Category Archives: Sci-fi

Five Days Act II / Frightful Fridays… on a tuesday

Act II

September 10th 2013, 5:00 pm, Stone-Brook Asylum

Today I decided to get answers from John; I couldn’t get over last night. Just the sheer thought of Gregory Richards- it chills me to the bone.

I don’t know why but he just… there’s something that’s not right about him. He was just too weird even for an insane person. Hell I was still trying to figure out where that whisper from last night came from. What did it mean: “day one”?

And why five days; what happens then?
These questions needed answers, so I talked to john after my shift ended; and here’s how it went:

I walked into his office, feeling nervous and on edge while I walked into the small, square, white-walled room. I was somehow afraid of what I might find out from him; after all he was Gregory’s “servant”

I walk in as he is sorting through papers. As soon as I lean on his doorway- while holding Gregory’s file- he looks up at me from what he was doing and begins the conversation. “So how’s our little friend doing?” he asked while smiling, still looking towards me. “I hope he didn’t miss me too much.”

So they were friends?- I thought to myself while I held an awkward expression while pondering his words. He notices my face and his smile is gone and is replaced with impatience in his voice. “So what is it what do you want?” He asks as he reads his paper work at his desk while listening.

“Are you friends with that guy?” I ask. “Who?” He grumbles “With the Cannibal.” I say quickly and now irritated about his playing dumb. He drops his paperwork and looks to me, now looking impatient as well. “Son, do you believe in ghosts?” He asks; which was an odd question because he knew I didn’t.

“No, sir.” I say sounding unsure because there was something urging me to say yes in the back of my mind. He just stares at me like I’m stupid and he stands up from his chair and walks at least a few feet towards me.

“Well, I do; there are ghosts and all sorts of creepy shit that haunts the night and these halls, Mr. Donally.” He tells me as I make myself stand straight in front of him and continue listening.

“But the worst of them all; the most heinous and most disturbing thing that can ever co-exist with us human beings… are demons.” The seriousness of his voice disturbed me, this man actually and truly believed in the paranormal, the sad thing is… I was starting to believe him. I mean how else could have I heard a voice whisper in my ear when no one was with me?

How do I explain that?

“So-“I began with a hint at fear at my voice. “Gregory Richards is a demon?” I ask, wishing both to be wrong and right. “No.” He says bluntly now sounding more impatient than ever as he walked back to his desk; “But sir. Then what is he?” I ask.

“He is a patient. I just said there were demons; I didn’t however say he was one.” I was getting very irritated as I walked in front of his desk; he wasn’t getting away that easily.
“But sir he told me something.” I say sounding frustrated. “Five days?” he mentions without pause and without concern.

I pause in shock that he knew. “Okay son let me tell you something: Gregory “the Cannibal” Richards is a psychopathic serial killer who will do anything to freak people out.” He continued. Then as he sat back down to his seat and I look down with a dropped jaw and confused expression he said something else.

“His other half however, is another story.” He says; suddenly I am out of my trance and I fixate my eyes toward him and my eyebrows are slanted inward. “W-wait, what?” I stutter sounding confused. He didn’t respond and suddenly anger flashes in my eyes but I somehow control myself.

“So what say you give it another go?” He asks.
I was about to walk out of the office saying: ‘fuck you’, but then he said this:

“Name your price.” John said.

“Excuse me?” I say sounding curious, is he really doing this?
“You need to do this, because I can’t tell you everything.” He starts as he sits in his desk, now sounding afraid. “What do you mean figure out everything?” I ask as he then shushes me.

“You need to stop him and it is obvious you won’t want to go unless you were being offered something more.” He explains silently from his desk. “Name your price and put an end to him.”

I was confused, I didn’t think he was serious until I looked down in his desk; his hands were shaking and I managed to spot what he was working on at his desk; the paperwork he was going through turned out to be life insurance forms from my former co-workers who had been laid off a few weeks back…. Could john very much be in trouble? Was there something more to this than I had anticipated?

“5,000.” I say quickly and he lets out a sigh of relief; “Thank you, Jason, thank you.”, “Don’t mention it.” I sigh. Suddenly the room became cold and I started to shiver.

“Jesus is the AC on blast today?” I ask him as I rub my arms with my hands to generate some warmth with friction. My white asylum uniform was too thin to keep me warm. “What do you mean?” He says silently as he stares at me with his aged face and softly colored eyes.

That’s when I noticed something; there was a shadow, a dark sort of distorted non-human shadow, hovering over John from behind him.

I stared at it and the room suddenly becomes warmer and I am no longer cold. I look down for a brief second at my arms only to notice they have grown pale. I look back up and as soon as I did, the shadow was gone and John still stared at me with his worried eyes.

“Jason…” He started. “Read the file, there is something you should know.” His words became quiet as I stare down at my hand where the file was and it was gone.

I almost panic until I see the file on John’s desk… when I didn’t put it there. I must not have remembered placing it there. Without hesitation, I grabbed it and left his office.

Tonight marks day two, I am scared. But john was too, so I am not alone on this. He couldn’t tell me but something was wrong.

Once again, here goes nothing.

September 10th 2013, 11:00 pm, Stone-Brook Asylum.

Already regretting this shit and I have only been sitting here for fifteen minutes.
Right when I got here I went through the usual routine; got called on by two guards who didn’t even recognize me from last night and I stopped by John’s office.

“I read the file, but it’s the same damn stuff I read the other night.” I tell him as soon as I walk in. He just stares down at himself looking tired and weak as he sat in his office chair.
“I hate to tell you this Jason, but you are on your own now.” He said quietly. “What do you mean?” I ask as I place the file at his front desk where he sat.

“Keep it; you need it to figure out what I am forbidden to tell you.” He sounds cold; like everything that had originally gave him purpose in life had been sucked out of him.
“What can’t you tell me?” I ask. “You will see.” He says slowly looking up to reveal that he had a bandage about the size of half his face covering his left cheek.

My eyes widen in shock. “Jesus, John what happened?” I asked now concerned for my cryptic boss’ well-being. “I was…” He looked at me trying to find the right words to say. “-punished.” He finished. I just stared at him, confused and pondering his claim.

“Like I said you are on your own.” He got up and shut off his computer to his right; and he pulled from his desk drawer and handed me a small brown paper bag. I grabbed it and looked inside to see only a flashlight. “What’s this for?” I ask. No response. He grabs his keys on his desk and gets his brown trench coat from the coat rack behind him and proceeds to the office door. Just as he is halfway out of the door he stops dead in his tracks and just stares at nothingness and I can only see the back of his grey-haired head.
There was a long silence, until he finally said: “You will see.”

And that was it. I lock up his office for him with a set of asylum keys I had. Now here I was, with my keys, the flashlight, and my file on Gregory Richards. I proceed to the cell of Gregory “The Cannibal” Richards, and prepare myself for hell.

Now here I am sitting in the small, white-walled, monitoring room with nothing but a control panel a monitoring screen and a flashlight.

I am now just sitting here watching the mysterious Gregory Richards, I haven’t talked to him yet but he seems to be doing something, I don’t know what he is doing though.
Ah shit, he is saying something.

Day two

Whoa, what the fuck?
I took my eyes off the journal for five seconds and… I didn’t write that!
Be right back.

September 11th 2013, 1:00 am, Stone-Brook Asylum.

The power went out.

I am scared shitless, I honestly don’t know what the fuck is going on.

One minute I am looking at the monitor but something was wrong… Gregory’s face contorted, into something I don’t know what. He just stared at the camera with that evil grin and all of the sudden the camera started freezing up and just paused directly on his face, with that- nasty, disgustingly contorted grin, I swear his head could have split in half with such a maniacal smile.

It was almost… demonic.

After that the power cut off and now I found use for the flashlight.

I need to get out if here, but I can’t find the door.

I just ca-

erit in laqueum diaboli, et in iis, qui sine anima est animae,
erit in laqueum diaboli, et in iis, qui sine anima est animae,
erit in laqueum diaboli, et in iis, qui sine anima est animae,
erit in laqueum diaboli, et in iis, qui sine anima est animae,

He can’t be stopped Jason,
help me
Help me.

September 11th 2013, 5:00 am, My apartment.

This can’t be happening, this just can’t be real.
There is something very wrong here. Gregory is like the fucking antichrist or something I don’t know but it just…

God! This shit isn’t worth the money I am being paid; hell it’s not even worth anything.
I am just that scared right now; even as I write these words from the comfort of my own home, I still feel watched by him.

Okay… calm down. I will try and explain exactly what happened from when my flashlight had given out.

I was writing and I had dropped my journal, then I panicked. I couldn’t reach for a door but the room must have been bigger than it was because I felt around the darkness of the room and found nothing. It wasn’t before long that the desk that I was sitting at wasn’t even there anymore I was just in an empty room.

I kept hitting the flashlight clutching it with my sweaty palms; the black metal flashlight had grown warm from being in my hand for so long and the perspiration only grew as my hands clung to it for dear life.

Then that’s when it happened. The room’s singular florescent light had lit up but in a more dim-like grayish color.

First was the smell, then came the sudden realization of what surrounded me… then there was the moaning.

Body, upon bloody body, they were piled so high and blood had been spilt so much that there was no way it was even possible, this- …


Oh God I am gonna be sick, the sheer thought of it had shook my core.
If there was such a thing as the soul, it shook every fiber of my own; the very bones within me were shaking.

There were dead bodies everywhere; naked, disemboweled, split-open, cut up bodies were piled high against each other. I practically stood in a puddle of blood.
Then the bodies began screaming at me.

“Go away!”
“Help me!”
“God… WHY?!”

Then the last voice that really got to me was the voice that came from behind me.

“Jason!” With my eyes wide with terror and my throat full of nausea and prepared to vomit I turned around and saw Gregory Richards on the floor, covered in blood, his eyes red and his body split at the waist and his legs somewhere else. His white jumpsuit (well half of it) was soaked in the crimson liquid.

I look down on him and he says this:

“Save us.”

Then from behind me once more was that same warped, demonically altered version of Gregory’s voice

“Day three” My heart could have very well jumped out of my chest and screamed bloody murder.

From there on the lights, the real lights came back on and the room was normal again.
I didn’t hesitate. I grabbed my shit and left the place. Gregory had been lying down on his bed on the monitor and he was normal again. “Why?” I ask myself, in wonderment of why he was doing this to me.

“Goodnight Jason.” He said with his eyes closed and with an evil smirk.

When he said my name however it was contorted and deepened.

I then grabbed my stuff and got out of there and now I am here.
I am going to take a day off from work so that I can collect myself and possibly dig up more dirt on this guy.

But the strangest thing that had happened was that I had found what had been written in different handwriting in my journal. It wasn’t me.

It was him.
He wrote some kind of message in Latin I think, and then he asked for my help. Why would he need my help? Isn’t he trying to get me?

I’ll check into it tomorrow.

Thanks for reading; act 3 will be this Friday and please share this with friends, you guys are amazing thanks for taking the time to read this


Five Days Act I (Frightful Fridays)

FIVE DAYS ACT I by Orlando Chacon

September 8th 2013: 11:00 pm, Stone-Brooke Asylum

It was cold, colder than it would normally be this time of year, but hell, it didn’t bother me much. The leaves were starting to fall from the trees, turning a bright orange. However, the bright orange wasn’t visible tonight. Around this time, the darkness made everything seem lifeless and more sinister.

But that’s just me. Or was it the asylum? I don’t know, but it didn’t bother me too much; I was a tough kind of guy; even though I was scrawny and had very little muscle and few combat skills.

I parked my car in the parking lot past the rusted gates of the old, Victorian mansion-like, asylum. I worked here as a security guard. I decided to talk to my boss yesterday and ask for some extra hours to pay off some bills that I had coming up.

He looked at me that day in some sort of odd looking “are you sure?” way so I may have had a couple thoughts about his look before he could give me the hours.
“Is there anything wrong with that sir?” I asked as we stood in his small square office, surrounded by his desktop computer and a desk scattered with patients’ paper work and coffee mug stains next to his actual black coffee mug. He looked at me, eyes squinted and wrinkles upon his aged face and his gray eyebrows narrowed inward. “No, there isn’t. It’s just that not many of the guys want overtime.” He says as he walks over to behind his desk and sits in his desk chair. I was a bit curious so I asked about it again.

“Why, sir?” I ask politely. “Because of Gregory Richards-“He came out with it quickly and with an exhausted sigh. “What do you mean, Gregory who?” I respond, not to sure what he said.

He explained to me why with the same I’m-an-old-man-and-I-don’t-give-a-damn-tone.
“Gregory Richards, A.K.A: the Cannibal; he has been known to disembowel his victims and eat their innards afterwards. He got caught one evening as he was feasting on the family of this little boy-“He paused and a sort of disturbed look clouded his face. “Sad to say, that it was the little boy and his older brother that caught him as they came home from school- poor kids.” He looked up at me and then shrugged as if he was shrugging away a bad thought. A chill ran down my spine, just thinking about those poor kids having to come home from school to such a horrible mess. “Jesus that’s awful.” I exclaim.

“I know- but yeah, he got committed here five years ago, way before you started working here.” He continued. “Okay so what’s that got to do with over time?” I ask. He looks at me and begins to explain.

“Gregory “the Cannibal” Richards, is the only not-so-behaved resident to Stone-Brook and needs to be under constant watch; usually I would do it because I have seen everything he could throw at me so I handle it better.” My head cocks to the left slowly as I contemplate what he meant. “Okay so would that be my overtime?” I assumed. He just stared at me and nodded. He then began to pull out some overtime paperwork for me from his behind his desk and he walked on over to my position by the doorway. Carrying the small folder in his right hand he gave it to me along with a separate sheet of paper that looked like the form for over time. I grabbed it and something was off.

I stared at the paper in confusion and then at the thick, yellow-covered file that he gave me with it. It felt heavy and I felt very strange about this. Upon the file was a stamp in bold red ink: “Classified”.

“Sir what is this?” I ask pointing at the file. He just looked at me and said gruffly: “You need to brush up on some homework before you can watch him.” I looked curiously at the folder then turned to say thank you to him and I left. But as I was out the doorway I heard him mumble something: “God have mercy on your soul.” He said silently under his breath. I quickly turn around and ask him what he had said but he just sent me on my way.

Anyways back at the parking lot I sit in my old Volvo looking at the asylum building. In my passenger seat was the file I didn’t bother to read but I had told my boss I did anyways.
Oh well, here goes nothing.

September 9th 2013, 12:00 am, Stone-Brook Asylum

Okay, so this wasn’t too bad. I was a little freaked out at first but then my chest released its grip on my heart and I finally face my fear.

The 15-story Asylum was separated into three parts: The female ward to the far left, male ward was at the far right, and the center of the building was for the demented and the clinically insane (therefore I worked on the tonight).

Usually I would work in the male ward, keeping the peace between disturbed sick teens with schizophrenia or I would just roam the rooms of the adult males in the back, making sure no one tried anything funny. Due to protocol I wasn’t allowed to be anywhere but the male ward but tonight I was the exception to this rule.

When I arrived inside the lobby room, (which looked like a very dark sort of dungeon with computers in it) file in one hand and my lunch box in the other, I was immediately halted and asked to show my ID badge to two unknown guards that I have never seen before. Well clearly they didn’t see the badge on my left breast pocket or they didn’t notice that I was wearing the same uniform as they were.

I flashed them my ID with the hand I was holding the file with and they told me to go through John’s (My boss) office for further instructions. I guess they knew what I was doing here. I came through there and listen to the boss ramble about the safety precautions as they were the same rules used in the males ward that I had guarded all the time: ‘Don’t communicate with the patients, Don’t abuse the patients, Don’t give the patient any sort of item, harmless or harmful etc.

Once we got finished he patted my shoulder and looked me dead in the eye and just stared at me. I felt awkward as his brown elderly eyes examine me. “You know believe it or not, you remind me of myself when I was your age.” He said with his hands still on my shoulder. “Thanks, sir?” I say awkwardly, he continued: “I was exactly like you, smart, but stupid at the same time.” I was kind of offended at the remark but then I noticed something strange: as he lifted his hand off my shoulder, I saw from behind him, on his desk was a square bottle of Scotch and a drinking glass that was half empty. We weren’t supposed to drink in the asylum but I ignored it since he is the boss. He then pulled out a ring of three different keys and gives it to me. “This one is for the entrance to the ward. This one is for the control room, and this one is for when you feed him.” He explains each key from left to right. I say thank you then turn to leave.

Right when I was about to leave and report to my post in the Clinically Insane ward he stopped me. “And Jason!” He shouted my name when I was at least ten feet away and into the dark narrow hallway with only the boss’ office light illuminating the small corner of the hall. I turned around and he speaks again. “Read the file.” He says softly as he sits down and pours more of the Scotch in his glass.

How the fuck did he know I didn’t read the file? Whatever, he was probably drunk or something. Anyways, I left the office and reported to the dimly-lit security room next to Richard’s cell.

The building looked a lot like the other two wards. I mean it was all one building but the criminally insane had something a little more reinforced. There was always that same white paint on the ceiling walls and floor; it was dirty and boring but this place was never fancy or well-kept anyways.

I walk through halls of reinforced steel doors that contained the most dangerous and most insane criminals ever caught within this city. The bottom floor was almost depressing, because the fluorescents gave me a fuckin headache from hell. Past at least twenty rooms, I finally reached the elevator which was almost like a silver prison cell on its own. As I walk into the elevator I put my lunch box and the file on the ground to free my hands long enough to push the button.

But just as I am about to push the silver number 12 button, I heard a moaning noise, like someone had been in pain or something. The moan was faint and muffled so I assume it was from upstairs. These steel doors may be reinforced but they were not sound proof. I leaned my head outside the elevator and try to ask who that was. “Who was that?” I ask… no answer. Suddenly there is a cackling noise coming from one of the cells from a distance. “What the hell?” I said to myself.

I felt a cold feeling running down my spine, I wanted to go out there and investigate but I had a job to do. So I pushed the elevator button and started toward my post. *
So I finally got here on the twelfth floor and now I am inside the security room next to my new best friend in the whole wide world (I’m being sarcastic I wouldn’t hang anywhere around this sick fuck).

Things are going okay so far, I honestly was expecting something creepy as hell, especially after reading his file for the first thirty minutes.
His mug shot showed his rather awkward and unpleasant features; he had dark rings around his eyes (I guess from him being very tired), he had a square jaw and an unshaven face and had buzz cut styled, black, hair.

He was a skinny kind of guy but he was skinnier then me, almost anorexic. His face was unshaven and he had dark-brown eyes accompanied by black eyebrows.
Okay so get this; his appearance in court, he had complained multiple times to his lawyer that he was hearing voices within his head, telling him to kill everyone in that court room. Now to me that would have been an automatic plea of insanity… but it gets worse.
After reporting said voices, he somehow broke out of his cuffs and fought off the security guards that rushed in to restrain him. The guards tried their best to restrain him but Gregory used their defenses against them and snatched one of the guards’ batons and beat both the officers’ near-to-death with it.

This sent a chill down my spine as I continued to read. I could almost imagine myself in the court room with him. After the brutal attacks on the officers he shouted at the whole court room, saying: “You will all burn in Hell.” Afterwards he jumped at almost impossible lengths and speeds onto the desk of the judge and attacked him. What he did to the judge was apparently so bad that it put the judge in the hospital for months. Gregory… oh God, Gregory had chomped down on the young judge’s neck and tore away not just his skin but a good amount of his neck tendons and muscle tissue.

Judge Clapton, I believe now has to wear a neck brace for the rest of his life and Gregory was sent here for the rest of his natural life.

However, as this night shift progressed he just sat there in his twin mattress bed surrounded by stone walls. The camera had a view of the room from its upper right corner in the far back of the room. The monitor I was watching him in displayed full color and sat on top of a small wooden table. In front of me was a control board and a set of buttons and a small spot for a microphone, right next to my beige green, suitcase-like, lunch box and the file on top of it.

I could literally hear him and speak to him if necessary, but only if necessary. The only thing I was told not to do was to a) not stick my hands into his feeding/mail opening at his door and b) Don’t socialize with him; use the PA system if only you needed to speak to him.
Keep in mind that we weren’t supposed to even talk to the patients let alone socialize with them, and yet I was told it was okay for this guy.

I’ll update when I can later in the shift.

September 9th 2013, 1:00 am, Stone-Brook Asylum

Ok this is some freaky shit.

Let me tell you something, this guy doesn’t make sense, let alone sound like any normal human being, then again he was insane.

After I had written the last journal entry, a question came to mind: What did John (my boss) mean that he had seen everything that Gregory could throw at him? And what did he mean by saying that the other workers never ask for overtime, I mean you are going to want some overtime some time; right?

I guessed that Gregory had the answers. So I turned on the PA system within his room from next door. He quickly noticed the overhead speaker in his room make a high pitched squeal as I turned on the intercom. He shifts from his position of lying down on his bed which was bolted to the back wall of his cell by the steel frame. He quickly sat up and yawned. He wore only his white asylum jumpsuit, which hung off his slender body.

“Why hello, Jason.” He said with his deep yet hoarse voice. How the hell did he know my name?

I am speechless for a second but I had to ask him my questions. I pressed the button down on the control pad for speaking back to him and kept it held down for the remaining period of me speaking. It was a press down to speak and let go to remain silent kind of system so I followed the rules accordingly.

“Uh, how did you know my name?” I ask sounding dumbfounded then let go of the button.
He stares at the door across from his position on the opposite wall and continued talking loud enough for the speakers to hear. “Johnathan told me.” He explained; what the fuck john? I pushed the button down and answered without hesitation. “Why did he tell you my name?”

“The boss man always tells me who’s watching.” He answers then continues”-He takes pity on me for having to spend the rest of my natural born life here. So he lets me know who I am talking to so that I won’t be too alone with my thoughts.” He explains.

Now why the hell would John have pity on this man? He fucking killed multiple families, attacked three guards, and almost ripped out a guy’s throat.

I continue to talk to him but things just got weirder.

“So you and John, you two are friends?” I ask. “No, he is my servant and I am his master.” He tells me as he twitches his head toward the camera up in the corner. He sounded so serious, like he actually meant it.

“What do you mean?” I ask with my hand still holding down the button. “Oh?” He is looking at me questionably as he gets up from his bed and stands up; his long and scrawny body stretches for s brief moment as he walks into the center of the room then faces the camera.

“-he didn’t tell you?” He chuckles a small chuckle and then he grins, staring wickedly into the camera. I continued to speak though my fingers were getting sore form holding down the button for so long.

“Tell me what?” I ask him almost letting the eerie feeling of fear creep from my mouth and into the overhead speaker inside his room. “Tell me what?”

“You’ll see… in five days’ time, you will see what I mean.” He chuckles as he held out his hand with all five fingers of his pale hand directed at the camera. Soon his chuckle had become a cackle and he had collapsed to the floor laughing his lungs out.

I couldn’t stand it, the most maniacal, most sinister laugh I have ever heard in my entire life. This surpassed anything that I have ever heard for seen in horror movies. I then turn off the PA system in his room and then I turned off the volume from the monitor.

I then lean back in the small chair at the desk of the stone brick 10×10 foot concrete room; which was only illuminated by one florescent light bulb, whereas Gregory had two rows of florescent lights in his cell on his ceiling.

As I lay back in my chair as I closed my eyes to relax just take my mind of this psycho -motherfucker for a while.

I lean back for a second and I already feel a chill run down my spine as the hairs of my neck stood up.

I shrugged off the feeling and then I felt breathing down my neck. (Fuck) I open my eyes and no-one was there.

Suddenly something whispers into my ear and says: “Day one”

I just about lost it and darted out of that fucking room grabbing the file and lunchbox and

ran to the stairwell instead of the elevator.
Fuck overtime.

[Authors note: yes I will be posting these for frightful Fridays and I hope you enjoy this story; Acts II – V are already written and ready for posting but I being the tortuous and demented person I am, shall post the next act on the next Frightful Friday.  Hope you enjoyed this and comment if you like or simply just like, thank you for your time.


Orlando S.C./ Hells Reject.]


The Monster

Blood is every where, in every corner of every crack of this concrete room; my boss supposedly had this room built in case of emergencies… he wasted his money. Because whatever got us, whatever attacked us had broken through whatever defense we had against this thing. This one small room, filled with the blood and carnage of the bodies that lined up next to me.

I was sitting against the wall, paralyzed in fear; I’m the only known survivor to this heinous massacre. The destructive tendencies of one led to this ultimate bloodshed. I shake and shiver uncontrollably as I am curled up in a ball, knees to my face, until I hear footsteps coming from the hall outside this room. The steel door remained wide open

The loud thumping of heavy footsteps fill my ears, I can’t exactly see though; its too dark to see anything anymore.

For this entire time I’ve been down here, I never once tried to escape. I was so afraid that the monster, completely made of blood, would come back for me. Oh, the sheer thought of such a creature.

It started at my work place’s christmas party; we were having fun, pouring drinks, not having a care in the world. This went on until, within my circle of coworkers my friend Jeff had started to behave weirdly; he was twitching violently and kept tripping on his feet. Me and my friends grew worried for him; but my other friend Kirsten had mentioned Jeff was drinking a lot, so naturally, we just thought he was just a little too drunk.

Jeff was a slender kind of guy; he was into some dark occult stuff and he wanted to be a writer some day, but all that changed that night when while he was dancing violently, he slipped on some spilled liquor and cracked his head open on his desk by his cubicle. As he lay motionless on the floor of the office we called 911, but it was too late; Jeff was dead.

He had died by excessive blood loss.

Before long, after the paramedics took him away, a stain of crimson red was all that was left of Jeff that night. We all were in the far corner of the room, we at least had half a football fields length away from the scene where he had died. Me, my friends and other co-workers stayed here as instructed by police, they had surrounded the spot where he died and left the coroner to do his work.

It wasn’t until 15 minutes later that we heard screams and saw splatters of blood rush up to the ceiling and across the aisle of cubicles from the other side of the office. My boss had witnessed it first hand as he was being questioned by police… the police man and the coroner were dead. The crowd that witnessed the blood-splattered ceiling had screamed at the sight of blood rising to the ceiling.

My boss, as plump and old as he was, ran faster than  anyone in that office could, his heart almost beat out of the poor man’s chest as he shouted at us to run- to run and never look back. “Get the fuck out of here!” He shouted at the top his lungs, as the monster had made its appearance.

It was a humanoid type creature, completely made of blood, its crimson and molten body had erupted with steam as if it was boiling hot. I had caught it’s attention; I stared in horror as the monster’s lengthy arms suddenly formed into blood-soaked blades.

The group of co-workers, including my friends, me, and my boss- stood and stared at it in silence.

That’s when all hell broke loose… the monster had dashed from across the building to our little group and slashed my boss in half at his waist line. His blood covered the front lines of the crowd including me- and his guts had spilt onto the ground and the monster remained posed to kill as it started to scream loudly along with the crowd that followed.

It was the deafening scream that was unknown to man and unheard of by human ears. We were all scattered and only me and my friends had escaped the crowd.

The crowd however, was very unfortunate.

Greg from accounting had his head sliced off by the crimson beast. Jane, the elderly woman had her face completely melted off from the monster grabbing her head, the burning off her face let off a loud sizzling noise. Jane’s flesh had fallen off her face and all that remained was muscle tissue and blood.

The monster then reached for Dillan who had tried to run for the balcony, supposedly he was going to kill himself, but then the creature grabbed him and pinned him down on the floor.

That’s when the monster had deformed Dillan’s body by slicing into him down the middle- starting from the head. His body sliced open releasing his internal organs and a pool of blood which spread across the office space. After which, the monster had become confused and just stood completely still, everyone else had stopped in their tracks while the other remaining people had escaped further into the building.

Everyone had stopped and stared at the crimson horror as it melted itself and formed a puddle even around Dillan’s grotesque and slaughtered body.

For a second, the screaming had stopped and they too were surrounded by a puddle made of the monster’s liquid substance. It seemed as if it was over at first but before long, something terrible had happened.

Those within the puddle had been impaled by the substance as it had risen below each person as a sharp blade. The monster’s body had erupted into tall spikes that struck everyone’s body more than once.

Everyone was dead,  their blood ran cold upon the office floor and spread below the crack of the cubicles, and suddenly it was quite- no shrieking, no slicing, no flesh tearing… just silence.

Me and my friends had retreated below the building’s basement. Aparently our boss had installed a bomb shelter under the building, in case something were to happen.

We took a small flight of stairs down the basement and reached a small corridor with a few separate doors and a closet down the hallway.

Across from the tall steel door however was a mirror, which was the only thing that was on the right side of the hall. It struck me as odd that the boss would keep a mirror across from the door. But whatever, at leads there was a bomb shelter underground.

We immediately rushed into the room past the steel door. “Hurry!” Kirsten whispered loudly as the eight of us ran into the room and had locked ourselves in the bomb shelter.

Me, Kirsten, Daren, Carrie, Jack, Crystal, Howie,and Stewart- Jeff’s brother had been the only people in there.

As we all sat in separate, small groups of the square room, I sat next to Stewart.

“Hey man, you okay?” I ask him, still shivering from what I just saw.

“This is all my fault… I should have- I should have said something” He said hesitantly as he pushed his glasses up on his nose. He was sweating as the look of guilt flashed in his eyes.

“What do you mean?” I ask- now curious. “Jeff was a Satanist, Ron. That monster is him!” He shouted and had everyone’s attention.

The crowd began to clamor until I silenced them; “Hey! If we want to survive we have to hear Stewart out!” I admit. “Now Stewart what do we do?” I ask him quietly.

The tension builds as he slowly answers: “Nothing… we’re all gonna die…” I am at a loss for words till Kirsten asks him something. “Well how did this happen?” Everyone’s attention was directed at Stewart as he slowly watch the crowd in fear of being judged for his decision to not tell anyone any of this.

“He sold his soul in trade for him to become his own kind of demon… one of his design…” I shudder in horror at the story as he continued- “I had to kill him, but when he made the deal he made the condition that the demon would only come out once Jeff was dead.” He sobs a little into his sleeve.

“I couldn’t kill him! So I let him be.”; “And how do you know this?” asked Carrie. “I saw him in his room one day, when he was supposed to be home alone. I saw him talk to the devil!” He explained, putting emphasis as he mentioned his brothers little talk with Satan.

But before we could say another word- we heard screaming from the floor above us. Flesh tearing and blood splattering the floor had been heard of, even through the bomb shelter’s walls.

We didn’t have time and Jeff’s crimson beast was after us… “What does it want, Stewart!” More and more screaming and flesh splitting apart had become more apparent and the sounds of shrieking sounded closer than ever. Stewart just turns to the door, sweat had poured down his nose as he throws his glasses on the floor and immediately pulls out a handgun.

We all back away from him, including me, and we shout at him to put the gun down. But he doesn’t listen, he slowly looks at me and says this: “-To kill… it wants to kill.” These were his last words as the gunshot rang throughout the room. Leaving nothing but unanswered questions, a bullet through his brain, and his blood on the wall behind him.

Within that split-seccond, there it was, and here I am. The monster had slipped through the cracks of the steel door and slaughtered everyone.

There I was; covered in blood, lights shattered, and paralyzed with fear. The monster had killed everyone but somehow left me to swim in the blood of my friends and to be surrounded by the stench of their rotting corpses. The monster wasn’t in my presence anymore but was somewhere out there.

The footsteps I heard earlier come closer and a pair of cops were walking down the halls toward the bomb shelter- it was a rescue team!

“Help!” I shout. “Help, everyone’s dead! I’m the last one! Help!” I scream to where I am almost sobbing.

“Over here!” One of the two officers had appeared in the doorway and had seen the carnage within the room. “Oh my God! Murphy, I’m going to be sick!” He shouts at the officer called Murphy.

Everyone was either decapitated, impaled, or had been split wide open. The officer shined his flashlight at the bodies along my side then at me. The light was so blinding, I covered my eyes and began to tell him something.

“Help me please!” But he didn’t answer my plea for help. Murphy then accompanied him in the steel door way and was so shocked that he had puked in the hallway behind him.

“Hello! I’m here ! TALK TO ME!” I was furious, I couldn’t stand or do much but I could punch him if I could. The officer who had the flashlight pulled his gun on me and kept it on me. “What?” I questioned as the gun was aimed at me; he looked to me in fear as if something was ready to kill him. “Stay right there!” The cop shouted at me.

“Help please!” I reached to him but he just flinched back and kept his light pointed at me. “Murphy what is that?” The cop asked- still staring at me.

“I don’t know, but what the fuck happened here?” Murphy asked after he had collected himself.

Hesitantly he shined the light at center of the floor, where a blood soaked corpse had lay on the floor; it’s chest had exploded, exposing the carnage of his insides. It looked like some shit out of a horror movie.

The officer- while shaking in his hands-stares at the carnage in the middle of the room. “I-i just don’t know…” He pointed his light to the corpse and that’s when I realized something…

There was eight people in the room including me, by the time the monster had come in and killed everyone off.

When the cop flashed his light around the room, I realized there were a total of eight corpses, including the one in the middle.

Wait- I remember now.

The monster killed us all: Kristen had her head sliced off as the demon transformed its own arm into a blade.

Darren had his limbs and legs sliced off all at once by the monster; all that was left of him was his torso and his head.

Carrie had been cut into, starting at the chest and down to her abdomen; her internal organs had spilt out of her body- killing her instantly.

Jack and Crystal were burned alive by the monster as he splashed its crimson arms onto the two at the same time. Once the arms retracted back into the monster, both of them had been turned into molten flesh and rotting muscle and bone tissue. The two still looked horribly disfigured.

Howie was simply stabbed with the demon’s arm and the blade had protruded through his back. Then there was me.

The demon had saved the best for last- I stood there in horror as its arms turned into those of a human once again; it grabbed me by my shirt. That’s when the creature had stuck its whole arm down my throat. The burning pain in my neck was excruciating and had torn my insides apart. Its arm went in so deep that my chest began to spill blood from my pores. Before long my chest erupted and blood and organs had spewed out and onto the floor and onto the monster’s body. The pain was unbearable and lasted till the very end.

I dropped to the ground as the demonic creature had released its grip and retracted his hand. I stare at the ceiling and the flickering florescent now covered in blood.

Before I died, I had witnessed the monster had ripped out my heart from my chest. As it held my still heart, it developed a orface where the human mouth would be and it consumed my heart- that’s it. Total blackout, then I woke up, curled into a ball against the wall.

I was a ghost looking at the body in the middle of the floor, and realizing that body was me. I was so horrified.

This can’t be real, it just can’t. Reality took ahold of me in the most hurtful and painful way imaginable. I was dead; and there was nothing I could do about it. I started to pick myself up while leaning against the wall.  Almost without a beat the cop wielding the gun and the flashlight had pointed both in my direction once more.

I shaded my eyes once more; just then both police men pulled out their guns and shot at me multiple times. Oddly enough I felt pain; what the hell? Feeling only anger, I slashed my hand at them, yelling swear words at them.

My eyes wide with terror grow only wider when the two cops in the door way were both cut in half at the waist line. “NO!” I scream, weeping in terror. Just then the screaming of the monster had started up again then stopped as I silenced myself.

The two cop’s top halves fell off and spilled more blood on the already-blood-soaked floor; the two lower halves collapsed with them- still spewing blood.

Across the hallway, in a separate room- The crimson beast had stood there staring at my direction, knowing  was there. But it just stood there- staring at me.

I had stared at the monster, still standing and facing it from across the room toward the doorway for minutes on end. With every move I made, it had mimicked me.

There was something off, because from behind the creature, as it stood there, was another room that looked exactly the same as this one. and had been filled with dead bodies.

That can’t be! When we came down here, there was’nt any other room across from the steel door- just this one.

“Fuck you!” I shout at the beast in anger while at the same time it screamed at me with unintelligible shrieks, almost as if it was copying my every move.

What was more odd is that I don’t remember any room on that side of the hallway- just a mirror….

Wait-… there was no room, only a mirror. Within that room, within that mirror, was me.

I- was the monster.

Doctor Who: Writers Block part 3

As we are pushed and pressed down upon by the current of the whirlpool I hang tightly to my bag and I try to open my eyes to see if the doctor was anywhere to be seen. As I open my eyes I am pulled by the collar of my shirt and yanked backward. I open my eyes and everything is dark. I held my breath for as long as I could until I am floating still. I open my eyes once more only to see the doctor in front of me. “Orlando! Wakey wakey” He is waving his hand in front of me and we are under water.

The sun shined through the ocean ceiling and shined light on my surroundings. “Ah, see? everything’s, ok” He smiles and laughs. I could hear him so clearly it’s as if we were still on the surface. I could see perfectly fine and my vision wasn’t blurred.

“Doctor, I can’t breathe!” I tell him in panic as my face turning blue. He looks at me in confusion. “Then breathe!” He tells me. I wasn’t too sure to listen or not, but I was desperate.
‘God help me!’ I said in my mind. Hesitantly, I trust the Doctor and I inhaled sharply. To my surprise, I breathe normally, as if the water was air. My eyes widened and I let out a loud chuckle, as did the Doctor. “Oh my God! We are breathing underwater!” I exclaim. “Yes, transform-a-pills, they come in almost every creature or life forms in the universe; just add water!” He jokes and lets out a loud cackle. I smile at the remarkable pun and look at my surroundings. There was nothing but ocean as far as I could see. I look up to see the whirlpool entrance and see a group of mermaids going further from us and toward an underwater cave at the floor of the sea. “So, you ready to see the rest of the Iceberg?” He tells me, I look at him in confusion. “What do you mean?” I ask.

“The top…” He points up. “It’s just the tip of the Iceberg!” He shouts and swims toward the cave that the mermaids went through, assuming I would follow him. He assumed correctly. I quickly follow him to the underwater cave. Swimming underwater was just like regular swimming only it feels as if you’re swimming through air, so it made moving through the water easier and faster. As I follow the Doctor I noticed he had gills on the side of his neck; they opened and closed as he breathed in and out. I felt my neck and find a pair of gills there as well. This was so unreal!

We come to a golden, shimmering door at the end of the cave. The door was tall and circular with a golden carving that read: Welcome to the holy city of Atlantis, All Hail Poseidon the Master of The Sea.

“Doctor?” I tell him as I float beside him. “Yes?” He responds while he touches the gate and explores the large golden entrance to my far left. “This sign is in English? How come it’s in English when the language hasn’t even been invented yet?” I ask. He pulls out his sonic and scans the door; he laughs and swims back up to me. “Oh the Tardis translation matrix makes all languages, spoken or written, translated into English. The writing on the door is pure Atlantian… and Gold!” He exclaims “Pure gold! No extra materials needed just shiny stuffs!” I laugh at the comment. “What?” He asks me as if he didn’t realize what he had just said.

“Shiny stuffs?” I ask as I chuckle a little. “Oi! Don’t make fun of my lingo!” He warns jokingly. “Sorry.” I apologize as I giggle a little. “Now…” He pauses as he takes out his sonic. “The door is damn near impossible to open manually because it needs a special pass code to unlock it; the downside of it is that the code changes every 5 seconds so I have to amplify the Sonic’s decoding speed.” He explains at a fast paste. I could barely keep up, yet I manage to understand. He circles the Sonic Screwdriver around the door until the device beeps twice. “Got it!” He exclaims. He immediately puts his screwdriver back into his jacket pocket and grabs my shirt and pulls me closer to him. Awkwardly I was a face distance from him. It looked as if he was hugging me… and was being a little too friendly.

“Hold on!” he warned. “To what!?” I ask. “To me!”

“Doctor, I don’t go that way!”

“Not like that! Don’t get fresh with me!” He shouts as our surroundings become pitch-black.

“Doctor I can’t see.”, “There’s a glow stick in my rear pocket, reach for it.” He commands as he still holds on to me and I continue holding on to his back.

“Why is there a glow stick in your back pocket?” I ask

“I’m always prepared!” He says so with pride as I reach for his back pocket. “Whoa, Orlando, were you lying when you said you didn’t go that way?” He jokes. “Shut up!” He laughs as I snap the glow stick from behind him; our surroundings are then illuminated. We are surrounded by what seems to be a cloud of smoke swirling around us. “What is this?” I ask. “The Atlantian transport; we got sucked up by a squid and we should be dropped off in about” He lifts his watch to his eye level from behind my head. “4…3…” He begins to countdown and I suddenly hold o to him tighter, yet he didn’t mind. “Hold on to your gills!..2…” He yells as the countdown comes to an end. “1… Geronimo!!!” He yells as we are dropped from the black smoke and into a bright blue suction tube.

I yell as he whoops as we are taken through the tube like a rollercoaster. Water swirled through our bodies like air. Not before long we are thrown out from the tube and into smooth clear waters. I had kept my eyes closed the entire time. “You can let go now.” I open my eyes slowly and quickly retract from him. “Sorry.”, “It’s okay, you have a tight grip though.” He says as he cracks his back and stretches. “Pull out your camera.” He tells me as he adjusts his bowtie. “How?” The bag was literally a labyrinth; how was I to get it? “Just reach in and it’s there.” He tells me, I obey and shockingly the camera was in my hands; I slowly pull it out and hand on to its right handle. “H-how?” I am stunned then the doctor gives me another explanation. “An infinite storage space; created by the Timelords, it can hold an entire library if you want it to, and still be lightweight.” He explains.

“What were you writing in your apartment?” He asked.
Hesitantly, I answer. I looked up at him and realize that this whole trip was about giving me ideas for my writing. “I was writing science fiction; it’s stupid.” I sigh and dabble with the Polaroid. “Do you know how many authors out there have had writers block, much like you?” He asks smiling. “How many?” I reply “Thousands, hell, I remember J.K. Rowling had trouble, as did Steven King and Charles Dickens.” He grins at me and I just smile a little. Well the Doctor sure knew how to make me feel better. “Who else?” I ask smiling. He chuckled. “Oh thousands; did you know Homer got stuck at the very middle of Odyssey. I had to hop in there and help him out a bit. I added the Cyclops attack and the sirens.” He claimed as he crossed his arms. “No way!” I tell him. I can’t believe he helped Homer with The Odyssey. “Yeah way! I have a way with a quill and parchment. It was hard though, I kept getting ink blotches on the paper.” He told me. He grabs my shoulder and shakes it a little “You’re going to be a great writer Orlando, I know it.” , “Thanks Doctor.” I tell him.
“Okay, now for the main event!” He claps his hands and he swims to a sort of fog in the distance. Like always, I followed; the fog was thick and dense, even to the point where I couldn’t see which way was up. “Doctor!” I shout, I had lsot sight of him. Soon I am yanked by my shirt by the Doctor and soon I was pulled out of the cloud and into clear water. “C’mon man! Am I going to have to drag you everywhere?” He says. “Where -“Just then I stop in my own words and I look upon a shining golden city that was bigger than the one we saw in the surface. We were surrounded by a giant cave that sheltered the city. Shining lights fluttered throughout the city and fish people danced across the glamour of the city. Towers shined bright with holographic messages on the buildings.

The place was lit up from head to toe with lights of blue and green mixed with the golden shimmering of the city. Transportation pods flew across the streets alongside the street lamps and holographic traffic lights. The technology was unbelievable here, just the shimmering of the transportation pods astounded me; how could this have existed ahead of its time? “Welcome to underground Atlantis!” The Doctor had shouted with anticipation. “Whoa” I was definitely astounded. Almost without missing a beat I started to take pictures with my surprisingly waterproof Polaroid. I wanted to ask the Doctor but I decided not to; I have developed a liking to weird and unnatural; it made life exciting I guess. After about 5 photos, the Doctor checks his watch. “Ready?” He asks. “For what?” I ask. “For this.” Just then he whistles and a transportation pod stops right beside us. The car opens up on the entire right side of the pod, revealing the front seats and the back. Along with this was an automated mini-bar in the back. “Welcome, to the Atlantian Transportation System, where will it be?” I stare at the Doctor then at the car. “Did we just hail a cab?” I ask.

“Correction, we hailed an A.T.S” He hops in the back seat and I awkwardly followed him in. “Town Square!” He shouts. Almost instantly the car doors shut and we are speeding into the city.

“It’s a pretty close resemblance to New York City, I know” He explains as he admires my confusion. “Suddenly, 2014 seems very primitive compared to Atlantis.” He just nods and laughs. I look out the window and see dozens upon dozens of pictures of Poseidon. It seems he’s much praised here. However, something very strange appears in the corner of my eyes as we sped down the sparkling city streets.

The group of mermaids from the portal entrance that I saw, they were in the street corner as we stopped at a street lamp. These mermaids weren’t like the other citizens around us. Their scales were black and their skin was pale and gray. There were a total of 5 of them and they all looked exactly the same; black hair, solid and scrawny figures. They looked down at the ground, dark hair was covering their heads as they just stood there staying still. I looked closely at them; then suddenly, almost in unison, they quickly looked at me in such dread and they flashed their fang like teeth and pitch-black eyes at me. I jumped back and nudged the Doctor’s shoulders. “What, what is it?” He asks me, noticing what was outside of the window. “Oh no.” Before I could look back we are moving again. “What you saw them?” I ask him.

“We should be dead by now…” His words trail off. “What do you mean what were those things?” I ask him. “Descendants of the Great White.” He says slowly as flashing lights flash past us. I just stare in concern at him. “Atlantian Legend says…” He begins. “There was a sea monster, much like the Great White Shark, but ten-thousand times worse.” He tells me in terror as he just stares aimlessly at the window. “The creature would consume whole cities and destroy worlds if it was given the power. One day the monster tried to claim Atlantis as another victim of his feeding frenzy; but Poseidon had stepped in and fought the beast. Once the beast was tired, Poseidon trapped him in the trench of Atlantis for eternity.”, “How?” I asked, He chuckles unamusingly and continues. “He imprisoned the monster and bound him in between the trenches and kept the trench walls from falling apart.” I was shocked but I didn’t yet understand the Doctor’s fear toward the monstrous mermaids.

“Then what?” I asked, his eyes turn to me. “The monster known as ‘The Great White’; was paralyzed and remained in that trench for a century.” He explains slowly while gripping onto the white, pleather interior. “The Great White had a sort of pack of followers called ‘The Descendants of the Great White’. They are sea witches and possess some of the most deadly powers imaginable.” He pauses then sits straight again.

“Legend says that if you run into one of them, they will show no mercy and will tear the flesh from your bones. Then they offer your remains to the Order of the Descendants of the Great White.” A shiver runs up my spine at the Doctor’s story. “From there they suck out your soul and feed upon it.” I am now breathing heavily in fear and stressfulness.

“What do we do?” I ask.

“We try to figure out what’s going on here; if the Descendants are here then the City’s in danger.” He tells me, sounding courageous.

“And if we see them again?” I ask

With the most dreadful tone, he looks to me and utters these two words:

“We Run…

Doctor Who : Writers Block part 2

“What?” He looks to me as if he had been annoyed with me already. “Well it’s a camera phone…” before I could speak the Tardis stops rumbling and settling down; we regain balance. While I hang on to the railing, the Doctor walks up one of the stair cases and through the door ahead of the walkway. “Hey where are you going?” I ask while still holding on. Realizing that we were balanced once more, I quickly let go and stand back casually.
I take a look around the Tardis while I wait for him and walk down a set of stairs leading away from the control panel. I look upstairs at the round red and yellow lights that surrounded the Tardis in a whole circle. Then I look to the door that the Doctor went through; hmm, I wonder where he went. Probably not that far, I mean how big can this thing really be. Just as I had gone back to the control pad, a loud hiss announced the Doctor coming back through the electronic door.

“Alright then!” He announces his presence and quickly runs down stairs. “Here’s your camera for now; don’t worry about returning it, consider it a welcoming present!” He gives me a sort of old fashioned Polaroid camera from the 70’s. “Oh, this is so cool!” I exclaim, I had a unique appreciation for all things 70’s and 80’s. If you look in my dresser at my apartment, you would find my collection of 80’s music and a few tie-dye shirts (all different colors). “I love 70’s stuff!” I exclaim. “Oh really?” He smiles and places the camera in my hands. Instantly, I was eager to try it out. “Smile!” I shout as I catch the doctor off-guard. The Polaroid snaps and a flash at the Doctor’s shocked face. “Oh, boy that’s bright!” He tells me as he rubs his eyes.
The photo is then printed out and comes out of the camera; I grab it and shake the picture for the image to come out. As the picture develops, I see the Doctor’s face was very bright and his hair looked slick as it overlapped his wide eyes; the shadow produced by his large chin cast upon his lower lip. Hi bowtie was also kind of crooked and his face looked oddly surprised. “Wow, Doc. That’s one crooked tie!” I comment humorously, as I look at the photo then back at him. He looks at me in confusion then looks at his bow-tie to realize it was crooked. He proceeds to fix it then straightens his hair. “Oi! Don’t diss the bow-tie!” He grumbles, but I just laugh and look to the door wondering where we were.

“So, if what you said is true, then you have brought us to: a) another time or b) another world.” I tell him as I look back at him. “Correction we are both!” He says excitedly as he walks over to the Tardis doors, but before he reaches them I stop him. “Wait!” I shout and he turns to me and sighs. “Yes?” He asks me. “Where do we put the pictures?” I ask, holding the picture in my hand. He pulls out that metal device with that green light again and aims it at the counsel behind me. He turns it on and the whirring noise starts; a hissing is then released from the counsel behind me. I turn around to see a pentagon shaped, silver panel holding a small bag about the size of the camera itself. “In that…” He tells me from behind. “You just happen to have that just in case?”, “Hey, you never know when It’s needed now c’mon there’s a whole other world out there!” He tells me as I quickly grab the bag and place the picture in it.
I quickly run up to him as he stands there and smiles at me, hands ready at the door. He looks at me and I look at him. “Are you ready to see something that I have shown no one before?”

I was excited; the fact that he has shown no one else this was so cool. I nod yes and he swings the doors wide open, revealing the blinding light of a shining gold city. We slowly step out as I see thousands of humanoid people with scales for skin and gills on their necks. Everyone wore a sort of loin cloth and their skin shimmered of the beautiful sunlight. The women wore burlap dress as the men wore burlap loin cloths; and each persons skin was adifferent color. The sky was clear and we were surrounded by ocean as far as the eye can see. We stood on a golden and silver floor; reflecting the sunlight off itself without absorbing heat. The city was built on massive pillars of gold and arches; buildings stood tall and much bigger in comparison to New York. The street lamps were narow and stood tall next to the streets; there were a few narrow and silver pods on the streets as well. These pods floated off the shining streets and had windows along side them, revealing the passenger within them. To my best guess these things were cars. Few of theses pods sped right past us as we stood on a side walk next to what apears to be an intersection.

I was so amazed; my heart skipped a beat and pumped faster in excitement. Instantly I pulled up my Polaroid to take picture after picture. The Doctor grinned and looked upon the city like a child would look at candy. I stop taking pictures for a minute and looked at him. I smile and speak. “What is this place?” I ask him. “I present to you, the City of Atlantis!” My jaw dropped and the only words I could say were: “It’s real?” I ask.

“Well of course it’s real! Yes, this is the year 380 B.C. before the dinosaurs were killed and before the formation of the world!” He exclaims, throwing his arms in the air. “Oh my God, how come this was never found? Why don’t we have proof of this place in museums?” I ask excitedly. “He smiled and looks at me. “Well actually we do, only the Greeks got to it first.” We begin to walk on the streets of gold and he explains to me some more; it’s as if he was some kind of professional tour guide. ”In the time of the city’s disappearance, ruins describing the Greek God Poseidon and the Atlantian’s king, appeared on the beaches of Greece. This was the only recorded history of Atlantis, unknown to humans.” He and I walk through a sea of people speaking English. This shocked me considering the English language hasn’t even been invented yet. “So then Poseidon is…” I think then he fills in my blank. “An Atlantian not a god; well at least not to me, to the Atalantians he is a god,” He explains as he turns to me and he takes out that weird device to scan the ground in a circle; then he looks at its base and places it in his pocket.

I stare in confusion at him, and he looks to me the same way. “What is that thing?” I ask. “Oh, this?” He pulls out the device s and switches it on to show the green bulb accompanied with the whirring noise. “This is my sonic screwdriver, A.K.A : the Sonic! This baby can open nearly any door in the galaxy and can scan any foreign materials in any world; then tell me what it is.” He cackles in pride of his gadget. That’s Interesting contraption, wish I was a Timelord, then I could get one.
“Cool.” I comment. “Yes, it is cool.” He smiles. “Okay, moving on!” He tells me and gestures to a giant golden statue just a couple football fields away from us. The statue was of a tall, bearded, merman holding a trident. This was the little-mermaid- type merman; the bottom half was a fish tale with scales and the scales only continued upward unto the torso. I could only imagine this statue was of Poseidon, considering how they made a giant frigging statue of him and he is also the Atlantian king.
By the time we reached the statue we are almost out of breath (we practically ran the whole time). I gasp for air as I am sweating and still carrying the Polaroid in my sweaty palms. “I… need… water!” I tell him with my breath still raspy and dry. We finally reach the center of the city; we were surrounded by a cirlce of buildings and in front of us stood the giant statue. There were no people around us since we abandoned the city’s inhabitants a few blocks away.

“Well drink from the fountain…” He points to the fountain calmly, its if the run to the statue in the centre of the city had not made him tired. surrounding the giant statue of Poseidon, was a circular golden pool. Within it, containing clear, shimmering water. I instantly make a run for the fountain which was not even 15 feet away. “Wait!” He tells me in panic. I quickly stop and turn around. “What?” I complain. “Don’t drink from the fountain!” He commands. I sigh loudly and groan. “But you just said-“, “Never mind what I just said, just stand back from the fountain!” He shouts panicking; I heed his warning and walk toward him. “Why, what’s wrong?” I ask. He begins to walk toward it and he grabs a random pebble from his jacket and tosses it inside the fountain. I peer in to see the pebble being dissolved into nothing as bubbles erupt from the water from where the pebble landed. “It’s acid” I say to myself. “Yes, very powerful acid, only aliens and Atlantians can drink it.”, “Is that why, you told me to drink it? You forgot it was poison to humans?” I ask. “Yes, last time I was here I drank form the fountain.” Just then he paused and looked back at me. “Which is also why I am a criminal here.” My eyes widened and I looked at him in confusion. “Why?” I ask, “Last time I was here I drank from the fountain; and no one told me it was a holy shrine for Posiodon.“ He explains while sounding as if he was a little boy that had gotten in trouble. “Plus it is illegal to drink form it and it’s punishable by death.” He explains quickly. “Then why the hell are we here?” I ask him. He stares at nothing; as he is trying to find the right words to say. “There’s this thing I do, that when I die; it’s called regeneration.” He explains and continues. “When I regenerate I get a new face, new personality and everything!” he pulls back his head and rubs his hands together as he looks down at the floor then back at me. “And believe me; I was very disappointed when I didn’t get to be ginger the last time.” He explains. “Why?” I ask. “Because ginger is cool, much like bowties only cooler.” He explains as he adjusts his bowtie again.

“So you were a criminal here only with a different face?” I ask. “Yes, but that doesn’t stop the fun.” He laughs and rubs his hands together roughly and pulls out two small blue pills from his pocket. I look to him and look at the pills in his hand. “What are those?” I ask. His grin grows wide and he laughs as he come close to me and puts his arm around my neck and pulls me close to him. He places the pills in his hand in front of our faces and begins explaining. “These are transform-a-pills!” I ponder at the odd name and I realized what they were instantly. “You mean we are going to be one of these people? Why?” I ask.
“Because, there is more to this city down there, than there is up here.” I look up to him in excitement as he puts one pill in the hand that didn’t hold my camera; and takes a step back from me. “Bottoms up!” He yells as we both take the pill at the same time.
Now the fun begins! I swallow the pill and feel no change. However, I did feel a tingly feeling in my neck though. I just stare at the Doctor blankly as he stretches his limbs outward and cracks his neck.
“I don’t understand, is something wrong?” I ask him. “No actually, see that pool behind us?” he points and I stare at the pool. “Notice people are diving in?” I happen to notice some Atlantians diving in the small whirl-pool-like pond; in front of the pond was a sign that said: ‘Max. limit 20 people per transport’. “Yeah?” I say.
“Put your camera in the bag, it’s waterproof.” I do as he says and place the camera in the bag which sucked the camera out of my hands; which was odd because the bag still remained its same size, without the camera bulging out. I looked up in confusion and tighten the string on the velvet bag. “Doctor?” I look up to see him running to the pool. “Doctor!” I shout. Before he could listen or explain to me, he jumps right in. “Geronimo!” He yells at the top of his lungs as I quickly follow him into the giant swirling pool. Her goes nothing!


Doctor Who : Writers Block Part 1

It was a dark and stormy night; I had just gotten off from work and I had sat down at my desk to work on a book I have been writing since last year. Writing was particularly hard for me tonight; usually the rain would help my writing but I have been experiencing some writers block.

I look up from my desk chair in my room to stare at the ceiling; hopefully I would get some new ideas tonight. I let out a loud sigh and look blankly ahead of me at my laptop screen. Upon it was a blank page full of nothing, nothing, oh and even more nothing.
I let out a loud sigh and get up from my chair. “I need to think! C’mon, Orlando, think!” I say to myself as I grab my hair and fall backwards unto my bed which was behind me before my desk. I fall hard upon my bed, messing up the sheets and covers along with it.
“I need something…” I pause as I speak to myself and stare at the ceiling blankly. I needed something exciting, something adventurous. I needed… “Food.” I say excitedly as I jump up from the bed. Brain food, that’s what I needed!

I quickly jump up and head out of my bedroom of my apartment and head to the kitchen. My apartment was so small that the kitchen was to my immediate left as soon as I walk outside the bedroom past the bathroom. The room next to my kitchen was the cramped and un-spacious living room. It was hard being a starving artist living on your own, especially when you have been writing for over a year and haven’t had anything published yet.

I walk across the small kitchen past the sink and to the fridge to look for some pizza that I had left over from yesterday. The contents of my fridge consisted of two pizza boxes, frozen leftover spaghetti, and a couple bits of fruit here and there. I help myself and grab the box of pizza that was at the bottom shelf and place it on the counter next to the sink as I close the fridge.

I begin to open the box of frozen pizza until I feel something from under my feet. “What…” I speak to myself and question the mysterious rumbling from under my feet. “Where was that coming from?” I pause and the rumbling becomes increasingly stronger. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any weirder a loud whooshing sound comes from my living room. I quickly look outside the kitchen and peek into the living room to see what it was.

What I saw next was unbelievable. Suddenly the whooshing sound was accompanied by a vrooming of what sounded like an engine. At the center of my cramped living room was a tall blue object that seemed to appear then reappear multiple times, and with each time it reappeared, its image becomes more visible. It seemed to be a blue telephone box. I just gawked at it as it finally stabilized its image and the noise suddenly stops. I slowly walk out of the kitchen and start to walk towards it. How did this thing get in here?

I come closer and closer till I am at an arms distance and I stop. I look up at the blue box and then look down at it in awe. I don’t know why, but I knock on the wooden frame just to see what happened if I touched it. I knock twice and without hesitation, the door swung open and all I could see was a bright blinding light from the inside of the box. I cover my eyes quickly as the light illuminated the apartment.

“Sorry! The Tardis emergency power system turned itself on! This sexy beast is a bit paranoid!” a man calls to me from what seemed like inside the box. He had a British accent and an impeccably amusing laugh after he called this machine “sexy”. I didn’t know if I was crazy or not, or what the hell a Tardis was (Though I’m guessing that’s what he calls this thing.). I respond hesitantly. “It’s ok…” I respond. “Excuse me?” I say still holding my hand to my face toward the blinding light. “Yes?” answered the man. “What’s a Tardis?” I ask.

Just then the lights died down and normal lighting was restored to the inside of the box as my vision adjusted. My eyes suddenly widen at the sight of what was in the inside of this thing. “T.A.R.D.I..S: Time And Relative Dimensions In Space… “I walk inside the box only to see that the inside was humongous, the man was grinning as he leaned next to a silver control panel that surrounded a tall long cylinder with a tube within it concealing a green light. The platform he stood on was large and metallic and was connected to two sets of stairs going around separate parts of the large room. It was almost impossible to describe. Quickly, I rush outside and circle around the blue box. I swear, I circled the damn thing 5 times and there was no trick, no crease, just a blue box with a whole other world inside!
I quickly walk back inside and stand on the platform and begin to walk closer to him. My jaw remained dropped and my eyes stayed wide. He just stays there in that exact position with a large grin on his face. He looks down at his watch then looks to me. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but you are going to say…”, “It’s bigger on the inside!” I interrupt. “Yup!” He chuckles as he stands up from the control panel and adjusts his red bowtie; which was accompanied by a white shirt with suspenders attached to brown slacks. He wore black dress shoes and his slick, brown, hair was curled over to his left side that it hung over his left eye.

“Now, let’s say you invite me in? The Tardis needs to rest a little bit and plus I’m famished.” I just stand there with my eyes still wide and I nod yes. “Smashing!” He exclaims as he hops out of his ship and into my cramped apartment, I just turn my head everywhere looking at the outstanding architecture that is the Tardis. I slowly walk backward outside the Tardis doors; I stop outside the big blue box and turn around to see the man admiring my home. He appears unamused as he turns to face me. “It’s smaller on the inside.” He refers to my apartment as he frowns a bit. His eyes were a glossy green and the dim light of my apartment’s lamp reflected off his face slightly. “Says the man who lives in a blue box that’s bigger on the inside.” I retort and chuckle. He stares at me and looks back down; quickly, his expression returns to being excited. “Touché”

“Who are you?” I ask; he snaps his fingers and the Tardis doors close softly. I turn to see them shut then look back at him. “I’m the Doctor.” He reaches his right hand to shake mine. I am hesitant but slowly I reach out my hand as he is only 3 feet away from me. Immediately, he grabs it and shakes quickly as I am almost pulled in his direction. I regain my balance; then he retracts his hand into his coat pocket and pulls out a small device. It was a sort of metal stick with a bulb at the end of it and it seemed to retract outwards and the bulb lit up and turned green. He waved the device upward, letting out a loud sort of wiring noise; then the light retracts and beeps. “Doctor who?” I ask, looking at the devices nervously.

He looks at the strange device and puts it back in his jacket pocket. “Just doctor is fine…” He responds quickly. I gather myself together and act normally again. “Ok, err… Doctor, welcome to my home.” I speak nervously. He just smiles and he stares at the corner then back at me with his eyes. “Home?” He asks as he turns to get a glance at the place then looks back at me. “I thought I landed in a closet?” He comments, but he appeared serious. “What planet are we on?” He asks. Just then I make the connection: He is an alien, somehow, and he landed here by mistake. “Uh, Earth; you are in Arizona, USA” I tell him as he immediately does a little exploring in the dining area of the apartment.

“Oh, America! No wonder everything looks weird.” He claims, he must mean my apartment. I walk over to him as he looks around in the kitchen. “Actually no sir, it’s just my apartment.” He stands up abruptly as he was exploring my cupboards below the sink. “What? How do you live like this?” Hew asks looking confused. “I am a writer, actually and I haven’t published anything yet.” I rub my writs looking down in embarrassment. “What, year is this?” He asks. “2014, its April.” I answer him.

“Oh, I see…” He pauses and just looks at me. “What?” I ask as he just stares at me looking as though he was thinking too hard. “You’re a writer… and you live here.” He says to himself. “Yeah, and?” He just looks at me then he leans on the counter staring at nothing but the wall behind my worn down stove. Just then he becomes exited again and points to me. “You need something to write about, don’t you?” He claps his hands together and rubs them as he quickly walks past me and toward the Tardis in my living room. I was just astounded at how he knew that.

“Uhh, yes, but I need to be original I can’t steal your ideas.” I tell him, assuming he is just going to give me notes or ideas. He stops in his tracks and turns to me as he just grins in my direction. “Who said I was going to give you my ideas?” He asks happily. “Follow me.” He demands as he snaps his fingers and the Tardis doors fly open. He quickly walks in and immediately goes to the control pad. Hesitantly, I follow.

As I walk in the doors shut behind me and the box illusion is shattered. I was now in a spaceship. I walk faster up to the railing by the control pad and lean on the railing as I watch him flip nobs and pull switches on the circular, silver panel. “What do you mean? Where are we going?” He stops his button pushing and looks to me from the other side of the control panel. “Anywhere, anytime just name it and we will go!” He shouts gladly as he spreads out his arms. I study his happiness and just seemed very confused. “I’m sorry… did you say anytime?” He just looks at me in disappointment and puts his arms down realizing he had forgotten to tell me something. He becomes exited again and I lean off the railing.

He rushes to my side of the panel and looks me dead in the eye. “What if you can go anywhere and at any time, and be back home for supper in less than a second?” He asks me and I just chuckle in excitement. I think about all the amazing things I could do with such ability; and to think, this man is giving me that opportunity to do such things? And he just casually drops in my living room? It must be fate.

I smile and look to him curiously. “Who are you, like where are you from?” I ask as he stands back and straightens his bowtie. “I’m a Time Lord and I am from Galifrey; we can’t go there sadly because it’s time locked.” He explains. “Ok, somewhere else then?” I ask.
He just stands there, grinning as he places his hand over a giant green button. “Where to?” He asks me.
I ponder for a little; after all, where do I go and when? So randomly, I just smile and look at this man’s curiously friendly smile then look him in the eye and say: “Anywhere…”

“Geronimo!” He yells as he hits that green button as hard as he could. Suddenly, the ship starts shaking and making that noise again. “Hang on to something!” He warns me, as we nearly fall off the platform. We both grab the railing on the control panel and hang on tight.

“Oh no!” I just realized something.

“What?” He asks me, still being shaken up by the Tardis. “I forgot my phone!”…