Tag Archives: monsters

The Glasses


demon glasses

When I was young I had poor eyesight; everything would come out as a blur or just wouldn’t be visible to me. I got used to it but naturally my parents began to worry. The optimoligst told them to get me a new pair of glasses but my parents didn’t have the money. The Doctor offered them a pair of glasses that had just been returned because it was the wrong prescription.

Oddly enough the glasses were at the ready behind the desk of his office. I couldn’t quite make out the detail of the place, or the people around me; but from what I heard, these things had my exact prescription.

As the glasses were put on me by blurred hands and darkness, I prepared myself to see for the first time. Oh my god I was so excited! I shut my eyes seeing nothing but pitch black and waiting for the frame of the glasses to take hold of my face.

I was eight years old so this was an exciting moment for me; as the frame slipped onto the spaces between my ears and my head I opened my eyes.

Oh my God! Everything was clear, I could finally see. The office was small and very dim in lighting, there’s little to no decoration but a flower pot and a small mirror on the desk. My parents were standing next to the eye doctor who bald and wore a pair of glasses himself.

But right there I felt something touch my shoulder from behind. It was a strange hand, it looked as though it had rotting flesh and a trail of black dust left on my shoulder. Just as I noticed this I felt shivers down my spine, this hand was accompanied with certain malevolence to it.

“Mom?” I ask. “Is there someone behind me?” She just stares at me like I told an odd joke or something. “No silly. We are the only ones here.” she says laughing. The fear in me grew intensely as I am suddenly being caressed by the rotting flesh arm and I am pulled back from my stance.

Suddenly I hear a loud screaming and I am thrown across the room and through the glass window of the office.
I begin to blackout only to last see my glasses on the concrete, surrounded by other broken shards of the window. Things are blurred again and I’m out.
I wake up in a hospital bed, my face is numb and everything is still blurred but my vision can still make out some of the room. I can even make out the cuts and bruises on my arms. Next to me was a tray of my cloths and my new glasses which, I had noticed for the first time, had a frail black frame and the lenses were perfectly round.
There was a doctor and a nurse, their backs faced to me and my mom and dad tried explaining to them what happened in terror, and the doctors try to find a logical explanation as to what had happened to me- they were speechless and their voices trailed off.
I awaken and my parents rush to me, the doctors said they wanted me to stay overnight. Hesitantly and worried for their terrorized son, my parents obeyed. After all, how else are they going to keep me safe? What if something happens and my parents are too deep into sleep to help?
Overnight at the hospital was disturbing; I was in the children’s ward and there was plenty of crying and even after the crying, I could hear the agonizing pain of patients who had suffered worse injuries then the children. I laid in bed for almost 6 hours watching nothing but cartoons on the TV that hung by the wall in front of me.
I got bored and turned the TV off with the remote they gave me by the tray with my stuff. My eyes began to hurt, due to the blurry vision; hell, even cartoons were hard to watch with my bad vision.
I placed the remote on my tray of stuff and saw on the table was a small stack of picture books that the nurse probably left. Excited, (because I loved books) I grab the first book in the stack and started to read, however I couldn’t, usually my vision would try to adjust and I would see enough to make out big words, but the words were small.
“Darn!” I sigh exhausted and tired of my stupid vision, I looked hesitantly at my glasses; and then I remembered what had happened back at the office. Now shivering, I gasp and spoke softly at the room, in case that monster was there to hurt me again. “Hello?”
No reply. Okay it was safe, I thought.
I slowly took the frail frame of the glasses on top of my folded pants and slowly I put them on. Instantly my vision was clear. The room was empty and the hospital bed had been placed against the wall so there was no “behind me”. I was safe, the room was a pale green and there was an IV connected to me and attached to my bruised and cut arm.
I had bandages literally in every part of my arms; I then continued to grab the book and open it. For some time I enjoyed reading. My face was literally buried in the book, nothing else was visible but that book. That was until the hand from before placed its hand over the page I was reading and grabbed the book from my now shaking hands. I yelped and let go of the book, the thing let out a nasty snarl and threw the book across the room and revealed its form.
It was a rotting corpse but with deep black eyes. This thing was male and had its flesh torn off, nothing but muscle and rotted tissue covered its human body.
Slowly it walked toward me, I was so scared; I tried to yell for a nurse, but the word never left my mouth. I was too shocked and horrified at this grotesque figure. It soon grabbed my shirt, it’s dark essence dropping like dust upon my hospital gown.
“Let me go!” It said to me silently, looking me dead in the eye. I didn’t know what to do I was shaking; I wanted to cry but tears didn’t come out of my eyes.
“LET ME GO!” he shouted at my face, his dark deep voice accompanied by the ground shaking uncontrollably. I didn’t k now what to do once more, so instinctively I covered my eyes, knocking my glasses off my face.
Without missing a single second, as my glasses flew off my face and into my lap; the man was no longer there and his hand had no hold of my shirt any more. The book remained across the room and my vision was blurred once more.
I peeked out of my eyes to check if he was truly gone.
He was and I uncovered my eyes, my heart remained still and stopped for a second. My heart starts up again and the nurse walks into the room.
I quickly turned to her and she walked toward me, once again I can’t see much so she didn’t have much detail to her.
She looked at me and said. “Hey, are you ok? Do you need anything?” She was kind but I was still disturbed by what had just happened.
“Did anyone else come in here?” I asked her. “No” she replied. I start to breath heavily in fear.
What was that thing? Why is he bothering me?
I looked down at my glasses only to see a flash of darkness pass by the lenses.
“So did you enjoy the books I left?” She asked me. I just nod and remain silent.