Tag Archives: fiction

Burnt Chronicles: chapter 1/ foreword from the author.

Hello, and Welcome back, I understand that I have not been posting lately and i have no good reason for doing so under a regular schedule. Lately maintaining a blog has been increasingly difficult due to everything that has been happening lately. But all that aside i have good news to share: (Disclaimer: IF you don’t like horror get off this blog, and the Following news is for introductory purposes. If you do not wish to listen to me babel like an old man in the body of a 21 year old, skip to the part where it says chapter 1 about 4 paragraphs down and starts reading/ Warning: Errors and horror and cursing ensues) (Second Disclaimer: The story i am revealing is told from the first person view of each of the three characters mentioned in the rest of the foreword. Don’t know what i am talking about? Read the foreword… enjoy!)

Starting today I am releasing something that I have never thought  would show to the world (Let alone a blog that i created when i was 17). This blog does not have  a large following and  in hopes of fixing that i am releasing the very first book that I have ever written in the form of a  series. I know in the past I have tried writing series posts for this blog and trying to be very consistent with them and all but one attempts have failed. Ultimately I would just post the entire half-assed  copy of these stories in hopes of good reactions and thrills given to my viewers…. something about that last sentence didn’t sound right. 

Keep in mind this book i am about to release was from my roots, my time in high school was a time of finding myself and finding my true skill set. As a writer i made mistakes with this book: an impractical story line, too many cheap gore thrills, grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. This copy I will present is the rough draft slash first edit of My horror/crime/supernatural tale of a serial killer, a teen aged boy with an unclear destiny, and a detective who is father to the boy. All three colliding heads in this jumbled up story of demonic origin  and hellish fury brought upon an unsuspecting family. 

Also keep in mind that i did little research in making this story; as my 17 year old self said once: “Fuck it, I’ll edit it all out once I am finished” Now here we are from my dreams of this hopefully becoming a movie, to knowing i can write much better than this.I am proud that i finished this and am about to release it, because if i hadn’t I wouldn’t have finished my new book (NO SPOILERS) or would have started my two other projects which i am working on. A lot has changed since I was 17. I Listen to Radiohead and Panic! at The Disco instead of Green Day and Linkin Park. I have my own place and a PC that can process all the shit i do instead of an Compact Laptop (which i wrote this story on as well as my newest book). I am about to be 21 and i have my own apartment a fiance that i love very much and two cats that both annoy the shit out of me and make me love them as well. Enough babble, now i present to you: The Burnt Chronicles: The story of B.I.K ( Chapter one of course. Tune in this blog every Saturday for the next chapter!!) 

The Burnt Chronicles: Intro/ Chapter 1: The Job


 Ever have one of those moments where you just snap? Where the very fragment of your mind just cracks and you just lose control? I’ve snapped; I have lost all hope that I will ever be the same.

I watch my bitter half take control as I stand by and watch; the blood-red windows I call eyes can’t see anything but red. The cold doesn’t bother me anymore, it comforts me, and it lets me know that this dark abyss I used to call Hell is a haven. I can now find peace, knowing that the other half of me is doing the evil deeds of my fractured mind.     I peer outside of my dark-haven to see what my troubled half may be up too. One time, I discovered myself covered in blood running down from my hands to my elbows.

I may need counseling, because in my own demented mind, blood arouses me. The dark warm liquid just tempts me to lick it off my fore arms. As I look on, I noticed that I am working on one of my victims.

I step in, knowing that I couldn’t miss this.

‘You’re not ready.’ Says my inner voice ‘Let me gut this bitch!’ She was lying upon a dining room table, unconscious and beaten to a pulp.  ‘Ok, have fun.’ The sinister voice within spoke to me and I was in control again. I grinned from ear to ear and studied my victim.

She was stripped naked and was covered in blood splatters. Her face was purple from the bruises I have given her. Unfortunately, she woke up before I could begin. She starts to groan in pain sounding as if she had wakened up from a hangover.

“W-where am I?” She mumbles as she tries to open her purple, swollen, eyes.

She looks up and sees me; I’m obviously going to hear some screaming unless I gut this bitch quick. She finally opens her eyes wide enough to see me; her eyes grew wide and fearful at the very sight of me. She sits up quickly as to try and run off and lets out a loud scream; I try to react but I’m too late.

As she rolls off the table and stands up, she make a run for it and dashes across the kitchen floor. As she runs from me she slips on a small puddle of blood that I had casually “left” there. She slips and falls forward slamming her own head into the marble floor; she’s unconscious again.

That was easier than I expected, it’s hard to work when my victims are screaming like banshees.

I squat down and reach to grab her shoulder then I roll her over on her side.     She had a big round bruise forming on her forehead and blood running down from her nose. I feel her neck to see if she had a pulse. I waited a couple moments to feel that last bit of lingering life within her. Her pulse vibrates onto my fingers for a few seconds and then it had stopped.  No pulse… Good, then this should be easy.

I stand up from over her body and look down at the drawer below the counter to my right. I open the drawer to look for a worthy weapon; there I find a butcher knife; not the most popular murder tool but it will do.

I grab the knife and crouch back down over her body to hold her head straight and yank her hair to keep her still.

“I’m going to enjoy licking your blood off the floor.” I whisper silently in her ear. I plunge the sharp end of my butcher knife into the neck of the woman. Blood sprayed violently out of her neck from her jugular, the very liquid sprayed onto my face then spread on the black-and-white tiled, marble floor.

Sure enough it formed a red, dark puddle. I laughed at the blood upon the floor. I wanted to pour the red liquid all over my face so badly! But I must control myself. I stand back up with an evil grin upon my face, and I notice my work is unfinished. I look down to see the butcher knife still stuck inside her neck. “Oh, yeah… I almost forgot.” I said playfully.

I lift my foot up and stomp on the knife on her neck. The bone snapped, tearing through flesh and tendons. The sound pleases me but my work is far from done. My process is complicated yet worth it in the end. I bend over the girl and grab her head. To my left I notice a cabinet of wine bottles that decoratively were hung on a rack through a glass window cabinet.

I go over and grab the bottle from the middle rack and proceeded to the front yard. There in the lawn were five heads impaled on my iron poles I got from an old steel mill.

The expressions of fear and death permanently marked on each ones face. To the far left was an empty pole stuck in the ground, ‘this spot is reserved.’ I thought to myself as I slowly laugh. ‘Make sure to burn them all!’ the sinister voice said from within.

I placed the woman’s head on the empty pole and the blood spurted out from the neck down the pole. The display satisfied me; I felt a boner arise within my pants as I grabbed my crotch staring at the heads on the poles. But then I wanted to complete the task before I did anything fun.            I open the wine bottle I had taken out and begin to pour the liquid on all the heads. I just spray the shit all over the blood soaked heads and soon the bottle was empty. I toss the bottle on the grass lawn and I take out my lighter, I slowly savor the moment and press the lighter to each head.

I watch the fire grow violently and intensely around me. ‘You are ready, go forth and raise hell.’ The voice inside encourages me as I walk away from the blazing fire. The smell of burning flesh spread across the midnight sky.

I turned to the fire from the doorway of the house and smile. I was far from finished, and this was only the beginning.

BURNT CHAPTER 1 (Detective Stan McCalister) the Job

The nights have grown longer, and the days have gotten shorter. Every day I think I can save everyone, but I can’t. Sadly, that’s just reality. Sometimes I don’t find myself worthy to be a detective. But if it supports me and my son, so I’ll just hang on for now.

Today was both terrifying and stressful. Not necessarily a good thing, but it is completely accurate for this time.

The Station called in on a homicide on Grove Drive and Winston Road, where a series of murders have been committed. I guess you can call them serial murders.

The M.O. has been the same as the last six-teen murders that have been called in the past two years. He preyed on families of four, and he’s always used the same method: He would cut of the heads of these families and would impale each head upon an iron pole.

Then he would display them sticking into the ground in a row. The worst was yet to come, because just when you think he has done enough damage, just when you think it’s over, he sets each head on fire, then leaves the pile of headless-bodies in the living room. The bastard never left one shred of evidence, he’s smart but sick.

The first time I have encountered this horrific display, I was mortified. I vomited on the side of the road. Never, in my 20 years working as a detective, have I thought anyone would be capable of such gruesome attack.

Who would do such a thing? The expression on the victims faces were hard to make out. After all each of them were burnt to a crisp. We took to calling this bastard, The Burnt Iron Killer, B.I.K for short.

Today, B.I.K made a hit on a local family down Grove Drive, same M.O.; impaled heads being lit-up, and displayed in the front lawn. It sounds like some sick Halloween prank. But this isn’t Halloween, and this is no prank.

As I arrive in my car at Grove Street, I see the press and random bystanders crowding the scene of a two-story tan house. Its front lawn surrounded by yellow police tape and cops telling the others to stand back as the blood work guys do their job.

I then park at the end of the street; I got out of the car and continued to walk toward the house which was only three houses away. As I walk up there I hear the officer to my left yelling at the bystanders to stay back. “Sir, you’re not allowed in here!” An officer commanded at me. I sigh then flash my badge at him. “Come right in detective.” he says pointing to the crime scene ahead. I then put away my badge into my left breast pocket, but just as I’m about to duck under the yellow tape and go in, I hear tires screeching from afar.

“Late, again.”  I say under my breath; I stand back up then turn around to look behind me to see my partner’s red Chevy Impala parked next to my Mazda. My partner, Johnny, was always late and had a knack for arriving shortly after me. He proceeds to jump out of his car and slams his door shut. Then he continues to run to me, swiftly and panicking. He was wearing a trench coat and a fedora, he was very old fashioned, but was a damned-good detective.

“Why are you always here early?” he shouted as he came closer to me then finally he approaches me. “On-time, not early.” I reply, looking at my watch. “Well then, why are you always on time?” he asks and adds emphasis on ‘On time’.

“Because, Rookie, I care about my job, and about how I dress on my way to work.”

I commented gesturing at his old fashioned get-up. “Whatever man, this looks good!” He defended himself,” Sure it looked good, in the 1920’s”;”Whatever man, so what do we have here?” He asked as he pointed at the scene of the crime. I turn to the crime scene and go into professional-mode.

“There are six people dead instead of four. The M.O has changed slightly but the murder weapon’s the same as all the others: 5-foot-long iron poles, and some source of flammable material.” I describe the crime scene as I look toward the six burnt heads in the front lawn. They were all expressionless due to they’re fiery demise.

“C’mon lets go inside.” I suggest as I pat his shoulder and turn to walk. He then walks with me behind the yellow tape. “God, I hate this part!” He exclaims. “Look, I don’t like it either, but it’s our job so come on.” I explain.

As we walk closer to the row of heads, I look to see only one head had the most gruesome, heart-wrenching, disturbing look:

It was a young boy, his head was burnt half-way and the hair on its head wasn’t there anymore. He had blue eyes staring at nothing, and his eyelids weren’t there anymore as well. As if the killer wanted him to see something before he met his end. His left side was burnt to hell, yet the right half was looking so innocent. His jaw was wide open and covered in what seemed like splatters of blood.

“Oh, God!” Johnny said as he bent over and kneeled down on the ground, he would have vomited if I hadn’t done anything.

”Off your ass Johnny! C’mon!” I exclaim as I picked him up by his shoulder. Good lord, doesn’t he know there are people here? He gathered himself and stood back up. “Son, I don’t know how you became detective, if your this squeamish on every damn case!” As I explained my confusion, he sighs and continues toward the house, and enters inside almost hesitantly.

I soon follow him in. What I saw next, was the most disturbing sight I have ever laid my eyes on.

Body, upon bloody body; all the decapitated corpses piled in the living room in the far corner behind a couch. Stains of blood covered the floor and the couch; you couldn’t step anywhere without seeing one spot of blood.

In this case this means plenty of evidence and one step closer to finding that son of a bitch.

But in my case, this means that bastard has taken it way too far. The body-count was six in all, and all were stripped naked. Their bodies laid motionless, still bleeding out small amounts of blood by the neck and through stab wounds, spilling blood on each of the bodies below the body they laid on top of.

A puddle of blood surrounded the bodies; the puddle was a big as half the living room. There were two bodies of children: one boy, and one girl. The rest were adults; three females, one male.

“Rookie what do you make of this?” I say in disgust, I was honestly more focused on avoiding the God-awful-smell inside the room. “I don’t know.” He said weakly. “Looks like the family were his target, but the other two women were caught in the cross-fire and he wasted them all.” He explains as he holds his nose looking as if he was going to be sick.

“What makes you say that?” I ask as I stare at the pile, whilst Johnny was leaning on the empty door-way of the living room. He refuses to speak; he turns his back and throws up in a barf-bag he pulls out of his right pocket of his trench coat. “What? Sorry Stan, I’m just not used to this!”

This just pissed me off, I expected someone like Johnny to deal with this better. I sigh heavily, anger flashes in my eyes and I walk closer to him, and then I grab his trench coat with both hands and hold him up against the wall.

For the first time, I lost my cool; I saw red and stared him down with deep sincerity upon my face. “Listen to me Johnny!” I whispered angrily to him. “This isn’t SHIT you simply ‘get used to ‘. This is REAL okay? It’s a serial killer; NO ONE is used to this.” with each word I wanted to punch Johnny so hard that maybe it will knock some sense into him. Maybe then he will grow a pair. “S-s-sorry” he stammered still with that pathetic sad look upon his face.

“So do your fucking job, got it!?” I exclaim as I let him go and storm into the kitchen to look for more evidence.

He walks with me once again and catches up to me in the kitchen. We look toward the oval shaped room and see the markers already set up around spots of blood all over the floor. There was one trail of blood leading out into the living room. A blood stain starting from the kitchen floor to the living room shows signs of a body that been dragged from one spot to another. At the beginning of this trail was a large puddle of blood upon the marble floor… and a foot print. It looks about the same size as the young woman in the pile of bodies.

Well it looks like we found something finally. I crouch down to see what appeared to be a vein or a tendon of sorts next to the dining room table which appears to also have a significant amount of blood and knife marks. “Oh my god, this must be where he cut off their heads” my partner says hoarsely as he stands behind me. The room was dark and all the life was drained from it. The blood alone tells a story.

A girl in the pile of bodies had blood on one of her feet, she was here; she slipped and fell as she was trying to escape and slams her head upon the marble floor. I guess that’s how one of the heads outside had a sort of deformed bump on its head.

But that didn’t cause the blood puddle. She was unconscious and the killer had decapitated her on the spot. “How does this not creep you out?” Johnny asks puzzled at my unusually calm behavior.

“It used to, not anymore though.” I say in a quiet more depressed tone. I stand back up and turn to Johnny and place my hand on his shoulder. I assess the situation and tell him this:

“Johnny I think it only gets worse from here. I need you to know that if you don’t think you can’t handle anymore, than work on something else ok?” I suggest

“No, I can take it” He says shrugging off my hand. “I know what happened to your brother Stan. I’m-” My eyebrows raised and my depression turned to pain. “No don’t please.” I plead him to stop talking about Devin: my brother who was actually on of B.I.K’s first victims.

“I’m just saying, I’m with you on this, one-hundred percent of the way; I’ve been partners with you since day one and that doesn’t stop there. I got your back pal.” He tells me as he holds out his hand to shake mine; I looked at his hand then back to his face. I smiled slightly and shook his hand.

“You’re a good friend Johnny and possibly one of the best detectives I’ve ever gotten the pleasure to work with.” We have only worked as a detective for eighteen years and he was in fact the best out of the other two partners I had.

We then prepare to leave the kitchen. As Johnny left through the entrance I look around the life-drained kitchen one more time for evidence. I look toward the cupboards over the oven and the counter tops to the far left of the room. One of them was open; it looks as if the family had an extensive wine collection in the open cupboard. The bottles were stacked in an orderly fashion, each bottle looked untouched.

Why would this specific cupboard be upon amongst all the un-opened ones? I walk around the table and walk over to the cupboard to get a closer look. As I look inside it I notice something peculiar. One of the bottles is missing. I could tell because the order is messed up and one of the bottles from one of the center-shelves was gone. It stuck out the most considering it was in the dead center of the cupboard.

Wait a second? My face made a questioning expression and I instantly connected the dots as to how the heads were burnt. There was no gasoline found at the scene, or any other scene for that matter. There were only trace elements of…

“Oh shit…”

I walk quickly to the blood analyst in the living room. “John.” I called him out. He was taking pictures before he looked up at me. “Yeah?” He looked up at me as I walked toward him. He was scrawny and dressed casually with a badge hanging around his neck. “Remember the blood reports of the last few victims?” I asked quickly. “Yeah” He responded.

“What was the element most commonly found in the blood of each victim?” I asked again. He aused a moment to think and he remembered


Shit, I knew it. “Johnny!” I called him over just as he was about to exit the house out the doorway. He turns around and walks toward me. “Yes, Stan?”; “Alcohol: the Killer used alcohol and some light source to light the heads on fire. He most likely used a lighter or matches.” He looks at me questionably. “What do you me-?”

He then pauses, realizing my logic. “Where’s the alcohol then?” He asks, “Missing, we find that, we find a lead.”. Just as I said that Johnny studied the room carefully and he stops in his search staring down at the bodies; his face grows pale and his eyes wide with terror.

“Hey…” He tells me still staring at the bodies. “Remember how you told me that it only gets worse from here?” He asks with a disturbed voice. “Yeah; why?” I reply.

“We never found a bottle of wine anywhere, where else would he hide a bottle than under the mess he made?” I stare at him, confused and clueless. Then I realized what he was thinking. I look at the pile of bodies then look back at him while he stares at the bodies with fear. “Johnny…” I paused then spoke again. “You don’t seriously think he’s that stupid to hide possible evidence under a pile of his victims?” I suggest, chuckling lightly.

“No not under the pile; IN one of the victims.” He says, and shudders under his breath as he holds his hand over his mouth. He shows disgust in his expression whilst concern appears on mine. I turned around at the bodies then I look closer and crouched down for a closer look.

The decapitated man on the bottom of the pile had something lodged inside his throat. It had the shape of a cork, wait a minute? I put on a latex glove I got out of my pocket and grabbed along the edges of the cork. It was surrounded by veins, blood, and muscle tissue. I proceed to pull the object, but it was stuck. I was curious, my partner was not. He backed up acting as if I was trying to defuse a bomb. I pull harder on the cork till finally it popped open.

I got the cork, but the bottle remained lodged inside the neck; just then the bottle started to spill blood that was inside the bottle. Blood ran smoothly from the bottle to the floor, only drenching the carpet in even more blood. I closed my eyes and dropped the cork into an evidence bag that I had always carried with me. I hold it above me then toward Johnny as I stare on at the bottle.

“Johnny, can you hold onto this in your trench coat? I have no pockets big enough for it.” I was only wearing dress pants and a button up shirt after all. “Sure thing.” He says disgusted, as he grabs the bag from my hand.

I pull back my hand and continue to look at the bottle. There was something odd about this bottle. It then stopped pouring blood and a single, white-colored string emerges from blood at the edge of the bottle top.

“What the hell?” I pull the string out of the bottle and from the end of the string is a silver colored key. “Uhh, Stan?” Johnny calls me. “What?” I say still holding a string with a blood-soaked key on the end. I stand up and walk toward him he is holding the cork in the evidence bag above his eye-level looking closely at it.

“You might want to see this.” He suggests as he handed the bag to me. I took the bag from his hand and looked at the cork through the bag. That’s when I noticed a message was written in the surrounding edges of the cork. It was written in what appears to be Sharpie marker. It read: ‘Come find me ‘; Looks like this bastard was waiting for us. “Fine” I say as I look at Johnny.

“This guy wants to be found? Then we’re going to find him!” I say in sheer confidence and fear; Johnny then nods in agreement and calls the sergeant in here to check out what we had found.

But why, why did he want to be found? Something wasn’t right; I could feel it in my gut. This is, after all, a serial killer we are talking about. If their goal is to be found, then that could only mean trouble for whoever finds him. I hope it’s me; I will find that bastard. And when I do, he’s going to regret the day he fucked with me and my family.


It was a long day at work so I then proceed to go home after I filed the evidence in the evidence locker. This job can’t be any more stressful; tracking down a serial killer was easy, but trying to be a father is hard.

Once I pulled into the driveway next to my son’s Ford, I felt a sense of grief come over me. Being home brought me discomfort. I always thought of this house as a reminder of pain and misery, ever since my wife died in this very house two years ago. I would talk about it but I don’t feel comfortable.

I walk up to the front door of the two-story, brownish-colored, house. Then I open the door and walk in to find my son Ryan on his laptop, sitting on the pleather couch next to the coffee table in the living room.

The living room was the first thing you see once you walked in through the door. Next on your right you would see the arch way into the dining room/kitchen. Then straight ahead from the entrance, was a stairway.

The house was a two-bathroom, three-bedroom house. One bathroom was downstairs, one was upstairs, and all the bedrooms were upstairs connected by a narrow hallway that was horizontally facing the front of the house.

“Hey Ryan, what are you up to?” I greeted my son and placed my jacket on the coat rack next to the door. I shut the door behind me while Ryan remains focused on the laptop, still not answering. I look at him. “Ryan? Hello?” I wait for his response “Oh what?” He finally answered. “Sorry dad I was focused on my project.” He replied sounding tired and worn-out.

“OK, so what’s the project on?”  If I know my son Ryan, then I know it’s important when he spends long hours of studying for a project.

And the only projects important to him were the ones that his forensics class assigns. “Forensics.”; “I knew it!” I point my finger at him acting cool while putting on a slight grin. I then proceed to walk to the kitchen’s fridge and grab a beer. “So, what are you guys doing this time?” I shout from the kitchen, as I opened the fridge.

“We are studying Serial killers”. Of course it had to be serial killers. I grab a beer from the fridge door, shut the fridge and walk into the living room standing beside Ryan leaning against the wall next to the couch. I open my beer and take a sip. “So, what serial killer are you studying, exactly?” I ask, I was a bit curios but I didn’t really want to hear all too much about serial killers the rest of the day. But for Ryan’s amusement I’ll listen.

“Just any one of them.” He replies now looking at me. My son was 17; bout’ the same height as I am and he had jet-black hair that went down to his neck. His eyes were hazel and he was as sarcastic as I was when I was his age; just like his dad.

“So everyone started working on world famous serial killers right?  Like Jeffery Dahmmer or Ted Bundy. But I went with something that’s infamous but not ‘world-famous’.” He explained “Well go on then spit it out.”

I tell him while taking another sip of my beer. “I’m doing my project on the Burnt Iron Killer.” The response shocked me. My eyes grew wide and the look of worriment appeared upon my face as I set down my beer. “But son-” I start sounding very concerned. “There’s not enough evidence to collect. We barley just got some new found evidence, today and we still can’t make sense of it.” I explain trying to persuade him to not do his project on that nut-job.

“Yeah but If I collect enough evidence and eventually you guys find him then maybe-“;”Whoa…Umm, you collect evidence?” I ask in disapproval.

“Earth to Ryan, this isn’t your job! Plus it’s way too dangerous to hunt down a serial killer!”

My voice volume raised and I was frantic. I can’t imagine what shit he might find, all the horror, all the gore; this would scar him for life.

“But dad listen,” He got up and put his laptop on the coffee table. “I was going to ask you: Let me help you on the case.” He looked at me with an expressionless face then proceeded to explain.

“Ryan, take a look at this.” I place my beer on the coffee table and quickly walk upstairs and into my room. On my bed was my work suitcase full of take-home evidence. Then I quickly go back to the living room. “Move your laptop.” I commanded; he quickly moves his laptop over the edge of the table and I gently place the suit case on the table.

“Do you know what’s in this?” I ask him as I sit down on the couch on front of the suit case. He shakes his head looking at the case, “Sit down.” I say as I sigh, why am I doing this? Focus Stan, focus.

“What is this?”  Ryan asks. I look at him and look back at the case. I hesitate at first but fuck it, no backing out now. I quickly open the case and slowly open it all the way and push it slightly towards Ryan. He sits down and looks into the case. I could see the awe in his face; his eyes were wide but he wasn’t scared or anything; he looked more interested in the contents than he was fearful.

“You know what this is, Ryan?” He pulls out a bag containing a bloody cork. “It’s evidence from the Burnt Iron Killer case.” He was astounded. “We could easily track this fucker down with all this stuff.”; “We won’t be tracking any fuckers with this stuff.” He ignored me shit, this was pointless.

“Why do you have all this?” He asked “I asked the chief if I could do some personal studying with this, but that’s not the point. This is the story of a fucking mad man!” I exclaim while pointing at the case. “Dad, I understand.”; “No you don’t understand.”; “yes I do.” Damnnit Ryan! He then put down the bag with a cork in it and looked at me.

“Come on, think about how many lives we could save if we partner up and catch this ass-hole? Think about it! I am the top of my class in my advanced forensics class, I’m practically a detective.” He explains in ignorance. “Dad we can do this!” He exclaims with a grin; this is such bullshit. “What makes you all bad ass all of the sudden? What makes you think that this is easy?” I question is ignorance and just try not to lash out on him; he’s practically belittling my job! “This is a Fucking serial killer, Ryan; what would happen if he catches you!?” I start yelling and the expression of anger came on me. He is still and quiet, that grin he had is long gone now. Good, that means I’m getting to him.

“This guy will stop at nothing to rip you to shreds! I’m practically putting myself in danger here, I mean I want to catch this fucker just like anyone else, but this is no job for a kid. You got that?” I drink from my beer then set it down on the table again.

“Dad, I know it’s hard and ever since mom died you’ve been overprotective. But I’m older dad, I can handle this.” Oh no, he didn’t; anger consumes me and I begin to see red.


I was enraged I wanted to…- there would be no telling what I wanted to do just then. I stand up and my face turned red and intense with anger, my eyes cringed with ferocity. I was sweating in panic and my heart was beating faster and harder. My mind was not under my control anymore.

I would say anything now to keep my son from getting himself killed. “This psycho turned a whole home into a fucking slaughter-house! The last fucking thing I want is for you to get your stupid ass killed because you thought you were hot shit!!”

Ouch that struck a nerve; I could see the disappointment and the hurt in his eyes. I hope he learned something otherwise my anger would have been wasted on him. I never did like hurting my son like that, but if it meant protecting him then by all means I will do what I can to keep him safe.

“Fine then-” He sighed in disappointment. He then gets up, grabs his laptop and shuts it down and takes it with him upstairs. He didn’t try and grab the suit case, he just stormed upstairs.

“I’ll just study Jeremy-Fucking-Dahmmer.” He utters under his breath. What the hell, Stan? I know I was hard on him, but I needed to get him off the subject. I worry for him, and I don’t want him to get into trouble. I already lost my wife; I don’t want to lose my son. Even if it means putting him down, I had to keep him safe. I take a sip of my beer which I didn’t realize I was still holding. This is how you end a day in my house I guess.

Wish life wasn’t always like this… so full of grief and hate, we destroy ourselves with these emotions and somehow they affect the ones we hold close to our hearts. I wish there was another way. I really do.


Jacob Part 5 (Frightful Fridays)

“CARL!” I scream into the black of night awaking the real Carl and the real mom and dad in the hotel room. Terror gripped my vocal chords and kept me from speaking anymore, all that came up was choked up sobs and moans of pain and fear. “What the hell?!” says my dad who was sound asleep, well “was”. He sheds off the coves and comes to my bedside, not to yell at me but to hold me.
It was unexpected, I honestly thought he was just going to yell at me and I was going o have to go back to sleep in a pool of tears. “Honey are you ok?” My mom asks as she grabs a hold of Carl from his crib and there he was in mom’s arms; perfectly fine and crying from being woken up by my shrill scream. She then comes to me with Carl in her arms.

Suddenly I am held close by both of my parents tears dripping from my eyes, cheeks red like fire. “It was so horrible! Carl, is he okay?” I ask frantically and almost hysterically. Then mom showed my Carl in her arms, safe and ok. Oh god that was such a relief, I have never felt so scared in my life. I – I don’t know what I could have done if that was real. If somehow Carl were to die so young, I would have never forgiven myself, and I would never in a billion years forgive Jacob. It was him I know it, he’s why all this is happening. All the nightmares. He needs to be gone, for good.

I suddenly find myself doing something that I never had done before. I quickly reach for Carl and hold him close while mom held him at the same time, gently cradling his head and body with my arms as well as moms for support.Never have I cared for Carl; I mean I guess I always loved him but this was the first time I actually showed it and I suddenly felt that I was no longer the forgotten child or the annoying brat I felt as though I was still mom and dad’s kid and there just so happenes to be this small fragile thing that needs me as much as I need him. And I no longer hated Carl, but loved him. And above all else I was afraid for him.

“Carl’s fine Sarah everything will be okay? Alright?” Mom tells me as she hugs me and Carl close together. No I don’t believe that, for some odd reason I feel as though that the dream was a warning, I don’t believe we are safe, not at all.


It has been a week since I last heard from Jacob and I am starting to believe that I have finally gotten rid of him. He is gone and I was safe… Carl was safe.

This past week we have been spending in the hotel room, the police was still cleaning up what happened at the house and it became what they called a crime scene which means we can no longer set foot there until the case is solved or until a certain period of time passes. I minded the gruesome mess Jacob had left but I had not minded being able to spend all this time with Carl and my parents. We have been going out to places all week. For instance we went to go to the Kids museum on 6th avenue and boy was that fun, They had like learning centers in certain spots of the museum that were kind of like play centers with cool looking stuff. Then next we went to go see this really cool movie in 3-D, that was me and dad personally it was my first movie that I saw that was PG-13 but dad and I agreed to not tell mom. There was only like two bad words in it and was actually pretty cool.

Today however, we were going to the zoo at Reid Park. “Honey you got everything?” yelled mom from the bathroom as me and dad were packing stuff in a backpack and the diaper bag for carl. It was a cloudy day so we didn’t need sunblock and we didn’t need an umbrella because the forecast didn’t call for rain today. We were all dressed in shorts and casual shorts while Carl wore this cute shirt that read: “Rawr!” with a cartoon dinosaur printed on it. “We got everything!” Dad yelled back. “Are you sure we don’t need to bring an umbrella it looks pretty cloudy out there.” I asked dad. “No we are fine, this is perfect weather in Arizona. Relax.” I nod and place Carl’s rattle in the Diaper bag next to the back pack. Dad seems to notice this and nudges at my arm while chuckling. “What?” I ask as a grin formed on my face. “It just amazes me how you’ve grown. Your mother is proud of you honey.” I was curious as to how she was proud of me. “Why is she?” I ask. “Well… When Carl was born you seemed to show disinterest.” “Was it that obvious?” I ask feeling a little bad about how I have been acting toward Carl. “Yeah, but believe me I understand-“ I raised a questionable brow. “How?” I ask him.

“Well” He starts with a sigh. “When I was your age, your uncle Charlie was born, and I didn’t react too well to him being the new kid in the block, but come the next couple months- I got closer to him. That’s when I realized that he was my responsibility to take care of him and keep him safe. Trust me it was hard but you know what?” “What?” I reply.

“He’s my brother and I love him to death, no matter what Sarah, we protect our family and keep each other safe, not because it is our responsibility, but because we love each other.” In that instant I felt like I had a bigger role in Carl’s life and I was happy to know that I wasn’t alone in my position, that I wasn’t the only one going through what I was going through. And Jacob’s story could never have as much meaning as Dad’s and I was glad that Jacob was no longer a part of me. “I love you dad.” I say as I hug his pant leg and he lowers down to my level and hugs me as well. “I love you too, sweetheart.”
We finally reach the zoo after we face 20 minutes worth of traffic but it was worth it. It was super cloudy and cool and the animals were up and about, and best of all: no Jacob. The zoo was almost exactly like a jungle only with fences and warning signs telling us not to feed the animals. Behind us and in front of us were families and crowds exploring the zoo; few crowed the concession stand to our far right and the rest were families just like us headed toward their favorite exhibits.

“Hey honey we should go see the Elephants!” Mom says in excitement toward dad, for some reason they have always been mom’s favorite animal. And coincidently they were my favorite as well. We stood near the concession stand, Dad then looked to her with a smile and agreed. “Sure go ahead, I think Carl needs his diaper changed anyway.” Dad said nodding toward the stroller in which Carl sat uncomfortably in his wet diaper. He lets out a loud moan of discomfort and dad leans over in front of the stroller to pick him up. “You guys go ahead we’ll catch up.” I stood next to mom and tugged at her leg. “Let’s go see the Elephants mom.” I suggest. She looks to dad “Are you sure hun? We can wait.” Dad quickly replies: “No it’s okay, go ahead, me and the little man here will find you guys.” He says nodding toward Carl who coos in his arms. “Okay, love you.” Mom said. “Love you too.” Dad says as he snags a diaper bag out of the stroller’s undercarriage and takes Carl to the bathrooms nearby. Me and mom go with the stroller toward the Elephant exhibit since all of our water and stuff is in the undercarriage.

We finally get to the elephants, behind a giant ten foot tall chain-link fence was the elephant pit: a giant section of the zoo devoted to the elephants here; complete with a watering hole, a couple of giant beach balls and plenty of space for them to move around. There were two elephants there one was in the corner spraying water on itself and the other was closer to the fence playing with the beach ball. “Hey look mom!” I say in excitement as we approach the fence, “I see honey.” She says. We get closer and then we are finally up close along with several others lining against the railing before the fence.

I and mom looked on at the elephant as it did a balancing trick with the ball. It was at the tip of his trunk as he balanced it at the edge; it stayed there for like a whole ten seconds before he suddenly dropped it then looked at me and mom. The crowd was applauding him but he paid no mind, there was no reaction to the crowd but a great amount of his attention came to me and mom. Then the applause died down when we realized that it wasn’t doing anything, just standing there… staring at me.

“Sarah… “

Oh no not him! I thought I was rid of him! The fear in my eyes shows and my heartbeat becomes very loud. “Oh no.” I whispered.
“Don’t you like me anymore Sarah?” He asks, due to the sound I would say he was behind us and that he had gotten the elephant’s attention “Go away.” I whisper again hoping to God that he would just leave. Why doesn’t he just go away? He has done enough damage as it is. Protection or not, he wasn’t here to protect me he was here to make my life hell, I know it.

“How could you say that?! Why Sarah? WHY?!” He was growing louder and louder in my head and it started to hurt; I winced and sighed in pain holding my head as if I had a headache. “Sarah, what’s wrong?” Mom asks. The elephant then starts to charge toward the fence. “SARAH MOVE!” Mom says as she grabs me and moves out of the way ditching the stroller before the elephant could charge its way out of the gate. The gate suddenly comes crashing down and the elephant had already crushed the stroller along with injuring some people who stood close by as it escaped; it then shrugs off the pain and lets out a loud trump; his trunk swinging back and forth, the elephant was now on the walkway as people screamed in panic and run away. Me and mom quickly recover and stand up from our position ten feet away from the now destroyed fence.

We look toward the elephant that was now panicking for some reason. “FINE, PROTECT YOURSELF YOU FUCKING BRAT!” The rage in his voice shook my insides and racked my brain like a blunt object had struck me. “Evelyn!” Dad shouted Mom’s name from a few yards behind us. “Dad!” I shout still in pain. “Keith, keep the baby away!” Mom warns before dad could tend to us.

That’s when we heard snapping and tearing almost as if flesh was being torn apart. We look to the elephant and we see it still standing but stood disturbingly still. The elephant just stood there as blood started to pour from its neck as dark red puddles began to form from blood dripping from behind its ears as well. Then before my eyes I see claw like tears in flesh begin to form between the elephants neck and behind its ears; the gray rough skin now penetrated and tearing apart on its own. The tear soon spreads all the way around the neck and behind its other ear.

Mom gasps and stares in awe just as everyone surrounding us had done. “Jacob, no.” I whisper. But he no longer cared; this was him doing this, nothing else, nothing more. There was no protection anymore, there will be only harm.

With this thought the elephant’s head falls in a bloody thud off the body, blood now pouring like a waterfall out of the neck, covering the ground in red liquid, the squish of the elephants head rolling over in its own blood was enough to make mom throw up away from me and on the sidewalk we stood on and stream tears from her now red and exhausted eyes. I now stood there tears streaming down my eyes at the most traumatizing thing that I will ever experience, this coming from the girl who has seen every death known to man up to this point; seems pretty disturbing once you think about it.

The body of the elephant collapses in a loud thud in a puddle of blood, The PA system shouts for everyone to leave the zoo at once and to steer clear of the elephant exhibit, as to spare others of this trauma.

It was too late for us.

“It will be too late for you soon enough.” Jacob reassures me. I guess I was wrong; I wasn’t rid of him…

Not yet.

Hey Guys, HR here, letting you guys know that I apologize for taking so long with this one but as you can see I was contemplating whether or not the elephant’s head should fall off. Which was an easy decision… OFF WITH THE HEAD!  JK lol but it was difficult to swallow such intense gore and disturbing images. I apologize if it seemed too much but It is all in the name of horror. Anyways I hope you like it 🙂 after this story I will present you with something a little less “gore-fest”. BTW We are close and as soon as we get five more followers I will starts a new blog and run this one at the same time: the new one will be dedicated to romance so if you like sappy romantic shiz you can go there, but don’t worry I “Hell’s Reject” Will still exist and will be able to fuel your need for fear and all things gore and goth. Stay awesome guys and tune in to the last two Frightful Fridays that will wrap up this series! 😀

Sincerely, HR



If I Stay Thoughful Thursdays

Ok, next to TFIOS, If I Stay is possibly one if this generations best tear-jerkers. Much like The Fault In Our Stars, this book makes you cry and gives you feels emanating from nowhere else but the center of your soul. This basically means that this book is like 9 out of 10 one of the greatest books out there. Why not 10 out of 10 you ask? Well, because the book itself was very short and to me was an easy read but however managed to fit an entire person’s life into a 300-something-paged book.

I will however say that it could have been longer and could have done better on the tear department, simply because the movie’s trailer made me ball out crying. (Not exactly ball out; just shed a long tear down my cheek). But I am getting ahead of myself, let me give you guys the rundown:

17 year old Mia is on the verge of dying after a terrible car wreck kills her parents and little brother (I will not give spoilers at this point just so you know), she is now in a ghost form watching as if she was up and about only she is watching as a ghost. As she is in the hospital (both in ghost form and coma-induced human form) she sees the rest of her family and her friends (including her amateur rock star boyfriend: Adam). In small groups they all see her in her coma induced state (she listens in and watches as a ghost) and each of them are telling her that they want her to stay alive because though she has lost her family she still has other family that loves her and needs her.

She finds out soon enough that it is up to her on whether she lives or dies, it is unknown how but she will somehow have to make a choice: will she move on and see her family again? Or will she stay?

This book also gets into her life in small flashbacks and memories that displayed after a symbol before each major paragraph as if it was a cutaway into a memory which is what I predict the movie will be like. But these memories I believe are the real tear-jerker; the creators of the story, it makes you want Mia to stay but also makes you indecisive as to whether it is right or not for her to stay alive. It is like you want her to stay but how will she live with herself? There is so much heart and sadness and joy put into this book by Gayle Forman and I must admit is an absolute masterpiece. The writing is beautiful and she describes the pain of losing a loved one so vividly you would feel as though you have had your heart ripped out and thrown away by such pain. But then that pain diminishes with the heartwarming love that takes place between Mia and her loved ones, including her musically talented boyfriend: Adam.

I won’t get too into it because it is midnight and if I try or even attempt to describe how amazed I am that this book covered so much ground in the relationship of Adam and Mia and of how many sparks flew when they shared their moments, I will have been rambling on a keyboard with no definite point.

So case and point, this book is amazing and the movie itself sound and looks amazing, therefore I shall see it, whilst bringing with me a box of tissues, hopefully I still have some left over from when I went to go see The Fault In Our Stars.



If I Stay Thoughful Thursdays

Ok, next to TFIOS, If I Stay is possibly one if this generations best tear-jerkers. Much like The Fault In Our Stars, this book makes you cry and gives you feels emanating from nowhere else but the center of your soul. This basically means that this book is like 9 out of 10 one of the greatest books out there. Why not 10 out of 10 you ask? Well, because the book itself was very short and to me was an easy read but however managed to fit an entire person’s life into a 300-something-paged book.

I will however say that it could have been longer and could have done better on the tear department, simply because the movie’s trailer made me ball out crying. (Not exactly ball out; just shed a long tear down my cheek). But I am getting ahead of myself, let me give you guys the rundown:

17 year old Mia is on the verge of dying after a terrible car wreck kills her parents and little brother (I will not give spoilers at this point just so you know), she is now in a ghost form watching as if she was up and about only she is watching as a ghost. As she is in the hospital (both in ghost form and coma-induced human form) she sees the rest of her family and her friends (including her amateur rock star boyfriend: Adam). In small groups they all see her in her coma induced state (she listens in and watches as a ghost) and each of them are telling her that they want her to stay alive because though she has lost her family she still has other family that loves her and needs her.

She finds out soon enough that it is up to her on whether she lives or dies, it is unknown how but she will somehow have to make a choice: will she move on and see her family again? Or will she stay?

This book also gets into her life in small flashbacks and memories that displayed after a symbol before each major paragraph as if it was a cutaway into a memory which is what I predict the movie will be like. But these memories I believe are the real tear-jerker; the creators of the story, it makes you want Mia to stay but also makes you indecisive as to whether it is right or not for her to stay alive. It is like you want her to stay but how will she live with herself? There is so much heart and sadness and joy put into this book by Gayle Forman and I must admit is an absolute masterpiece. The writing is beautiful and she describes the pain of losing a loved one so vividly you would feel as though you have had your heart ripped out and thrown away by such pain. But then that pain diminishes with the heartwarming love that takes place between Mia and her loved ones, including her musically talented boyfriend: Adam.

I won’t get too into it because it is midnight and if I try or even attempt to describe how amazed I am that this book covered so much ground in the relationship of Adam and Mia and of how many sparks flew when they shared their moments, I will have been rambling on a keyboard with no definite point.

So case and point, this book is amazing and the movie itself sound and looks amazing, therefore I shall see it, whilst bringing with me a box of tissues, hopefully I still have some left over from when I went to go see The Fault In Our Stars.



Five Days Act II / Frightful Fridays… on a tuesday

Act II

September 10th 2013, 5:00 pm, Stone-Brook Asylum

Today I decided to get answers from John; I couldn’t get over last night. Just the sheer thought of Gregory Richards- it chills me to the bone.

I don’t know why but he just… there’s something that’s not right about him. He was just too weird even for an insane person. Hell I was still trying to figure out where that whisper from last night came from. What did it mean: “day one”?

And why five days; what happens then?
These questions needed answers, so I talked to john after my shift ended; and here’s how it went:

I walked into his office, feeling nervous and on edge while I walked into the small, square, white-walled room. I was somehow afraid of what I might find out from him; after all he was Gregory’s “servant”

I walk in as he is sorting through papers. As soon as I lean on his doorway- while holding Gregory’s file- he looks up at me from what he was doing and begins the conversation. “So how’s our little friend doing?” he asked while smiling, still looking towards me. “I hope he didn’t miss me too much.”

So they were friends?- I thought to myself while I held an awkward expression while pondering his words. He notices my face and his smile is gone and is replaced with impatience in his voice. “So what is it what do you want?” He asks as he reads his paper work at his desk while listening.

“Are you friends with that guy?” I ask. “Who?” He grumbles “With the Cannibal.” I say quickly and now irritated about his playing dumb. He drops his paperwork and looks to me, now looking impatient as well. “Son, do you believe in ghosts?” He asks; which was an odd question because he knew I didn’t.

“No, sir.” I say sounding unsure because there was something urging me to say yes in the back of my mind. He just stares at me like I’m stupid and he stands up from his chair and walks at least a few feet towards me.

“Well, I do; there are ghosts and all sorts of creepy shit that haunts the night and these halls, Mr. Donally.” He tells me as I make myself stand straight in front of him and continue listening.

“But the worst of them all; the most heinous and most disturbing thing that can ever co-exist with us human beings… are demons.” The seriousness of his voice disturbed me, this man actually and truly believed in the paranormal, the sad thing is… I was starting to believe him. I mean how else could have I heard a voice whisper in my ear when no one was with me?

How do I explain that?

“So-“I began with a hint at fear at my voice. “Gregory Richards is a demon?” I ask, wishing both to be wrong and right. “No.” He says bluntly now sounding more impatient than ever as he walked back to his desk; “But sir. Then what is he?” I ask.

“He is a patient. I just said there were demons; I didn’t however say he was one.” I was getting very irritated as I walked in front of his desk; he wasn’t getting away that easily.
“But sir he told me something.” I say sounding frustrated. “Five days?” he mentions without pause and without concern.

I pause in shock that he knew. “Okay son let me tell you something: Gregory “the Cannibal” Richards is a psychopathic serial killer who will do anything to freak people out.” He continued. Then as he sat back down to his seat and I look down with a dropped jaw and confused expression he said something else.

“His other half however, is another story.” He says; suddenly I am out of my trance and I fixate my eyes toward him and my eyebrows are slanted inward. “W-wait, what?” I stutter sounding confused. He didn’t respond and suddenly anger flashes in my eyes but I somehow control myself.

“So what say you give it another go?” He asks.
I was about to walk out of the office saying: ‘fuck you’, but then he said this:

“Name your price.” John said.

“Excuse me?” I say sounding curious, is he really doing this?
“You need to do this, because I can’t tell you everything.” He starts as he sits in his desk, now sounding afraid. “What do you mean figure out everything?” I ask as he then shushes me.

“You need to stop him and it is obvious you won’t want to go unless you were being offered something more.” He explains silently from his desk. “Name your price and put an end to him.”

I was confused, I didn’t think he was serious until I looked down in his desk; his hands were shaking and I managed to spot what he was working on at his desk; the paperwork he was going through turned out to be life insurance forms from my former co-workers who had been laid off a few weeks back…. Could john very much be in trouble? Was there something more to this than I had anticipated?

“5,000.” I say quickly and he lets out a sigh of relief; “Thank you, Jason, thank you.”, “Don’t mention it.” I sigh. Suddenly the room became cold and I started to shiver.

“Jesus is the AC on blast today?” I ask him as I rub my arms with my hands to generate some warmth with friction. My white asylum uniform was too thin to keep me warm. “What do you mean?” He says silently as he stares at me with his aged face and softly colored eyes.

That’s when I noticed something; there was a shadow, a dark sort of distorted non-human shadow, hovering over John from behind him.

I stared at it and the room suddenly becomes warmer and I am no longer cold. I look down for a brief second at my arms only to notice they have grown pale. I look back up and as soon as I did, the shadow was gone and John still stared at me with his worried eyes.

“Jason…” He started. “Read the file, there is something you should know.” His words became quiet as I stare down at my hand where the file was and it was gone.

I almost panic until I see the file on John’s desk… when I didn’t put it there. I must not have remembered placing it there. Without hesitation, I grabbed it and left his office.

Tonight marks day two, I am scared. But john was too, so I am not alone on this. He couldn’t tell me but something was wrong.

Once again, here goes nothing.

September 10th 2013, 11:00 pm, Stone-Brook Asylum.

Already regretting this shit and I have only been sitting here for fifteen minutes.
Right when I got here I went through the usual routine; got called on by two guards who didn’t even recognize me from last night and I stopped by John’s office.

“I read the file, but it’s the same damn stuff I read the other night.” I tell him as soon as I walk in. He just stares down at himself looking tired and weak as he sat in his office chair.
“I hate to tell you this Jason, but you are on your own now.” He said quietly. “What do you mean?” I ask as I place the file at his front desk where he sat.

“Keep it; you need it to figure out what I am forbidden to tell you.” He sounds cold; like everything that had originally gave him purpose in life had been sucked out of him.
“What can’t you tell me?” I ask. “You will see.” He says slowly looking up to reveal that he had a bandage about the size of half his face covering his left cheek.

My eyes widen in shock. “Jesus, John what happened?” I asked now concerned for my cryptic boss’ well-being. “I was…” He looked at me trying to find the right words to say. “-punished.” He finished. I just stared at him, confused and pondering his claim.

“Like I said you are on your own.” He got up and shut off his computer to his right; and he pulled from his desk drawer and handed me a small brown paper bag. I grabbed it and looked inside to see only a flashlight. “What’s this for?” I ask. No response. He grabs his keys on his desk and gets his brown trench coat from the coat rack behind him and proceeds to the office door. Just as he is halfway out of the door he stops dead in his tracks and just stares at nothingness and I can only see the back of his grey-haired head.
There was a long silence, until he finally said: “You will see.”

And that was it. I lock up his office for him with a set of asylum keys I had. Now here I was, with my keys, the flashlight, and my file on Gregory Richards. I proceed to the cell of Gregory “The Cannibal” Richards, and prepare myself for hell.

Now here I am sitting in the small, white-walled, monitoring room with nothing but a control panel a monitoring screen and a flashlight.

I am now just sitting here watching the mysterious Gregory Richards, I haven’t talked to him yet but he seems to be doing something, I don’t know what he is doing though.
Ah shit, he is saying something.

Day two

Whoa, what the fuck?
I took my eyes off the journal for five seconds and… I didn’t write that!
Be right back.

September 11th 2013, 1:00 am, Stone-Brook Asylum.

The power went out.

I am scared shitless, I honestly don’t know what the fuck is going on.

One minute I am looking at the monitor but something was wrong… Gregory’s face contorted, into something I don’t know what. He just stared at the camera with that evil grin and all of the sudden the camera started freezing up and just paused directly on his face, with that- nasty, disgustingly contorted grin, I swear his head could have split in half with such a maniacal smile.

It was almost… demonic.

After that the power cut off and now I found use for the flashlight.

I need to get out if here, but I can’t find the door.

I just ca-

erit in laqueum diaboli, et in iis, qui sine anima est animae,
erit in laqueum diaboli, et in iis, qui sine anima est animae,
erit in laqueum diaboli, et in iis, qui sine anima est animae,
erit in laqueum diaboli, et in iis, qui sine anima est animae,

He can’t be stopped Jason,
help me
Help me.

September 11th 2013, 5:00 am, My apartment.

This can’t be happening, this just can’t be real.
There is something very wrong here. Gregory is like the fucking antichrist or something I don’t know but it just…

God! This shit isn’t worth the money I am being paid; hell it’s not even worth anything.
I am just that scared right now; even as I write these words from the comfort of my own home, I still feel watched by him.

Okay… calm down. I will try and explain exactly what happened from when my flashlight had given out.

I was writing and I had dropped my journal, then I panicked. I couldn’t reach for a door but the room must have been bigger than it was because I felt around the darkness of the room and found nothing. It wasn’t before long that the desk that I was sitting at wasn’t even there anymore I was just in an empty room.

I kept hitting the flashlight clutching it with my sweaty palms; the black metal flashlight had grown warm from being in my hand for so long and the perspiration only grew as my hands clung to it for dear life.

Then that’s when it happened. The room’s singular florescent light had lit up but in a more dim-like grayish color.

First was the smell, then came the sudden realization of what surrounded me… then there was the moaning.

Body, upon bloody body, they were piled so high and blood had been spilt so much that there was no way it was even possible, this- …


Oh God I am gonna be sick, the sheer thought of it had shook my core.
If there was such a thing as the soul, it shook every fiber of my own; the very bones within me were shaking.

There were dead bodies everywhere; naked, disemboweled, split-open, cut up bodies were piled high against each other. I practically stood in a puddle of blood.
Then the bodies began screaming at me.

“Go away!”
“Help me!”
“God… WHY?!”

Then the last voice that really got to me was the voice that came from behind me.

“Jason!” With my eyes wide with terror and my throat full of nausea and prepared to vomit I turned around and saw Gregory Richards on the floor, covered in blood, his eyes red and his body split at the waist and his legs somewhere else. His white jumpsuit (well half of it) was soaked in the crimson liquid.

I look down on him and he says this:

“Save us.”

Then from behind me once more was that same warped, demonically altered version of Gregory’s voice

“Day three” My heart could have very well jumped out of my chest and screamed bloody murder.

From there on the lights, the real lights came back on and the room was normal again.
I didn’t hesitate. I grabbed my shit and left the place. Gregory had been lying down on his bed on the monitor and he was normal again. “Why?” I ask myself, in wonderment of why he was doing this to me.

“Goodnight Jason.” He said with his eyes closed and with an evil smirk.

When he said my name however it was contorted and deepened.

I then grabbed my stuff and got out of there and now I am here.
I am going to take a day off from work so that I can collect myself and possibly dig up more dirt on this guy.

But the strangest thing that had happened was that I had found what had been written in different handwriting in my journal. It wasn’t me.

It was him.
He wrote some kind of message in Latin I think, and then he asked for my help. Why would he need my help? Isn’t he trying to get me?

I’ll check into it tomorrow.

Thanks for reading; act 3 will be this Friday and please share this with friends, you guys are amazing thanks for taking the time to read this


Open Doors by Orlando Chacon

The definition of fear is a unpleaseant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. What I felt that night in that house was not fear, it was unimaginable terror.

Me and my family live in a different house now for the same reason why I’m telling you this story: to warn others, to shut the fucking doors at night. Because whatever happened to us that night was proof that there are things in this world that are beyond us and are simply unexplainable and very disturbing.                 I was ten years old when we lived in a suburban home in downtown Tucson, Arizona; it was summer time and the air was humid and the sun had always beat down on us during the day. By night however was a different story; at night it was kinda warm but still had a nice cool breeze passing ny 24/7 to keep us cool. This made night-time seem favorable to me… until that night.

Me and my brother were playing with our action figures in the living room. We were having fun until mom walked in and told us it was time for bed. We sighed and complained for a brief second, but ultimately we got up and took our action figures to bed with us.

There were four doors total in this hallway: one door at the far end of the hall which was the bathroom, the first two to the left was me and my brothers rooms, and to the right a single door which led to the master bedroom: mom’s room. My mom stayed in that room alone because our father died when I was five and my brother was three. He had died in a hit and run accident on the freeway on his way home from work. At the time my brother didn’t understand. But it hit me and mom pretty hard and life was tough for a while. But now we are moving on and this house was a perfect  fresh start for us all.

Anyways, back then I was very paranoid of that house, we got it cheap and it was pretty and all but I knew something was wrong. Later that night we are all in  our beds sleeping, all except me. I was snuggled in my big thick ‘Toy Story’ comforter and I had noticed something odd. It was dark but through the pale blue moonlight flooding through my window to my right I saw that to my left my door was opened.               At this point I am scared, and to this day I still feared opened doors at night. As a child, I had thought that there was always something evil lurking in the opened crack of my door. Deep in that darkness in the hall, I was expecting a sort of boogeyman or some weird nightmare to pop out and eat me. To this day… I regret to say I was right.

I looked up at the door that was across the room from my bed at my right. My bed was placed at the center right part of my room; the head of the bed pressed against the wall. I looked at the door from my bed as I saw the pale blue moonlight spread vertically upon the door frame. My heart beats faster as I stare down the doorway from the safety of my ‘Toy Story’ Comforter.

Suddenly out of the crack of the doorway appeared a hand. A long thin and moist hand had revealed itself as it slowly opened the door some more. My heart sank as the unbearable creaking of the old wooden door had flooded the room slowly. I couldn’t help but stare down at the creatures fearsome-looking hand. As the hand touched my wall by the door, you could almost see darkness spread from its touch and slowly decay the spot and have it slowly turn into darkness.

The spot then ripped through as the hand spread out a set of talons over the wall. Quickly the hand withdraws into the darkness of the slightly open door. I could feel my heart beat out of my chest and practically see my own breath, which is odd. Because it was hotter than Hell throughout the entire house… except for here in my room where it was colder than the arctic. I shivered and squirmed into my blanket when suddenly, out the corner of my eye, a shadow had moved from the doorway and into the darkness beneath my bed.              At this point I am terrified, the monster in the darkness now took residency under my bed. Beneath the mattress I could feel the sharp talons of the creature, impatiently tapping at the wood panels that held my bed up from the ground and onto the frame. In the quietness of it all, I could hear the low and silent snarling of the monster from beneath my bed.

I dared not look to my left nor my right and I sure as hell was not going to look underneath my bed. So In stared at the ceiling for a while, my eyes just panning my room from all angles in terror. However, for the longest time, the tapping and the snarling had stopped. For a minute I gathered myself to prepare for the next horrifying act of cruelty from the beast… but nothing happened.

I shot straight out of bed and being the idiot I was back then I had checked under my bed for the monster. God, I was so stupid. To let you know, I was perfectly healthy; I had a clear mind and healthy immune system. I had no therapists or psychiatrists look at me or anything. I was fine… I say this now so you will not doubt me when I say there was something so despicably foul underneath my bed that I regret ever looking down there!

I saw the carnage and blood of a million corpses under my bed. Under my bed was full of blood, organs and severed body parts of people I didn’t even know. I remembered the dreadful smell and the terror that gripped my heart as I witnessed it. Good God, how I wanted to puke! Tears streamed down my cheeks as I silently sob. The smell of rotting flesh hit my nostrils as I saw the most strangest thing imaginable. In the center of the Hellish world that took place from under my bed, was a tall dark shadowy figure.

The figure took form as it started moving towards me as I stayed crouching to look at the massacre beneath my bed. It started walking past piles of carnage and mangled bodies. Until it stopped, I couldn’t move and I was so scared to see this and I couldn’t move. It stared at me and had pointed its elongated arm at my direction. It looked like it was trying to tell me something.

It wasn’t until a few seconds later that I realized the figure was pointing behind me not at me. Almost immediately, I got up from the bed and slowly walked backwards from my bed to the wall that was directly behind me. I didn’t lean against he wall sadly. I had bumped into something. Quickly I turned around and saw it…

Oh my God, why did I ever turn to look at it?

It had blood-red eyes, two nostrils in placement of the human nose, and a wide gaping mouth filled with singularly spaced teeth. It’s skin was moist and it’s body was horribly disfigured around the chest area. Its ribs were spread wide open to revealing the insides of the torso… there was nothing, no internal organs just nothing but darkness.  Its arms were long and hung down to the ground lazily. And it was staring directly at me.

Those blood-red eyes simply were the definition of evil. I originally thought this was the boogeyman that I had heard of when I was five, but no, this was something way more sinister.

Suddenly the creature let out a loud ear-shattering growl. I screamed as the monster swung it’s left arm at my chest and sends me flying toward my door. The impact had slammed the door and my small body slammed the wood-paneled flooring.  Just then I noticed that the roaring had ceased and the monster was out of sight. My eyes were wide open and the creature just vanished out of thin air; the pale gray disfigured creature had vanished into the darkness of the night.  I quickly recovered and got up to turn on the light switch by my door to my right.

I slowly and hesitantly walked toward my bed and looked under it… no carnage, no blood, no separated version of Hell, no nothing. Nothing was there but the wooden floor and the box spring holding my bed up. I got up and looked around my room… no creature.

That night was the night I’ll never forget. Shortly after I checked the room my mom had burst in with my brother by her side to investigate. I told them everything, down to every detail and every odd occurrence. Mom however, didn’t believe me and shrugged it off as me sleepwalking or something. But my brother stared at me strangely, almost as if he knew what I was talking about.

That night I had went to bed with the door shut this time, and for some odd reason, I heard my brother shut his door as well. Luckily mom had shut her door too when she was too tired to even leave it open. She had always kept the doors open so that we could be heard by her if ever we were in danger.

The next morning I confronted my brother about his odd reaction to my story. Turns out that this same thing had happened to him a few nights ago when he had that night terror. Only the creature had come out of his closet door which was open by a crack.  He escaped with a small gash in his back that looked like the beast had cut him.

We spent the night at the hospital that night trying to get it stitched up and healed; he knew telling mom what really happened would have been pointless so he said he had cut his back on the bookshelf in his room by accident.

“There’s something else.” he tells me. “At first the thing said in a normal voice that it was daddy.” My heart started to beat faster in terror at this strange ability. How could this thing sound just like dad? I told him not to believe the creature if he ever came again and to close the doors at night. For that seemed to be the only way to keep it away.

That night me and my brother had shut our doors when mom finally fell asleep. As a safety precaution, I snuck a big knife from the kitchen and hid it under my pillow incase the monster was in the room already.

That night was unusually quiet and I couldn’t sleep; I had the most unsettling feeling within the pit of my soul that I forgot something. Something, was seriously wrong. I had gripped the knife handle tightly as my palm started to sweat. I was definitely ready for whatever happened.                            From mom’s room I heard my mother scream in terror. Without missing a single second I dart out of my room wielding the knife, open my door and run into mom ‘s already open door into her room which was across from mine.

Mom stood standing against the wall holding her arms out in front of her for protection; in front of her was the pale-gray and disfigured creature posed to attack.                       What happened next was responsible for brutally murdering my childhood, for after this… my innocence was gone.

The creature raised its right arm, claws fully extended and swung its arm downward slicing mom’s  right arm right off her torso. Mom screams in agony as the blood from where her right arm used to be, sprays some blood at all directions and then starts leaking blood like a normal wound. My stomach dropped as tears rolled down my cheeks; my jaw drops and lets out a sort of loud gag.

Oh, my God, even recalling it made me feel sick.

The creature cocked its ugly head toward my direction at the doorway, with blood sprayed all over his face he developed this huge evil grin. At the sight of this I gathered up my courage and anger flashes through my eyes. “Get away from her!” I shout as I charge to the monster with my knife.  The monster had a similar idea and charged at me at inhuman speed, however aimless my actions were I had managed to slice open its inner thigh.

I savored my small victory at the wrong time, for when I smiled in the realization that this thing could bleed and maybe even die, I might have a chance. But just then it grabs me by my waits and with inhuman strength it lifts me up in the air above its head with its ridiculously elongated arms. I drop the knife by accident as I stared into the  blood-red eyes of evil.

“No not my baby!” Mom had shrieked as she was bent over on her bed, still bleeding and holding out her remaining arm to my direction. I remembered how tightly its grip was around my waist.

I was so scared that my heart was just ready to stop and give up.

I remember thinking to myself… that I was going to die; we were all going to die… some sooner than others.

The creature took it’s time slowly trying to kill me;  it had tried to spread darkness upon my body, I was going to fall apart like the wall from my bedroom. And I had accepted my fate and closed my eyes ready to die.  Of coarse I wasn’t ready I just knew I couldn’t escape this. After five long seconds of my body decaying rapidly, I had dropped onto the floor with a  loud thud and returned to normal. I felt the darkness leave almost immediately and I am brought back to life.

I opened my eyes to see the lights turned on and the creature was gone. Mom had crawled toward me and hugged me tightly with her remaining arm while the stub of her lost arm had been still bleeding. Blood covered her entire right side as she held me tight and sobbed loudly.  My brother came up from behind us and  hugged moms good side and cried silently.

It was it, it was done. It was finally over.

Come to find out that the my brother had been awakened by mom’s scream too and had come in here just in time and shut the door behind him figuring that was its weakness. The monster had vanished and now we were safe.  We called 911 from mom’s cell phone but dared not open that door.

Soon enough we had realized that the door was the creatures portal to us and if the door was open he could come and get us, but only during the nighttime.                        After the police arrived with an ambulance we got up and darted out of the room and out the hallway whole slamming the door shut. Just as the creature almost appeared again we heard a loud screech emerge from inside the room.

Since then, mom’s  arm had been fixed up and remains to this day covered in bandages. We had moved to a different house and had learned to help mom with day-to-day tasks with her missing an arm and all.

Ever since the incident, we had locked and shut every window and every door every single night from there on out. Since then we never saw the creature again.

unfortunately the police found out that it wasn’t  mom or me or my brother that had caused this. Why is that unfortunate you ask? Well because one of the nights when we were in the hospital, four policemen had walked into mom’s room and had left the door open.

It was an absolute blood bath; let’s just say pictures were taken from outside the bedroom during the massacre and evidence was documented. The police heard my explanation of things and had taken to calling this thing ‘The Doorman’. I thought the name was ridiculous but I didn’t care, whatever it was, it could go to Hell.

The government came in, and threatened every one of us and ordered specifically for us to not say a word of this to everyone; the policemen deaths were covered up and so was mom’s arm severing.

But everyone must know the truth; similar deaths have been occurring across the U.S. People were being slaughtered in their own beds with either the closets creaked open or their window wasn’t shut.

If you’re reading this, heed my warning: Keep your doors shut at night, lock every window, barricade every door; because he is still out there and he’s always there… lurking in the shadows, in the dead of night, ready to kill.

Remember, beware of The Doorman.



The Glasses


demon glasses

When I was young I had poor eyesight; everything would come out as a blur or just wouldn’t be visible to me. I got used to it but naturally my parents began to worry. The optimoligst told them to get me a new pair of glasses but my parents didn’t have the money. The Doctor offered them a pair of glasses that had just been returned because it was the wrong prescription.

Oddly enough the glasses were at the ready behind the desk of his office. I couldn’t quite make out the detail of the place, or the people around me; but from what I heard, these things had my exact prescription.

As the glasses were put on me by blurred hands and darkness, I prepared myself to see for the first time. Oh my god I was so excited! I shut my eyes seeing nothing but pitch black and waiting for the frame of the glasses to take hold of my face.

I was eight years old so this was an exciting moment for me; as the frame slipped onto the spaces between my ears and my head I opened my eyes.

Oh my God! Everything was clear, I could finally see. The office was small and very dim in lighting, there’s little to no decoration but a flower pot and a small mirror on the desk. My parents were standing next to the eye doctor who bald and wore a pair of glasses himself.

But right there I felt something touch my shoulder from behind. It was a strange hand, it looked as though it had rotting flesh and a trail of black dust left on my shoulder. Just as I noticed this I felt shivers down my spine, this hand was accompanied with certain malevolence to it.

“Mom?” I ask. “Is there someone behind me?” She just stares at me like I told an odd joke or something. “No silly. We are the only ones here.” she says laughing. The fear in me grew intensely as I am suddenly being caressed by the rotting flesh arm and I am pulled back from my stance.

Suddenly I hear a loud screaming and I am thrown across the room and through the glass window of the office.
I begin to blackout only to last see my glasses on the concrete, surrounded by other broken shards of the window. Things are blurred again and I’m out.
I wake up in a hospital bed, my face is numb and everything is still blurred but my vision can still make out some of the room. I can even make out the cuts and bruises on my arms. Next to me was a tray of my cloths and my new glasses which, I had noticed for the first time, had a frail black frame and the lenses were perfectly round.
There was a doctor and a nurse, their backs faced to me and my mom and dad tried explaining to them what happened in terror, and the doctors try to find a logical explanation as to what had happened to me- they were speechless and their voices trailed off.
I awaken and my parents rush to me, the doctors said they wanted me to stay overnight. Hesitantly and worried for their terrorized son, my parents obeyed. After all, how else are they going to keep me safe? What if something happens and my parents are too deep into sleep to help?
Overnight at the hospital was disturbing; I was in the children’s ward and there was plenty of crying and even after the crying, I could hear the agonizing pain of patients who had suffered worse injuries then the children. I laid in bed for almost 6 hours watching nothing but cartoons on the TV that hung by the wall in front of me.
I got bored and turned the TV off with the remote they gave me by the tray with my stuff. My eyes began to hurt, due to the blurry vision; hell, even cartoons were hard to watch with my bad vision.
I placed the remote on my tray of stuff and saw on the table was a small stack of picture books that the nurse probably left. Excited, (because I loved books) I grab the first book in the stack and started to read, however I couldn’t, usually my vision would try to adjust and I would see enough to make out big words, but the words were small.
“Darn!” I sigh exhausted and tired of my stupid vision, I looked hesitantly at my glasses; and then I remembered what had happened back at the office. Now shivering, I gasp and spoke softly at the room, in case that monster was there to hurt me again. “Hello?”
No reply. Okay it was safe, I thought.
I slowly took the frail frame of the glasses on top of my folded pants and slowly I put them on. Instantly my vision was clear. The room was empty and the hospital bed had been placed against the wall so there was no “behind me”. I was safe, the room was a pale green and there was an IV connected to me and attached to my bruised and cut arm.
I had bandages literally in every part of my arms; I then continued to grab the book and open it. For some time I enjoyed reading. My face was literally buried in the book, nothing else was visible but that book. That was until the hand from before placed its hand over the page I was reading and grabbed the book from my now shaking hands. I yelped and let go of the book, the thing let out a nasty snarl and threw the book across the room and revealed its form.
It was a rotting corpse but with deep black eyes. This thing was male and had its flesh torn off, nothing but muscle and rotted tissue covered its human body.
Slowly it walked toward me, I was so scared; I tried to yell for a nurse, but the word never left my mouth. I was too shocked and horrified at this grotesque figure. It soon grabbed my shirt, it’s dark essence dropping like dust upon my hospital gown.
“Let me go!” It said to me silently, looking me dead in the eye. I didn’t know what to do I was shaking; I wanted to cry but tears didn’t come out of my eyes.
“LET ME GO!” he shouted at my face, his dark deep voice accompanied by the ground shaking uncontrollably. I didn’t k now what to do once more, so instinctively I covered my eyes, knocking my glasses off my face.
Without missing a single second, as my glasses flew off my face and into my lap; the man was no longer there and his hand had no hold of my shirt any more. The book remained across the room and my vision was blurred once more.
I peeked out of my eyes to check if he was truly gone.
He was and I uncovered my eyes, my heart remained still and stopped for a second. My heart starts up again and the nurse walks into the room.
I quickly turned to her and she walked toward me, once again I can’t see much so she didn’t have much detail to her.
She looked at me and said. “Hey, are you ok? Do you need anything?” She was kind but I was still disturbed by what had just happened.
“Did anyone else come in here?” I asked her. “No” she replied. I start to breath heavily in fear.
What was that thing? Why is he bothering me?
I looked down at my glasses only to see a flash of darkness pass by the lenses.
“So did you enjoy the books I left?” She asked me. I just nod and remain silent.


The Monster

Blood is every where, in every corner of every crack of this concrete room; my boss supposedly had this room built in case of emergencies… he wasted his money. Because whatever got us, whatever attacked us had broken through whatever defense we had against this thing. This one small room, filled with the blood and carnage of the bodies that lined up next to me.

I was sitting against the wall, paralyzed in fear; I’m the only known survivor to this heinous massacre. The destructive tendencies of one led to this ultimate bloodshed. I shake and shiver uncontrollably as I am curled up in a ball, knees to my face, until I hear footsteps coming from the hall outside this room. The steel door remained wide open

The loud thumping of heavy footsteps fill my ears, I can’t exactly see though; its too dark to see anything anymore.

For this entire time I’ve been down here, I never once tried to escape. I was so afraid that the monster, completely made of blood, would come back for me. Oh, the sheer thought of such a creature.

It started at my work place’s christmas party; we were having fun, pouring drinks, not having a care in the world. This went on until, within my circle of coworkers my friend Jeff had started to behave weirdly; he was twitching violently and kept tripping on his feet. Me and my friends grew worried for him; but my other friend Kirsten had mentioned Jeff was drinking a lot, so naturally, we just thought he was just a little too drunk.

Jeff was a slender kind of guy; he was into some dark occult stuff and he wanted to be a writer some day, but all that changed that night when while he was dancing violently, he slipped on some spilled liquor and cracked his head open on his desk by his cubicle. As he lay motionless on the floor of the office we called 911, but it was too late; Jeff was dead.

He had died by excessive blood loss.

Before long, after the paramedics took him away, a stain of crimson red was all that was left of Jeff that night. We all were in the far corner of the room, we at least had half a football fields length away from the scene where he had died. Me, my friends and other co-workers stayed here as instructed by police, they had surrounded the spot where he died and left the coroner to do his work.

It wasn’t until 15 minutes later that we heard screams and saw splatters of blood rush up to the ceiling and across the aisle of cubicles from the other side of the office. My boss had witnessed it first hand as he was being questioned by police… the police man and the coroner were dead. The crowd that witnessed the blood-splattered ceiling had screamed at the sight of blood rising to the ceiling.

My boss, as plump and old as he was, ran faster than  anyone in that office could, his heart almost beat out of the poor man’s chest as he shouted at us to run- to run and never look back. “Get the fuck out of here!” He shouted at the top his lungs, as the monster had made its appearance.

It was a humanoid type creature, completely made of blood, its crimson and molten body had erupted with steam as if it was boiling hot. I had caught it’s attention; I stared in horror as the monster’s lengthy arms suddenly formed into blood-soaked blades.

The group of co-workers, including my friends, me, and my boss- stood and stared at it in silence.

That’s when all hell broke loose… the monster had dashed from across the building to our little group and slashed my boss in half at his waist line. His blood covered the front lines of the crowd including me- and his guts had spilt onto the ground and the monster remained posed to kill as it started to scream loudly along with the crowd that followed.

It was the deafening scream that was unknown to man and unheard of by human ears. We were all scattered and only me and my friends had escaped the crowd.

The crowd however, was very unfortunate.

Greg from accounting had his head sliced off by the crimson beast. Jane, the elderly woman had her face completely melted off from the monster grabbing her head, the burning off her face let off a loud sizzling noise. Jane’s flesh had fallen off her face and all that remained was muscle tissue and blood.

The monster then reached for Dillan who had tried to run for the balcony, supposedly he was going to kill himself, but then the creature grabbed him and pinned him down on the floor.

That’s when the monster had deformed Dillan’s body by slicing into him down the middle- starting from the head. His body sliced open releasing his internal organs and a pool of blood which spread across the office space. After which, the monster had become confused and just stood completely still, everyone else had stopped in their tracks while the other remaining people had escaped further into the building.

Everyone had stopped and stared at the crimson horror as it melted itself and formed a puddle even around Dillan’s grotesque and slaughtered body.

For a second, the screaming had stopped and they too were surrounded by a puddle made of the monster’s liquid substance. It seemed as if it was over at first but before long, something terrible had happened.

Those within the puddle had been impaled by the substance as it had risen below each person as a sharp blade. The monster’s body had erupted into tall spikes that struck everyone’s body more than once.

Everyone was dead,  their blood ran cold upon the office floor and spread below the crack of the cubicles, and suddenly it was quite- no shrieking, no slicing, no flesh tearing… just silence.

Me and my friends had retreated below the building’s basement. Aparently our boss had installed a bomb shelter under the building, in case something were to happen.

We took a small flight of stairs down the basement and reached a small corridor with a few separate doors and a closet down the hallway.

Across from the tall steel door however was a mirror, which was the only thing that was on the right side of the hall. It struck me as odd that the boss would keep a mirror across from the door. But whatever, at leads there was a bomb shelter underground.

We immediately rushed into the room past the steel door. “Hurry!” Kirsten whispered loudly as the eight of us ran into the room and had locked ourselves in the bomb shelter.

Me, Kirsten, Daren, Carrie, Jack, Crystal, Howie,and Stewart- Jeff’s brother had been the only people in there.

As we all sat in separate, small groups of the square room, I sat next to Stewart.

“Hey man, you okay?” I ask him, still shivering from what I just saw.

“This is all my fault… I should have- I should have said something” He said hesitantly as he pushed his glasses up on his nose. He was sweating as the look of guilt flashed in his eyes.

“What do you mean?” I ask- now curious. “Jeff was a Satanist, Ron. That monster is him!” He shouted and had everyone’s attention.

The crowd began to clamor until I silenced them; “Hey! If we want to survive we have to hear Stewart out!” I admit. “Now Stewart what do we do?” I ask him quietly.

The tension builds as he slowly answers: “Nothing… we’re all gonna die…” I am at a loss for words till Kirsten asks him something. “Well how did this happen?” Everyone’s attention was directed at Stewart as he slowly watch the crowd in fear of being judged for his decision to not tell anyone any of this.

“He sold his soul in trade for him to become his own kind of demon… one of his design…” I shudder in horror at the story as he continued- “I had to kill him, but when he made the deal he made the condition that the demon would only come out once Jeff was dead.” He sobs a little into his sleeve.

“I couldn’t kill him! So I let him be.”; “And how do you know this?” asked Carrie. “I saw him in his room one day, when he was supposed to be home alone. I saw him talk to the devil!” He explained, putting emphasis as he mentioned his brothers little talk with Satan.

But before we could say another word- we heard screaming from the floor above us. Flesh tearing and blood splattering the floor had been heard of, even through the bomb shelter’s walls.

We didn’t have time and Jeff’s crimson beast was after us… “What does it want, Stewart!” More and more screaming and flesh splitting apart had become more apparent and the sounds of shrieking sounded closer than ever. Stewart just turns to the door, sweat had poured down his nose as he throws his glasses on the floor and immediately pulls out a handgun.

We all back away from him, including me, and we shout at him to put the gun down. But he doesn’t listen, he slowly looks at me and says this: “-To kill… it wants to kill.” These were his last words as the gunshot rang throughout the room. Leaving nothing but unanswered questions, a bullet through his brain, and his blood on the wall behind him.

Within that split-seccond, there it was, and here I am. The monster had slipped through the cracks of the steel door and slaughtered everyone.

There I was; covered in blood, lights shattered, and paralyzed with fear. The monster had killed everyone but somehow left me to swim in the blood of my friends and to be surrounded by the stench of their rotting corpses. The monster wasn’t in my presence anymore but was somewhere out there.

The footsteps I heard earlier come closer and a pair of cops were walking down the halls toward the bomb shelter- it was a rescue team!

“Help!” I shout. “Help, everyone’s dead! I’m the last one! Help!” I scream to where I am almost sobbing.

“Over here!” One of the two officers had appeared in the doorway and had seen the carnage within the room. “Oh my God! Murphy, I’m going to be sick!” He shouts at the officer called Murphy.

Everyone was either decapitated, impaled, or had been split wide open. The officer shined his flashlight at the bodies along my side then at me. The light was so blinding, I covered my eyes and began to tell him something.

“Help me please!” But he didn’t answer my plea for help. Murphy then accompanied him in the steel door way and was so shocked that he had puked in the hallway behind him.

“Hello! I’m here ! TALK TO ME!” I was furious, I couldn’t stand or do much but I could punch him if I could. The officer who had the flashlight pulled his gun on me and kept it on me. “What?” I questioned as the gun was aimed at me; he looked to me in fear as if something was ready to kill him. “Stay right there!” The cop shouted at me.

“Help please!” I reached to him but he just flinched back and kept his light pointed at me. “Murphy what is that?” The cop asked- still staring at me.

“I don’t know, but what the fuck happened here?” Murphy asked after he had collected himself.

Hesitantly he shined the light at center of the floor, where a blood soaked corpse had lay on the floor; it’s chest had exploded, exposing the carnage of his insides. It looked like some shit out of a horror movie.

The officer- while shaking in his hands-stares at the carnage in the middle of the room. “I-i just don’t know…” He pointed his light to the corpse and that’s when I realized something…

There was eight people in the room including me, by the time the monster had come in and killed everyone off.

When the cop flashed his light around the room, I realized there were a total of eight corpses, including the one in the middle.

Wait- I remember now.

The monster killed us all: Kristen had her head sliced off as the demon transformed its own arm into a blade.

Darren had his limbs and legs sliced off all at once by the monster; all that was left of him was his torso and his head.

Carrie had been cut into, starting at the chest and down to her abdomen; her internal organs had spilt out of her body- killing her instantly.

Jack and Crystal were burned alive by the monster as he splashed its crimson arms onto the two at the same time. Once the arms retracted back into the monster, both of them had been turned into molten flesh and rotting muscle and bone tissue. The two still looked horribly disfigured.

Howie was simply stabbed with the demon’s arm and the blade had protruded through his back. Then there was me.

The demon had saved the best for last- I stood there in horror as its arms turned into those of a human once again; it grabbed me by my shirt. That’s when the creature had stuck its whole arm down my throat. The burning pain in my neck was excruciating and had torn my insides apart. Its arm went in so deep that my chest began to spill blood from my pores. Before long my chest erupted and blood and organs had spewed out and onto the floor and onto the monster’s body. The pain was unbearable and lasted till the very end.

I dropped to the ground as the demonic creature had released its grip and retracted his hand. I stare at the ceiling and the flickering florescent now covered in blood.

Before I died, I had witnessed the monster had ripped out my heart from my chest. As it held my still heart, it developed a orface where the human mouth would be and it consumed my heart- that’s it. Total blackout, then I woke up, curled into a ball against the wall.

I was a ghost looking at the body in the middle of the floor, and realizing that body was me. I was so horrified.

This can’t be real, it just can’t. Reality took ahold of me in the most hurtful and painful way imaginable. I was dead; and there was nothing I could do about it. I started to pick myself up while leaning against the wall.  Almost without a beat the cop wielding the gun and the flashlight had pointed both in my direction once more.

I shaded my eyes once more; just then both police men pulled out their guns and shot at me multiple times. Oddly enough I felt pain; what the hell? Feeling only anger, I slashed my hand at them, yelling swear words at them.

My eyes wide with terror grow only wider when the two cops in the door way were both cut in half at the waist line. “NO!” I scream, weeping in terror. Just then the screaming of the monster had started up again then stopped as I silenced myself.

The two cop’s top halves fell off and spilled more blood on the already-blood-soaked floor; the two lower halves collapsed with them- still spewing blood.

Across the hallway, in a separate room- The crimson beast had stood there staring at my direction, knowing  was there. But it just stood there- staring at me.

I had stared at the monster, still standing and facing it from across the room toward the doorway for minutes on end. With every move I made, it had mimicked me.

There was something off, because from behind the creature, as it stood there, was another room that looked exactly the same as this one. and had been filled with dead bodies.

That can’t be! When we came down here, there was’nt any other room across from the steel door- just this one.

“Fuck you!” I shout at the beast in anger while at the same time it screamed at me with unintelligible shrieks, almost as if it was copying my every move.

What was more odd is that I don’t remember any room on that side of the hallway- just a mirror….

Wait-… there was no room, only a mirror. Within that room, within that mirror, was me.

I- was the monster.