Tag Archives: Richelle Mead

Vampire Academy: Series Review/ Thoughtful Thursdays

OMG, okay, for those of you that don’t know, I am a major Vampire Academy geek. Now if you don’t know what Vampire Academy is then let me break it down for you.

Vampire Academy is about two young Vampire students that come from two different races of Vampire, known as Moroi and Dhampir. Moroi are loyalty and are the essential key part to the vampire race, they are like the highest ranking form of people in the Vampire community. Moroi also possess special powers pertaining to the elements (Earth Water Fire Air). Dhampir are a mix of both human and vampires and basically doesn’t need blood to survive but they possess all the Moroi Strengths and none of their weaknesses. However, they have set jobs for the future the minute they are born and are destined to guard the Moroi and protect them from an ancient race called the Strigoi who are the bad vamps that were Moroi but they had killed while they fed or had been to turn Strigoi by being made to drink their own blood.

The Moroi Student is Lissa Dragomir who is best friends with Rose Hathaway who is a Dhampir. Together they have a bond that allows rose to telepathically know where Lissa is and how she is feeling and can see into her mind and through her eyes whenever she wants (I know kinda stalkerish but it comes in good use.) This comes in handy because Rose is training at Saint Vladimir’s Academy to become Lissa’s guardian once she graduates. They have developed this bond the night that both Lissa and Rose survived the car crash that killed her family.

Lissa is loyalty so this makes Rose’s job much harder when the Strigoi have their eyes set on killing Lissa. (Oh did I mention she has no family but rose and the rest of her family is dead? No? Well, now you know).

Anyways I don’t want to give away too much considering I have read the entire series and it was amazing and I want you guys to read it.

And NO, it is NOT like other vampire books, this is far better than anything I have read that was vamp related *Coughs**twilight**clears throat* what, who said that? Wasn’t me… 😉

But all BS aside Vampire Academy really hit me and had me begging for more till the very last book.
I wasn’t as passionate about VA as I was about TFIOS, but I wouldn’t put the two together since they aren’t even in the same category.

But VA had something different and something very refreshing to it; such as an amazing set of characters. (INCLUDING Dimitri Belikov, Jill Mastreano, and Christian Ozera) These guys are very important… if you have read the books you know what I mean. But anyways the author of this great book series is none other than Richelle Mead. She like most great authors are talented with first person narratives and contribute a little bit of themselves into the book. I don’t know Richelle Mead, but if I did I would email her like 24/7 about crazy fan boy shiz about Vampire Academy. Well no not really, but I would very much so ask her to be my mentor when writing romance; because not only is this series thrill-packed and suspenseful but is also an amazing romance and drama series.

Err, I am so on the brink of telling you guys EVERYTHING about the series but I think I have left you with a few cliffhangers enough to drive you bat-shit crazy. Plus I won’t spoil it for you; that’s just not right.
SO if you like friendship, love, blood, badass guardians, and an unusually awesome Russian Dhampir (if you know who I am talking about: *wink,wink*), and most importantly if you like Vampires than read Vampire Academy (Like the actual series not just the first book of six).

AND DON’T YOU DARE WATCH THE F*&%$#@ MOVIE FIRST! I swear the movie does not do the book any justice and besides we need the world to know that reading can still be fun. So read VA first please, at least read the first one then see the movie then compare the two.

You will choose the book over the movie every time. 😉

Thank you guys for reading this book review and I hope you guys will want to read this series and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did. So Happy reading and STAY AWESOME guys 🙂
Hells Reject.