Tag Archives: catacombs


Hey guys, welcome to a new mini segment that I will be doing every once and a while, called: Movie Mondays! Which will happen every Sunday or Monday, and will continue on when I start my second Blog: Soul Mates Exist, which is already in the making since I am so close to 100 followers. Anyways here we go!

So if you have heard of the movie and have read the title of this post then you should know what film I am talking about. “As Above, So Below” is quite possibly one of the scariest movies in the “Found Footage” category and possibly known to man. Why such an overstated opinion you ask? Because this movie is based on legend folks!

For those new to the legend and who haven’t done their research: The phrase: As Above So Below theorizes that man is God’s counterpart and God being man’s counterpart, and whatever man hath done on Earth is paralleled in Heaven as well. Gods being people, people being gods, Earth being Heaven, Heaven being Earth; it is all a somewhat confusing and deep theory that it sort of fucks with your mind.
I can’t explain any better but this Article might: http://www.themystica.com/mystica/articles/a/below_above.html

So continuing our review; this Film (Directed by John Erick Dowdle and also written by the Director and his brother: Drew Dowdle) is a pulse pounding, nerve wracking horror story that will have you walking out the theater with shivers down your spine and goosbumps on your f***ing skull! I swear it had me screaming, shivering and even paralyzed in fear as I sat there and watched the terrifying events unfold before me. But I am getting ahead of myself so here’s the synopsis:

Scarlet Marlow (Perdita Weeks) is a young alchemy scholar who continues her recently deceased father’s search for the Philosophers Stone, which was created by Nicholas Flamel in the seventeenth century.

*for more on Nicholas Flamel and the Philosophers Stone click here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolas_Flamel

She then travels to Paris and enlists the help of her ex: George (Ben Feldman) and her friend/cameraman: Benji ( Edwin Hodge). After which she enlists the help of Papillion (François Civil) a local guide and his crew to descend into the catacombs in search of the stone.

Little do they know that they are descending into Hell itself.

Now to me this movie was scary as hell and in fact crosses that line between scary and infinitely terrifying. But what really got me were the ties to history and mythology. It is like I went to the theater to watch a documentary but came out having seen this terrifying journey into hell itself. And believe me when I say the images in that movie have been permanently carved into my brain and shall haunt me forever. But I also must say that jump scares were a great part of this product ion. I mean what is a horror movie without its jump scares? Not to mention any horror movie without its own theme music to kill the suspense is a good horror movie to me.

And I am serious when I say that music in horror movies can kill the mood and destroy any possibility of a jump scare because then you can see the “Oh S**t!” moment coming.

So to me this movie got a 10 out of 10 no doubt about it. But according to some unfair reviews and bad comments: the movie had received cruddy reviews by some misjudging critics. This was the result of the found footage category being overused in our society today and I think we can all agree when I say that “Paranormal Activity” Ruined this genre for us all. But the difference between this movie and “Paranormal Activity” is that the actors were believable, the story was flawless, and it completely takes your mind and smashes it against the walls of the Catacombs! To me, As Above So Below delivers a breath of fresh air to the overused “Found-Footage” category and is a must see!”

For more information on “As Above So Below” click on the link below: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/As_Above,_So_Below_%28film%29 and if you don’t trust Wikipedia the click here:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2870612/