next to TFIOS, If I Stay is possibly one if this generations best tear-jerkers. Much like The Fault In Our Stars, this book makes you cry and gives you feels emanating from nowhere else but the center of your soul. This basically means that this book is like 9 out of 10 one of the greatest books out there. Why not 10 out of 10 you ask? Well, because the book itself was very short and to me was an easy read but however managed to fit an entire person’s life into a 300-something-paged book.

I will however say that it could have been longer and could have done better on the tear department, simply because the movie’s trailer made me ball out crying. (Not exactly ball out; just shed a long tear down my cheek). But I am getting ahead of myself, let me give you guys the rundown:

17 year old Mia is on the verge of dying after a terrible car wreck kills her parents and little brother (I will not give spoilers at this point just so you know), she is now in a ghost form watching as if she was up and about only she is watching as a ghost. As she is in the hospital (both in ghost form and coma-induced human form) she sees the rest of her family and her friends (including her amateur rock star boyfriend: Adam). In small groups they all see her in her coma induced state (she listens in and watches as a ghost) and each of them are telling her that they want her to stay alive because though she has lost her family she still has other family that loves her and needs her.

She finds out soon enough that it is up to her on whether she lives or dies, it is unknown how but she will somehow have to make a choice: will she move on and see her family again? Or will she stay?

This book also gets into her life in small flashbacks and memories that displayed after a symbol before each major paragraph as if it was a cutaway into a memory which is what I predict the movie will be like. But these memories I believe are the real tear-jerker; the creators of the story, it makes you want Mia to stay but also makes you indecisive as to whether it is right or not for her to stay alive. It is like you want her to stay but how will she live with herself? There is so much heart and sadness and joy put into this book by Gayle Forman and I must admit is an absolute masterpiece. The writing is beautiful and she describes the pain of losing a loved one so vividly you would feel as though you have had your heart ripped out and thrown away by such pain. But then that pain diminishes with the heartwarming love that takes place between Mia and her loved ones, including her musically talented boyfriend: Adam.

I won’t get too into it because it is midnight and if I try or even attempt to describe how amazed I am that this book covered so much ground in the relationship of Adam and Mia and of how many sparks flew when they shared their moments, I will have been rambling on a keyboard with no definite point.

So case and point, this book is amazing and the movie itself sound and looks amazing, therefore I shall see it, whilst bringing with me a box of tissues, hopefully I still have some left over from when I went to go see The Fault In Our Stars.



If I Stay Thoughful Thursdays

Ok, next to TFIOS, If I Stay is possibly one if this generations best tear-jerkers. Much like The Fault In Our Stars, this book makes you cry and gives you feels emanating from nowhere else but the center of your soul. This basically means that this book is like 9 out of 10 one of the greatest books out there. Why not 10 out of 10 you ask? Well, because the book itself was very short and to me was an easy read but however managed to fit an entire person’s life into a 300-something-paged book.

I will however say that it could have been longer and could have done better on the tear department, simply because the movie’s trailer made me ball out crying. (Not exactly ball out; just shed a long tear down my cheek). But I am getting ahead of myself, let me give you guys the rundown:

17 year old Mia is on the verge of dying after a terrible car wreck kills her parents and little brother (I will not give spoilers at this point just so you know), she is now in a ghost form watching as if she was up and about only she is watching as a ghost. As she is in the hospital (both in ghost form and coma-induced human form) she sees the rest of her family and her friends (including her amateur rock star boyfriend: Adam). In small groups they all see her in her coma induced state (she listens in and watches as a ghost) and each of them are telling her that they want her to stay alive because though she has lost her family she still has other family that loves her and needs her.

She finds out soon enough that it is up to her on whether she lives or dies, it is unknown how but she will somehow have to make a choice: will she move on and see her family again? Or will she stay?

This book also gets into her life in small flashbacks and memories that displayed after a symbol before each major paragraph as if it was a cutaway into a memory which is what I predict the movie will be like. But these memories I believe are the real tear-jerker; the creators of the story, it makes you want Mia to stay but also makes you indecisive as to whether it is right or not for her to stay alive. It is like you want her to stay but how will she live with herself? There is so much heart and sadness and joy put into this book by Gayle Forman and I must admit is an absolute masterpiece. The writing is beautiful and she describes the pain of losing a loved one so vividly you would feel as though you have had your heart ripped out and thrown away by such pain. But then that pain diminishes with the heartwarming love that takes place between Mia and her loved ones, including her musically talented boyfriend: Adam.

I won’t get too into it because it is midnight and if I try or even attempt to describe how amazed I am that this book covered so much ground in the relationship of Adam and Mia and of how many sparks flew when they shared their moments, I will have been rambling on a keyboard with no definite point.

So case and point, this book is amazing and the movie itself sound and looks amazing, therefore I shall see it, whilst bringing with me a box of tissues, hopefully I still have some left over from when I went to go see The Fault In Our Stars.
