Tag Archives: horror movies

Top 5 Most Dangerous Horror Movie Settings that will Kill You First

Pick your poison: do you want to be trapped on a bus with a demon creature hovering above your head? Or do you want to be wandering the remote dessert with an underground creature tunneling through the sands toward your horrible fate? Today I count down the scariest horror movie settings that are sure to kill you before the actual villain does.

scary bus NumberFive: A Bus (of any kind)

Oh, dear you seem to have been involved in an accident on a bus home; what do you do? Well, the bus is most likely stuck in traffic or wrecked beyond repair so what now dipshit? Well you could always break the windows open and escape- (Roar, slither, growl)- oh my, you seem to be surround my someone or something that wants to kill you- well, might as well stay on the bus with all these strangers who seem to be developing case of cabin fever along with a hunger for human flesh. Well, shit.

Buses are notorious for being huge yet small at the same time. Not only when being trapped on a bus you are vulnerable and surrounded by multiple metal objects that can harm you; but you start to feel an overwhelming sense of claustrophobia and are at the mercy of whoever you are with. That means sacrifices are an option…

scary amusement parkNumber Four: Amusement Parks

Some say that Disney Land is the happiest place on Earth; well some may beg to differ once the park becomes overrun by murderous mutant creatures from hell. Aside from the high possibility of attack from an unknown enemy and having little to no weapons to defend yourself, there are literally thousands of ways you can die in an amusement park. If you have seen any final destination movie then I am sure you know that a place with roller coasters that can break down at any time is definitely not the safest setting for a horror movie.

Number Three: High School

What’s more horrifying than school? Demons at school, after dark, when you are locked in (it really depends on scary schoolthe situation). There really isn’t as many dangers in school as there are in amusement parks but there are plenty of places to hide. But with plenty of hiding places come plenty of surprise attacks from the antagonist. Trust me when I say that big places are the worst when it comes to going one on one with demons or anything for that matter. Because what will happen is that you will run out of places to hide and more often than not the enemy will corner you and kill you. Consider this your first lesson in horror movie settings- you can run, but you can’t hide.

Number Two: The Forest

scary forestNot only do you risk being attacked by Slender Man but you also risk being viciously impaled by the surrounding trees (or hung by a noose, or have your body ripped to shreds then spread throughout the forest like a butter on bread). Anyways, the reason why the forest or any wood coated field is the worst horror movie setting is because of how easily you can get lost and how there are literally limitless ways to die in the forest.

If you have watched Evil Dead, Cabin in the Woods, The Blair Witch Project, and any forest horror movie you can think of, then you should know that the forbidden forest is forbidden for a reason…

the amityville houseNumber One: Your Own Home.

At what point is the place you call home not safe anymore? When will home sweet home become a thing of the past? When you are in a horror movie; which is why your humble abode is number one on this list.

Once you face imminent danger in the safety of your comfort zone you pretty much abandon all hope and hide in your utility closet wielding a kitchen knife and trying hopelessly to reach the police through your home phone which has been disconnected because your stupid ass forgot to pay the Cox bill. Needless to say once you are cornered in your own home- you better hope your friend/relative/significant other arrives home with a shotgun and backup. Otherwise- I hope you love sleeping in a pool of your own blood… forever….

Thank you guys so much for reading and supporting this blog if you guys want updates on what I create then follow me on WordPress or follow me on Twitter @GizmoOG or Tumblr @hells_rejects95

Do you have a terrifying encounter with the paranormal you would like to share? If so email me the story at: orlandochacon316@yahoo.com or send me a shout out on Twitter @GizmoOG. Seeya!

5 Horror Movie Villain Archetypes You Don’t Want to Encounter

From the most horrifying beings to the most terrifying objects I chose to share with you my top five favorite and most deadly Horror villain archetypes. These demonically altered bad guys will surely have you regretting you ever encounter them in the first place; let alone catching them in the act of murder or worse….

Number5: AliensALIENS

Encounters of the Third Kind, and Aliens had an all-around purpose for being terrifying and equally disturbing. I mean the thought of life outside of our world is scary enough, yet to envision that the life outside our world was out to lay its eggs inside your chest cavity seems a bit too much for the human mind to handle.

The worst thing about aliens is that they can be unpredictable as they may come and multiple shapes or forms. Aside from my earlier examples they could be an acidic blob from space, a parasite that takes over your body once it is dead, or perhaps a giant three legged robot that can vaporize your ass faster than you can say:
“We come in peace!”

ZOMBIESNumber 4: Zombies

I don’t mean those extras with fake blood in their mouth from The Walking Dead. These guys are the ones that have a hard time dying. No matter how hard you try or how fast you run, these slow as hell, knife (or machete) wielding machines tend to always catch you and always brutally murder you. If you somehow grow a dick and manage to take possession of a blunt object these guys always laugh at your face as you try to rapidly knock their head off (this still ultimately ends with you murder- unless you are the protagonist).

It has been said that these guys are usually the territorial types who basically kill anyone in the vicinity of their home; rendering it inhabitable and whoever trying to inhabit the land, their bloody, screaming bitch.

PSYCHONumber 3: Psychotic Killers

These guys are a very real villain; it is in fact, part of what makes them so scary. There really is no rhyme or reason for why they kill, they just do. We see them on the news all the time announcing all the despicable acts they have committed without knowing in the right mind what the fuck they were doing. The fact that what they do seems very sane and logical to them means that there is no reasoning with these guys before they slaughter you.

Mentally unstable killers seem to always come into certain movies like Candy Man, Scream, American Psycho, and Psycho. And half the time there will be a motive for why they are doing what they do. I know I said there was no rhyme or reason but come on; half of them have their own crazy theories as to why they are sane in their own heads.

BeastsNumber 2: Creatures or Beasts

This archetype is often seen in sci-fi horror movies and can often have the ability to completely suck your fucking face off or worse spit at your flesh and have it burn off entire limbs. I could go into detail how there were many beasts in B-rated films and A-list films monsters with unholy abilities, but overall if you encounter one of these fuckers you better bite that bullet while running and leave your fallen limb behind because you are fucked my friend.

Such beasts reside in movies like: The Fly, Anaconda, Lifeforce, The Blob, The Thing and many more!

DemonsNumber1: Demons and or the Devil

These guys are number one on the list for being the most evil and sinister motherfuckers of all time (not to mention the scariest). Aside from being involved with the prince of darkness himself these guys are notorious for scaring the shit out of you at every turn. Normally you could just be killed off in brief second but these guys draw it out and make sure that you suffer before your ultimate demise.

Whether it is forced suicide or mental instability you will feel the sheer horror of death waiting in every sleepless night and paranoid second of the rest of your days. Ultimately an encounter with a demon can end one of two ways: One- you can conquer the demon with an exorcism and a new found faith in Jesus; or Two- you rot in hell while the demon tortures more and more unfortunate souls.

This archetype exists in movies such as: Nightmare on Elm Street, Hell Raiser, Silent Hill, Sinister, Insidious and plenty of other movies that use Satan as an element of fear.

That’s all for today and please follow me for more articles like this and have a good day!

Hells Reject


Hey guys, welcome to a new mini segment that I will be doing every once and a while, called: Movie Mondays! Which will happen every Sunday or Monday, and will continue on when I start my second Blog: Soul Mates Exist, which is already in the making since I am so close to 100 followers. Anyways here we go!

So if you have heard of the movie and have read the title of this post then you should know what film I am talking about. “As Above, So Below” is quite possibly one of the scariest movies in the “Found Footage” category and possibly known to man. Why such an overstated opinion you ask? Because this movie is based on legend folks!

For those new to the legend and who haven’t done their research: The phrase: As Above So Below theorizes that man is God’s counterpart and God being man’s counterpart, and whatever man hath done on Earth is paralleled in Heaven as well. Gods being people, people being gods, Earth being Heaven, Heaven being Earth; it is all a somewhat confusing and deep theory that it sort of fucks with your mind.
I can’t explain any better but this Article might: http://www.themystica.com/mystica/articles/a/below_above.html

So continuing our review; this Film (Directed by John Erick Dowdle and also written by the Director and his brother: Drew Dowdle) is a pulse pounding, nerve wracking horror story that will have you walking out the theater with shivers down your spine and goosbumps on your f***ing skull! I swear it had me screaming, shivering and even paralyzed in fear as I sat there and watched the terrifying events unfold before me. But I am getting ahead of myself so here’s the synopsis:

Scarlet Marlow (Perdita Weeks) is a young alchemy scholar who continues her recently deceased father’s search for the Philosophers Stone, which was created by Nicholas Flamel in the seventeenth century.

*for more on Nicholas Flamel and the Philosophers Stone click here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolas_Flamel

She then travels to Paris and enlists the help of her ex: George (Ben Feldman) and her friend/cameraman: Benji ( Edwin Hodge). After which she enlists the help of Papillion (François Civil) a local guide and his crew to descend into the catacombs in search of the stone.

Little do they know that they are descending into Hell itself.

Now to me this movie was scary as hell and in fact crosses that line between scary and infinitely terrifying. But what really got me were the ties to history and mythology. It is like I went to the theater to watch a documentary but came out having seen this terrifying journey into hell itself. And believe me when I say the images in that movie have been permanently carved into my brain and shall haunt me forever. But I also must say that jump scares were a great part of this product ion. I mean what is a horror movie without its jump scares? Not to mention any horror movie without its own theme music to kill the suspense is a good horror movie to me.

And I am serious when I say that music in horror movies can kill the mood and destroy any possibility of a jump scare because then you can see the “Oh S**t!” moment coming.

So to me this movie got a 10 out of 10 no doubt about it. But according to some unfair reviews and bad comments: the movie had received cruddy reviews by some misjudging critics. This was the result of the found footage category being overused in our society today and I think we can all agree when I say that “Paranormal Activity” Ruined this genre for us all. But the difference between this movie and “Paranormal Activity” is that the actors were believable, the story was flawless, and it completely takes your mind and smashes it against the walls of the Catacombs! To me, As Above So Below delivers a breath of fresh air to the overused “Found-Footage” category and is a must see!”

For more information on “As Above So Below” click on the link below: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/As_Above,_So_Below_%28film%29 and if you don’t trust Wikipedia the click here:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2870612/