Tag Archives: dark poetry


Falling through the mist of clouds like the broken wings of a bird.

The feelings of emptiness attempt to make you whole.

The air collapses onto your pale weak frame.

Nevermore will there be pain but the cooling sensation of the rain.

These skies show no mercy to the fallen but only to those who stood upright.

For those who thought of falling only fall at the climax of their plight.

Nevermore will there be sorrow at crack of the pavement.



RAIN (Poetry Tuesdays)

The sun shines through skies of grey.

The beams of light fight through darkened clouds.

Resistance is useless as the rain attacks from above.

Block out the sun’s luminescent fire.

Clouds thicken in darkness, day becomes night.

The sorrowful gloom to which I am enamored.

The rain wears you down, whilst it builds me up.

The sun’s hell-fire cannot withstand the thickness of the clouds.

The storm is coming, nothing can save you.

Heat must now be consumed by the darkness of the cold.

Poetry Tuesdays: The Phoenix

The deep poetic injustices only occur when I’m on the brink of insanity.

Pain fills every nerve and sadness in every cup.

The unprecedented moments in life may also become the most predictable.

When stars don’t fly your way you begin to contemplate life.

Sadness becomes expected and dreams turn to dust.

How is only found in the ashes of a burning Sun, like The Phoenix being reborn.

But within this rebirth is the realization of your old life and how you may never live it again.

But you do so anyways, because it is all you’ve ever known.

Ironic Demise

Deep in the darkness and lingering shadows. I hear of the man that hung at the gallows. His ghastly shadow approaching me, fear creeps into my mind for the apparition cannot be.

His neck now broken and floating in thick air. Damaged skin, bone, and muscles beyond repair. His dead blood shot eyes fixated toward me. This was impossible, for it was I that hung him by the tree.

He moans and screams rather violently. His eyes turned black his spirit white, saying: “You did this to me!” I cower in terror in my office corner. I couldn’t bare this screaming and moaning, no not this horror.

He calms and tries to speak “your days are coming to an end.” I stare blankly at him, for i cannot comprehend. “What is coming to me in time, oh poor soul?”- “tell me now what my future is, that you so foretold!”

“There in the gallows you will see.” “For a crime such as murder- you shall suffer the same fate as me.”; “no!” I protest. “Be gone tonight and never return!”; “You cannot deny your future, this punishment is earned!”

I deny these accusations, i deny these facts. The ghost disappears without further attack. I wallow in brief, pain, and sorrow. I drink my spirits full till the marrow.

There comes a bang at my door, announcing my judgments arrival. “No!” I say, realizing my fate with no chance of revival. I turn to the window of my room and run to it mad. This is a better fate than the alternative, the other was surely bad.

I’ll become a ghost of broken bones than one of broken neck. The banging continues, oh how death crept. I look down out the window, oh what a great fall. But death won’t get me tonight, no i will beat them all!

But I’m a foolish murderer, a thief and a con. What better fate for me than the one I brought on? The devils and angels fought in my head. Do I jump out accept my fate instead?

To jump was the option but I couldn’t go on. The police burst through my door without a second more. At this my heart sank low and bounced from my chest. I broke through the glass, putting gravity to the test.

But, i met my fate after all. The rope next to my window hung against the wall. As I fell, i surely met hell, when the rope and my neck had caught on.

I hung by my window, in my accidental noose. Gagging and coughing I grabbed at my neck, but it wouldn’t get loose. I met my fate, my untimely demise, just as the ghost foretold. For as I drew my last faint breath, death finally takes its toll.

Oh, Fallen Angel

Oh Fallen Angel, cast from Heaven,

Hath you lost your way? Does thoust feel forgotten?

Oh Fallen Angel, you are not alone.

Never forget, always remember; here, you have a home.

Oh Fallen Angel, don’t you cry.

Don’t give up, you just have to try.

Oh Fallen Angel, through the darkness you are heard.

You think we avoid you, you think we hate you. But we hear every word.

Oh Fallen Angel, know we still care;

Don’t cast us aside, we love you so. We know you are here and were always there.

Oh Fallen Angel,

Love is re-kindered, Hatred hindered upon the floor.

Oh Fallen Angel, Fall no more…

The End.