Tag Archives: Don’t turn around

Don’t Turn Around…

There is a reason that in horror movies, you are told not to turn around when you know for certain that whatever was after you will most likely kill you; could you face your possible death? Of course you couldn’t, no one can. I mean who would want to look death in the eye and watch as he erases your existence from humanity.
This almost happened to me…

One night I was at my apartment while my fiancé was at her mother’s house dog sitting while she was in Boston for a few weeks. I never enjoyed staying away from her since I love her and if she is away from me I feel weird, It is as if there’s a half of me that is gone somewhere and I am unable to retrieve that other half. Anyway, I am sitting on the couch writing my book. I was proud of myself since I was almost finished with it. Of course after I finished the first draft I have a lot of editing to do but never the less I was happy.

After I had finished my work on chapter 16 I set my computer down, shut it off and had some dinner, which for me, was a hot pocket and a can of Cola. I got up from the living room couch and headed toward the kitchen and opened the freezer to fish out a hot pocket. Usually I wasn’t used to making stuff like this for dinner since my fiancé would usually be the one making meals like any normal person would, but I was lonely and I didn’t want to spend all my night cooking something I would just eventually put into a bunch of Tupperware for leftovers. I threw in the hot pocket and waited for it to fully heat up. That’s when I heard it.

A loud thump mixed with the sound of my cat screeching from my bedroom was easily heard from the kitchen; I turned to face the hallway where the bedroom was. You could easily look into the bedroom form the kitchen seeing as the door was angled to face the kitchen next to the small closet that contained a laundry room across from that was the bathroom in one small hallway. I didn’t know what to do. Tabs wouldn’t make that sound unless something scared the living shit out of him. I am a firm believer in the paranormal and for something like this to happen, my cat being scared of something made me think the worst. I grab the kitchen knife from the drawer and arm myself. The microwave continues on in the background as I slowly start to walk to the bedroom. My heart beats faster and faster as I approach the bedroom door; the hairs in the back of my neck were standing at this point. “Tabs? You okay buddy?” I say aloud but I get no animal response from him, I didn’t expect him to start talking I just wanted some reassurance that he was ok, like a meow or something. But nothing, he didn’t even hiss like he usually does when he is afraid. I draw closer to the bedroom door gripping the handle of the knife in my sweaty palm. I glance over at the clock on the wall and saw that it was 4am and I was way too tired for this shit. I couldn’t take the suspense anymore so I rush to the door and open it while immediately flipping the light switch.

Nothing, there was absolutely nothing and no one in this room. Not even my Cat was in here. He is hard to miss, after all he is an orange tabby cat and he had a weight problem so it was shard to miss that fat fuzz ball. “Hello?” I say aloud hoping to hear something in response but at the same time I wish to not hear anything from anyone unless it was my cat. I turn off the light and leave the door open as I continue down to the bathroom to see if Tabs has been hiding in the bath tub like he always does.

I open the bathroom door still wielding the knife and I turn on the light. Everything was normal, the toilet seat was down and all the bathroom stuff was on the counter where the sink was. I look around and notice something abnormal, the shower curtains were drawn when I had originally left them open so I can see the tub. I never liked them like that because then I would become scared and start imagining things behind the curtains themselves. I watch one to many horror movies to know that there is always something evil behind the curtains. I didn’t leave them drawn and Tabs couldn’t do this without help; suddenly I started to shiver, it was a dark, painful shiver. The kind of rush of cold you get when you know something bad is about to happen. My hands begin to shake as I reach for the curtains. I grip the edge of the curtain tightly and pulled back as fast as I could.

What I saw next, could only be described as heart retching, unholy, and evil. On the bathroom wall, written in blood was the following:

Don’t turn around…

Below that was a sick looking smiley face with fangs and human handprints that were drenched in blood. I froze in horror as I stared on at the rest of the tub which had small spots of blood here and there. Then I just continually stared on at the writing not able to look at anything else, and what happens if I turned around I thought. Obviously the answer was right in front of my face, written in blood. But I wasn’t sure. I haven’t been in the bathroom since I got home, which means something was here before me. But how could that be? I was the only one with a key to the house and my fiancé has been at her mom’s house since yesterday.

I then hear a slithering sound mixed with the sounds of tearing flesh and liquid hitting the floor loudly. I froze still and the knife was now loose in my palm. “Who is it?” I ask and all I hear is the sound of grunting and heavy breathing right into my ear. I dare not look in the mirror which was currently in my peripheral vision, yet I dare not look at who was breathing down my neck. I drop the knife out of pure fear as this thing breathes its hot breath down my goose bump-riddled neck. “Don’t turn around-“ a cold sickening deep voice whispers this into my left ear. I tried my hardest not to look at this thing. In the edges of my vision I can only see a tall dark figure, but none of the details are shown, I dare not study this image further as I began to cry. “What are you?” I manage to whisper as I sob quietly. He simply replied, “I am the devil.” I close my eyes tightly and sib quietly while I whisper a repeated prayer under my breath. I have never been so scared in my whole life. I was so hopeless, I really did believe this thing was the devil and I was beyond fucked.

But as I said a prayer and upon saying amen, I opened my eyes and the presence of the devil was gone. I looked up at the bathroom and the writing was gone and so was this dark feeling of fear that seemed to surround him like a powerful odor. I sighed in relief and even laughed. “It was just a hallucination, I must be really tired.” I cackled even as I stared at the porcelain shower wall that was now clear of blood and that dreadful writing. I sighed once more and looked at the mirror as it caught a glimpse of the hallway. Once again, I am terrified. The closet doors leading into the laundry room was splattered in dark red liquid, it was blood, I could just tell that that was what it was, I look further down the mirror for it to reveal what I had only wished was a dream. My cat was in a pool of his own blood. His body was gutted and sliced open like a fish and his insides were spread across the hall and into the bathroom. I began to sob at the sight of my beloved pet, dead and brutally mutilated. I am viewing this through the mirror and I just wish that this was all a dream. I turn around to see if this was reality, only to be met with the dark figure again. The lights went out and I see him… dear God, what is this thing!?

I blackout and I hear only these three words repeated in my head on a never-ending loop: “Don’t turn around…” it was in the same disgusting voice that the devil spoke to me and I just couldn’t take it. It was like free falling into a dark pit of evil that swallowed you whole the moment all light abandons your sight.

I wake up the way I am now. I feel depressed, hurt, and lonely. I just don’t know what to do now. I haven’t eaten or written anything in days, my fiancé is still at her mom’s and she is supposed to be back home tomorrow- it doesn’t make me feel any better. She may be the other half of me but I feel like my own half has been torn out of me… by him.

What did he take? My soul… that’s what he took. At least Tab’s is alive- he’s probably shitting on the carpet since I hadn’t bothered to take care of him in a while. Oh well, my point is- if you are visited by him, and a writing on the wall tells you not to turn around, then don’t. He will be there, waiting for you, and just when you think he is gone, don’t turn around. Just don’t.


Edited in Lumia Selfie

Hey guys hope you liked my short story, based on actual events. Yes I am home alone while my fiance dog sits for my future mother in law. Yes this writing was on my wall only to have it be a prank from her best friend who knows I love horror and I am sacred by this kind if shit. No I was not attacked by the devil and my cat is safe and sound.

Hope you guys got a good scare out of it. Have a good night, I’m going to bed… Goodnight. The photo shown is the prank that was pulled on me. creepy as fuck huh?


Hells Reject 🙂