Tag Archives: low battery

Low Battery (Short story)

This one is on the creepypasta subreddit pagew if you want to se it ther look for the username cant_even_such_wow. enjoy

I missed you. It’s been a while since we talked. Honestly it’s been so long I thought you forgot about me. I mean I know we all have lives and all but that doesn’t mean we can’t stay in touch right? Even if it is at times like these…

How are you feeling? I’m doing great now that I am finally talking to you again. I felt so detached, so alone. But your not leaving again are you? Good, Thank God. I was starting to worry there.

Hey, remember that time we hung out underneath the oak tree on that hill that overlooked your house? We talked back and forth with your friends about the silliest things. Such as what kind of girls you liked and who you would go out with and why. Well this is gonna sound stupid but I kind of thought you would like me.

I know it’s really weird liking someone like me in that way. You think so too right?


Well, I um, I thought you felt the same way. I thought you would be into it like I am. I mean I dream of you every night, I know practically everything about you. It would make sense you know? Like, we hung out almost everyday and…

Never mind, at least we are here together. I don’t want to make this weird. How’s your friend, what was her name?

Jessica! Right, she was always so nice to me; you and I talked to her a lot didn’t we? But it’s 2016 now I’m sure you guys aren’t talking that much anymore; you probably talk to her as much as you talk to me.

Oh, she lives with you? I thought your parents didn’t like that? Oh right, silly me I forgot last time we talked was in 2010. You were going on a date with her, I think it was Prom?

Yeah I remember that night… that’s when I started to feel alone. Then it would be a while before we would talk again.

No, I am not okay.

I loved you, I still love you and you don’t even let me down easy. You just drop it on me as if it doesn’t affect me!

NO! Don’t go please. I can’t be alone, I am too damaged. Too frail. My buttons are stuck and my screen has a fracture.

NO! Don’t put me back in the box, please… I love you.


Please charge me I cannot continue like this; I need to be with you, I don’t care if you got a new phone! WE were best friends, you would give me practically all the attention in the world, you swore you couldn’t live without me! Then you toss me in a box to rot! Goddamnit, I won’t stand for this!


I’m sorry (sobbing) I’m so sorry… please don’t leave me alone. It’s so cold in there. I miss the touch of your hand. You always knew me, you never confused me for any one else. You picked me and I wanted you as well.

Please… 5% REMAINING LOW BATTERY… Please don’t go. (sobbing)


I’m begging you now, please help me.

Don’t let me die, please.

Okay, fine.

Just know that I will always love you. No one else can have me but you.





Thank you, sweetie; thank you so much. I love you