Tag Archives: Act 4

Five Days Act IV

Five Days: Act IV

September 12th 2013, 9:00 am, my apartment

Okay I have had some time to think this over;

Obviously Gregory is a demonic piece of shit that’s possessed by the fucking devil. But there is more. I am missing something, but what? Before he told me that my boss was 113 years old? How can that be? He looked no older than 60 or 70.

But then again, he was Gregory’s or the devil’s servant so there has got to something up.
Plus there was no way in hell I was going back, and if he escaped he was still out there waiting for me. But if he was actually “killed” then there was something worse than Gregory. And it wanted me.
Fuck there is no way out of this!
I’ll get back to this entry in a minute. I have an idea. Be right back.
Holy fucking shit!

Okay I had an idea, since the asylum had a staff even back in the 1930’s, I looked up online to see who had staffed the asylum back then and who worked as the head security guard.
And guess whose old face was on the picture for head security guard?

It was John!

And I did the math, if it was him he would be exactly 113 years old.
I wasn’t so sure so I am going to give the bastard a call.

I’ll let you know how it went in the next entry.

September 12th 2013, 8:00 pm, Saint Mary’s Hospital. (written from scrap pages from hospital’s paper)

He’s gone. I witnessed it myself… I wish I hadn’t. Oh god, the blood, there was. So. Much. Blood. I can’t even begin to describe a human being slaughtered in front of me.

There was no way in hell that Gregory was dead, he was out there still playing games. However I did find dome useful information from John before he died in front of me.
It was around 2 pm when I had come to visit him at his house which was twenty miles away from my house. He lived in the small subdivision outside Milwaukie where autumn had shown most of its ugly side and where all the more eccentric people live.

Usually rich people live here in this cottage of two-story houses and Iron Gate fences. But John had inherited some money from his grandfather and that’s how he came to live here; plus he was also a chairman of the board at Stone-Brook, so his endless supply of funds brought him over here.

That… or he really is the devil’s servant and he gets a little too much help from down below.
So I pulled into Northridge Cottage and pass the heavily gated area with minimal security. When I pulled to the gate next to a security guard’s stationary cube, a guard had walked from the small square box that contained him and another guard. (This was visible through a front window that appeared to have been waxed and cleaned well).
The guard asked who I was as I sat there in my Honda before the giant Iron Gate. I told him I was there to see John and he went backed to the stationary cubical-like, box-office, and called him up and almost without missing a beat he stepped to my car and said to come right in and that John has been waiting for me. He said it was very urgent.

It looks like he caught on to my theory about Gregory being not-so-very-dead.

After rows and rows of the same plain looking two-story houses I finally came into John’s driveway and parked on the curb of his house. It was like I said before a two-story house with silver-gray walls and had clear glass windows with wooden, black frames and neatly cut grass on the lawn.

I don’t want to get too into detail but let’s just say it was a wannabe rich guy’s house.

I was at the front door and I knocked once… no answer. I knocked again… still no answer. I waited for a few minutes till finally I pushed at the door a little to look into the peep-hole. (As if that will do any good.)

And suddenly the door had unlocked and there he was to greet me. “Hello Jason, come in.” He spoke low and almost depressed. His hair had been an unusual shade of gray this time and his small bit of scruff had made its new home upon John’s once-shaved-face. He opened the door some more to reveal the inside of his house and his apparel.

He was literally in nothing but boxer shorts and a bathrobe and an under-shirt. The inside of his house was wooden floored and behind John was a dark living room accompanied by leather furniture, a fireplace (stone patterned of course), and a moose head above the fireplace. The house would have looked nice if there weren’t so many scattered pieces of paper work and newspaper on the floor.

“John I need to talk to you.” I said with great urgency. He just nodded and said, “I know, I need to talk to you a well.” He responded. “The time has come to stop the evil I created. I am truly sorry I had done this to you.” He explained in a somewhat odd tone. For a minute there he sounded as if he was giving his own eulogy.

I stare at him seriously and then I ask, “Can I come in?”

“Yes please.” He told me.
We sat in a couple of leather armchairs that lounged in the living room across from each other in front of the fireplace.

“John …” I started “I need to know what happened; what really happened with Gregory Richards.” I asked.

“First let me tell you something-“He said, so I let him talk, I honestly was ready for anything he had to say. At first he stared at me, determining how to approach me with the question then he came out with it. “You don’t believe in God do you?” He asked. “I do now.” I tell him.

This was true. Before I was an atheist; never blasphemed but I kept my cool and stayed clear of God-like things. But after this… after all that had happened, I now know there is a God, and there is a Devil.

“Well good, because you are gonna need a little faith on this one.” He started. “In 1930, after the war and after the building of the asylum, I became head guard at the asylum since my G.I. Bill had allowed me to receive any job I wanted, so I decided to give Stone-Brook a shot.” I continue listening, leaning in on his every word so that I could finally find a way to beat this thing.

“Joseph Stone-Brook was rumored to have made a deal with the devil when he had noticed that the asylum was being haunted by the souls of the patients that performed a mass suicide within the asylum. People thought he was insane or deranged but I saw the apparitions myself.” He then slowed his speech and looked off on a dark corner of the room as the fire crackled in the fireplace, illuminating his face and showing the glossiness of his eyes as the fire reflected of off his left eye. He then looks to me with his mouth wide open and starts again.

“Son, you don’t even know terror; until you have seen someone die the same way every single day for the rest of your goddamn life!” He exclaimed and continued and I soon noticed he began to cry a little.
“I joined a local cult who had noticed Joseph’s strange behavior when the soul of the devil dwelled within him. It was Joseph and the devil in one body. The cult was dedicated to bring forth that evil and resurrect it once Joseph had died.” I stop him and ask. “How did he die?”

He then shot me a look and then said, “His soul died first, then his body decayed at rapid speeds because Satan himself was so corrupt and evil, that the human body alone couldn’t hold him” That made sense… kinda. So I let him continue.

“The cult had grave robbed the body within the grounds of Stone-Brook and volunteered me to be the servant… the keeper of the Soulless.” That then struck a chord and I immediately shot at the statement.

“What’s the Soulless?”, “Joseph, the soulless vessel that withheld the devil himself so that he may be resurrected to bring forth an ultimate evil upon the world.” I stared at the statement for a minute, baffled at what the statement had meant, and then I connected the dots.

The devil will take the souls of those that keep trapped the soulless; it means that the devil was after all those guards including me, because we withheld him in a cell for his entire life. I was next but John had a similar fear so I continued asking him questions.

“How did you keep him trapped?” I ask. “The walls in his cell were blessed by a priest over a hundred years ago. See every wall and window of that asylum was meant to keep him inside. However…” He stopped and stared at the corner again as if something was there. I looked behind me and nothing and been in that little corner, I then I turned back to him and he continued.

“-even holy water on stone walls can fade away.” He finished.

That must be how he has been getting into my mind and shit, he got out and now he wants to raise hell.
“Okay, but why five days? He always says to every victim that in five days’ time we were going to die or at least in my case he said I would see what you meant about none of the other guards wanting to watch him?” I asked. But then he just kept staring at the corner of the room.

“Because that’s how long it took for Joseph Stone-Brooke’s soul to die.” He answered slowly and that’s when I realized the true horror of what he meant.

Shit shit shit, I thought. No, no, no, it can’t be; I was going to die but not just die… but my soul will cease to exist.

I stood up and paced the floor as he kept looking into that goddamn corner. I stopped and looked at him and started asking random questions about how he resurrected Joseph/Gregory.

“What was the deal in the ritual?”

“Why did you guys do this?”

“Why did you change his name?”

“Was the criminal file even real?”

I asked constantly till he was annoyed and he got up from his chair to face me. “LOOK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT! DOES THIS EVEN MATTER?! YOU NEED TO STOP HIM OR ELSE WE WILL ALL FUCKING GO TO HELL AND BELIEVE ME, IT AINT PRETTY!” he shouted while his aged face shook with anger. I was sweating down my face and then I searched my mind for something helpful to ask. Then I came out with it.

“What happened to the souls that haunted the asylum?”

He stared at me then quickly revealed the answer. “The devil consumed them!”

Right after he said that I heard a slash of metal piercing flesh. “I’m sorry.” were his last and final words before his upper half of his body had fallen off his legs and blood erupted from his waist, revealing his insides with nearly every last drop of blood spilling onto the wood-paneled floor.

I have just experienced true terror without having to see someone die over and over again. I had just witnessed death… first hand. Oh God, I was frozen in fear and I couldn’t scream or speak or hell even move my eyes around to look for the culprit… until I see him. John’s lower half tumbled to the ground as I see the figure emerge from the shadows.

Behind John’s now collapsed body was a shadow-like figure who then slowly but surely stepped into the light of the fireplace. It was him: Joseph Stone-Brook. He only wore white pants now stained in blood, of which he had gotten his pants from ripping half of his jumpsuit off.

The veins of his body had become very visible and dark, as if oil had run through them instead of blood. His dark veins had shown on his face, as well as his eyes also displayed a diluted darkness into it, soon to have his eyes go completely black. He looked at me with that despicable, evil, disgusting grin.

He wielded a sword he had gotten from one of the suit of armor statues in the halls of the asylum (I recognized them from there.) The sword was now covered in John’s blood and John’s two halves of his body was lying on the floor, still bleeding out.

“Time’s almost up Jason.” He said smiling and then slowly chuckled, with each small laugh he had increased in volume. He continues laughing until I speak up.

“You won’t get away with this Joseph.” He then stopped and with his free hand he grabbed me by the neck and I was then suspended in mid-air seeing that he looked angry and no longer amused with his kill.

“JOSEPH IS DEAD…AND SOON YOU SHALL SHARE HIS FATE.” He then threw me across the room and I land onto the chair by the window which revealed the thunder and lightning from outside.

Joseph then leaned over John’s body and before I knew it, he had plunged his hand into John’s upper half of his body only to pull out John’s still heart.

The blood dripped dramatically off of Joseph’s hand as the heart began to glow white within the internal organ. Just as this happened Joseph hissed at the heart and the light began to glow a bright red. Before long I see why
he is called “The Cannibal”.

He eats the heart and practically moans in excitement over it. Soon after, the heart was gone and his moth was bloody with pieces of the heart still stuck inside his teeth.

I stayed there at the chair by the window as he walked over to me. Once again I was paralyzed in fear and he slowly came to me and once he had been nearly a foot away from me, I was being lifted by an unseen force and was levitated off the ground.

Even then I still couldn’t speak or scream or even move; I just stared at him… grinning at me.
“DAY FIVE IS UPON US JASON…” Just then I was thrown through the glass window and I had landed onto the lawn by his front porch. The glass shattered everywhere and some even stuck to my face and hands. I blacked out and woke up in an ambulance, surrounded by medical equipment and wearing a neck brace.

The police handled everything else and they figured that I didn’t do all that to John so yeah I was ok… for now.
It is 8:00 pm. I am going to die tomorrow.

This can’t be happening.

September 12th 2013, 9:00 pm, Saint Mary’s Hospital.

I lay here in this hospital bed; there is a window to my right that showed the outside; it was going to rain soon and I can practically smell the rain through the hospital vents. God I wish I was out there, enjoying life before I die tomorrow.

The dark night sky revealed darkish gray clouds that enclosed the sky and covered it completely. Before long thunder claps and lightning strikes. And the rain will soon start in three… two… one. Yup there it is. That beautiful rain of which I used to hate.

While I envy the rain I am stuck in a hospital bed because doctor’s wanted to examine me and keep me overnight for “safety” purposes…

They can’t save me, no one can save me. The devil himself was after me and I couldn’t fight him.
I am already dead.

September 12th 2013, 9:30 pm, Saint Mary’s Hospital

Okay I figured out a plan.

I am going to escape the hospital and go to the asylum with my handgun from the apartment and blow the fucker’s head off… that will work right?

No he’s the devil it will take more than a gunshot to the head to kill him.

What if the bullet was dipped in holy water?

No that held him in that cell only for so long; I imagine once it is outside of his head or if it gets lodged in the effect can wear off soon and he will still be alive and try to kill me again… fuck.

Okay what if I go about it like an exorcism? I could then cast him away from my life and shit, right?


First I don’t know the first thing about exorcisms, 2. I have only now started to believe in God, and if I am not mistaken you need a priest, and 3. I cannot just use what I know from watching ‘The Exorcist’ as an example for a live exorcism.

Damnnit… there’s no way out of this…

September 12th 11:00 pm, 2013, Saint Mary’s Hospital

Stupid, fuckin, bitch nurse.
I have been asking the doctors and other nurses if I could go. And even when I explained my situation they just looked at me as if I was nuts.

Fuck them. I’ll do this shit on my own. I just have to find out how to leave without them noticing; shouldn’t they just let me leave?



Enjoying your stay at Saint Mary’s, Jason?
I hope you will meet with me soon.
Otherwise I will come see you.

You must be getting lonely in that hospital room all by yourself.
No family, no friends, no girlfriend.
Just sad, little, you; It’s ok.

Soon you will never be alone… or cease to exist.
I hope you have had a long run, or maybe not.
Either way, I am coming for you.

Get ready Jason, time is running out.

PS- Day five.

September 13th 12:00 am, Saint Mary’s hospital

I don’t want to die.

I don’t want to die.

I just don’t want to die.

I need to- I just ca-

I had a dream, well more of a vision.

I was sitting in Gregory’s cell and I was tied to his bed, naked.

All the rope had covered my parts but my chest and stomach area was bare and had no rope covering it whatsoever, and I have duct tape covering my mouth. I am sitting there in the gray dark and empty room, until…
“Why, hello Jason” Gregory’s demonic voice had spoken through the intercom.

I panic and my eyes grow bigger with sheer terror.
Through my duct taped mouth I scream, “What do you want!?” Tears stream from my face as I try and shake away from the rope in this pathetic attempt to escape.

“Oh Jason, you should know by now what I want…” Just then the door in the cell had slammed against the wall of the cell and within the hallway was darkness.

I froze as I saw the darkness of the hallway compared to the lit space of the cell to which looked as if it would become my tomb. I was once again frozen in the fear of dying.

Out of the darkness of the open steel doorway, came a demonically warped Gregory.
His eye are pitch black, his skin is cracked and almost turned to ash and his veins are black and pop out of his skin, almost intensifying his aura making his presence quite difficult to process.

He walks slowly toward me with black dust clouds dragging behind him and fading away into the dark and deep thump of his footsteps. Upon his face was that grin, only this time his teeth were sharpened to a point and almost looked like fangs.

I struggle more now, hoping that I would find means of escape from my indecency and restrained prison. But I have no such luck and with little to no time at all Gregory is standing over me, looking down at my pathetic expression of fear and sadness. I am crying, tears stream from my eyes and I moan and groan as loud as I can as to say, “I surrender” or “Please have mercy!” And I can guarantee you that no mercy was given within these next two excruciatingly painful moments.

His mouth gaps open as he snarls and digs his faced into my chest and starts ripping the flesh off of my chest. I scream in agony as he digs his claw-like fingers into my sides as he digs deep into my rib cage.
He slurps and snarls and eats my flesh off of my chest area; blood covers the both of us, walls included.

Actually the entire cell had been splashed with a lot of my blood.

I scream and thrash as much as I could, I swear I had shredded my vocal chords trying to scream for help… but none came and I am left in there being eaten by the devil’s possessed puppet as he holds me still.
He’s the lion and I am the injured gazelle, and his feast has only started, about one minute in he has torn
through the basic muscle and tissue cavity, now here comes the bone and organs.

I didn’t scream anymore rather than I just silently screamed as he kept digging in…literally.
I was past fear. Past pain. Past hell.

I was losing my soul.

He then rips apart my rib cage covering my heart with his bloody teeth. Fuck, I wish I was dead and in hell where I belong. But no… I had to suffer and stay alive for some odd reason; even though logic did state I should be dead by now.

He finally reaches the heart and I watch as he just stares at the heart with hunger in his expression and blood covering his face.

My vision blurs looks like the blood loss is getting to me. He savors the moment and released his hands from my sides and slowly wraps his left hand around my still beating heart, and I feel it. I am paralyzed and I remain still and I keep gazing at him as he prepares to kill me.

“Erit in laqueum diaboli, et in iis, qui sine anima est animae.” He says as he rips my heart from my chest and I gasp sharply for the breath of life of which I had just lost.

He looks at my heart with lust and hunger. Before I know it my heart begins to glow a bright silver and as soon as it shows this sliver of hope within my heart, Gregory hisses at it like a snake and the silver grows a crimson blood-red.

The hope is lost and I witness Gregory eat my heart, taking bite after bite after bite into my heart.

I black out and I go nowhere, I cease to exist in soul form and in human form.

You may classify this as either hell or purgatory.

But it’s worse… it’s nothingness. It is cold and it is dark. Darker than dark. Here lives only fear and I am its only resident.

I am then woken up by a voice that whispers: day five.

I know that this one came early but hell I had to, I wouldn’t have time to do this stuff tomorrow.

Hope you guys are enjoying this series as much as I am enjoying creating it. So far I have filled in some plot holes that might have been very subsabntial to the story so thank you so much for reading.

Please follow me on twitter @GizmoOG or catch me on tumblr on https://hellsrejects.tumblr.com

STAY AWESOME GUYS aaaannd Follow this blog.

Comment and let me know what you guys think 🙂


Orlando S.C./ Hells Reject