Tag Archives: Orlando Chacon

Burnt Chronicles: chapter 1/ foreword from the author.

Hello, and Welcome back, I understand that I have not been posting lately and i have no good reason for doing so under a regular schedule. Lately maintaining a blog has been increasingly difficult due to everything that has been happening lately. But all that aside i have good news to share: (Disclaimer: IF you don’t like horror get off this blog, and the Following news is for introductory purposes. If you do not wish to listen to me babel like an old man in the body of a 21 year old, skip to the part where it says chapter 1 about 4 paragraphs down and starts reading/ Warning: Errors and horror and cursing ensues) (Second Disclaimer: The story i am revealing is told from the first person view of each of the three characters mentioned in the rest of the foreword. Don’t know what i am talking about? Read the foreword… enjoy!)

Starting today I am releasing something that I have never thought  would show to the world (Let alone a blog that i created when i was 17). This blog does not have  a large following and  in hopes of fixing that i am releasing the very first book that I have ever written in the form of a  series. I know in the past I have tried writing series posts for this blog and trying to be very consistent with them and all but one attempts have failed. Ultimately I would just post the entire half-assed  copy of these stories in hopes of good reactions and thrills given to my viewers…. something about that last sentence didn’t sound right. 

Keep in mind this book i am about to release was from my roots, my time in high school was a time of finding myself and finding my true skill set. As a writer i made mistakes with this book: an impractical story line, too many cheap gore thrills, grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. This copy I will present is the rough draft slash first edit of My horror/crime/supernatural tale of a serial killer, a teen aged boy with an unclear destiny, and a detective who is father to the boy. All three colliding heads in this jumbled up story of demonic origin  and hellish fury brought upon an unsuspecting family. 

Also keep in mind that i did little research in making this story; as my 17 year old self said once: “Fuck it, I’ll edit it all out once I am finished” Now here we are from my dreams of this hopefully becoming a movie, to knowing i can write much better than this.I am proud that i finished this and am about to release it, because if i hadn’t I wouldn’t have finished my new book (NO SPOILERS) or would have started my two other projects which i am working on. A lot has changed since I was 17. I Listen to Radiohead and Panic! at The Disco instead of Green Day and Linkin Park. I have my own place and a PC that can process all the shit i do instead of an Compact Laptop (which i wrote this story on as well as my newest book). I am about to be 21 and i have my own apartment a fiance that i love very much and two cats that both annoy the shit out of me and make me love them as well. Enough babble, now i present to you: The Burnt Chronicles: The story of B.I.K ( Chapter one of course. Tune in this blog every Saturday for the next chapter!!) 

The Burnt Chronicles: Intro/ Chapter 1: The Job


 Ever have one of those moments where you just snap? Where the very fragment of your mind just cracks and you just lose control? I’ve snapped; I have lost all hope that I will ever be the same.

I watch my bitter half take control as I stand by and watch; the blood-red windows I call eyes can’t see anything but red. The cold doesn’t bother me anymore, it comforts me, and it lets me know that this dark abyss I used to call Hell is a haven. I can now find peace, knowing that the other half of me is doing the evil deeds of my fractured mind.     I peer outside of my dark-haven to see what my troubled half may be up too. One time, I discovered myself covered in blood running down from my hands to my elbows.

I may need counseling, because in my own demented mind, blood arouses me. The dark warm liquid just tempts me to lick it off my fore arms. As I look on, I noticed that I am working on one of my victims.

I step in, knowing that I couldn’t miss this.

‘You’re not ready.’ Says my inner voice ‘Let me gut this bitch!’ She was lying upon a dining room table, unconscious and beaten to a pulp.  ‘Ok, have fun.’ The sinister voice within spoke to me and I was in control again. I grinned from ear to ear and studied my victim.

She was stripped naked and was covered in blood splatters. Her face was purple from the bruises I have given her. Unfortunately, she woke up before I could begin. She starts to groan in pain sounding as if she had wakened up from a hangover.

“W-where am I?” She mumbles as she tries to open her purple, swollen, eyes.

She looks up and sees me; I’m obviously going to hear some screaming unless I gut this bitch quick. She finally opens her eyes wide enough to see me; her eyes grew wide and fearful at the very sight of me. She sits up quickly as to try and run off and lets out a loud scream; I try to react but I’m too late.

As she rolls off the table and stands up, she make a run for it and dashes across the kitchen floor. As she runs from me she slips on a small puddle of blood that I had casually “left” there. She slips and falls forward slamming her own head into the marble floor; she’s unconscious again.

That was easier than I expected, it’s hard to work when my victims are screaming like banshees.

I squat down and reach to grab her shoulder then I roll her over on her side.     She had a big round bruise forming on her forehead and blood running down from her nose. I feel her neck to see if she had a pulse. I waited a couple moments to feel that last bit of lingering life within her. Her pulse vibrates onto my fingers for a few seconds and then it had stopped.  No pulse… Good, then this should be easy.

I stand up from over her body and look down at the drawer below the counter to my right. I open the drawer to look for a worthy weapon; there I find a butcher knife; not the most popular murder tool but it will do.

I grab the knife and crouch back down over her body to hold her head straight and yank her hair to keep her still.

“I’m going to enjoy licking your blood off the floor.” I whisper silently in her ear. I plunge the sharp end of my butcher knife into the neck of the woman. Blood sprayed violently out of her neck from her jugular, the very liquid sprayed onto my face then spread on the black-and-white tiled, marble floor.

Sure enough it formed a red, dark puddle. I laughed at the blood upon the floor. I wanted to pour the red liquid all over my face so badly! But I must control myself. I stand back up with an evil grin upon my face, and I notice my work is unfinished. I look down to see the butcher knife still stuck inside her neck. “Oh, yeah… I almost forgot.” I said playfully.

I lift my foot up and stomp on the knife on her neck. The bone snapped, tearing through flesh and tendons. The sound pleases me but my work is far from done. My process is complicated yet worth it in the end. I bend over the girl and grab her head. To my left I notice a cabinet of wine bottles that decoratively were hung on a rack through a glass window cabinet.

I go over and grab the bottle from the middle rack and proceeded to the front yard. There in the lawn were five heads impaled on my iron poles I got from an old steel mill.

The expressions of fear and death permanently marked on each ones face. To the far left was an empty pole stuck in the ground, ‘this spot is reserved.’ I thought to myself as I slowly laugh. ‘Make sure to burn them all!’ the sinister voice said from within.

I placed the woman’s head on the empty pole and the blood spurted out from the neck down the pole. The display satisfied me; I felt a boner arise within my pants as I grabbed my crotch staring at the heads on the poles. But then I wanted to complete the task before I did anything fun.            I open the wine bottle I had taken out and begin to pour the liquid on all the heads. I just spray the shit all over the blood soaked heads and soon the bottle was empty. I toss the bottle on the grass lawn and I take out my lighter, I slowly savor the moment and press the lighter to each head.

I watch the fire grow violently and intensely around me. ‘You are ready, go forth and raise hell.’ The voice inside encourages me as I walk away from the blazing fire. The smell of burning flesh spread across the midnight sky.

I turned to the fire from the doorway of the house and smile. I was far from finished, and this was only the beginning.

BURNT CHAPTER 1 (Detective Stan McCalister) the Job

The nights have grown longer, and the days have gotten shorter. Every day I think I can save everyone, but I can’t. Sadly, that’s just reality. Sometimes I don’t find myself worthy to be a detective. But if it supports me and my son, so I’ll just hang on for now.

Today was both terrifying and stressful. Not necessarily a good thing, but it is completely accurate for this time.

The Station called in on a homicide on Grove Drive and Winston Road, where a series of murders have been committed. I guess you can call them serial murders.

The M.O. has been the same as the last six-teen murders that have been called in the past two years. He preyed on families of four, and he’s always used the same method: He would cut of the heads of these families and would impale each head upon an iron pole.

Then he would display them sticking into the ground in a row. The worst was yet to come, because just when you think he has done enough damage, just when you think it’s over, he sets each head on fire, then leaves the pile of headless-bodies in the living room. The bastard never left one shred of evidence, he’s smart but sick.

The first time I have encountered this horrific display, I was mortified. I vomited on the side of the road. Never, in my 20 years working as a detective, have I thought anyone would be capable of such gruesome attack.

Who would do such a thing? The expression on the victims faces were hard to make out. After all each of them were burnt to a crisp. We took to calling this bastard, The Burnt Iron Killer, B.I.K for short.

Today, B.I.K made a hit on a local family down Grove Drive, same M.O.; impaled heads being lit-up, and displayed in the front lawn. It sounds like some sick Halloween prank. But this isn’t Halloween, and this is no prank.

As I arrive in my car at Grove Street, I see the press and random bystanders crowding the scene of a two-story tan house. Its front lawn surrounded by yellow police tape and cops telling the others to stand back as the blood work guys do their job.

I then park at the end of the street; I got out of the car and continued to walk toward the house which was only three houses away. As I walk up there I hear the officer to my left yelling at the bystanders to stay back. “Sir, you’re not allowed in here!” An officer commanded at me. I sigh then flash my badge at him. “Come right in detective.” he says pointing to the crime scene ahead. I then put away my badge into my left breast pocket, but just as I’m about to duck under the yellow tape and go in, I hear tires screeching from afar.

“Late, again.”  I say under my breath; I stand back up then turn around to look behind me to see my partner’s red Chevy Impala parked next to my Mazda. My partner, Johnny, was always late and had a knack for arriving shortly after me. He proceeds to jump out of his car and slams his door shut. Then he continues to run to me, swiftly and panicking. He was wearing a trench coat and a fedora, he was very old fashioned, but was a damned-good detective.

“Why are you always here early?” he shouted as he came closer to me then finally he approaches me. “On-time, not early.” I reply, looking at my watch. “Well then, why are you always on time?” he asks and adds emphasis on ‘On time’.

“Because, Rookie, I care about my job, and about how I dress on my way to work.”

I commented gesturing at his old fashioned get-up. “Whatever man, this looks good!” He defended himself,” Sure it looked good, in the 1920’s”;”Whatever man, so what do we have here?” He asked as he pointed at the scene of the crime. I turn to the crime scene and go into professional-mode.

“There are six people dead instead of four. The M.O has changed slightly but the murder weapon’s the same as all the others: 5-foot-long iron poles, and some source of flammable material.” I describe the crime scene as I look toward the six burnt heads in the front lawn. They were all expressionless due to they’re fiery demise.

“C’mon lets go inside.” I suggest as I pat his shoulder and turn to walk. He then walks with me behind the yellow tape. “God, I hate this part!” He exclaims. “Look, I don’t like it either, but it’s our job so come on.” I explain.

As we walk closer to the row of heads, I look to see only one head had the most gruesome, heart-wrenching, disturbing look:

It was a young boy, his head was burnt half-way and the hair on its head wasn’t there anymore. He had blue eyes staring at nothing, and his eyelids weren’t there anymore as well. As if the killer wanted him to see something before he met his end. His left side was burnt to hell, yet the right half was looking so innocent. His jaw was wide open and covered in what seemed like splatters of blood.

“Oh, God!” Johnny said as he bent over and kneeled down on the ground, he would have vomited if I hadn’t done anything.

”Off your ass Johnny! C’mon!” I exclaim as I picked him up by his shoulder. Good lord, doesn’t he know there are people here? He gathered himself and stood back up. “Son, I don’t know how you became detective, if your this squeamish on every damn case!” As I explained my confusion, he sighs and continues toward the house, and enters inside almost hesitantly.

I soon follow him in. What I saw next, was the most disturbing sight I have ever laid my eyes on.

Body, upon bloody body; all the decapitated corpses piled in the living room in the far corner behind a couch. Stains of blood covered the floor and the couch; you couldn’t step anywhere without seeing one spot of blood.

In this case this means plenty of evidence and one step closer to finding that son of a bitch.

But in my case, this means that bastard has taken it way too far. The body-count was six in all, and all were stripped naked. Their bodies laid motionless, still bleeding out small amounts of blood by the neck and through stab wounds, spilling blood on each of the bodies below the body they laid on top of.

A puddle of blood surrounded the bodies; the puddle was a big as half the living room. There were two bodies of children: one boy, and one girl. The rest were adults; three females, one male.

“Rookie what do you make of this?” I say in disgust, I was honestly more focused on avoiding the God-awful-smell inside the room. “I don’t know.” He said weakly. “Looks like the family were his target, but the other two women were caught in the cross-fire and he wasted them all.” He explains as he holds his nose looking as if he was going to be sick.

“What makes you say that?” I ask as I stare at the pile, whilst Johnny was leaning on the empty door-way of the living room. He refuses to speak; he turns his back and throws up in a barf-bag he pulls out of his right pocket of his trench coat. “What? Sorry Stan, I’m just not used to this!”

This just pissed me off, I expected someone like Johnny to deal with this better. I sigh heavily, anger flashes in my eyes and I walk closer to him, and then I grab his trench coat with both hands and hold him up against the wall.

For the first time, I lost my cool; I saw red and stared him down with deep sincerity upon my face. “Listen to me Johnny!” I whispered angrily to him. “This isn’t SHIT you simply ‘get used to ‘. This is REAL okay? It’s a serial killer; NO ONE is used to this.” with each word I wanted to punch Johnny so hard that maybe it will knock some sense into him. Maybe then he will grow a pair. “S-s-sorry” he stammered still with that pathetic sad look upon his face.

“So do your fucking job, got it!?” I exclaim as I let him go and storm into the kitchen to look for more evidence.

He walks with me once again and catches up to me in the kitchen. We look toward the oval shaped room and see the markers already set up around spots of blood all over the floor. There was one trail of blood leading out into the living room. A blood stain starting from the kitchen floor to the living room shows signs of a body that been dragged from one spot to another. At the beginning of this trail was a large puddle of blood upon the marble floor… and a foot print. It looks about the same size as the young woman in the pile of bodies.

Well it looks like we found something finally. I crouch down to see what appeared to be a vein or a tendon of sorts next to the dining room table which appears to also have a significant amount of blood and knife marks. “Oh my god, this must be where he cut off their heads” my partner says hoarsely as he stands behind me. The room was dark and all the life was drained from it. The blood alone tells a story.

A girl in the pile of bodies had blood on one of her feet, she was here; she slipped and fell as she was trying to escape and slams her head upon the marble floor. I guess that’s how one of the heads outside had a sort of deformed bump on its head.

But that didn’t cause the blood puddle. She was unconscious and the killer had decapitated her on the spot. “How does this not creep you out?” Johnny asks puzzled at my unusually calm behavior.

“It used to, not anymore though.” I say in a quiet more depressed tone. I stand back up and turn to Johnny and place my hand on his shoulder. I assess the situation and tell him this:

“Johnny I think it only gets worse from here. I need you to know that if you don’t think you can’t handle anymore, than work on something else ok?” I suggest

“No, I can take it” He says shrugging off my hand. “I know what happened to your brother Stan. I’m-” My eyebrows raised and my depression turned to pain. “No don’t please.” I plead him to stop talking about Devin: my brother who was actually on of B.I.K’s first victims.

“I’m just saying, I’m with you on this, one-hundred percent of the way; I’ve been partners with you since day one and that doesn’t stop there. I got your back pal.” He tells me as he holds out his hand to shake mine; I looked at his hand then back to his face. I smiled slightly and shook his hand.

“You’re a good friend Johnny and possibly one of the best detectives I’ve ever gotten the pleasure to work with.” We have only worked as a detective for eighteen years and he was in fact the best out of the other two partners I had.

We then prepare to leave the kitchen. As Johnny left through the entrance I look around the life-drained kitchen one more time for evidence. I look toward the cupboards over the oven and the counter tops to the far left of the room. One of them was open; it looks as if the family had an extensive wine collection in the open cupboard. The bottles were stacked in an orderly fashion, each bottle looked untouched.

Why would this specific cupboard be upon amongst all the un-opened ones? I walk around the table and walk over to the cupboard to get a closer look. As I look inside it I notice something peculiar. One of the bottles is missing. I could tell because the order is messed up and one of the bottles from one of the center-shelves was gone. It stuck out the most considering it was in the dead center of the cupboard.

Wait a second? My face made a questioning expression and I instantly connected the dots as to how the heads were burnt. There was no gasoline found at the scene, or any other scene for that matter. There were only trace elements of…

“Oh shit…”

I walk quickly to the blood analyst in the living room. “John.” I called him out. He was taking pictures before he looked up at me. “Yeah?” He looked up at me as I walked toward him. He was scrawny and dressed casually with a badge hanging around his neck. “Remember the blood reports of the last few victims?” I asked quickly. “Yeah” He responded.

“What was the element most commonly found in the blood of each victim?” I asked again. He aused a moment to think and he remembered


Shit, I knew it. “Johnny!” I called him over just as he was about to exit the house out the doorway. He turns around and walks toward me. “Yes, Stan?”; “Alcohol: the Killer used alcohol and some light source to light the heads on fire. He most likely used a lighter or matches.” He looks at me questionably. “What do you me-?”

He then pauses, realizing my logic. “Where’s the alcohol then?” He asks, “Missing, we find that, we find a lead.”. Just as I said that Johnny studied the room carefully and he stops in his search staring down at the bodies; his face grows pale and his eyes wide with terror.

“Hey…” He tells me still staring at the bodies. “Remember how you told me that it only gets worse from here?” He asks with a disturbed voice. “Yeah; why?” I reply.

“We never found a bottle of wine anywhere, where else would he hide a bottle than under the mess he made?” I stare at him, confused and clueless. Then I realized what he was thinking. I look at the pile of bodies then look back at him while he stares at the bodies with fear. “Johnny…” I paused then spoke again. “You don’t seriously think he’s that stupid to hide possible evidence under a pile of his victims?” I suggest, chuckling lightly.

“No not under the pile; IN one of the victims.” He says, and shudders under his breath as he holds his hand over his mouth. He shows disgust in his expression whilst concern appears on mine. I turned around at the bodies then I look closer and crouched down for a closer look.

The decapitated man on the bottom of the pile had something lodged inside his throat. It had the shape of a cork, wait a minute? I put on a latex glove I got out of my pocket and grabbed along the edges of the cork. It was surrounded by veins, blood, and muscle tissue. I proceed to pull the object, but it was stuck. I was curious, my partner was not. He backed up acting as if I was trying to defuse a bomb. I pull harder on the cork till finally it popped open.

I got the cork, but the bottle remained lodged inside the neck; just then the bottle started to spill blood that was inside the bottle. Blood ran smoothly from the bottle to the floor, only drenching the carpet in even more blood. I closed my eyes and dropped the cork into an evidence bag that I had always carried with me. I hold it above me then toward Johnny as I stare on at the bottle.

“Johnny, can you hold onto this in your trench coat? I have no pockets big enough for it.” I was only wearing dress pants and a button up shirt after all. “Sure thing.” He says disgusted, as he grabs the bag from my hand.

I pull back my hand and continue to look at the bottle. There was something odd about this bottle. It then stopped pouring blood and a single, white-colored string emerges from blood at the edge of the bottle top.

“What the hell?” I pull the string out of the bottle and from the end of the string is a silver colored key. “Uhh, Stan?” Johnny calls me. “What?” I say still holding a string with a blood-soaked key on the end. I stand up and walk toward him he is holding the cork in the evidence bag above his eye-level looking closely at it.

“You might want to see this.” He suggests as he handed the bag to me. I took the bag from his hand and looked at the cork through the bag. That’s when I noticed a message was written in the surrounding edges of the cork. It was written in what appears to be Sharpie marker. It read: ‘Come find me ‘; Looks like this bastard was waiting for us. “Fine” I say as I look at Johnny.

“This guy wants to be found? Then we’re going to find him!” I say in sheer confidence and fear; Johnny then nods in agreement and calls the sergeant in here to check out what we had found.

But why, why did he want to be found? Something wasn’t right; I could feel it in my gut. This is, after all, a serial killer we are talking about. If their goal is to be found, then that could only mean trouble for whoever finds him. I hope it’s me; I will find that bastard. And when I do, he’s going to regret the day he fucked with me and my family.


It was a long day at work so I then proceed to go home after I filed the evidence in the evidence locker. This job can’t be any more stressful; tracking down a serial killer was easy, but trying to be a father is hard.

Once I pulled into the driveway next to my son’s Ford, I felt a sense of grief come over me. Being home brought me discomfort. I always thought of this house as a reminder of pain and misery, ever since my wife died in this very house two years ago. I would talk about it but I don’t feel comfortable.

I walk up to the front door of the two-story, brownish-colored, house. Then I open the door and walk in to find my son Ryan on his laptop, sitting on the pleather couch next to the coffee table in the living room.

The living room was the first thing you see once you walked in through the door. Next on your right you would see the arch way into the dining room/kitchen. Then straight ahead from the entrance, was a stairway.

The house was a two-bathroom, three-bedroom house. One bathroom was downstairs, one was upstairs, and all the bedrooms were upstairs connected by a narrow hallway that was horizontally facing the front of the house.

“Hey Ryan, what are you up to?” I greeted my son and placed my jacket on the coat rack next to the door. I shut the door behind me while Ryan remains focused on the laptop, still not answering. I look at him. “Ryan? Hello?” I wait for his response “Oh what?” He finally answered. “Sorry dad I was focused on my project.” He replied sounding tired and worn-out.

“OK, so what’s the project on?”  If I know my son Ryan, then I know it’s important when he spends long hours of studying for a project.

And the only projects important to him were the ones that his forensics class assigns. “Forensics.”; “I knew it!” I point my finger at him acting cool while putting on a slight grin. I then proceed to walk to the kitchen’s fridge and grab a beer. “So, what are you guys doing this time?” I shout from the kitchen, as I opened the fridge.

“We are studying Serial killers”. Of course it had to be serial killers. I grab a beer from the fridge door, shut the fridge and walk into the living room standing beside Ryan leaning against the wall next to the couch. I open my beer and take a sip. “So, what serial killer are you studying, exactly?” I ask, I was a bit curios but I didn’t really want to hear all too much about serial killers the rest of the day. But for Ryan’s amusement I’ll listen.

“Just any one of them.” He replies now looking at me. My son was 17; bout’ the same height as I am and he had jet-black hair that went down to his neck. His eyes were hazel and he was as sarcastic as I was when I was his age; just like his dad.

“So everyone started working on world famous serial killers right?  Like Jeffery Dahmmer or Ted Bundy. But I went with something that’s infamous but not ‘world-famous’.” He explained “Well go on then spit it out.”

I tell him while taking another sip of my beer. “I’m doing my project on the Burnt Iron Killer.” The response shocked me. My eyes grew wide and the look of worriment appeared upon my face as I set down my beer. “But son-” I start sounding very concerned. “There’s not enough evidence to collect. We barley just got some new found evidence, today and we still can’t make sense of it.” I explain trying to persuade him to not do his project on that nut-job.

“Yeah but If I collect enough evidence and eventually you guys find him then maybe-“;”Whoa…Umm, you collect evidence?” I ask in disapproval.

“Earth to Ryan, this isn’t your job! Plus it’s way too dangerous to hunt down a serial killer!”

My voice volume raised and I was frantic. I can’t imagine what shit he might find, all the horror, all the gore; this would scar him for life.

“But dad listen,” He got up and put his laptop on the coffee table. “I was going to ask you: Let me help you on the case.” He looked at me with an expressionless face then proceeded to explain.

“Ryan, take a look at this.” I place my beer on the coffee table and quickly walk upstairs and into my room. On my bed was my work suitcase full of take-home evidence. Then I quickly go back to the living room. “Move your laptop.” I commanded; he quickly moves his laptop over the edge of the table and I gently place the suit case on the table.

“Do you know what’s in this?” I ask him as I sit down on the couch on front of the suit case. He shakes his head looking at the case, “Sit down.” I say as I sigh, why am I doing this? Focus Stan, focus.

“What is this?”  Ryan asks. I look at him and look back at the case. I hesitate at first but fuck it, no backing out now. I quickly open the case and slowly open it all the way and push it slightly towards Ryan. He sits down and looks into the case. I could see the awe in his face; his eyes were wide but he wasn’t scared or anything; he looked more interested in the contents than he was fearful.

“You know what this is, Ryan?” He pulls out a bag containing a bloody cork. “It’s evidence from the Burnt Iron Killer case.” He was astounded. “We could easily track this fucker down with all this stuff.”; “We won’t be tracking any fuckers with this stuff.” He ignored me shit, this was pointless.

“Why do you have all this?” He asked “I asked the chief if I could do some personal studying with this, but that’s not the point. This is the story of a fucking mad man!” I exclaim while pointing at the case. “Dad, I understand.”; “No you don’t understand.”; “yes I do.” Damnnit Ryan! He then put down the bag with a cork in it and looked at me.

“Come on, think about how many lives we could save if we partner up and catch this ass-hole? Think about it! I am the top of my class in my advanced forensics class, I’m practically a detective.” He explains in ignorance. “Dad we can do this!” He exclaims with a grin; this is such bullshit. “What makes you all bad ass all of the sudden? What makes you think that this is easy?” I question is ignorance and just try not to lash out on him; he’s practically belittling my job! “This is a Fucking serial killer, Ryan; what would happen if he catches you!?” I start yelling and the expression of anger came on me. He is still and quiet, that grin he had is long gone now. Good, that means I’m getting to him.

“This guy will stop at nothing to rip you to shreds! I’m practically putting myself in danger here, I mean I want to catch this fucker just like anyone else, but this is no job for a kid. You got that?” I drink from my beer then set it down on the table again.

“Dad, I know it’s hard and ever since mom died you’ve been overprotective. But I’m older dad, I can handle this.” Oh no, he didn’t; anger consumes me and I begin to see red.


I was enraged I wanted to…- there would be no telling what I wanted to do just then. I stand up and my face turned red and intense with anger, my eyes cringed with ferocity. I was sweating in panic and my heart was beating faster and harder. My mind was not under my control anymore.

I would say anything now to keep my son from getting himself killed. “This psycho turned a whole home into a fucking slaughter-house! The last fucking thing I want is for you to get your stupid ass killed because you thought you were hot shit!!”

Ouch that struck a nerve; I could see the disappointment and the hurt in his eyes. I hope he learned something otherwise my anger would have been wasted on him. I never did like hurting my son like that, but if it meant protecting him then by all means I will do what I can to keep him safe.

“Fine then-” He sighed in disappointment. He then gets up, grabs his laptop and shuts it down and takes it with him upstairs. He didn’t try and grab the suit case, he just stormed upstairs.

“I’ll just study Jeremy-Fucking-Dahmmer.” He utters under his breath. What the hell, Stan? I know I was hard on him, but I needed to get him off the subject. I worry for him, and I don’t want him to get into trouble. I already lost my wife; I don’t want to lose my son. Even if it means putting him down, I had to keep him safe. I take a sip of my beer which I didn’t realize I was still holding. This is how you end a day in my house I guess.

Wish life wasn’t always like this… so full of grief and hate, we destroy ourselves with these emotions and somehow they affect the ones we hold close to our hearts. I wish there was another way. I really do.


Hells Reject: The Neverending Darkness – Under New Managment

Hello horror fans.

I know this is such a sudden change and especially since Orlando was so close to having 100 followers, but something had come up recently. You see, Orlando had realized that he had to focus on other things. I don’t know what these things are but he just said he had some stuff to work out and had asked me to run this blog for him. He sends his condolences in a very heartfelt apology and promises to come back in a big way. But for now here I am, and he has entrusted me (a fellow Reject) from the depths of hell itself (AKA Manhattan NY). But enough of why Orlando left and why I am here- allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Ryan Stratford- I am a writer myself and I write mainly in the fields of fiction and- you guessed it- HORROR! Anyways, I live in Manhattan, New York in an apartment with my girl Mary. I am a clerk at a Macy’s and Mary works at a tattoo parlor in Midtown.

In case you were wondering the question: Where’s Orlando? or How do you know him? Just know that Orlando is fine he-like I said- just had to take care of some important family things and writing things. I’ve known him since January, and we have been pen pals ever since. One day he came to me asking if I could take care of his blog for a little bit and I had to agree to do so. It’s almost as if this would help his writing career as well as it will help mine so I was more than happy to take the job.

I must warn you though-what I write doesn’t involve “happy endings”, there’s no heartfelt moments of love and happiness unless they are key parts to the story. What I write will completely eradicate any and all traces of Orlando that you had in your minds. At least for the time being. He and I plan on making a story to collaborate with each other on this blog, or send it to a publisher, whichever floats his boat. As for me- I will just work on my own stuff on the side.

So for now I will only make horror stories every Friday and from time to time I will post randomly for you guys, like I said- Orlando left me in charge so this thing is mine to do whatever I want with it. Luckily me and him share some common ground so not much will change.

In other words I run this thing now at least until Orlando says that it is his turn again.

One more thing- he has entrusted me with his email which is still the same: orlandochacon316@yahoo.com. If you have any questions or whatever for me, email him and write in the subject box of the email as: <RS msg> and I will reply to that.

This is where I get off- See you around

– Ryan Stratford – Hells New Reject

Five Days Act I (Frightful Fridays)

FIVE DAYS ACT I by Orlando Chacon

September 8th 2013: 11:00 pm, Stone-Brooke Asylum

It was cold, colder than it would normally be this time of year, but hell, it didn’t bother me much. The leaves were starting to fall from the trees, turning a bright orange. However, the bright orange wasn’t visible tonight. Around this time, the darkness made everything seem lifeless and more sinister.

But that’s just me. Or was it the asylum? I don’t know, but it didn’t bother me too much; I was a tough kind of guy; even though I was scrawny and had very little muscle and few combat skills.

I parked my car in the parking lot past the rusted gates of the old, Victorian mansion-like, asylum. I worked here as a security guard. I decided to talk to my boss yesterday and ask for some extra hours to pay off some bills that I had coming up.

He looked at me that day in some sort of odd looking “are you sure?” way so I may have had a couple thoughts about his look before he could give me the hours.
“Is there anything wrong with that sir?” I asked as we stood in his small square office, surrounded by his desktop computer and a desk scattered with patients’ paper work and coffee mug stains next to his actual black coffee mug. He looked at me, eyes squinted and wrinkles upon his aged face and his gray eyebrows narrowed inward. “No, there isn’t. It’s just that not many of the guys want overtime.” He says as he walks over to behind his desk and sits in his desk chair. I was a bit curious so I asked about it again.

“Why, sir?” I ask politely. “Because of Gregory Richards-“He came out with it quickly and with an exhausted sigh. “What do you mean, Gregory who?” I respond, not to sure what he said.

He explained to me why with the same I’m-an-old-man-and-I-don’t-give-a-damn-tone.
“Gregory Richards, A.K.A: the Cannibal; he has been known to disembowel his victims and eat their innards afterwards. He got caught one evening as he was feasting on the family of this little boy-“He paused and a sort of disturbed look clouded his face. “Sad to say, that it was the little boy and his older brother that caught him as they came home from school- poor kids.” He looked up at me and then shrugged as if he was shrugging away a bad thought. A chill ran down my spine, just thinking about those poor kids having to come home from school to such a horrible mess. “Jesus that’s awful.” I exclaim.

“I know- but yeah, he got committed here five years ago, way before you started working here.” He continued. “Okay so what’s that got to do with over time?” I ask. He looks at me and begins to explain.

“Gregory “the Cannibal” Richards, is the only not-so-behaved resident to Stone-Brook and needs to be under constant watch; usually I would do it because I have seen everything he could throw at me so I handle it better.” My head cocks to the left slowly as I contemplate what he meant. “Okay so would that be my overtime?” I assumed. He just stared at me and nodded. He then began to pull out some overtime paperwork for me from his behind his desk and he walked on over to my position by the doorway. Carrying the small folder in his right hand he gave it to me along with a separate sheet of paper that looked like the form for over time. I grabbed it and something was off.

I stared at the paper in confusion and then at the thick, yellow-covered file that he gave me with it. It felt heavy and I felt very strange about this. Upon the file was a stamp in bold red ink: “Classified”.

“Sir what is this?” I ask pointing at the file. He just looked at me and said gruffly: “You need to brush up on some homework before you can watch him.” I looked curiously at the folder then turned to say thank you to him and I left. But as I was out the doorway I heard him mumble something: “God have mercy on your soul.” He said silently under his breath. I quickly turn around and ask him what he had said but he just sent me on my way.

Anyways back at the parking lot I sit in my old Volvo looking at the asylum building. In my passenger seat was the file I didn’t bother to read but I had told my boss I did anyways.
Oh well, here goes nothing.

September 9th 2013, 12:00 am, Stone-Brook Asylum

Okay, so this wasn’t too bad. I was a little freaked out at first but then my chest released its grip on my heart and I finally face my fear.

The 15-story Asylum was separated into three parts: The female ward to the far left, male ward was at the far right, and the center of the building was for the demented and the clinically insane (therefore I worked on the tonight).

Usually I would work in the male ward, keeping the peace between disturbed sick teens with schizophrenia or I would just roam the rooms of the adult males in the back, making sure no one tried anything funny. Due to protocol I wasn’t allowed to be anywhere but the male ward but tonight I was the exception to this rule.

When I arrived inside the lobby room, (which looked like a very dark sort of dungeon with computers in it) file in one hand and my lunch box in the other, I was immediately halted and asked to show my ID badge to two unknown guards that I have never seen before. Well clearly they didn’t see the badge on my left breast pocket or they didn’t notice that I was wearing the same uniform as they were.

I flashed them my ID with the hand I was holding the file with and they told me to go through John’s (My boss) office for further instructions. I guess they knew what I was doing here. I came through there and listen to the boss ramble about the safety precautions as they were the same rules used in the males ward that I had guarded all the time: ‘Don’t communicate with the patients, Don’t abuse the patients, Don’t give the patient any sort of item, harmless or harmful etc.

Once we got finished he patted my shoulder and looked me dead in the eye and just stared at me. I felt awkward as his brown elderly eyes examine me. “You know believe it or not, you remind me of myself when I was your age.” He said with his hands still on my shoulder. “Thanks, sir?” I say awkwardly, he continued: “I was exactly like you, smart, but stupid at the same time.” I was kind of offended at the remark but then I noticed something strange: as he lifted his hand off my shoulder, I saw from behind him, on his desk was a square bottle of Scotch and a drinking glass that was half empty. We weren’t supposed to drink in the asylum but I ignored it since he is the boss. He then pulled out a ring of three different keys and gives it to me. “This one is for the entrance to the ward. This one is for the control room, and this one is for when you feed him.” He explains each key from left to right. I say thank you then turn to leave.

Right when I was about to leave and report to my post in the Clinically Insane ward he stopped me. “And Jason!” He shouted my name when I was at least ten feet away and into the dark narrow hallway with only the boss’ office light illuminating the small corner of the hall. I turned around and he speaks again. “Read the file.” He says softly as he sits down and pours more of the Scotch in his glass.

How the fuck did he know I didn’t read the file? Whatever, he was probably drunk or something. Anyways, I left the office and reported to the dimly-lit security room next to Richard’s cell.

The building looked a lot like the other two wards. I mean it was all one building but the criminally insane had something a little more reinforced. There was always that same white paint on the ceiling walls and floor; it was dirty and boring but this place was never fancy or well-kept anyways.

I walk through halls of reinforced steel doors that contained the most dangerous and most insane criminals ever caught within this city. The bottom floor was almost depressing, because the fluorescents gave me a fuckin headache from hell. Past at least twenty rooms, I finally reached the elevator which was almost like a silver prison cell on its own. As I walk into the elevator I put my lunch box and the file on the ground to free my hands long enough to push the button.

But just as I am about to push the silver number 12 button, I heard a moaning noise, like someone had been in pain or something. The moan was faint and muffled so I assume it was from upstairs. These steel doors may be reinforced but they were not sound proof. I leaned my head outside the elevator and try to ask who that was. “Who was that?” I ask… no answer. Suddenly there is a cackling noise coming from one of the cells from a distance. “What the hell?” I said to myself.

I felt a cold feeling running down my spine, I wanted to go out there and investigate but I had a job to do. So I pushed the elevator button and started toward my post. *
So I finally got here on the twelfth floor and now I am inside the security room next to my new best friend in the whole wide world (I’m being sarcastic I wouldn’t hang anywhere around this sick fuck).

Things are going okay so far, I honestly was expecting something creepy as hell, especially after reading his file for the first thirty minutes.
His mug shot showed his rather awkward and unpleasant features; he had dark rings around his eyes (I guess from him being very tired), he had a square jaw and an unshaven face and had buzz cut styled, black, hair.

He was a skinny kind of guy but he was skinnier then me, almost anorexic. His face was unshaven and he had dark-brown eyes accompanied by black eyebrows.
Okay so get this; his appearance in court, he had complained multiple times to his lawyer that he was hearing voices within his head, telling him to kill everyone in that court room. Now to me that would have been an automatic plea of insanity… but it gets worse.
After reporting said voices, he somehow broke out of his cuffs and fought off the security guards that rushed in to restrain him. The guards tried their best to restrain him but Gregory used their defenses against them and snatched one of the guards’ batons and beat both the officers’ near-to-death with it.

This sent a chill down my spine as I continued to read. I could almost imagine myself in the court room with him. After the brutal attacks on the officers he shouted at the whole court room, saying: “You will all burn in Hell.” Afterwards he jumped at almost impossible lengths and speeds onto the desk of the judge and attacked him. What he did to the judge was apparently so bad that it put the judge in the hospital for months. Gregory… oh God, Gregory had chomped down on the young judge’s neck and tore away not just his skin but a good amount of his neck tendons and muscle tissue.

Judge Clapton, I believe now has to wear a neck brace for the rest of his life and Gregory was sent here for the rest of his natural life.

However, as this night shift progressed he just sat there in his twin mattress bed surrounded by stone walls. The camera had a view of the room from its upper right corner in the far back of the room. The monitor I was watching him in displayed full color and sat on top of a small wooden table. In front of me was a control board and a set of buttons and a small spot for a microphone, right next to my beige green, suitcase-like, lunch box and the file on top of it.

I could literally hear him and speak to him if necessary, but only if necessary. The only thing I was told not to do was to a) not stick my hands into his feeding/mail opening at his door and b) Don’t socialize with him; use the PA system if only you needed to speak to him.
Keep in mind that we weren’t supposed to even talk to the patients let alone socialize with them, and yet I was told it was okay for this guy.

I’ll update when I can later in the shift.

September 9th 2013, 1:00 am, Stone-Brook Asylum

Ok this is some freaky shit.

Let me tell you something, this guy doesn’t make sense, let alone sound like any normal human being, then again he was insane.

After I had written the last journal entry, a question came to mind: What did John (my boss) mean that he had seen everything that Gregory could throw at him? And what did he mean by saying that the other workers never ask for overtime, I mean you are going to want some overtime some time; right?

I guessed that Gregory had the answers. So I turned on the PA system within his room from next door. He quickly noticed the overhead speaker in his room make a high pitched squeal as I turned on the intercom. He shifts from his position of lying down on his bed which was bolted to the back wall of his cell by the steel frame. He quickly sat up and yawned. He wore only his white asylum jumpsuit, which hung off his slender body.

“Why hello, Jason.” He said with his deep yet hoarse voice. How the hell did he know my name?

I am speechless for a second but I had to ask him my questions. I pressed the button down on the control pad for speaking back to him and kept it held down for the remaining period of me speaking. It was a press down to speak and let go to remain silent kind of system so I followed the rules accordingly.

“Uh, how did you know my name?” I ask sounding dumbfounded then let go of the button.
He stares at the door across from his position on the opposite wall and continued talking loud enough for the speakers to hear. “Johnathan told me.” He explained; what the fuck john? I pushed the button down and answered without hesitation. “Why did he tell you my name?”

“The boss man always tells me who’s watching.” He answers then continues”-He takes pity on me for having to spend the rest of my natural born life here. So he lets me know who I am talking to so that I won’t be too alone with my thoughts.” He explains.

Now why the hell would John have pity on this man? He fucking killed multiple families, attacked three guards, and almost ripped out a guy’s throat.

I continue to talk to him but things just got weirder.

“So you and John, you two are friends?” I ask. “No, he is my servant and I am his master.” He tells me as he twitches his head toward the camera up in the corner. He sounded so serious, like he actually meant it.

“What do you mean?” I ask with my hand still holding down the button. “Oh?” He is looking at me questionably as he gets up from his bed and stands up; his long and scrawny body stretches for s brief moment as he walks into the center of the room then faces the camera.

“-he didn’t tell you?” He chuckles a small chuckle and then he grins, staring wickedly into the camera. I continued to speak though my fingers were getting sore form holding down the button for so long.

“Tell me what?” I ask him almost letting the eerie feeling of fear creep from my mouth and into the overhead speaker inside his room. “Tell me what?”

“You’ll see… in five days’ time, you will see what I mean.” He chuckles as he held out his hand with all five fingers of his pale hand directed at the camera. Soon his chuckle had become a cackle and he had collapsed to the floor laughing his lungs out.

I couldn’t stand it, the most maniacal, most sinister laugh I have ever heard in my entire life. This surpassed anything that I have ever heard for seen in horror movies. I then turn off the PA system in his room and then I turned off the volume from the monitor.

I then lean back in the small chair at the desk of the stone brick 10×10 foot concrete room; which was only illuminated by one florescent light bulb, whereas Gregory had two rows of florescent lights in his cell on his ceiling.

As I lay back in my chair as I closed my eyes to relax just take my mind of this psycho -motherfucker for a while.

I lean back for a second and I already feel a chill run down my spine as the hairs of my neck stood up.

I shrugged off the feeling and then I felt breathing down my neck. (Fuck) I open my eyes and no-one was there.

Suddenly something whispers into my ear and says: “Day one”

I just about lost it and darted out of that fucking room grabbing the file and lunchbox and

ran to the stairwell instead of the elevator.
Fuck overtime.

[Authors note: yes I will be posting these for frightful Fridays and I hope you enjoy this story; Acts II – V are already written and ready for posting but I being the tortuous and demented person I am, shall post the next act on the next Frightful Friday.  Hope you enjoyed this and comment if you like or simply just like, thank you for your time.


Orlando S.C./ Hells Reject.]



Being alone can cause insanity and that insanity can destroy you. If this insanity doesn’t kill you off the first chance it gets… then what happens is far more disturbing than death.

For example: I had worked with this man for at least a month, he was very strange and very odd for someone well in their forties; but that’s not what made him strange. He was a mortician, and yes that means he handles dead bodies after they have been taken in by the police. After the body was examined we had to incinerate it unless told otherwise.

Carl Hensley, the mortician, had loved his job; he would always greet every new body as if it was still alive or as if it was family. Whenever Carl had examined a body with me and after we were done with it, he had always brought the body into the incinerator room… alone. He would be in there for at least three hours before he came out of the room with an empty examining table and big suspicious grin upon his face.

He gave me very strict rules about the place once I had gotten this job such as; wash your hands, clean up at 6:00pm and do whatever he asks without question.

But there was one rule above all others that he just couldn’t stress enough:
Don’t go in the Incinerator room.

I didn’t question these rules because he paid very well for me being a mortician’s assistant. So life went on as I kept thinking he probably had a bad experience with an employee falling into the incinerator or something.

So now you’re wondering: Did I go into the room? Well, yes I did but not for long we will get there when we get there.
See it happened last Friday; Carl and I were examining the body of a young twenty-year-old woman and he was enjoying himself very much. Carl was a tall, brown-haired man with very pale white skin and was only forty-five years old. He was single, had no kids, and was very reclusive so his behavior often made sense to me dude to his personality. But even that didn’t excuse what he did that day.
The young dead woman had lay upon the table looking almost perfectly flawless; this one had been dead for two days and still looked amazing. She was pale (of course) and had black hair and black eyebrows. Her body was slender and nearly every part of her had made me wish I had that kind of body. I was a solid nine on a good day and a six on a bad one. The only thing I wish I didn’t have that was hers was her empty, eyeless sockets.

Okay now I know I sound more insane than the mortician right now but trust me this bastard is sick as fuck.
Our job right now was to prepare the body for the incinerator. We had stripped off the body of any clothing, jewelry and any other materials in or on the body. We were in a dark room with an examination light shining down on us. Carl was bent over above the woman’s head as he was trying to remove the woman’s earrings.

“Are we almost done here Carl?” I ask him but he just stays silent for a bit as I wait impatiently across from the examination table holding a pile of cloths that were taken off the woman. Finally he answers me once he had taken off the ear piercing while holding it with a set of pliers. “Almost” he says in sing-song. Shit, he creeped me out.

“Death is wonderful isn’t it?” I turn my head at his remark and squint my eyes. “I don’t know, depends on how you look at it.” I say hesitantly. “Well I think it’s wonderful-“He continues with a sigh and he places the tool and the piercing down on the tools tray next to him. “Just think about it-“He looks to me with his eyes staring at me seductively, I didn’t find it as seductive as he wanted it to be, but I was fairly creeped out. “-if someone had died then they can leave this painful vessel we call a body, leaving the keepers of their remains to care for their vessel and put it to good use.” I questionably stare at him and a chill runs down my spine. “Carl, what are talking about?” I ask, fear and concern had plagued my voice.

He looks back at the body and then leans forward to its forehead and kisses the dead woman’s head. I shiver and almost back away in disgust. But then I remember he was very friendly guy… a little too friendly. He always treated the bodies like family yet he had never done something like that before. I try to calm down and steady myself while I begin to feel nauseous.
“Umm, Carl, are you ok?” I ask. Without missing a beat he shoots straight up and looks at me realizing I was still there. “Oh Jodie, sorry I almost forgot you were here.” He apologized as if he was having an intimate moment with a girlfriend in front of company. He looked very nervous and eager as he pushed his glasses up his small narrow nose. “It’s okay.” I wished it was but it wasn’t I knew there was something up. Honestly, no sane person kisses the corpse of a dead person.

That night after clean-up, he disappeared into the Incinerator room for the end of his daily routine. After I had cleaned up all materials and had disposed of the cloths properly I started heading out for my Friday night out with my friends from the university.
But then I realized I gave my time-card to Carl during that examination with the woman. I almost hesitated to go into back into the examination room for the time-card but I couldn’t leave without it. It was one of his rules and I can’t afford to lose this job.
I the walk into the examination room and he wasn’t there. I look around and he wasn’t anywhere around here. Then I looked toward the double doors of the Incineration room from across the Examination room. I see the orange glow of the machine through the foggy window indicating he was in there.

Now I didn’t want to go in there for two reasons: a) I could lose my job for breaking his most crucial rule. And b) I didn’t want to know what he was doing.

The machine was automated and could do the incineration process on its own and turn itself off, so why did he have to stay there for a whole two to three hours?

Hesitantly I decided to go in there and get that stupid time-card. I really didn’t want to go in there but I didn’t want to keep my friends waiting.

I slowly walk over to the doors and just as I am about to open the doors I feel fear creep up in the back of my mind. ‘You saw what he did earlier, leave, leave and never come back.’ This thought had replayed over and over until I overcame it and slowly walk into the room. The room was warm and lit up by only a couple florescent lights.

The hair instantly stood up in the back of my neck as I crept in. The incinerator was the only thing on here and there was no sign of Carl. I walk around the room and see empty desks and then I saw the oddest thing; there were a rack of bloody, unclean tools hanging on a rack on the wall within this dimly-lit room. Then that’s when I notice there was a door next to the rack.
Underneath the door I can see a dim yellow light and shadows moving past the crack of the doorway. What was he doing in there? And why did were these tools here?

I slowly walk to the door and open the door slightly; luckily this door didn’t make a noise. I open it and the only thing here was a closet full of lab coats and scrubs hanging against the wall of the small cramped closet. Where the hell had he gone? I could have sworn I had seen his shadow pass under the light of this room and now he wasn’t there. My mind wandered in confusion for a moment until I heard something from within the closet.

“So… now we’re alone?” I hear Carl in the closet, maybe he wasn’t in here but that’s when I notice that there was light emanating from behind the lab coats and scrubs on the rack. There was an opening to another room behind this wall. “I missed you so much.” I heard him again.

Some part of me didn’t want to see what he was doing or who he was talking to. But like anyone who was impatient, I slowly kneeled down and peeked through the lab coats.

What I saw next, is still engraved into my brain to this day.

He had created a small square room that was lit by a single light bulb; in the center of the room was a small twin mattress and on that twin mattress was a naked woman. But this woman was different and horrifyingly familiar.

This girl had been made up of several women’s body parts stitched together. Blood had oozed from these parts and had stained the twin mattress it had laid upon. The body was sown together straight down to the feet the only major parts that weren’t messed up or unevenly sown together were the upper torso and the abdomen. The worse part about it was that the head of the corpse we had just got done examining had been sown on to the make-shift body.

I was repulsed I was almost about to vomit until I saw something worse than that.

Carl was naked and hovered over the body. “I missed you so much.” This sick bastard had spoken to this thing as if it was a loved one. He had looked at this thing with such affection. Then he got down on his knees and onto the bed with the corpse. “I love you. I have no one else besides you Isabelle.” He said while he leaned in close with the body as he brushed the hair of the dead woman off its right ear.

He even went as far as to give the corpse a name, a fucking name for God’s sake! What was he doing? Within a few seconds I finally figured out what he has been doing whenever he had been down here.

Before I could vomit he began to make out with the body and then sure enough, he began to have sex with it. I watched, unable to look away for an hour as he made love to the horrid creation of his.

You have not even faced traumatization until you have witnessed an act of necrophilia. Oh God I wanted to throw up. But I didn’t want to give my position away; for I had a feeling that if he knew I was here he would do more than just fire me… he would kill me.
He had finally stopped after an hour of moaning and penetrating something that was already dead, sweat pouring down his face and his body hunched over between the corpses’ legs. He stopped and looked at the body he lay on top of. He suddenly became upset and stopped making love to the dead body.

He then crawled to the corner of the room and scrunched up into a ball and began sobbing. I stare between the lab coats in disgust and curiosity. Why was he crying? Maybe he had realized how sick it was to have sex with a dead body, but sadly I was wrong.
“It’s not enough, Isabelle, It’s not enough!” He complained. “I know you’re not real, I know.” I keep listening and wondering what he meant by ‘not enough’. I’m glad he’s sane enough to know she isn’t real, at least I thought that was what he was saying.
“You need a soul! The eyes are what you need!” He shouted at the corpse as it laid there on the mattress motionless and its body contortioned strangely. I had almost forgotten the girl we had examined had her eyes gouged out. I guess he needed eyes otherwise he wasn’t happy with this thing.

He then stopped sobbing then spoke to himself. “And I know just where to get them…” his voice started to scare me. He then looked up and spoke again. What he said next shook my entire being from inside and out.

“Jodie…” He said silently; my soul felt cold and my eyes grew wide with terror. That’s it I got to get out of here. I had to report to the police what was happening before he comes after me. I was about to leave the closet now and I continue hearing him ramble on about how pretty my eyes were and how perfect I was for “Isabelle”.

I honestly was scared for my life knowing that he wanted to kill me to complete his work, but I wasn’t ready to die.

I quickly got up and made my way out of the closet until suddenly my phone rings and pierced the air with sound, revealing my position. “Fuck!” I say as a tear rolls down my cheek. I was genuinely afraid I was going to die down there with no one knowing where I was or what had happened to me. I honestly never felt so heartbroken and scared until my stupid phone rang. I was now being hunted by this psychopathic freak as I hear his voice stop talking.

I try to rush out of the small closet until I am grabbed by my leg and I am pulled into the hole that led into Carl’s secret room.

Suddenly I hear a faint ‘no’ come out from Carl’s mouth and I blackout as my head hits the concrete ground after being pulled into the hole from under my feet.

I wake up strapped to the examination table. Restraints had covered me head to toe and I was naked. In my mouth was horrible taste of a wash rag that got stuffed in my mouth to stop me from screaming.

My vision is blurred until I see him and it clears up again. My tears started up again and overlapped the dryness of the old ones as they rolled down my cheek. Immediately, I start screaming and almost pushing out the words: ‘help me!’
“No one can hear you scream, Jodie.” He says with a wicked laugh. He was still naked and had that evil grin upon his face. Next to his person was a tray of examination tools and of course eye gougers. Shit. “Just relax… hey, did I ever tell you how pretty your eyes were?” He says as he picks up the eye gouger.

Before he could do anything my fear had pumped me with adrenaline and I managed to push the rag out of my mouth with my lounge. “No, please, don’t hurt me.” I plead with him still sobbing. “I’m sorry about, Isabella, I know she means the world to you but you don’t have to do this.” I explain now with less sobbing.

“You don’t understand!” He shouts slamming the eye gouger onto the tools tray, shaking everything in it.
“No one understands…” He begins crying again and explains further as he leans against the table looking at me. “Isabella is all that I have left! My family is dead; I have no wife, no kids.” He continues while I try to slowly and without him noticing break out of my restraints.

“Every woman I have ever loved had always deceived me they all have just run away from me. You don’t know what it’s like to be truly alone!” My heart honestly breaks to hear this. I had finally snapped out of my restraint for my right arm and was poised to get the incision knife on the tray if he had tried something funny.

“Carl, I’m sorry, and I don’t know how you feel; but you can’t give up on life and on people, Isabella can’t be your life. She is not real.” I explain.

He then gives me a cold stare and says this: “I’m sorry Jodie, but she is as close to real as you can get now-a-days.” He says as he reaches for the eyes gouger and lets out a small chuckle.

“Then I am sorry about this.” I say, and as to his surprise I grab the incision knife and swing it at his chest and into his heart. It took only a few seconds before he dropped the eye gouger and started coughing up his own blood. I immediately untied my restraints and hopped off the table.

I then found my clothes on a small table nearby ad got dressed quickly when suddenly Carl spoke:

“D-don’t g-go…” He was on the verge of dying and could only say so much.

“I’m leaving Carl, die some more in Hell!” I shout at him.

“T-that’s f-fine, just don’t g-go, into the Incinerator room.” He then died with those being his last words. I brushed off what he said and I suddenly remembered I had dropped my cellphone in the Incinerator room. I turn to those double doors; the foggy windows still had orange light emerging form the incinerator.

Suddenly my blood ran cold. I didn’t want to go in there. I shook away my fear and ignore Carl’s late warning and rush through those doors. After which I proceeded to go into the still opened broom closet containing the entrance to the secret room of Isabella.
I felt a little jumpy and paranoid as I thought about Carl’s last warning. What did he mean? Was he scared of me getting to Isabella? I finally found my phone as it lay on the floor before the closet. The screen brightly lit with a notification saying only 20% battery had remained.
I pick it up and place it in my pocket, but not until I stop dead in my tracks. Should I check On the make shift body or what? I wanted to leave but a part of me said to check. So I pulled back the curtain-like lab coats and peered into the room. What I saw next still boggles and disturbs me to this day.

Isabella was gone… my heart sank and jumped to conclusions like: ‘Is she alive’ or ‘Did she walk out while Carl wasn’t looking?’
These accusations went on as I came to the only sensible and logical one: Carl must have moved the body once I had walked out.

So now here I am at home after at least a months’ time, blogging to you about this. I just felt the need to get this out you know? It just creeped me out because the detectives who investigated after I called 911 had seen all the evidence and then they questioned me.

At one point they ask me if there was anyone else with us at the time or did anybody else accompany him. I told them, that he was alone and I made it out alive (thankfully). That’s when they gave me this odd look. They didn’t tell me anything else but that they didn’t find the hidden body I told them about.

I guess Carl hid her pretty well.

Ok almost done I guess- Oh wait a minute I hear someone knocking at my apartment door, be right back.


She has such pretty eyes…

Doctor Who: Writers Block part 3

As we are pushed and pressed down upon by the current of the whirlpool I hang tightly to my bag and I try to open my eyes to see if the doctor was anywhere to be seen. As I open my eyes I am pulled by the collar of my shirt and yanked backward. I open my eyes and everything is dark. I held my breath for as long as I could until I am floating still. I open my eyes once more only to see the doctor in front of me. “Orlando! Wakey wakey” He is waving his hand in front of me and we are under water.

The sun shined through the ocean ceiling and shined light on my surroundings. “Ah, see? everything’s, ok” He smiles and laughs. I could hear him so clearly it’s as if we were still on the surface. I could see perfectly fine and my vision wasn’t blurred.

“Doctor, I can’t breathe!” I tell him in panic as my face turning blue. He looks at me in confusion. “Then breathe!” He tells me. I wasn’t too sure to listen or not, but I was desperate.
‘God help me!’ I said in my mind. Hesitantly, I trust the Doctor and I inhaled sharply. To my surprise, I breathe normally, as if the water was air. My eyes widened and I let out a loud chuckle, as did the Doctor. “Oh my God! We are breathing underwater!” I exclaim. “Yes, transform-a-pills, they come in almost every creature or life forms in the universe; just add water!” He jokes and lets out a loud cackle. I smile at the remarkable pun and look at my surroundings. There was nothing but ocean as far as I could see. I look up to see the whirlpool entrance and see a group of mermaids going further from us and toward an underwater cave at the floor of the sea. “So, you ready to see the rest of the Iceberg?” He tells me, I look at him in confusion. “What do you mean?” I ask.

“The top…” He points up. “It’s just the tip of the Iceberg!” He shouts and swims toward the cave that the mermaids went through, assuming I would follow him. He assumed correctly. I quickly follow him to the underwater cave. Swimming underwater was just like regular swimming only it feels as if you’re swimming through air, so it made moving through the water easier and faster. As I follow the Doctor I noticed he had gills on the side of his neck; they opened and closed as he breathed in and out. I felt my neck and find a pair of gills there as well. This was so unreal!

We come to a golden, shimmering door at the end of the cave. The door was tall and circular with a golden carving that read: Welcome to the holy city of Atlantis, All Hail Poseidon the Master of The Sea.

“Doctor?” I tell him as I float beside him. “Yes?” He responds while he touches the gate and explores the large golden entrance to my far left. “This sign is in English? How come it’s in English when the language hasn’t even been invented yet?” I ask. He pulls out his sonic and scans the door; he laughs and swims back up to me. “Oh the Tardis translation matrix makes all languages, spoken or written, translated into English. The writing on the door is pure Atlantian… and Gold!” He exclaims “Pure gold! No extra materials needed just shiny stuffs!” I laugh at the comment. “What?” He asks me as if he didn’t realize what he had just said.

“Shiny stuffs?” I ask as I chuckle a little. “Oi! Don’t make fun of my lingo!” He warns jokingly. “Sorry.” I apologize as I giggle a little. “Now…” He pauses as he takes out his sonic. “The door is damn near impossible to open manually because it needs a special pass code to unlock it; the downside of it is that the code changes every 5 seconds so I have to amplify the Sonic’s decoding speed.” He explains at a fast paste. I could barely keep up, yet I manage to understand. He circles the Sonic Screwdriver around the door until the device beeps twice. “Got it!” He exclaims. He immediately puts his screwdriver back into his jacket pocket and grabs my shirt and pulls me closer to him. Awkwardly I was a face distance from him. It looked as if he was hugging me… and was being a little too friendly.

“Hold on!” he warned. “To what!?” I ask. “To me!”

“Doctor, I don’t go that way!”

“Not like that! Don’t get fresh with me!” He shouts as our surroundings become pitch-black.

“Doctor I can’t see.”, “There’s a glow stick in my rear pocket, reach for it.” He commands as he still holds on to me and I continue holding on to his back.

“Why is there a glow stick in your back pocket?” I ask

“I’m always prepared!” He says so with pride as I reach for his back pocket. “Whoa, Orlando, were you lying when you said you didn’t go that way?” He jokes. “Shut up!” He laughs as I snap the glow stick from behind him; our surroundings are then illuminated. We are surrounded by what seems to be a cloud of smoke swirling around us. “What is this?” I ask. “The Atlantian transport; we got sucked up by a squid and we should be dropped off in about” He lifts his watch to his eye level from behind my head. “4…3…” He begins to countdown and I suddenly hold o to him tighter, yet he didn’t mind. “Hold on to your gills!..2…” He yells as the countdown comes to an end. “1… Geronimo!!!” He yells as we are dropped from the black smoke and into a bright blue suction tube.

I yell as he whoops as we are taken through the tube like a rollercoaster. Water swirled through our bodies like air. Not before long we are thrown out from the tube and into smooth clear waters. I had kept my eyes closed the entire time. “You can let go now.” I open my eyes slowly and quickly retract from him. “Sorry.”, “It’s okay, you have a tight grip though.” He says as he cracks his back and stretches. “Pull out your camera.” He tells me as he adjusts his bowtie. “How?” The bag was literally a labyrinth; how was I to get it? “Just reach in and it’s there.” He tells me, I obey and shockingly the camera was in my hands; I slowly pull it out and hand on to its right handle. “H-how?” I am stunned then the doctor gives me another explanation. “An infinite storage space; created by the Timelords, it can hold an entire library if you want it to, and still be lightweight.” He explains.

“What were you writing in your apartment?” He asked.
Hesitantly, I answer. I looked up at him and realize that this whole trip was about giving me ideas for my writing. “I was writing science fiction; it’s stupid.” I sigh and dabble with the Polaroid. “Do you know how many authors out there have had writers block, much like you?” He asks smiling. “How many?” I reply “Thousands, hell, I remember J.K. Rowling had trouble, as did Steven King and Charles Dickens.” He grins at me and I just smile a little. Well the Doctor sure knew how to make me feel better. “Who else?” I ask smiling. He chuckled. “Oh thousands; did you know Homer got stuck at the very middle of Odyssey. I had to hop in there and help him out a bit. I added the Cyclops attack and the sirens.” He claimed as he crossed his arms. “No way!” I tell him. I can’t believe he helped Homer with The Odyssey. “Yeah way! I have a way with a quill and parchment. It was hard though, I kept getting ink blotches on the paper.” He told me. He grabs my shoulder and shakes it a little “You’re going to be a great writer Orlando, I know it.” , “Thanks Doctor.” I tell him.
“Okay, now for the main event!” He claps his hands and he swims to a sort of fog in the distance. Like always, I followed; the fog was thick and dense, even to the point where I couldn’t see which way was up. “Doctor!” I shout, I had lsot sight of him. Soon I am yanked by my shirt by the Doctor and soon I was pulled out of the cloud and into clear water. “C’mon man! Am I going to have to drag you everywhere?” He says. “Where -“Just then I stop in my own words and I look upon a shining golden city that was bigger than the one we saw in the surface. We were surrounded by a giant cave that sheltered the city. Shining lights fluttered throughout the city and fish people danced across the glamour of the city. Towers shined bright with holographic messages on the buildings.

The place was lit up from head to toe with lights of blue and green mixed with the golden shimmering of the city. Transportation pods flew across the streets alongside the street lamps and holographic traffic lights. The technology was unbelievable here, just the shimmering of the transportation pods astounded me; how could this have existed ahead of its time? “Welcome to underground Atlantis!” The Doctor had shouted with anticipation. “Whoa” I was definitely astounded. Almost without missing a beat I started to take pictures with my surprisingly waterproof Polaroid. I wanted to ask the Doctor but I decided not to; I have developed a liking to weird and unnatural; it made life exciting I guess. After about 5 photos, the Doctor checks his watch. “Ready?” He asks. “For what?” I ask. “For this.” Just then he whistles and a transportation pod stops right beside us. The car opens up on the entire right side of the pod, revealing the front seats and the back. Along with this was an automated mini-bar in the back. “Welcome, to the Atlantian Transportation System, where will it be?” I stare at the Doctor then at the car. “Did we just hail a cab?” I ask.

“Correction, we hailed an A.T.S” He hops in the back seat and I awkwardly followed him in. “Town Square!” He shouts. Almost instantly the car doors shut and we are speeding into the city.

“It’s a pretty close resemblance to New York City, I know” He explains as he admires my confusion. “Suddenly, 2014 seems very primitive compared to Atlantis.” He just nods and laughs. I look out the window and see dozens upon dozens of pictures of Poseidon. It seems he’s much praised here. However, something very strange appears in the corner of my eyes as we sped down the sparkling city streets.

The group of mermaids from the portal entrance that I saw, they were in the street corner as we stopped at a street lamp. These mermaids weren’t like the other citizens around us. Their scales were black and their skin was pale and gray. There were a total of 5 of them and they all looked exactly the same; black hair, solid and scrawny figures. They looked down at the ground, dark hair was covering their heads as they just stood there staying still. I looked closely at them; then suddenly, almost in unison, they quickly looked at me in such dread and they flashed their fang like teeth and pitch-black eyes at me. I jumped back and nudged the Doctor’s shoulders. “What, what is it?” He asks me, noticing what was outside of the window. “Oh no.” Before I could look back we are moving again. “What you saw them?” I ask him.

“We should be dead by now…” His words trail off. “What do you mean what were those things?” I ask him. “Descendants of the Great White.” He says slowly as flashing lights flash past us. I just stare in concern at him. “Atlantian Legend says…” He begins. “There was a sea monster, much like the Great White Shark, but ten-thousand times worse.” He tells me in terror as he just stares aimlessly at the window. “The creature would consume whole cities and destroy worlds if it was given the power. One day the monster tried to claim Atlantis as another victim of his feeding frenzy; but Poseidon had stepped in and fought the beast. Once the beast was tired, Poseidon trapped him in the trench of Atlantis for eternity.”, “How?” I asked, He chuckles unamusingly and continues. “He imprisoned the monster and bound him in between the trenches and kept the trench walls from falling apart.” I was shocked but I didn’t yet understand the Doctor’s fear toward the monstrous mermaids.

“Then what?” I asked, his eyes turn to me. “The monster known as ‘The Great White’; was paralyzed and remained in that trench for a century.” He explains slowly while gripping onto the white, pleather interior. “The Great White had a sort of pack of followers called ‘The Descendants of the Great White’. They are sea witches and possess some of the most deadly powers imaginable.” He pauses then sits straight again.

“Legend says that if you run into one of them, they will show no mercy and will tear the flesh from your bones. Then they offer your remains to the Order of the Descendants of the Great White.” A shiver runs up my spine at the Doctor’s story. “From there they suck out your soul and feed upon it.” I am now breathing heavily in fear and stressfulness.

“What do we do?” I ask.

“We try to figure out what’s going on here; if the Descendants are here then the City’s in danger.” He tells me, sounding courageous.

“And if we see them again?” I ask

With the most dreadful tone, he looks to me and utters these two words:

“We Run…