Tag Archives: goth

Horns: Book Review (Thoughful Thursdays)

Do the words: Joe Hill, Daniel Radcliff, or Satan tickle your fancy? Then this is the book for you!

For those of you that don’t know, Horns is the bestselling Novel by the
spawn of Stephen King: Joe Hill. This book tells the tale of Ignatius Perrish, a man wrongfully accused for the rape/murder of his girlfriend: Merrin Williams. But here’s the thing, overnight all evidence that would have cleared him of all charges was destroyed. So he didn’t have a trial, a sentencing, hell he wasn’t even cleared. Therefore in the eyes of the public he will always be guilty… only he didn’t do it.

One morning Ig wakes up with horns sprouting from his forehead; these little devils (no pun intended) have the power to reveal the inner demons of everyone he encounters. With this new found power he sets out to find Merrin’s killer and take revenge. Side-note: These Horns make the book super fucked up and hilarious.
Now this book gets really twisted yet totally amazing at the same time. It basically is just one of those novels that make you say out loud: What the fuck? That was basically my reaction, along with a dropped jaw and a newfound love for Joe Hill’s dark humor.

When I read it certain parts did catch my eye, for instance when he is out and about and fully aware of his demonic powers he goes all out by surrounding himself with snakes and he gets a hold of a pitchfork… a fucking pitchfork! Talk about embracing your destiny!

Plus there are like, numerous satanic references in this book that were meant as dark humor, obviously if you are going to write a book about a man slowly becoming the devil, hell, might as well have fun with it.

But what irks me is the villain of the book, I won’t spoil it but the fucker in this book that is responsible for Merrin’s death, is the sickest most twisted bastard I have ever read about. He done pulled some Jafarr shit on Ig! (Like for Lion King reference) And there is just so much to this story that blows your mind and for some reason I get attached to it and it makes me feel the pain Ig feels but at the same time I don’t because I have never been in Ig’s position. It just, it’s sad, what happened to him because he had lost his girlfriend in the worst way possible and now has the most shittiest life ever, because people made a bad judgment call on Ig and almost all the people he encounters (including his own family) despise him because they think he killed Merrin. If you are the reader you will find yourself turning into the dark side as you see how truly fucked up Ig’s life is, Not to mention the horns, which is half the reason why this book is so friggin amazing!

In reading this I fell in love with Joe Hill’s writing and he is truly the spawn of Stephen King, he totes inherited his father’s ability to write.

Oh and to make things more interesting, the movie for Horns comes out this
Halloween (Honestly, this is such perfect timing). The movie- staring Daniel Radcliff as Ig- looks amazing, the trailer really caught my eye and I am so glad that Daniel Radcliff has gotten out of the role of Harry Potter because he needed more roles to make his career really get out there and he has successfully done that with Horns (as said by critics). I honestly can’t wait for the movie, although it looks a little bit different compared to the book, I was still ok with it because I am always more than willing to see the movie adaptions after I read the book and thank God I read it. (Ironic isn’t it?) The coolest thing is that good ol’ Daniel Radcliff adjusted his accent to sound more American rather than English he sounds cool and he totally pulls it off in the trailer.

But I want to see this movie not just because Daniel Radcliff sounds differently but because this book coming to life is better than trick-or-treating. So go see the movie on October 31st and read the book as well.

Out of 10 I give Horns a nine. It is a well-written, dark-humored, rollercoaster that will put you at the edge of your seat.

Thank you for reading and please leave a like or a comment and tell me what you think of Horns once you’ve read it.
Hells Reject


Being alone can cause insanity and that insanity can destroy you. If this insanity doesn’t kill you off the first chance it gets… then what happens is far more disturbing than death.

For example: I had worked with this man for at least a month, he was very strange and very odd for someone well in their forties; but that’s not what made him strange. He was a mortician, and yes that means he handles dead bodies after they have been taken in by the police. After the body was examined we had to incinerate it unless told otherwise.

Carl Hensley, the mortician, had loved his job; he would always greet every new body as if it was still alive or as if it was family. Whenever Carl had examined a body with me and after we were done with it, he had always brought the body into the incinerator room… alone. He would be in there for at least three hours before he came out of the room with an empty examining table and big suspicious grin upon his face.

He gave me very strict rules about the place once I had gotten this job such as; wash your hands, clean up at 6:00pm and do whatever he asks without question.

But there was one rule above all others that he just couldn’t stress enough:
Don’t go in the Incinerator room.

I didn’t question these rules because he paid very well for me being a mortician’s assistant. So life went on as I kept thinking he probably had a bad experience with an employee falling into the incinerator or something.

So now you’re wondering: Did I go into the room? Well, yes I did but not for long we will get there when we get there.
See it happened last Friday; Carl and I were examining the body of a young twenty-year-old woman and he was enjoying himself very much. Carl was a tall, brown-haired man with very pale white skin and was only forty-five years old. He was single, had no kids, and was very reclusive so his behavior often made sense to me dude to his personality. But even that didn’t excuse what he did that day.
The young dead woman had lay upon the table looking almost perfectly flawless; this one had been dead for two days and still looked amazing. She was pale (of course) and had black hair and black eyebrows. Her body was slender and nearly every part of her had made me wish I had that kind of body. I was a solid nine on a good day and a six on a bad one. The only thing I wish I didn’t have that was hers was her empty, eyeless sockets.

Okay now I know I sound more insane than the mortician right now but trust me this bastard is sick as fuck.
Our job right now was to prepare the body for the incinerator. We had stripped off the body of any clothing, jewelry and any other materials in or on the body. We were in a dark room with an examination light shining down on us. Carl was bent over above the woman’s head as he was trying to remove the woman’s earrings.

“Are we almost done here Carl?” I ask him but he just stays silent for a bit as I wait impatiently across from the examination table holding a pile of cloths that were taken off the woman. Finally he answers me once he had taken off the ear piercing while holding it with a set of pliers. “Almost” he says in sing-song. Shit, he creeped me out.

“Death is wonderful isn’t it?” I turn my head at his remark and squint my eyes. “I don’t know, depends on how you look at it.” I say hesitantly. “Well I think it’s wonderful-“He continues with a sigh and he places the tool and the piercing down on the tools tray next to him. “Just think about it-“He looks to me with his eyes staring at me seductively, I didn’t find it as seductive as he wanted it to be, but I was fairly creeped out. “-if someone had died then they can leave this painful vessel we call a body, leaving the keepers of their remains to care for their vessel and put it to good use.” I questionably stare at him and a chill runs down my spine. “Carl, what are talking about?” I ask, fear and concern had plagued my voice.

He looks back at the body and then leans forward to its forehead and kisses the dead woman’s head. I shiver and almost back away in disgust. But then I remember he was very friendly guy… a little too friendly. He always treated the bodies like family yet he had never done something like that before. I try to calm down and steady myself while I begin to feel nauseous.
“Umm, Carl, are you ok?” I ask. Without missing a beat he shoots straight up and looks at me realizing I was still there. “Oh Jodie, sorry I almost forgot you were here.” He apologized as if he was having an intimate moment with a girlfriend in front of company. He looked very nervous and eager as he pushed his glasses up his small narrow nose. “It’s okay.” I wished it was but it wasn’t I knew there was something up. Honestly, no sane person kisses the corpse of a dead person.

That night after clean-up, he disappeared into the Incinerator room for the end of his daily routine. After I had cleaned up all materials and had disposed of the cloths properly I started heading out for my Friday night out with my friends from the university.
But then I realized I gave my time-card to Carl during that examination with the woman. I almost hesitated to go into back into the examination room for the time-card but I couldn’t leave without it. It was one of his rules and I can’t afford to lose this job.
I the walk into the examination room and he wasn’t there. I look around and he wasn’t anywhere around here. Then I looked toward the double doors of the Incineration room from across the Examination room. I see the orange glow of the machine through the foggy window indicating he was in there.

Now I didn’t want to go in there for two reasons: a) I could lose my job for breaking his most crucial rule. And b) I didn’t want to know what he was doing.

The machine was automated and could do the incineration process on its own and turn itself off, so why did he have to stay there for a whole two to three hours?

Hesitantly I decided to go in there and get that stupid time-card. I really didn’t want to go in there but I didn’t want to keep my friends waiting.

I slowly walk over to the doors and just as I am about to open the doors I feel fear creep up in the back of my mind. ‘You saw what he did earlier, leave, leave and never come back.’ This thought had replayed over and over until I overcame it and slowly walk into the room. The room was warm and lit up by only a couple florescent lights.

The hair instantly stood up in the back of my neck as I crept in. The incinerator was the only thing on here and there was no sign of Carl. I walk around the room and see empty desks and then I saw the oddest thing; there were a rack of bloody, unclean tools hanging on a rack on the wall within this dimly-lit room. Then that’s when I notice there was a door next to the rack.
Underneath the door I can see a dim yellow light and shadows moving past the crack of the doorway. What was he doing in there? And why did were these tools here?

I slowly walk to the door and open the door slightly; luckily this door didn’t make a noise. I open it and the only thing here was a closet full of lab coats and scrubs hanging against the wall of the small cramped closet. Where the hell had he gone? I could have sworn I had seen his shadow pass under the light of this room and now he wasn’t there. My mind wandered in confusion for a moment until I heard something from within the closet.

“So… now we’re alone?” I hear Carl in the closet, maybe he wasn’t in here but that’s when I notice that there was light emanating from behind the lab coats and scrubs on the rack. There was an opening to another room behind this wall. “I missed you so much.” I heard him again.

Some part of me didn’t want to see what he was doing or who he was talking to. But like anyone who was impatient, I slowly kneeled down and peeked through the lab coats.

What I saw next, is still engraved into my brain to this day.

He had created a small square room that was lit by a single light bulb; in the center of the room was a small twin mattress and on that twin mattress was a naked woman. But this woman was different and horrifyingly familiar.

This girl had been made up of several women’s body parts stitched together. Blood had oozed from these parts and had stained the twin mattress it had laid upon. The body was sown together straight down to the feet the only major parts that weren’t messed up or unevenly sown together were the upper torso and the abdomen. The worse part about it was that the head of the corpse we had just got done examining had been sown on to the make-shift body.

I was repulsed I was almost about to vomit until I saw something worse than that.

Carl was naked and hovered over the body. “I missed you so much.” This sick bastard had spoken to this thing as if it was a loved one. He had looked at this thing with such affection. Then he got down on his knees and onto the bed with the corpse. “I love you. I have no one else besides you Isabelle.” He said while he leaned in close with the body as he brushed the hair of the dead woman off its right ear.

He even went as far as to give the corpse a name, a fucking name for God’s sake! What was he doing? Within a few seconds I finally figured out what he has been doing whenever he had been down here.

Before I could vomit he began to make out with the body and then sure enough, he began to have sex with it. I watched, unable to look away for an hour as he made love to the horrid creation of his.

You have not even faced traumatization until you have witnessed an act of necrophilia. Oh God I wanted to throw up. But I didn’t want to give my position away; for I had a feeling that if he knew I was here he would do more than just fire me… he would kill me.
He had finally stopped after an hour of moaning and penetrating something that was already dead, sweat pouring down his face and his body hunched over between the corpses’ legs. He stopped and looked at the body he lay on top of. He suddenly became upset and stopped making love to the dead body.

He then crawled to the corner of the room and scrunched up into a ball and began sobbing. I stare between the lab coats in disgust and curiosity. Why was he crying? Maybe he had realized how sick it was to have sex with a dead body, but sadly I was wrong.
“It’s not enough, Isabelle, It’s not enough!” He complained. “I know you’re not real, I know.” I keep listening and wondering what he meant by ‘not enough’. I’m glad he’s sane enough to know she isn’t real, at least I thought that was what he was saying.
“You need a soul! The eyes are what you need!” He shouted at the corpse as it laid there on the mattress motionless and its body contortioned strangely. I had almost forgotten the girl we had examined had her eyes gouged out. I guess he needed eyes otherwise he wasn’t happy with this thing.

He then stopped sobbing then spoke to himself. “And I know just where to get them…” his voice started to scare me. He then looked up and spoke again. What he said next shook my entire being from inside and out.

“Jodie…” He said silently; my soul felt cold and my eyes grew wide with terror. That’s it I got to get out of here. I had to report to the police what was happening before he comes after me. I was about to leave the closet now and I continue hearing him ramble on about how pretty my eyes were and how perfect I was for “Isabelle”.

I honestly was scared for my life knowing that he wanted to kill me to complete his work, but I wasn’t ready to die.

I quickly got up and made my way out of the closet until suddenly my phone rings and pierced the air with sound, revealing my position. “Fuck!” I say as a tear rolls down my cheek. I was genuinely afraid I was going to die down there with no one knowing where I was or what had happened to me. I honestly never felt so heartbroken and scared until my stupid phone rang. I was now being hunted by this psychopathic freak as I hear his voice stop talking.

I try to rush out of the small closet until I am grabbed by my leg and I am pulled into the hole that led into Carl’s secret room.

Suddenly I hear a faint ‘no’ come out from Carl’s mouth and I blackout as my head hits the concrete ground after being pulled into the hole from under my feet.

I wake up strapped to the examination table. Restraints had covered me head to toe and I was naked. In my mouth was horrible taste of a wash rag that got stuffed in my mouth to stop me from screaming.

My vision is blurred until I see him and it clears up again. My tears started up again and overlapped the dryness of the old ones as they rolled down my cheek. Immediately, I start screaming and almost pushing out the words: ‘help me!’
“No one can hear you scream, Jodie.” He says with a wicked laugh. He was still naked and had that evil grin upon his face. Next to his person was a tray of examination tools and of course eye gougers. Shit. “Just relax… hey, did I ever tell you how pretty your eyes were?” He says as he picks up the eye gouger.

Before he could do anything my fear had pumped me with adrenaline and I managed to push the rag out of my mouth with my lounge. “No, please, don’t hurt me.” I plead with him still sobbing. “I’m sorry about, Isabella, I know she means the world to you but you don’t have to do this.” I explain now with less sobbing.

“You don’t understand!” He shouts slamming the eye gouger onto the tools tray, shaking everything in it.
“No one understands…” He begins crying again and explains further as he leans against the table looking at me. “Isabella is all that I have left! My family is dead; I have no wife, no kids.” He continues while I try to slowly and without him noticing break out of my restraints.

“Every woman I have ever loved had always deceived me they all have just run away from me. You don’t know what it’s like to be truly alone!” My heart honestly breaks to hear this. I had finally snapped out of my restraint for my right arm and was poised to get the incision knife on the tray if he had tried something funny.

“Carl, I’m sorry, and I don’t know how you feel; but you can’t give up on life and on people, Isabella can’t be your life. She is not real.” I explain.

He then gives me a cold stare and says this: “I’m sorry Jodie, but she is as close to real as you can get now-a-days.” He says as he reaches for the eyes gouger and lets out a small chuckle.

“Then I am sorry about this.” I say, and as to his surprise I grab the incision knife and swing it at his chest and into his heart. It took only a few seconds before he dropped the eye gouger and started coughing up his own blood. I immediately untied my restraints and hopped off the table.

I then found my clothes on a small table nearby ad got dressed quickly when suddenly Carl spoke:

“D-don’t g-go…” He was on the verge of dying and could only say so much.

“I’m leaving Carl, die some more in Hell!” I shout at him.

“T-that’s f-fine, just don’t g-go, into the Incinerator room.” He then died with those being his last words. I brushed off what he said and I suddenly remembered I had dropped my cellphone in the Incinerator room. I turn to those double doors; the foggy windows still had orange light emerging form the incinerator.

Suddenly my blood ran cold. I didn’t want to go in there. I shook away my fear and ignore Carl’s late warning and rush through those doors. After which I proceeded to go into the still opened broom closet containing the entrance to the secret room of Isabella.
I felt a little jumpy and paranoid as I thought about Carl’s last warning. What did he mean? Was he scared of me getting to Isabella? I finally found my phone as it lay on the floor before the closet. The screen brightly lit with a notification saying only 20% battery had remained.
I pick it up and place it in my pocket, but not until I stop dead in my tracks. Should I check On the make shift body or what? I wanted to leave but a part of me said to check. So I pulled back the curtain-like lab coats and peered into the room. What I saw next still boggles and disturbs me to this day.

Isabella was gone… my heart sank and jumped to conclusions like: ‘Is she alive’ or ‘Did she walk out while Carl wasn’t looking?’
These accusations went on as I came to the only sensible and logical one: Carl must have moved the body once I had walked out.

So now here I am at home after at least a months’ time, blogging to you about this. I just felt the need to get this out you know? It just creeped me out because the detectives who investigated after I called 911 had seen all the evidence and then they questioned me.

At one point they ask me if there was anyone else with us at the time or did anybody else accompany him. I told them, that he was alone and I made it out alive (thankfully). That’s when they gave me this odd look. They didn’t tell me anything else but that they didn’t find the hidden body I told them about.

I guess Carl hid her pretty well.

Ok almost done I guess- Oh wait a minute I hear someone knocking at my apartment door, be right back.


She has such pretty eyes…