Tag Archives: Left Behind

Left Behind Book Review (Thoughful Thursdays)

This past week I have been experimenting with books that are in third person narrative, usually I both write in first person view or read in first person view, but this book changed everything for me. I know that Horns was a third person but it was Joe Hill, the prodigal son of horror is enough to get me through third person view, but let me tell you that Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins changed my natural view on all things third person because of how good this book is… let me elaborate.

The book I am referring to is none other than Left Behind by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins. This book was written in the 1970’s, but if you can put your mind to it then it can feel like it takes place in 2014; but that’s beside the point. This book is about the rapture and the tribulation period afterward following three individuals (Ray Steele, Chloe Steele, and Buck Williams) as they face the end times and the challenges that come with it. This book is a thrilling deep and emotional book that will take you on a roller coaster of religious battle and terror.

And to answer your question you don’t have to be religious to like this book; those who have read this before me won’t agree as much, because many believe that this book is nonsense or that such a thing as the rapture will never happen. It may not be your belief but it is mine and I will stand by it but I will respect yours as well. Once you really think about it this book doesn’t need a religious view to be read or be enjoyed. I enjoyed it not just because I am a Christian but because it made me think it made me feel terrified. This is one of few books that will make me question life and sorts. If you don’t mind religious talk then this is a book for you. But if you are also into books that will make you double check your life and make you feel impossibly sacred then go for this book.
Now here’s what pisses me off about this book… it’s a series. Not just any series, but a full-fledged mother ducking series of 16 books! And three of them aren’t even in order!! The last three written is recollection of what lead up to the rapture in the first place; and I started on the fourth book! I only found this out recently after I read Left Behind , AND I AM FURIOUS! Not because I got to pick my lazy ass up and read all 16 but because they are all not even in chronological order (according to Wikipedia not too sure how accurate this info is because I am in the second book and it seems to have picked up from where I left off.) Anywhosles, this book is amazing and the second book: Tribulation Force is doing pretty ok so I guess I’ll deal with it and read all sixteen, simply because it is worth it.

Pick this book up, read it, and stay up till the late hours reading that s**t! and don’t stop reading it until you find out who the Anti-Christ is (SECRET SPOILER ALLERT! MWUAHHAHAHAHHAAHA!)

Sincerely, HR