Tag Archives: creative writing

I Want to Play A Game… (The Missing Link)

Okay my fellow rejects I have an idea-
As Jigsaw put it in Saw: “I want to play a game.”

As you all know I am currently working on a sort of a novella slash short story that is still in the making but is like three quarters of the way done.

But I am getting bored with not posting anything for days on end so I am proposing an alternative to this rut I am in- as provided by my dear Mary, here’s The Missing Link:

this is a sort of creative exercise but it is made to be purely fun and neat for my fellow horror fans.

What you do is that you choose from five categories of location:

*The Woods *City *Haunted house *Home *Underground

Then you chose from four categories of villain or situation:

*Natural disaster *Demons *Killers/Intruders *Extraterrestrial

three categories of Narrative:
1st 2nd or 3rd person narrative

The sex of the protagonist: Male or Female- And the missing link will be what you thought of the story and whether or not it was what you expected or not at all. All I need to know is if you enjoyed it. This helps me know what you guys wanted more of and how I can make your experience on this blog even more awesome!

This also helps me with my writing and creative flow so I can continue to post and create great stories for you guys. AND YOU GET TO CHOOSE WHAT THE STORY IS! I’ll just do all the dirty work…

I will respond to first comment only and my inbox updates automatically when something has been done so HURRY HURRY HURRY. And I will post whatever type of condensed short story you see fit and along with said posted story your comment (whoever you may be) will be posted right before the story along with your username and link to your blog for others to come and look at the genius who suggested this crazy piece of work.

So there you have it – a win/win.


Setting: Woods, City, Haunted House, Home Sweet Home, Underground Utopia.

Villain or Situation: Natural Disaster, Demons, Serial Killers, Extraterrestrial

Proatgonist: Male or Female….


Sincerely, Ryan Stratford “Hells New Reject”

The Monster

Blood is every where, in every corner of every crack of this concrete room; my boss supposedly had this room built in case of emergencies… he wasted his money. Because whatever got us, whatever attacked us had broken through whatever defense we had against this thing. This one small room, filled with the blood and carnage of the bodies that lined up next to me.

I was sitting against the wall, paralyzed in fear; I’m the only known survivor to this heinous massacre. The destructive tendencies of one led to this ultimate bloodshed. I shake and shiver uncontrollably as I am curled up in a ball, knees to my face, until I hear footsteps coming from the hall outside this room. The steel door remained wide open

The loud thumping of heavy footsteps fill my ears, I can’t exactly see though; its too dark to see anything anymore.

For this entire time I’ve been down here, I never once tried to escape. I was so afraid that the monster, completely made of blood, would come back for me. Oh, the sheer thought of such a creature.

It started at my work place’s christmas party; we were having fun, pouring drinks, not having a care in the world. This went on until, within my circle of coworkers my friend Jeff had started to behave weirdly; he was twitching violently and kept tripping on his feet. Me and my friends grew worried for him; but my other friend Kirsten had mentioned Jeff was drinking a lot, so naturally, we just thought he was just a little too drunk.

Jeff was a slender kind of guy; he was into some dark occult stuff and he wanted to be a writer some day, but all that changed that night when while he was dancing violently, he slipped on some spilled liquor and cracked his head open on his desk by his cubicle. As he lay motionless on the floor of the office we called 911, but it was too late; Jeff was dead.

He had died by excessive blood loss.

Before long, after the paramedics took him away, a stain of crimson red was all that was left of Jeff that night. We all were in the far corner of the room, we at least had half a football fields length away from the scene where he had died. Me, my friends and other co-workers stayed here as instructed by police, they had surrounded the spot where he died and left the coroner to do his work.

It wasn’t until 15 minutes later that we heard screams and saw splatters of blood rush up to the ceiling and across the aisle of cubicles from the other side of the office. My boss had witnessed it first hand as he was being questioned by police… the police man and the coroner were dead. The crowd that witnessed the blood-splattered ceiling had screamed at the sight of blood rising to the ceiling.

My boss, as plump and old as he was, ran faster than  anyone in that office could, his heart almost beat out of the poor man’s chest as he shouted at us to run- to run and never look back. “Get the fuck out of here!” He shouted at the top his lungs, as the monster had made its appearance.

It was a humanoid type creature, completely made of blood, its crimson and molten body had erupted with steam as if it was boiling hot. I had caught it’s attention; I stared in horror as the monster’s lengthy arms suddenly formed into blood-soaked blades.

The group of co-workers, including my friends, me, and my boss- stood and stared at it in silence.

That’s when all hell broke loose… the monster had dashed from across the building to our little group and slashed my boss in half at his waist line. His blood covered the front lines of the crowd including me- and his guts had spilt onto the ground and the monster remained posed to kill as it started to scream loudly along with the crowd that followed.

It was the deafening scream that was unknown to man and unheard of by human ears. We were all scattered and only me and my friends had escaped the crowd.

The crowd however, was very unfortunate.

Greg from accounting had his head sliced off by the crimson beast. Jane, the elderly woman had her face completely melted off from the monster grabbing her head, the burning off her face let off a loud sizzling noise. Jane’s flesh had fallen off her face and all that remained was muscle tissue and blood.

The monster then reached for Dillan who had tried to run for the balcony, supposedly he was going to kill himself, but then the creature grabbed him and pinned him down on the floor.

That’s when the monster had deformed Dillan’s body by slicing into him down the middle- starting from the head. His body sliced open releasing his internal organs and a pool of blood which spread across the office space. After which, the monster had become confused and just stood completely still, everyone else had stopped in their tracks while the other remaining people had escaped further into the building.

Everyone had stopped and stared at the crimson horror as it melted itself and formed a puddle even around Dillan’s grotesque and slaughtered body.

For a second, the screaming had stopped and they too were surrounded by a puddle made of the monster’s liquid substance. It seemed as if it was over at first but before long, something terrible had happened.

Those within the puddle had been impaled by the substance as it had risen below each person as a sharp blade. The monster’s body had erupted into tall spikes that struck everyone’s body more than once.

Everyone was dead,  their blood ran cold upon the office floor and spread below the crack of the cubicles, and suddenly it was quite- no shrieking, no slicing, no flesh tearing… just silence.

Me and my friends had retreated below the building’s basement. Aparently our boss had installed a bomb shelter under the building, in case something were to happen.

We took a small flight of stairs down the basement and reached a small corridor with a few separate doors and a closet down the hallway.

Across from the tall steel door however was a mirror, which was the only thing that was on the right side of the hall. It struck me as odd that the boss would keep a mirror across from the door. But whatever, at leads there was a bomb shelter underground.

We immediately rushed into the room past the steel door. “Hurry!” Kirsten whispered loudly as the eight of us ran into the room and had locked ourselves in the bomb shelter.

Me, Kirsten, Daren, Carrie, Jack, Crystal, Howie,and Stewart- Jeff’s brother had been the only people in there.

As we all sat in separate, small groups of the square room, I sat next to Stewart.

“Hey man, you okay?” I ask him, still shivering from what I just saw.

“This is all my fault… I should have- I should have said something” He said hesitantly as he pushed his glasses up on his nose. He was sweating as the look of guilt flashed in his eyes.

“What do you mean?” I ask- now curious. “Jeff was a Satanist, Ron. That monster is him!” He shouted and had everyone’s attention.

The crowd began to clamor until I silenced them; “Hey! If we want to survive we have to hear Stewart out!” I admit. “Now Stewart what do we do?” I ask him quietly.

The tension builds as he slowly answers: “Nothing… we’re all gonna die…” I am at a loss for words till Kirsten asks him something. “Well how did this happen?” Everyone’s attention was directed at Stewart as he slowly watch the crowd in fear of being judged for his decision to not tell anyone any of this.

“He sold his soul in trade for him to become his own kind of demon… one of his design…” I shudder in horror at the story as he continued- “I had to kill him, but when he made the deal he made the condition that the demon would only come out once Jeff was dead.” He sobs a little into his sleeve.

“I couldn’t kill him! So I let him be.”; “And how do you know this?” asked Carrie. “I saw him in his room one day, when he was supposed to be home alone. I saw him talk to the devil!” He explained, putting emphasis as he mentioned his brothers little talk with Satan.

But before we could say another word- we heard screaming from the floor above us. Flesh tearing and blood splattering the floor had been heard of, even through the bomb shelter’s walls.

We didn’t have time and Jeff’s crimson beast was after us… “What does it want, Stewart!” More and more screaming and flesh splitting apart had become more apparent and the sounds of shrieking sounded closer than ever. Stewart just turns to the door, sweat had poured down his nose as he throws his glasses on the floor and immediately pulls out a handgun.

We all back away from him, including me, and we shout at him to put the gun down. But he doesn’t listen, he slowly looks at me and says this: “-To kill… it wants to kill.” These were his last words as the gunshot rang throughout the room. Leaving nothing but unanswered questions, a bullet through his brain, and his blood on the wall behind him.

Within that split-seccond, there it was, and here I am. The monster had slipped through the cracks of the steel door and slaughtered everyone.

There I was; covered in blood, lights shattered, and paralyzed with fear. The monster had killed everyone but somehow left me to swim in the blood of my friends and to be surrounded by the stench of their rotting corpses. The monster wasn’t in my presence anymore but was somewhere out there.

The footsteps I heard earlier come closer and a pair of cops were walking down the halls toward the bomb shelter- it was a rescue team!

“Help!” I shout. “Help, everyone’s dead! I’m the last one! Help!” I scream to where I am almost sobbing.

“Over here!” One of the two officers had appeared in the doorway and had seen the carnage within the room. “Oh my God! Murphy, I’m going to be sick!” He shouts at the officer called Murphy.

Everyone was either decapitated, impaled, or had been split wide open. The officer shined his flashlight at the bodies along my side then at me. The light was so blinding, I covered my eyes and began to tell him something.

“Help me please!” But he didn’t answer my plea for help. Murphy then accompanied him in the steel door way and was so shocked that he had puked in the hallway behind him.

“Hello! I’m here ! TALK TO ME!” I was furious, I couldn’t stand or do much but I could punch him if I could. The officer who had the flashlight pulled his gun on me and kept it on me. “What?” I questioned as the gun was aimed at me; he looked to me in fear as if something was ready to kill him. “Stay right there!” The cop shouted at me.

“Help please!” I reached to him but he just flinched back and kept his light pointed at me. “Murphy what is that?” The cop asked- still staring at me.

“I don’t know, but what the fuck happened here?” Murphy asked after he had collected himself.

Hesitantly he shined the light at center of the floor, where a blood soaked corpse had lay on the floor; it’s chest had exploded, exposing the carnage of his insides. It looked like some shit out of a horror movie.

The officer- while shaking in his hands-stares at the carnage in the middle of the room. “I-i just don’t know…” He pointed his light to the corpse and that’s when I realized something…

There was eight people in the room including me, by the time the monster had come in and killed everyone off.

When the cop flashed his light around the room, I realized there were a total of eight corpses, including the one in the middle.

Wait- I remember now.

The monster killed us all: Kristen had her head sliced off as the demon transformed its own arm into a blade.

Darren had his limbs and legs sliced off all at once by the monster; all that was left of him was his torso and his head.

Carrie had been cut into, starting at the chest and down to her abdomen; her internal organs had spilt out of her body- killing her instantly.

Jack and Crystal were burned alive by the monster as he splashed its crimson arms onto the two at the same time. Once the arms retracted back into the monster, both of them had been turned into molten flesh and rotting muscle and bone tissue. The two still looked horribly disfigured.

Howie was simply stabbed with the demon’s arm and the blade had protruded through his back. Then there was me.

The demon had saved the best for last- I stood there in horror as its arms turned into those of a human once again; it grabbed me by my shirt. That’s when the creature had stuck its whole arm down my throat. The burning pain in my neck was excruciating and had torn my insides apart. Its arm went in so deep that my chest began to spill blood from my pores. Before long my chest erupted and blood and organs had spewed out and onto the floor and onto the monster’s body. The pain was unbearable and lasted till the very end.

I dropped to the ground as the demonic creature had released its grip and retracted his hand. I stare at the ceiling and the flickering florescent now covered in blood.

Before I died, I had witnessed the monster had ripped out my heart from my chest. As it held my still heart, it developed a orface where the human mouth would be and it consumed my heart- that’s it. Total blackout, then I woke up, curled into a ball against the wall.

I was a ghost looking at the body in the middle of the floor, and realizing that body was me. I was so horrified.

This can’t be real, it just can’t. Reality took ahold of me in the most hurtful and painful way imaginable. I was dead; and there was nothing I could do about it. I started to pick myself up while leaning against the wall.  Almost without a beat the cop wielding the gun and the flashlight had pointed both in my direction once more.

I shaded my eyes once more; just then both police men pulled out their guns and shot at me multiple times. Oddly enough I felt pain; what the hell? Feeling only anger, I slashed my hand at them, yelling swear words at them.

My eyes wide with terror grow only wider when the two cops in the door way were both cut in half at the waist line. “NO!” I scream, weeping in terror. Just then the screaming of the monster had started up again then stopped as I silenced myself.

The two cop’s top halves fell off and spilled more blood on the already-blood-soaked floor; the two lower halves collapsed with them- still spewing blood.

Across the hallway, in a separate room- The crimson beast had stood there staring at my direction, knowing  was there. But it just stood there- staring at me.

I had stared at the monster, still standing and facing it from across the room toward the doorway for minutes on end. With every move I made, it had mimicked me.

There was something off, because from behind the creature, as it stood there, was another room that looked exactly the same as this one. and had been filled with dead bodies.

That can’t be! When we came down here, there was’nt any other room across from the steel door- just this one.

“Fuck you!” I shout at the beast in anger while at the same time it screamed at me with unintelligible shrieks, almost as if it was copying my every move.

What was more odd is that I don’t remember any room on that side of the hallway- just a mirror….

Wait-… there was no room, only a mirror. Within that room, within that mirror, was me.

I- was the monster.

Doctor Who: Writers Block part 3

As we are pushed and pressed down upon by the current of the whirlpool I hang tightly to my bag and I try to open my eyes to see if the doctor was anywhere to be seen. As I open my eyes I am pulled by the collar of my shirt and yanked backward. I open my eyes and everything is dark. I held my breath for as long as I could until I am floating still. I open my eyes once more only to see the doctor in front of me. “Orlando! Wakey wakey” He is waving his hand in front of me and we are under water.

The sun shined through the ocean ceiling and shined light on my surroundings. “Ah, see? everything’s, ok” He smiles and laughs. I could hear him so clearly it’s as if we were still on the surface. I could see perfectly fine and my vision wasn’t blurred.

“Doctor, I can’t breathe!” I tell him in panic as my face turning blue. He looks at me in confusion. “Then breathe!” He tells me. I wasn’t too sure to listen or not, but I was desperate.
‘God help me!’ I said in my mind. Hesitantly, I trust the Doctor and I inhaled sharply. To my surprise, I breathe normally, as if the water was air. My eyes widened and I let out a loud chuckle, as did the Doctor. “Oh my God! We are breathing underwater!” I exclaim. “Yes, transform-a-pills, they come in almost every creature or life forms in the universe; just add water!” He jokes and lets out a loud cackle. I smile at the remarkable pun and look at my surroundings. There was nothing but ocean as far as I could see. I look up to see the whirlpool entrance and see a group of mermaids going further from us and toward an underwater cave at the floor of the sea. “So, you ready to see the rest of the Iceberg?” He tells me, I look at him in confusion. “What do you mean?” I ask.

“The top…” He points up. “It’s just the tip of the Iceberg!” He shouts and swims toward the cave that the mermaids went through, assuming I would follow him. He assumed correctly. I quickly follow him to the underwater cave. Swimming underwater was just like regular swimming only it feels as if you’re swimming through air, so it made moving through the water easier and faster. As I follow the Doctor I noticed he had gills on the side of his neck; they opened and closed as he breathed in and out. I felt my neck and find a pair of gills there as well. This was so unreal!

We come to a golden, shimmering door at the end of the cave. The door was tall and circular with a golden carving that read: Welcome to the holy city of Atlantis, All Hail Poseidon the Master of The Sea.

“Doctor?” I tell him as I float beside him. “Yes?” He responds while he touches the gate and explores the large golden entrance to my far left. “This sign is in English? How come it’s in English when the language hasn’t even been invented yet?” I ask. He pulls out his sonic and scans the door; he laughs and swims back up to me. “Oh the Tardis translation matrix makes all languages, spoken or written, translated into English. The writing on the door is pure Atlantian… and Gold!” He exclaims “Pure gold! No extra materials needed just shiny stuffs!” I laugh at the comment. “What?” He asks me as if he didn’t realize what he had just said.

“Shiny stuffs?” I ask as I chuckle a little. “Oi! Don’t make fun of my lingo!” He warns jokingly. “Sorry.” I apologize as I giggle a little. “Now…” He pauses as he takes out his sonic. “The door is damn near impossible to open manually because it needs a special pass code to unlock it; the downside of it is that the code changes every 5 seconds so I have to amplify the Sonic’s decoding speed.” He explains at a fast paste. I could barely keep up, yet I manage to understand. He circles the Sonic Screwdriver around the door until the device beeps twice. “Got it!” He exclaims. He immediately puts his screwdriver back into his jacket pocket and grabs my shirt and pulls me closer to him. Awkwardly I was a face distance from him. It looked as if he was hugging me… and was being a little too friendly.

“Hold on!” he warned. “To what!?” I ask. “To me!”

“Doctor, I don’t go that way!”

“Not like that! Don’t get fresh with me!” He shouts as our surroundings become pitch-black.

“Doctor I can’t see.”, “There’s a glow stick in my rear pocket, reach for it.” He commands as he still holds on to me and I continue holding on to his back.

“Why is there a glow stick in your back pocket?” I ask

“I’m always prepared!” He says so with pride as I reach for his back pocket. “Whoa, Orlando, were you lying when you said you didn’t go that way?” He jokes. “Shut up!” He laughs as I snap the glow stick from behind him; our surroundings are then illuminated. We are surrounded by what seems to be a cloud of smoke swirling around us. “What is this?” I ask. “The Atlantian transport; we got sucked up by a squid and we should be dropped off in about” He lifts his watch to his eye level from behind my head. “4…3…” He begins to countdown and I suddenly hold o to him tighter, yet he didn’t mind. “Hold on to your gills!..2…” He yells as the countdown comes to an end. “1… Geronimo!!!” He yells as we are dropped from the black smoke and into a bright blue suction tube.

I yell as he whoops as we are taken through the tube like a rollercoaster. Water swirled through our bodies like air. Not before long we are thrown out from the tube and into smooth clear waters. I had kept my eyes closed the entire time. “You can let go now.” I open my eyes slowly and quickly retract from him. “Sorry.”, “It’s okay, you have a tight grip though.” He says as he cracks his back and stretches. “Pull out your camera.” He tells me as he adjusts his bowtie. “How?” The bag was literally a labyrinth; how was I to get it? “Just reach in and it’s there.” He tells me, I obey and shockingly the camera was in my hands; I slowly pull it out and hand on to its right handle. “H-how?” I am stunned then the doctor gives me another explanation. “An infinite storage space; created by the Timelords, it can hold an entire library if you want it to, and still be lightweight.” He explains.

“What were you writing in your apartment?” He asked.
Hesitantly, I answer. I looked up at him and realize that this whole trip was about giving me ideas for my writing. “I was writing science fiction; it’s stupid.” I sigh and dabble with the Polaroid. “Do you know how many authors out there have had writers block, much like you?” He asks smiling. “How many?” I reply “Thousands, hell, I remember J.K. Rowling had trouble, as did Steven King and Charles Dickens.” He grins at me and I just smile a little. Well the Doctor sure knew how to make me feel better. “Who else?” I ask smiling. He chuckled. “Oh thousands; did you know Homer got stuck at the very middle of Odyssey. I had to hop in there and help him out a bit. I added the Cyclops attack and the sirens.” He claimed as he crossed his arms. “No way!” I tell him. I can’t believe he helped Homer with The Odyssey. “Yeah way! I have a way with a quill and parchment. It was hard though, I kept getting ink blotches on the paper.” He told me. He grabs my shoulder and shakes it a little “You’re going to be a great writer Orlando, I know it.” , “Thanks Doctor.” I tell him.
“Okay, now for the main event!” He claps his hands and he swims to a sort of fog in the distance. Like always, I followed; the fog was thick and dense, even to the point where I couldn’t see which way was up. “Doctor!” I shout, I had lsot sight of him. Soon I am yanked by my shirt by the Doctor and soon I was pulled out of the cloud and into clear water. “C’mon man! Am I going to have to drag you everywhere?” He says. “Where -“Just then I stop in my own words and I look upon a shining golden city that was bigger than the one we saw in the surface. We were surrounded by a giant cave that sheltered the city. Shining lights fluttered throughout the city and fish people danced across the glamour of the city. Towers shined bright with holographic messages on the buildings.

The place was lit up from head to toe with lights of blue and green mixed with the golden shimmering of the city. Transportation pods flew across the streets alongside the street lamps and holographic traffic lights. The technology was unbelievable here, just the shimmering of the transportation pods astounded me; how could this have existed ahead of its time? “Welcome to underground Atlantis!” The Doctor had shouted with anticipation. “Whoa” I was definitely astounded. Almost without missing a beat I started to take pictures with my surprisingly waterproof Polaroid. I wanted to ask the Doctor but I decided not to; I have developed a liking to weird and unnatural; it made life exciting I guess. After about 5 photos, the Doctor checks his watch. “Ready?” He asks. “For what?” I ask. “For this.” Just then he whistles and a transportation pod stops right beside us. The car opens up on the entire right side of the pod, revealing the front seats and the back. Along with this was an automated mini-bar in the back. “Welcome, to the Atlantian Transportation System, where will it be?” I stare at the Doctor then at the car. “Did we just hail a cab?” I ask.

“Correction, we hailed an A.T.S” He hops in the back seat and I awkwardly followed him in. “Town Square!” He shouts. Almost instantly the car doors shut and we are speeding into the city.

“It’s a pretty close resemblance to New York City, I know” He explains as he admires my confusion. “Suddenly, 2014 seems very primitive compared to Atlantis.” He just nods and laughs. I look out the window and see dozens upon dozens of pictures of Poseidon. It seems he’s much praised here. However, something very strange appears in the corner of my eyes as we sped down the sparkling city streets.

The group of mermaids from the portal entrance that I saw, they were in the street corner as we stopped at a street lamp. These mermaids weren’t like the other citizens around us. Their scales were black and their skin was pale and gray. There were a total of 5 of them and they all looked exactly the same; black hair, solid and scrawny figures. They looked down at the ground, dark hair was covering their heads as they just stood there staying still. I looked closely at them; then suddenly, almost in unison, they quickly looked at me in such dread and they flashed their fang like teeth and pitch-black eyes at me. I jumped back and nudged the Doctor’s shoulders. “What, what is it?” He asks me, noticing what was outside of the window. “Oh no.” Before I could look back we are moving again. “What you saw them?” I ask him.

“We should be dead by now…” His words trail off. “What do you mean what were those things?” I ask him. “Descendants of the Great White.” He says slowly as flashing lights flash past us. I just stare in concern at him. “Atlantian Legend says…” He begins. “There was a sea monster, much like the Great White Shark, but ten-thousand times worse.” He tells me in terror as he just stares aimlessly at the window. “The creature would consume whole cities and destroy worlds if it was given the power. One day the monster tried to claim Atlantis as another victim of his feeding frenzy; but Poseidon had stepped in and fought the beast. Once the beast was tired, Poseidon trapped him in the trench of Atlantis for eternity.”, “How?” I asked, He chuckles unamusingly and continues. “He imprisoned the monster and bound him in between the trenches and kept the trench walls from falling apart.” I was shocked but I didn’t yet understand the Doctor’s fear toward the monstrous mermaids.

“Then what?” I asked, his eyes turn to me. “The monster known as ‘The Great White’; was paralyzed and remained in that trench for a century.” He explains slowly while gripping onto the white, pleather interior. “The Great White had a sort of pack of followers called ‘The Descendants of the Great White’. They are sea witches and possess some of the most deadly powers imaginable.” He pauses then sits straight again.

“Legend says that if you run into one of them, they will show no mercy and will tear the flesh from your bones. Then they offer your remains to the Order of the Descendants of the Great White.” A shiver runs up my spine at the Doctor’s story. “From there they suck out your soul and feed upon it.” I am now breathing heavily in fear and stressfulness.

“What do we do?” I ask.

“We try to figure out what’s going on here; if the Descendants are here then the City’s in danger.” He tells me, sounding courageous.

“And if we see them again?” I ask

With the most dreadful tone, he looks to me and utters these two words:

“We Run…