Jacob Part 6 FINALE

I’m not gonna make it, no one’s going to make it. We are all dead. I know I sound like a total pessimist but it’s not pessimistic; it’s called being a realist and this was as real as it would get. I was going to die and so was my family, maybe we might die in this car on our way to the hotel… there’s a semi behind us that looks big enough to crush a tank, maybe Jacob will give it a little push into the back of the car and kill all of us as we are sucked under the wheels of the semi.

We are even on a bridge maybe it won’t suck us under but it will definitely push us over the edge and we would crash into traffic below causing us to die instantly in a fiery explosion.

How sad is this? A depressed five year old? Seems too scary or odd to be true, then again I was exposed to a demon so life’s no longer sunshine and rainbows. I guess that’s what Jacob is, I mean if you were sent into hell as an angel what do you think will come back out? A roughed up angel without its wings? No you get a crooked angle without its feathers and his halo exchanged for a nice pair of horns. Now they didn’t seem so nice.

Mom is in the passenger seat, arms crossed and staring out the window at traffic without any sign of emotion. Her eyes were circled in pinkish red skin from crying so much, her hair a mess. She somehow managed to stop crying and grow silent and now here she is: depressed. Maybe she was feeling the same way as me, after all I kind of looked like a miniaturized version of her. Eyes red, face blank of emotion. The only normal ones in the car were Carl: Who didn’t see anything at the zoo but cried a little anyways, and Dad: Who was just silent and trying to calm the both of us down, was now focused on the road.

I guess he didn’t want to say anything to cheer us up, after all what was the point of even trying to cheer us up, this wasn’t some kind of a letdown at the Toys R’ Us, an elephants head was torn off by a friggin demon! To them it just fell right off. The news would blame it on some disease or terrorist weapons. Me? I would always know it was Jacob. The shadow like entity now was a boney, demonic skeletal being with red and black shadows emanating off his body like smoke from a fire. I saw this when I was running from the zoo with my family, I turned to look at the bloody mess and saw Jacob standing in the middle of the puddle of blood. His body was now a malnourished incredibly boney skeletal figure with glowing red liquefied eyes, black and red smoke pouring out of his arms and legs. His eyes staring into mine with hatred, his boney fists clenched in anger. I now know that he wanted me to die there and then but he held back; he was planning something for me.

“I can’t believe it.” Mom managed to speak quietly still looking out the window. “What?” Dad asks now curious. “How could that happen?” She asks a little louder this time. “I don’t know, look let’s just forget about it ok?” Dad suggests, mom looks to him “How can I Keith? An elephant’s fuckin’ head fell off his neck! You never forget that shit!” She was growing angry but remained somewhat calm. “Look let’s just listen to the radio or something ok?” Dad says, Mom sighs as Dad turns on the radio only to hear a male news reporter come out of the speakers. The reporter was I the middle of talking; the radio had picked his voice in the middle of his report.

“Here at Reid Park Zoo a beloved Elephant has been massacred as a result of an unknown biological virus, zookeepers say they are baffled and saddened at the loss of their beloved Elephant: Kristy-“

Dad turned off the radio and swore as soon as the reporter had said the elephant’s name. I knew it; they blamed it on a virus. Typical… turn to the most logical explanation and push everything else aside, we are all so stupid to not see these things for what they really are. “It wasn’t a virus.” I say softly. Mom sighs, she is angry but out of sympathy for me seeing the same thing as she did she humors me:

“What else can it be honey?” she says rubbing her forehead. I bite my lip but decide to just tell them the truth. After all might as well get it off my chest since we probably will all die soon.

“It was a demon-“I start “I saw it when we were running away from the zoo. It was staring at me, like it wanted me dead-“mom cut me off, sounding scared. “STOP IT, PLEASE!” she begs. Suddenly, thunder clashes in the sky lightning strikes the side of the road. All of traffic is stopped as cars franticly tried to find places to halt in the road without being smashed into; the semi that was behind us passes and rams a second semi that was to our left and crashes into other cars along the way. We are stopped and away from the truck unharmed and untouched. Then without further interruption the radio turns itself on and static pours through our speakers accompanied by a deep guttural roaring sound. Dad immediately attempted to turn the radio off; furiously pushing the off button, then hitting it. Still wouldn’t turn off. Mom was covering her ears as if she was being hurt or as if something was digging into her ears. “Baby, baby what’s wrong!?” Dad asks frantically as mom opens her mouth only to let out a silent scream of pain. Her expression was showing hurt and unbearable pain as she covers her ears and begins to shed tears.

“Mom? MOM!” Carl is crying and then that’s when I saw blood pouring from the creases of mom’s fingers as she is still covering her ears. “AAAGHH!!” Mom screams. “Oh My God!” Dad shouts. I then knew exactly what was happening, Jacob was attacking us. Then from the static filled radio a garbled sound of Jacob’s voice seeped through: ”Die…”

“JACOB STOP!” I shout and then the radio shut off immediately and mom stopped covering her ears which are now covered in blood as well as her hands. “Oh my God honey, I’m so sorry, you ok?” Dad asks as mom continuously sobs. Mom and dad huddle together and hold each other in the front seats.

Just then my neck tightens up around the edges and front of my throat I feel hands wrap around my small neck… yet I am unable to see hands choking me. I gasp for breath but it doesn’t reach my lungs. Mom and dad notice this and turn from their huddle and look to me. Mom climbs between the passenger seats to grab my shoulders. “Honey, SARAH! What’s wrong?! Baby talk to me!” Mom yells, panicking while dad screeches the tires of the car and starts to drive past all the wreckage ahead. “Damnit! I can’t get by the road’s blocked!” Dad shouts.

Pain surges through my throat as I manage to squeal out two words: “Jacob… please…” I start to black out and I see images: his skeletal, copse-like self, choking me out as I start to see my surroundings fade in and out of vision; his eyes full of hatred and evil. He is there but mom doesn’t see him as she is choking me out in front of her. Then I go dark.

I wake up again at the hotel room in bed. I wasn’t dead, my neck hurt but I was alive. I sit up feeling as though I got hit by a truck. It’s nighttime outside the window in our room and I look to my right to see my parents on the other bed next to me. Mom and dad are hugging each other and mom looks to me and pulls away from dad to look at me. The blood is cleaned off her head but she is still teary eyed and upset. Dad was trying to keep his calm but it looked to me that he was crying as well. “Oh my God, honey she’s awake!” Mom sounds beyond relieved and the both of them sigh in relief and rush to my aid. I am embraced by both my mom and dad and I snap out of my haze.

“W-what happened?” I asked still feeling rather uneasy. “You couldn’t breathe; we couldn’t get to the hospital because all the roads were blocked, and apparently all the major roads going to the hospitals were blocked, under construction, and even had accident problems.” Dad explained; Wow that’s one determined demon. “But then you started to breathe normally so we just rode back here and just Thank God you’re okay. We had a nurse in the hotel room next to us and she attended to the bruises on your neck, w-we don’t know how they got there; n-no one was t-touching you.” Mom stammered a bit and I realized her voice had fear in it, dread even that something this odd and unexpected had happened. Of course they wouldn’t believe me if I told the truth. It seems to me that if I said anything then Jacob would do something even worse than just choke me, or make mom bleed through her ears, or even cut off an elephants head; he would probably kill me.

“I’m sorry all this is happening guys, it’s my fault.” I confessed, tears choking back in my voice. I knew I was probably responsible, if I had just ignored Jacob a month ago I would probably still be ok. My family would have been safe and Carl would have been protected. “No sweetie it’s not your fault, I know it seems like everything isn’t looking so great, but that doesn’t mean you are to blame.” Mom says as she strokes my hair on my head. Dad then starts to speak “If anything it’s us, we never give you as much attention as-“ I stop him there, knowing where he was going. He was going to say that I wasn’t the cause of mom and dad fighting and that I was loved even though sometimes I didn’t feel that way. It was all obvious they loved me and I have somewhat gotten used to being responsible for Carl as much as my parents; plus I knew well enough to know that this situation is bigger than my petty need for attention because we could all die in an instant…

But I wasn’t going to tell them that.

“-Dad no, I love you guys to death and I know you guys fighting and looking after Carl is no one’s fault…”
“Then what are you talking about?” Mom asks, both parents staring at me with worry inn their eyes. God I hated having to lie to them, because I could end up making Jacob cut off their heads or make them bleed out internally or something. But none of that will happen because I will have to lie for their sake.

I struggle with the words but manage to make out the full sentence without fault. “It’s my fault the car crash happened?” I say trying to sound very innocent and unsuspicious; I sound more questionable than I was innocent but hell, I needed something to tell them other than the truth… because the truth might very well kill them. “Oh darling no, that crash was completely that stupid driver’s fault.” Mom says softly grabbing my hand. “Really?” I try sounding hopeful. “Yeah, most truck drivers are reckless.” Dad tells me with a smile. I try smiling back and aim at humor. “-and stupid.” I add, they both laughed and as did I trying to sound as real as possible. It was nice to see us all laughing at once. “How’s Carl? I quickly change the subject, Carl was my number one priority right now; having that dream I had a week ago didn’t help with my stress. I was half-expecting to see him as a pie of ashes. I crane my head over mom to see a crib but no Carl; I was worried for second till I hear cooing from behind me.

I turn around to see Carl in the stroller still, he was asleep but now he was awake. Feeling as though I hadn’t seen him in forever, I go to him and jump off my bed. I walk past Mom and Dad and head to the stroller. I approach the stroller but mom stops me, “Honey wait-“ I turn to face her; standing had not helped me out since I was out of breath and dizzy, having only my worriedness for Carl to keep me from sitting back down. “Mom please I just need to hold him.” Mom almost stops me but dad looks to her and nods in approval I guess that was my “okay”.

“Be careful ok?” Mom says and I nod. I turn to the crib again and smile. There he is; Carl with that cute green cartoon dinosaur on his shirt, his blonde curly hair on his head. He wakes up ever so gently and blinks his blueish-green eyes while he yawns softly letting out a yawn. It was cute; I smiled a little forgetting this mess that I am in. For some reason I never wanted to stop looking at him.

I walk to him slowly and finally reach the stroller; mom and dad are quietly back at my bed watching me. I lean forward in his stroller as he watches me scoop him up. He giggles a little and waves his tiny little hand at me, like he was waving at me. I gasped at this gesture and whispered “hi” back at him.

I cradle his head in my arms and the rest of his body in my other arm.

And there he was: cute, small, sensitive, fragile and just overall amazing. My insides become soft and my throat is holding back tears as I try to speak.

“I’m so sorry- for all of this. For not loving you before, but now I do, and I love you so much.” He looks at me and smiles. I laugh and a small hot tear drips from my eyes and down my cheek. I felt as though everything was ok, there was no harm, no pain, no Jacob, just me and Carl.

“I’ll take that as yes…” He laughs and I laugh a little as well. “-yeah, you do too, don’t you?”

Who knew that just a month ago I hated him? Now he is my responsibility, he is going to make it out of this mess, and by God he will get out of this unharmed. I kiss his soft head and he grabs ahold of my hair. “Hey, little buddy, that’s not a toy.” I say laughing and without any force he realizes this and lets go while he laughs. “Thanks.”

That night we went to bed, hoping and planning to go by the house and see if it was ready to be occupied tomorrow. Carl slept in his crib, mom and dad in the other bed with each other and me in the other bed where I had laid before.

I was awake whilst everyone else was asleep; my chest felt painful and filled with nothingness because all the air had been blocked by stressfulness I now hold there instead of air. I could breathe but not too well. I was scared; scared beyond comprehension and now I had every right to be. Jacob could be here any minute, hell he could have been here this whole time.

“He won’t win, I won’t let him.” I whisper to myself. Just then I had a thought. He hates God, Jacob hated God with a passion and well if you think about it, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and when it comes to God, I would say he was automatically my friend… and possibly my only hope. I sit up from my bed and bowed my head, held my hands together, shut my eyes tightly and began to pray:

“God, I think I now know why you cast him away from heaven, he was, is, pure evil. I need you now. And God, if anyone is to make it out of this, please let it be Carl. I love him and from what I hear in bible school, I’d say you love him too. So please protect him God. But most of all protect us all from Jacob… if that is his real name.” I pray, somehow a shiver ran down the side of my back, but this was a warm kind of shiver, so I guess that was a sign that he was listening. “Thank you God, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.” I finish off the prayer.

I open my eyes only to find Jacob sitting in front of me. His appearance more shocking than ever; he had bloodshot red colored eyes. His skeletal form mixed with flesh had been rotted and covered in some kind of dried up skin with horns protruding from his wrists, legs, back and forehead. Red shadowy smoke pours from his body and onto the bed and floor like a fog. I gasp in horror and back up from him and accidentally hit my back on the head board of the bed. However I didn’t scream, I just stare at him, eyes widened with horror and face cringed at the sight of his hideousness.
He spoke but only in a much deeper voice than usual:

“What did I tell you?” He asks me and looks at me with that same hatred he showed back at the zoo. “God can’t save you…” I stop him there with an insult:

“Go to hell.” I whisper harshly. Suddenly I am levitated into the air by Jacob, only he isn’t touching me. He faces me toward him and straightens my body floating in thin air and aims my head to his face so I am forced to look at him. He then chuckles deeply and looks me dead in the eye and says this:

“You are already there.” He smiles wickedly and without any more words he throws me down to the floor. “Carl!” I shout as I struggle to get up.

I finally get on my feet and see Jacob in front of me, “They can’t hear you Sarah.” He starts, it seems he has muted me from them or at least kept them from hearing me somehow. “Now watch them burn!” he shouts as fire erupts from the floor at his feet, then quickly spreads out to my bed then to the walls and before I know it the heat consumed the room and the flames grew and grew. It all has happened so fast that I couldn’t focus hard enough on either Jacob or the fire. I only had one thing on my mind and that was Carl, and if I could I would save my parents as well. My parents they will help, maybe Jacob took off the mute on me. I run right through Jacob as his red smoking body dissipates and rushes behind me.

“MOM, DAD!” I shout as I try to doge the flames but am pulled away from mom and dad by my feet and dragged into the hallway outside the room as the door flung open for me. I tried gripping to the floor but I wasn’t strong enough. The last thing I see in that room was Mom and Dad’s bed sheet catching fire. “NOO!” I shout as I am slammed against the wall in the hall and the door slams shut in front of me. The pain wasn’t bad, granted getting slammed into the wall was painful I quickly got up, with the adrenaline pumping through me making my pain bearable and seem like nothing. The only unbearable pain within me was the pain in my soul; knowing that my family could be dying in there, and also knowing that Jacob knew that I could care less of me dying, just so long as my family was safe I would die happy. And now he knew my weakness.

I start slamming at the door and yelling at it hoping that Mom and Dad could hear me through it, but I am not lucky. “MOM! DAD! CARL!!” I yell with tears streaming down my face, I slam the door with my palm once more but after that I just give up and collapse to the floor and began to cry. This isn’t happening. It just isn’t.

After a minute of me crying I hear muffled speech from behind the door, this sound of hope made me rise to the door “Mom? Dad?” the fire crackles from inside the room, the heat becomes felt from the crack below the door. Smoke poured from the crack.
From behind the door I hear mom panicking and yelling at dad to wake up. “Where’s Sarah?!” Mom asks. “SARAH!” dad shouts, “I am here, DAD I AM HERE! Jacob locked me out!” I shout, hoping it made sense enough for them to want to get out of bed. Suddenly I hear mom scream in pain. She then starts screaming that it burns then yells at dad to make it go away. Oh my god, her scream, she was more than just in pain she was burning screeching and shouting in pure terror. She wanted out but I was too helpless to go in there and get them myself. And by now the flames have already risen a bit so they would soon be dead.

“NOOO! SOMBODY HELP ME!!” I shout done the halls, soon mom’s screams are joined by Dad’s painful yell. “NO, GODDAMNIT NO!!!” I yell tears streaming down my red cheeks.

“Sarah, save Carl!!” Dad yells, he must assume he’s dead already, “DAD NO, PLEASE!!” I lean against the door crying and yelling; telling them to not go, but the screams become decreased in volume and more replaced by the crackling of fire against wood.
It is very inconvenient to know that the bed frames were made of wood, and without warning their screams are muted. This only made me realize something: Carl was still in there, now he was all that mattered, as much as it pains me to say it, my parents are dead. Now my only family is Carl. I quickly start to slam on the door next to us but then I realized he would have heard us if he was here. Everyone else must be asleep, out, or just too uncaring to come out.

But when all hope is lost, a tall man with brown hair and light brown skin came out of the corner of the hallway wearing a leather jacket and work boots. He looked very muscular so he could possibly be strong enough to break the door down. “Hey, mister PLEASE you got to help me!” I say walking toward him. “W-what’s wrong?” He asks as he comes closer to my position. Good I have his attention.

“My room is on fire I need someone to break down the door, please my family is still in there!” I say as I walk to the front of the door that was my room and point at it directing him; he quickly realizes the situation and rushes to my door. “Stand back!” I stand back as instructed and he takes a deep breath and kicks the door in, flinging it off the hinges and revealing the hell in that room. “Thank you so much!” I say to him as I rush in there dodging little patches of flame and trying to make it to Carl’s crib. “Little girl wait!” He yells before it is too late I am already in. I guess he thought it was impossible what I did, considering the major area of the flame was large and no one could hop through without dying or getting severely burned. “Carl?” I say loudly then I start hearing crying. It was Carl, thank God he was alive. I slowly walk past giant patches of fire that burned our belongings along with a couple patches of the carpet.
The heat reaches my skin and I start sweating. Then I reach Mom and Dad’s bed. I gasp in horror and hold my hand s together at my mouth. “No.” I say silently. Smoke is in the air and I cough. The man outside the room hears me. “ARE YOU OK?” he shouts. “No, my parents are dead.” It is quite, and then he speaks again. “I’M SORRY, COME BACK WE NEED TO GET YOU SOMEWHERE SAFE!” He yells from the hallway, “I CALLED 911, C’MON!” I start back at him. “NO, I HAVE TO GET MY BROTHER! HE IS STILL ALIVE.” I yell. Suddenly out of the doorway and past all the smoke I see him coming toward me. “Then let me help you.” He says as he looks toward the bed. “Shit, sorry kid.” We both look at my parents bloody bodies, severely burned, and still on fire. “Let’s just get my brother.” I say as I start toward the crib across from the bed that was mom and dad’s. The crib was somehow the only thing untouched by fire. There was a kind of invisible wall around him, flames dance past him, leaving Carl unscathed.

“I need your jacket.” I tell him. “Why?” he asks back. I look at the flames and realize there is an opening in the flame just small enough to fit me but I can’t get in there without being burned.

“I need to be safe from the fire when I go in and get him; the fire is too big to have you go in there unharmed. I need your jacket to slip through without being burned; plus the jacket will keep Carl safe too.” He stares at me then at the flames. The fires around us crackle and roar as smoke fills the air around us. He coughs a little and takes off his jacket. He gives it too me and kneels close to me as I put it on. The jacket is bigger on me than him, but that was perfect. It would keep both me and Carl safe.

“You are one smart little girl, go and get him ok, I’ll be right here when you get back.” He says patting my back. “Thankyou.” I say as I charge into the opening. I quickly find Carl standing in the crib before me. And oddly enough, I can breathe normally again. We were together in this space and it felt as if fire had not touched the room at all. “Come on buddy, let’s go.” I say to him as I pick him up from the crib. I kiss his head and hold him tightly in the jacket I had on. Just then I look up at the ceiling toward the sky. “Jacob was wrong, God can save me.” I charge through the opening holding Carl in the jacket with me and meet up with the man with Carl in my arms and we retreat outside into the hallway.


No one believes me but Darien (He is the guy that helped me that night of the fire) he is the only one who believes me when I say that it was Jacob that killed my parents, set fire to the hotel room, and killed the elephant back at Reid Park. He is in fact a demonologist and a Christian; which is weird (The demonologist part) but helpful (the Christian part), plus it reassures me that I am safe with him. I just thank God I have someone who believes me.

I am ten now; that’s cool I guess. Birthdays don’t matter to me anymore, Jacob took a big chunk of my life out and I can never get it back, and not any toy or gift can make the past go away. Every day it eats at me making me as paranoid as ever to think that he is still out there waiting for me. But I am older now I can face this asshole, if Darian can help me understand him better, then I would be prepared the next time we meet.

Today is Carl’s birthday, now I know I said birthdays don’t matter to me anymore, but Carl’s does. He was going to visit me today here at Darien’s house in Phoenix. Darien was apparently on a trip to Tucson when we met five years ago so it was only pure fate that brought him to me that night.

That night Carl was taken in by another set of foster parents who took care of him. Conveniently they lived down the street from me and Darian’s place so me and Carl weren’t afar. The first couple years were hard being away from each other so much and having to organize all this mess with my parent’s death. Their will had to be read to me and I had to sit through a funeral with Carl, which hit really hard for me, for Carl it was all a blur and I am sure he barely remembers the fire. I am glad to have made it out of the fire with Carl in my arms. Now he is five today and he was going to visit me at Darian’s house.

I sit in my new bedroom ready and dressed to see Carl, I was excited to see him but also sad because now he was the age I was when all this mess happened, and if he is anything like I was at that age he will remember something. I am deeply worried that he will ask something about Jacob or about how our parents died. But hopefully he will be as understanding as I was at that time and not ask about anything.

Darian comes into my room and smiles. “He’s here.” He announces happily, “Awesome, I’ll be down in a minute.” I tell him as I stood in front of a mirror in my new room. It was actually a very desirable room for me. It was purple, of all colors. It’s funny to think I finally get purple walls, they seemed so important then, now they feel meaningless. And I find myself missing my all pink floral wall paper and my pink furniture. Now I have a room that was greatly appreciated but no longer meant much to me. Believe me I appreciated everything Darian has done for me but I feel so empty without my parents. I wish that I would have gotten a few extra minutes with them. But now it was too late and here I am. “Don’t forget his present ok?” Darian tells me as I look to my twin sized mattress and upon it was a box.

It was a puzzle of Carl’s favorite superhero: Superman. It was a silly gift but he was five, I couldn’t give him much, even with the allowance Darian gave me for doing chores I could have gotten him something more but that wouldn’t matter to him at this age. So Superman it was. “Thanks…” I turn around. “Darian I am worried.” I say to him softly. His expression turns serious and he kneels down to face me. “Hey, look, he won’t get to you. He attacked your family and that was it. He won’t come back.” He explains. I look down still feeling worried. “It’s been five years Sarah.” He adds. I look up and start to see his logic. Jacob was gone and he was no longer part of my life I should just forget about him. I smile a little and look at him. “Okay, I’ll be down soon.” He smiles. “Good, Bonnie and Charles left him here for the day so he’s all yours.” He says standing up and heading toward the door. “Okay, good.” I smile and grab the box on my bed and head out of the door with him. “Thanks Darian.” I tell him. “Don’t mention it princess.” He says, I liked Darian, not because he took me in and kept me safe but because he was there for me. It was so odd that we have done this for five years now. I especially liked when he called me princess. Made me feel as though I was cared about by him, that he on some level loved my like his own daughter.

I walk downstairs with my present for Carl hidden behind my back. I was dressed in a pink sweater jacket and a pink scarf with a light purple shirt under my sweater jacket. I walk to the final step to see Carl: his blonde curls all jumbles up on his small head. He was at least three feet tall and wore jeans with a T-shirt that was even a bigger version of the T-shirt he wore that night of the fire and at the zoo. He turns to see me from the couch he sat on as he waited down here. His face lit up like fireworks and he came running to me. “Sarah!” he yells and he tackles me and holds my waist really tight. I embrace the hug and hug him back. I was only a foot and a half taller than Carl so I had to bend over a bit to hug him back. “Hey buddy, happy birthday!” I say happily. He releases me and bounces up and down. “Did ya miss me?” he asks in excitement. “Hmm, nah.” I say playfully holding back a giggle. “C’mon.” he says laughing. “Of course I missed you silly.” I say and he shouts yay. I was happy to see him like this; he always made me feel better. He was so energetic now and it helped him in the cuteness factor. “Did you get me something? What’s behind your back?” He piles on the questions.

“Slow your roll there buddy, I didn’t get you anything.” I say laughing still holding his present behind me. “C’mon.” he moans playfully. I give in and present his gift in front of him. His eyes go wide with joy and he jumps up and down as he grabs the box from my hands saying thank you multiple times. “Okay come on now we have to put it together.” I say to him. “Okay.” He says still excited and as energetic as ever. Darian leads us to the dining room table which was a black wooden table with four chairs, one chair per side. The rest of the kitchen’s interior was silver black and orange illuminated by the chandelier above us. Darian left us to be alone as he remained outside the living room watching Sunday football.

Me and Carl spend the next hour just talking with each other about how nice his adoptive parents were and how my life has changed here too.

“So is Darian nice to you, like he buys you toys and junk?” he asks. “No, he’s nice but I tell him not to buy me toys anymore.” I say “Why?” he asks as he places a piece of Superman’s face onto the puzzle. “I just don’t like toys anymore, I care about other stuff.” I tell him he just nods and looks at the puzzle. The pieces of the puzzle were scattered and there was a half-built mural of Superman before us as result of the past hour of us working on it. It was one of those challenging puzzles; you know the ones with like a 130 pieces? Carl always liked being challenged like that. So far we got Superman’s cape and part of his torso and half his face done.
Just then Carl accidentally dropped a piece that was at the edge of the table. “Oh shoot.” He says. “I’ll get it.” I say as I get out of my chair. I go under the table and try to look beneath the table for the missing piece, I look everywhere underneath the table and nothing shows itself. It isn’t there. I get back up and see Carl holding the piece in his hand. “Gee, thanks.” He says to nothingness to his left. I look at him thinking he was tricking me or something. “Oh nice you found it.” I say as I sit back down. “No I didn’t find it.” He says to me. I look at him in confusion. “What do you mean who found it?” I ask.

Just then a chill ran down my spine afraid of what he might say next. “My imaginary friend… Jacob.”

Sorry this one was a bit ate folks, as you can see I had out a lot of planning and thought into this and I really do appreciate your support, please tell me what you thought of the series and thank you so much for everything and for supporting me through making this thing.

Sincerely HR

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